blob: 3b7723bfd8f02b4bbc71c3e858702543e73cb204 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
function write(v) { WScript.Echo(v + ""); }
Object.prototype.oString = Object.prototype.toString;
Array.prototype.oString = Object.prototype.toString;
Boolean.prototype.oString = Object.prototype.toString;
Date.prototype.oString = Object.prototype.toString;
Function.prototype.oString = Object.prototype.toString;
Number.prototype.oString = Object.prototype.toString;
RegExp.prototype.oString = Object.prototype.toString;
String.prototype.oString = Object.prototype.toString;
var x = 0;
function testEval(str) {
write(str + " x:" + x + " typeof(x):" + typeof(x) + " x.str():" + x.oString());
function foo() {}
var objs = [ "undefined", "null",
"true", "false",
"Boolean(true)", "Boolean(false)",
"new Boolean(true)", "new Boolean(false)",
"NaN", "+0", "-0", "0", "0.0", "-0.0", "+0.0",
"1", "10", "10.0", "10.1", "-1",
"-10", "-10.0", "-10.1",
"new Number(NaN)", "new Number(+0)", "new Number(-0)", "new Number(0)",
"new Number(0.0)", "new Number(-0.0)", "new Number(+0.0)",
"new Number(1)", "new Number(10)", "new Number(10.0)", "new Number(10.1)", "new Number(-1)",
"new Number(-10)", "new Number(-10.0)", "new Number(-10.1)",
"new Number(Number.MAX_VALUE)", "new Number(Number.MIN_VALUE)", "new Number(Number.NaN)",
"new Number(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)", "new Number(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)",
"''", "0xa", "04", "'hello'", "'hel' + 'lo'",
"String('')", "String('hello')", "String('h' + 'ello')",
"new String('')", "new String('hello')", "new String('he' + 'llo')",
"new Object()", "new Object()",
"[1, 2, 3]", "[1 ,2 , 3]",
"new Array(3)", "Array(3)", "new Array(1 ,2 ,3)", "Array(1)",
testEval("x = Object();");
testEval("x = new Object();");
for (var i=0; i< objs.length; i++) {
testEval("x = Object(" + objs[i] + ");");
testEval("x = new Object(" + objs[i] + ");");
Object.prototype.protoFunc = function () { WScript.Echo("ObjectprotoFunc");}
var customPrototype = { protoFunc: function () { WScript.Echo("protoFunc");}}
// Constructor with only this statements
function constr(arg1, arg2)
this.a = arg1;
this.b = arg1;
// Constructor with more than only this statements
function constr1(arg1, arg2)
if(!arg1) arg1 = 0;
if(!arg2) arg2 = 0;
this.a = arg1;
this.b = arg1;
function body()
var arr = [];
for(var i= 0; i < 2; i++)
arr.push(new constr(1, 2, 3)); // with arg constructor cache
arr.push(new constr()); // no arg constructor cache test
arr.push(new constr1(1, 2, 3)); // with arg constructor cache
arr.push(new constr1()); // no arg constructor cache test
return arr;
WScript.Echo("Testing no prototype property construction");
var arrayOfObjects = body();
WScript.Echo("Testing custom object prototype construction");
constr.prototype = customPrototype;
constr1.prototype = customPrototype;
arrayOfObjects = body();
WScript.Echo("Testing integer prototype construction");
constr.prototype = 1;
constr1.prototype = 1;
arrayOfObjects = body();
WScript.Echo("Testing no prototype property construction");
delete constr.prototype;
delete constr1.prototype;
arrayOfObjects = body();
function Dump(arrayOfObjects)
for(var j= 0; j < arrayOfObjects.length; j++)
WScript.Echo("Testing cross script context object creation");
var otherScriptContext = WScript.LoadScriptFile("constructor-crossScript.js", "samethread");
var obj = new otherScriptContext.crossContextObject();
obj = new otherScriptContext.crossContextObject();
obj = otherScriptContext.createObject();
obj = otherScriptContext.createObject();
obj = new otherScriptContext.crossContextObject();