blob: d4fbe5e3b786af456a33c7928cdd509a12d1b9d7 [file] [log] [blame]
function callerMustBeRun() {
if (!, runTests))
throw Error("Wrong caller, expected run but got ", callerMustBeRun.caller);
function callerMustBeStrict() {
var errorThrown = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
errorThrown = true;
if (!errorThrown)
throw Error("Wrong caller, expected strict caller but got ", callerMustBeStrict.caller);
function runTests() {
// Statement tests
(function simpleTailCall() {
"use strict";
return callerMustBeRun();
(function noTailCallInTry() {
"use strict";
try {
return callerMustBeStrict();
} catch (e) {
throw e;
(function tailCallInCatch() {
"use strict";
try { } catch (e) { return callerMustBeRun(); }
(function tailCallInFinally() {
"use strict";
try { } finally { return callerMustBeRun(); }
(function tailCallInFinallyWithCatch() {
"use strict";
try { } catch (e) { } finally { return callerMustBeRun(); }
(function tailCallInFinallyWithCatchTaken() {
"use strict";
try { throw null; } catch (e) { } finally { return callerMustBeRun(); }
(function noTailCallInCatchIfFinally() {
"use strict";
try { throw null; } catch (e) { return callerMustBeStrict(); } finally { }
(function tailCallInFor() {
"use strict";
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
return callerMustBeRun();
(function tailCallInWhile() {
"use strict";
while (true)
return callerMustBeRun();
(function tailCallInDoWhile() {
"use strict";
return callerMustBeRun();
while (true);
(function noTailCallInForIn() {
"use strict";
for (var x in [1, 2])
return callerMustBeStrict();
(function noTailCallInForOf() {
"use strict";
for (var x of [1, 2])
return callerMustBeStrict();
(function tailCallInIf() {
"use strict";
if (true)
return callerMustBeRun();
(function tailCallInElse() {
"use strict";
if (false) throw new Error("WTF");
else return callerMustBeRun();
(function tailCallInSwitchCase() {
"use strict";
switch (0) {
case 0: return callerMustBeRun();
(function tailCallInSwitchDefault() {
"use strict";
switch (0) {
default: return callerMustBeRun();
(function tailCallWithLabel() {
"use strict";
dummy: return callerMustBeRun();
// Expression tests, we don't enumerate all the cases where there
// *shouldn't* be a tail call
(function tailCallComma() {
"use strict";
return callerMustBeStrict(), callerMustBeRun();
(function tailCallTernaryLeft() {
"use strict";
return true ? callerMustBeRun() : unreachable();
(function tailCallTernaryRight() {
"use strict";
return false ? unreachable() : callerMustBeRun();
(function tailCallLogicalAnd() {
"use strict";
return true && callerMustBeRun();
(function tailCallLogicalOr() {
"use strict";
return false || callerMustBeRun();
(function memberTailCall() {
"use strict";
return { f: callerMustBeRun }.f();
(function bindTailCall() {
"use strict";
return callerMustBeRun.bind()();
// Function.prototype tests
(function applyTailCall() {
"use strict";
return callerMustBeRun.apply();
(function callTailCall() {
"use strict";
// No tail call for constructors
(function noTailConstruct() {
"use strict";
return new callerMustBeStrict();
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)