blob: 0b10b1a52b42689825c775d03928d00f6b6b66a7 [file] [log] [blame]
"This test checks that automatic semicolon insertion for parsing and reparsing agree. In a debug build, this test will fail with an assertion failure if they do not."
// According to the ECMA spec, these should all be syntax errors. However, the
// pre-existing behaviour of JavaScriptCore has always been to accept them. If
// JavaScriptCore is changed so that these are syntax errors in the future, then
// this test can simply be changed to reflect that.
// It is important that the closing braces be on the same line as the commas, so
// that a newline doesn't act as a terminator when lexing inbetween.
function commaTest() { a = 1, }
function varCommaTest() { var a = 1, }
function constCommaTest() { const a = 1, }
function commaParenTest() { (1), }
function commaParenThrowTest() { (x), }
var successfullyParsed = true;