blob: 72b2b137b696f23e9b885b9fec1c4aa716a1098e [file] [log] [blame]
"This test checks that toString() round-trip on a function that has a expression of form 4..x does not lose its meaning."
+ " The expression accesses the property 'x' from number '4'."
// construct same test-case for different kinds of number literals. the switch is used to avoid
// individual returns getting optimized away (if the interpreter would do dead code elimination)
// testcase for number literal with decimal point, i.e '4.'
function f1(a) {
switch(a) {
case "member":
return 4..x;
case "arrayget":
return 4.["x"];
case "constr":
return 4.();
case "funccall":
return 4..f();
case "parenfunccall":
return (4..x)();
case "assignment":
return 4..x = 33;
case "assignment2":
return 4..x >>>= 1;
case "prefix":
return ++4..x;
case "postfix":
return 4..x++;
case "delete":
delete 4..x;
return 4..x;
return 0;
// '4. .'
function f2(a) {
switch(a) {
case "member":
return 4. .x;
case "arrayget":
return 4. ["x"];
case "constr":
return 4.();
case "funccall":
return 4. .f();
case "parenfunccall":
return (4. .x)();
case "assignment":
return 4. .x = 33;
case "assignment2":
return 4. .x >>>= 1;
case "prefix":
return ++4. .x;
case "postfix":
return 4. .x++;
case "delete":
delete 4. .x;
return 4. .x;
return 0;
// '4e20'
function f2(a) {
switch(a) {
case "member":
return 4e20.x;
case "arrayget":
return 4e20["x"];
case "constr":
return 4e20();
case "funccall":
return 4e20.f();
case "parenfunccall":
return (4e20.x)();
case "assignment":
return 4e20.x = 33;
case "assignment2":
return 4e20.x >>>= 1;
case "prefix":
return ++4e20.x;
case "postfix":
return 4e20.x++;
case "delete":
delete 4e20.x;
return 4e20.x;
return 0;
// '4.1e-20'
function f3(a) {
switch(a) {
case "member":
return 4.1e-20.x;
case "arrayget":
return 4.1e-20["x"];
case "constr":
return 4.1e-20();
case "funccall":
return 4.1e-20.f();
case "parenfunccall":
return (4.1e-20.x)();
case "assignment":
return 4.1e-20.x = 33;
case "assignment2":
return 4.1e-20.x >>>= 1;
case "prefix":
return ++4.1e-20.x;
case "postfix":
return 4.1e-20.x++;
case "delete":
delete 4.1e-20.x;
return 4.1e-20.x;
return 0;
// '4'
function f4(a) {
switch(a) {
case "member":
return 4 .x;
case "arrayget":
return 4["x"];
case "constr":
return 4();
case "funccall":
return 4 .f();
case "parenfunccall":
return (4 .x)();
case "assignment":
return 4 .x = 33;
case "assignment2":
return 4 .x >>>= 1;
case "prefix":
return ++4 .x;
case "postfix":
return 4 .x++;
case "delete":
delete 4 .x;
return 4 .x;
return 0;
// '(4)'
function f5(a) {
switch(a) {
case "member":
return (4).x;
case "arrayget":
return (4)["x"];
case "constr":
return (4)();
case "funccall":
return (4).f();
case "parenfunccall":
return ((4).x)();
case "assignment":
return (4).x = 33;
case "assignment2":
return (4).x >>>= 1;
case "prefix":
return ++(4).x;
case "postfix":
return (4).x++;
case "delete":
delete (4).x;
return (4).x;
return 0;
unevalf = function(x) { return '(' + x.toString() + ')'; };
function testToString(fn)
shouldBe("unevalf(eval(unevalf(" + fn + ")))", "unevalf(" + fn + ")");
for(var i = 1; i < 6; ++i)
testToString("f" + i);
var successfullyParsed = true;