blob: c04b381a84e248db3c87b6b682588df615a8a3f6 [file] [log] [blame]
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
window.onload = function() {
// Grab a reference to an SVGElementInstance native object. This reference will prevent the
// object from deletion when the shadow DOM is removed due to a style change.
instance = document.getElementById("use_elem").instanceRoot;
// Setting an attribute forces re-creation of the shadow DOM
document.getElementById("circleID").setAttribute("cx", 30);
// The animate element tries to modify the element, which tries to update the
// instances in the circle, which crashes if it holds a pointer to a non-existent element.
if (window.testRunner)
<circle transform="translate(1)" id="circleID" fill="green" cy="15" cx="15" r="10" >
<animate attributeName="cy" />
<text id="resultText" y="20" x="50" >
PASS - Null corresponding element dereference does not crash.
<use id="use_elem" xlink:href="#circleID" />