blob: a1b49c240b164079a57b9a9a13d2e2d545cd6ab8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 Valerie Young. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: AsyncGeneratorFunction.prototype property descriptor
esid: sec-asyncgeneratorfunction-prototype
info: |
This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]:
false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [async-iteration]
var AsyncGeneratorFunction = Object.getPrototypeOf(async function* () {}).constructor;
verifyProperty(AsyncGeneratorFunction, "prototype", {
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
configurable: false,