blob: fdf99459cad653ed8e85fbf1336f288c09e7a25c [file] [log] [blame]
"Tests that performing an OSR entry into a loop with a hoisted structure check, where the loop may clobber the world, works."
function foo(o, n) {
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
result += o.f;
result += o.g(i);
if (i > 1)
result += o.i;
if (i > 2)
result += o.j;
o = o.h(i);
result += o.g(i);
return result;
function bar(i) {
var str = "var x" + i + " = 42; x" + i;
return eval(str);
var counter = 0;
function baz(i) {
var str = "var x" + i + " = 42; x" + i;
if (i == 1100)
return {g:bar, i:3, j:4, h:baz, f:2 + counter++};
return this;
var object = {f:1, g:bar, h:baz, i:2, j:3};
shouldBe("foo(object, 10000)", "926684");