blob: 086237ff7679e755ba9454e898eb3d6f9ab8c808 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: |
The [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed object
is set to the original Array prototype object, the one that
is the initial value of Array.prototype
es5id: 15.4.1_A1.1_T1
description: >
Create new property of Array.prototype. When new Array object has
this property
Array.prototype.myproperty = 42;
var x = Array();
assert.sameValue(x.myproperty, 42, 'The value of x.myproperty is expected to be 42');
assert.sameValue(, 'myproperty'),
', "myproperty") must return false'