blob: f4db9d1eae913bcd63faff40e10d5126098afcc7 [file] [log] [blame]
'This tests for caller property in functions. Only functions that are called from inside of other functions and have a parent should have this property set. Tests return true when caller is found and false when the caller is null.'
function child()
return (child.caller !== null);
function parent()
return child();
var childHasCallerWhenExecutingGlobalCode = (child.caller !== null);
var childHasCallerWhenCalledWithoutParent = child();
var childHasCallerWhenCalledFromWithinParent = parent();
shouldBe('childHasCallerWhenExecutingGlobalCode', 'false');
shouldBe('childHasCallerWhenCalledWithoutParent', 'false');
shouldBe('childHasCallerWhenCalledFromWithinParent', 'true')
var successfullyParsed = true;