Make the size of the benchmark canvas adaptive to the screen size and screen resolution

Patch by Said Abou-Hallawa <sabouhallawa@apple,com> on 2015-11-01
Reviewed by Darin Adler.

We want to set the size of the benchmark stage dynamically such that it
depends on the screen resolution and the device scale factor. This patch
does more than that because the home page css was not done properly. To
use the flex box layout, the animometer.css has to be rewritten almost from
scratch. The suites tree has to be rewritten also because it was not collapsing
and with the flex box layout it was going outside of the window area. The
options handling and the local storage handling had to be rewritten to
allow more flexibility with this patch and the future patches. The code
in animometer.js was reorganized into objects to allow distributing the code
nicely among separate entities.

* Animometer/resources/extensions.js:
(Point.elementClientSize): Returns the client size of an HTMLElement as a Point object.
(Insets.prototype.get width): Follow the function opening brace style guidelines.
(Insets.prototype.get height):
(Insets.prototype.get size): Returns the size of an Insets as a Point object.

(window.DocumentExtension): Provides document helper functions. It should be assailable from the runner and the tests.
(window.DocumentExtension.createElement): Creates an HTMLElement given its name, attributes and parentElement.
(window.DocumentExtension.createSvgElement): Creates an SVGElement given its name, attributes and parentElement (moved from utilities.js).
(window.DocumentExtension.insertCssRuleAfter): Inserts a CSS rule after an exiting rule given its text.

(ResultsTable.prototype._showHeader): Use DocumentExtension functions.
(ResultsTable.prototype._showGraph): Use DocumentExtension functions and create a real button for "Graph..." option.
(ResultsTable.prototype._showJSON): Use DocumentExtension functions and create a real button for "JSON..." option.
(Options): Deleted.

* Animometer/runner/animometer.html: Restructure the page to use the flex box layout.

* Animometer/runner/resources/animometer.css:

(button.large-button):The large button appears in the animometer.html.

(button.small-button): The small button appears in the results table.

(.tree): The tree class is used to list the suites and their tests.
(.tree .expand-button): This button expands a tree element.
(.tree .expand-button ~ ul): Hide the children (<ul>...</ul>) of a parent node by default.
(.tree .expand-button:checked ~ ul): Show the children of a parent node only when checked.
(.tree ul): Hide the list bullets.
(.tree li): Indent every node in the tree relative to its parent.
(.tree ul li): Indent all the non top level nodes only (the tests nodes in our case).
(.tree > li:last-child): Do not indent the bottom of the last child node.
(.tree-label): Style for all the labels in the tree.
(label.tree-label): Style for the labels in the top level only (the suites nodes in our case).
(label.tree-label:before): Style the unchecked case of the expand-button.
(:checked ~ label.tree-label:before): Style the checked case of the expand-button.

(table.results-table): The results table appears while running the test and at the end.
(.results-table td):
(.results-table th):

(div.results-json): The JSON div appears per test or for the whole run.

(main): This is the flex box container.

(section): A section is displayed exclusively inside the <main>. It is hidden by default.
(section.selected): When it is selected, its layout is flex layout.
(section > footer): The header or the footer of a section should not take more than 15% of the container.

(section#home): The home section has <suites> and <options> parts to be laid out in the middle.
(section#home > options):
(section#home > suites): The <suites> should not take more than 40% of the width.
(section#home > options > label): The benchmark title.
(section#home > header > h2): The benchmark title.
(section#home > options > label > input[type="number"]): Sets the width of the option edit control.

(section#running): The running section contain the runner <iframe> which takes the whole area of the <main>.
(section#running > #running-test): This is the <iframe> container.
(section#running > #running-test > iframe): The <iframe> is created by the runner for each test.
(section#running > #progress): This is the progress bar.
(section#running > #progress > #progress-completed): This is another element which grows while the runner is progressing.
(section#running > #record): This the container of the record results table which is shown while running a test.

(section#test-graph): All these sections have the same layout. A <data> element is laid out between <header> and <footer>.

(section#results > data):
(section#json > data):
(section#test-json > data):
(section#test-graph > data): The <data> element should take 70% of the <section>.

(section#test-graph > data > svg):
(.axis line):
(.left-samples): These styles are for the d3 graph.

(section#test-json > data): This is the style of the JSON <data> element.

(iframe): Deleted.
(label, p): Deleted.
(section > p): Deleted.
(section#home > p): Deleted.
(section#home > p:first-child): Deleted.
(#testContainer): Deleted.
(section#running #progress-completed): Deleted.
(section#results > table): Deleted.
(section#results > table td, th): Deleted.
(section#results > table tr.alt, td): Deleted.
(section#results > table th): Deleted.
(section#json > textarea): Deleted.
(.options): Deleted.
(.options p): Deleted.
(#suites ul): Deleted.
(#suites ul ul): Deleted.
(#suites ul ul input, #suites ul ul label): Deleted.
(#suites.showTests ul ul): Deleted.
(.column): Deleted.
(input[type="number"]): Deleted.
(.buttons): Deleted.
(.small-button): Deleted.
(#graphContainer): Deleted.
(.right-samples): Deleted.
(.sample-time): Deleted.
(.left-mean): Deleted.
(.right-mean): Deleted.

* Animometer/runner/resources/animometer.js:
(window.benchmarkRunnerClient.initialize): Initialize the client object with the options and the suites.
(window.benchmarkRunnerClient.willStartFirstIteration): Use new css selectors for results and the record table.
(window.benchmarkRunnerClient.didFinishLastIteration): Move the code which sets the JSON text to sectionsManager.showJSON().

(window.sectionsManager): Responsible of managing the <section>s elements inside animometer.html.
(window.sectionsManager._sectionHeaderH1Element): Return the <h1> inside the <header> of a given section.
(window.sectionsManager._sectionDataDivElement): Return the <div> inside the <data> of a given section.
(window.sectionsManager.showScore): Show the score of the last benchmark run.
(window.sectionsManager.showTestName): Show the test name for detailed results <section>.
(window.sectionsManager.showJSON): Shows the JSON text of the last benchmark or for a specific test.
(window.sectionsManager.showSection): Shows a specific <section> in the <main> container.
(window.sectionsManager.setupSectionStyle): Sets css attributes for all the <section>s.
(window.sectionsManager.setupRunningSectionStyle): Sets the css attributes for the running <section> only.

(window.optionsManager): Responsible of managing the user options and streaming them to/form the localStorage.
(window.optionsManager._optionsElements): Returns the children <input> elements of the <options>.
(window.optionsManager.updateUIFromLocalStorage): Restore the values of the <options> UI elements from the local storage.
(window.optionsManager.updateLocalStorageFromUI): Saves the values of the <options> UI elements to the local storage.

(window.suitesManager): Responsible of managing the user suites and streaming them to/form the localStorage.
(window.suitesManager._treeElement): Returns the suites tree container element.
(window.suitesManager._suitesElements): Returns a list of the suites elements.
(window.suitesManager._checkboxElement): Returns the checkbox element of a given suite.
(window.suitesManager._localStorageNameForTest): Generates a string for the tuple <suite, test> to be saved in the localStorage.
(window.suitesManager._updateSuiteCheckboxState): Updates the state of a suite checkbox from the state of its tests' checkboxes.
(window.suitesManager._updateStartButtonState): Updates the state of the start button from the state of the suites' checkboxes.
(window.suitesManager._onChangeSuiteCheckbox): Called when a suite checkbox is clicked.
(window.suitesManager._onChangeTestCheckbox): Called when a test checkbox is clicked.
(window.suitesManager._createSuiteElement): Creates suite node in the suites tree.
(window.suitesManager._createTestElement): Creates test node in the suites tree.
(window.suitesManager.createElements): Creates the suites tree dynamically from the array Suites.
(window.suitesManager.updateUIFromLocalStorage): Restore the values of the <suites> UI elements from the local storage.
(window.suitesManager.updateLocalStorageFromUI): aves the values of the <suites> UI elements to the local storage.

(window.benchmarkController): This is the UI controller of the animometer.html page.
(window.benchmarkController.initialize): Called when the animometer.html page is loaded.
(window.benchmarkController._runBenchmark): Starts a benchmark run.
(window.benchmarkController.startTest): Called when the "Start Test" button is clicked.
(window.benchmarkController.showResults): Called at the end of the test to show the final results.
(window.benchmarkController.showJson): Called from the results page to show the JSON of the last benchmark run.
(window.benchmarkController.showTestGraph): Called from the results the table to show a graph for the samples of a specific test.
(window.benchmarkController.showTestJSON): Called from the results the table to show a JSON for the samples of a specific test.

(showSection): Deleted.
(startTest): Deleted.
(showResults): Deleted.
(showJson): Deleted.
(showTestGraph): Deleted.
(showTestJSON): Deleted.
(initialize.toggleTestsCheckbox.onchange): Deleted.
(initialize): Deleted.
(updateSuiteSelection): Deleted.
(updateTestSelection): Deleted.
(updateSuiteCheckbox): Deleted.
(localStorageNameForTest): Deleted.
(populateSettings.): Deleted.
(populateSettings): Deleted.

* Animometer/runner/resources/benchmark-runner.js:
(BenchmarkRunner): Pass the frameContainer element to the BenchmarkRunner.
(BenchmarkRunner.prototype._appendFrame): Remove unused parameter unwanted styling code.
(BenchmarkRunner.prototype.runMultipleIterations):  Use the this._client.iterationCount instead of passing it as a parameter also.

* Animometer/runner/resources/graph.js:
(graph): Calculate the size of the chart from the container element.

* Animometer/tests/bouncing-particles/resources/bouncing-svg-images.js:
* Animometer/tests/bouncing-particles/resources/bouncing-svg-particles.js:
* Animometer/tests/bouncing-particles/resources/bouncing-svg-shapes.js:
Call DocumentExtension.createSvgElement() instead of calling Utilities.createSvgElement().

* Animometer/tests/resources/main.js:
* Animometer/tests/resources/stage.js:
Rename the options to match the <input> ids in animometer.html.

* Animometer/tests/resources/utilities.js:
(window.Utilities.createSvgElement): Deleted.

* Animometer/tests/text/layering-text.html:
* Animometer/tests/text/resources/layering-text.js:
(LayeringTextStage.prototype._setFontSize): Sets the size of the text dynamically such that they all fit in one stage.

git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
15 files changed