blob: 07e40b701b739eee25d33aff77c3f1a2f0d720e2 [file] [log] [blame]
description("This tests that the various subscript operators handle subscript string conversion exceptions correctly.");
var toStringThrower = { toString: function() { throw "Exception thrown by toString"; }};
var target = {"" : "Did not assign to property when setter subscript threw"};
try {
target[toStringThrower] = "Assigned to property on object when subscript threw";
} catch(e) {
testPassed("PASS: Exception caught -- " + e);
shouldBe('target[""]', "'Did not assign to property when setter subscript threw'");
target[""] = "Did not delete property when subscript threw";
try {
delete target[toStringThrower];
} catch(e) {
testPassed("PASS: Exception caught -- " + e);
shouldBe('target[""]', "'Did not delete property when subscript threw'");
delete target[""];
target.__defineGetter__("", function(){
testFailed('FAIL: Loaded property from object when subscript threw.');
return "FAIL: Assigned to result when subscript threw.";
var localTest = "Did not assign to result when subscript threw.";
try {
localTest = target[toStringThrower];
} catch(e) {
testPassed("PASS: Exception caught -- " + e);
shouldBe('localTest', "'Did not assign to result when subscript threw.'");
var successfullyParsed = true;