blob: 4cbca92d4d902b8cfe3489bd8e6684542ff6e729 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Leo Balter. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: >
Promise.allSettled invoked on a constructor value
esid: sec-promise.allsettled
info: |
3. Let promiseCapability be ? NewPromiseCapability(C).
6. Let result be PerformPromiseAllSettled(iteratorRecord, C, promiseCapability).
8. Return Completion(result).
features: [Promise.allSettled, class]
var executor = null;
var callCount = 0;
class SubPromise extends Promise {
constructor(a) {
executor = a;
callCount += 1;
var instance =, []);
assert.sameValue(instance.constructor, SubPromise);
assert.sameValue(instance instanceof SubPromise, true);
assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
assert.sameValue(typeof executor, 'function');