| function columnTest1(){var x=function(){setInterval(function(){})};(function(){console.log("column test 1")})()} |
| // breakpoint set here ^ (0, 79) |
| var x=function(){setInterval(function(){})}; |
| f = function() { console.log("column test 2"); }(); |
| // ^ breakpoint set here (6, 21) |
| var x=function(){setInterval(function(){})}; |
| console.log("column test 3"); |
| // ^ breakpoint set here (15, 8) |
| // Any edits of this file will necessitate a change to the breakpoint (line, column) coordinates |
| // used in breakpoint-columns.html. |
| function runColumnTest1() { setTimeout(columnTest1, 0); } |
| function runColumnTest2() { setTimeout(columnTest2, 0); } |
| function runColumnTest3() { setTimeout(columnTest3, 0); } |