blob: a6cebe0e02a1e76314dcf020163807e714ee96ee [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
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<chapter id="about">
<title>About This Guide</title>
<section id="copyright">
<title>Copyright Information</title>
<para>This document is copyright (c) 2000-&current-year; by the various
Bugzilla contributors who wrote it.</para>
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the
Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no
Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of
the license is included in <xref linkend="gfdl"/>.
If you have any questions regarding this document, its
copyright, or publishing this document in non-electronic form,
please contact the Bugzilla Team.
<section id="disclaimer">
No liability for the contents of this document can be accepted.
Follow the instructions herein at your own risk.
This document may contain errors
and inaccuracies that may damage your system, cause your partner
to leave you, your boss to fire you, your cats to
pee on your furniture and clothing, and global thermonuclear
war. Proceed with caution.
Naming of particular products or brands should not be seen as
endorsements, with the exception of the term "GNU/Linux". We
wholeheartedly endorse the use of GNU/Linux; it is an extremely
versatile, stable,
and robust operating system that offers an ideal operating
environment for Bugzilla.
Although the Bugzilla development team has taken great care to
ensure that all exploitable bugs have been fixed, security holes surely
exist in any piece of code. Great care should be taken both in
the installation and usage of this software. The Bugzilla development
team members assume no liability for your use of Bugzilla. You have
the source code, and are responsible for auditing it yourself to ensure
your security needs are met.
<!-- Section 2: New Versions -->
<section id="newversions">
<title>New Versions</title>
This is the &bz-ver; version of The Bugzilla Guide. It is so named
to match the current version of Bugzilla.
<!-- BZ-DEVEL --> This version of the guide, like its associated Bugzilla version, is a
development version.<!-- /BZ-DEVEL -->
The latest version of this guide can always be found at <ulink
url=""/>. However, you should read
the version which came with the Bugzilla release you are using.
In addition, there are Bugzilla template localization projects in
<ulink url="">several languages</ulink>.
They may have translated documentation available. If you would like to
volunteer to translate the Guide into additional languages, please visit the
<ulink url="">Bugzilla L10n team</ulink>
<section id="credits">
The people listed below have made enormous contributions to the
creation of this Guide, through their writing, dedicated hacking efforts,
numerous e-mail and IRC support sessions, and overall excellent
contribution to the Bugzilla community:
<!-- TODO: This is evil... there has to be a valid way to get this look -->
<term>Matthew P. Barnson <email></email></term>
<para>for the Herculean task of pulling together the Bugzilla Guide
and shepherding it to 2.14.
<term>Terry Weissman <email></email></term>
<para>for initially writing Bugzilla and creating the README upon
which the UNIX installation documentation is largely based.
<term>Tara Hernandez <email></email></term>
<para>for keeping Bugzilla development going strong after Terry left and for running landfill.
<term>Dave Lawrence <email></email></term>
<para>for providing insight into the key differences between Red
Hat's customized Bugzilla.
<term>Dawn Endico <email></email></term>
<para>for being a hacker extraordinaire and putting up with Matthew's
incessant questions and arguments on in #mozwebtools
<term>Jacob Steenhagen <email></email></term>
<para>for taking over documentation during the 2.17 development
<term>Dave Miller <email></email></term>
<para>for taking over as project lead when Tara stepped down and
continually pushing for the documentation to be the best it can be.
Thanks also go to the following people for significant contributions
to this documentation:
<simplelist type="inline">
<member>Kevin Brannen</member>
<member>Vlad Dascalu</member>
<member>Ben FrantzDale</member>
<member>Eric Hanson</member>
<member>Zach Lipton</member>
<member>Gervase Markham</member>
<member>Andrew Pearson</member>
<member>Joe Robins</member>
<member>Spencer Smith</member>
<member>Ron Teitelbaum</member>
<member>Shane Travis</member>
<member>Martin Wulffeld</member>
Also, thanks are due to the members of the
<ulink url="news://"></ulink>
newsgroup (and its predecessor, netscape.public.mozilla.webtools).
Without your discussions, insight, suggestions, and patches,
this could never have happened.
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