blob: 6f8a8010468f979d2c50977d3625e75d9c7c1721 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// ES6 unicode whitespace tests
var whitespace_characters = [
// These characters may not be printable but are not considered whitespace.
// See ES6 Section 11.2 White Space
var special_non_whitespace_characters = [
var tests = [
name: "String#trim correctly removes whitespace characters",
body: function () {
for (idx in whitespace_characters) {
var ch = whitespace_characters[idx];
var result = ch.trim();
assert.areEqual(0, result.length, "String#trim removes whitespace characters, result should have 0 length");
assert.areEqual("", result, "String#trim removes whitespace characters, result should be empty string");
name: "String#trim correctly removes all whitespace characters",
body: function () {
var str = whitespace_characters.join('');
var result = str.trim();
assert.areEqual(0, result.length, "String#trim removes whitespace characters, result should have 0 length");
assert.areEqual("", result, "String#trim removes whitespace characters, result should be empty string");
name: "String#trim correctly ignores special non-whitespace characters",
body: function () {
for (idx in special_non_whitespace_characters) {
var ch = special_non_whitespace_characters[idx];
var result = ch.trim();
assert.areEqual(1, result.length, "String#trim leaves non-whitespace characters, result should 1 character long");
assert.areEqual(ch, result, "String#trim leaves non-whitespace characters, result should be equal to the input");
name: "String#trim correctly ignores all non-whitespace characters",
body: function () {
for (var hex = 0x0000; hex <= 0xffff; hex++) {
var ch = String.fromCodePoint(hex);
var result = ch.trim();
if (result.length === 0) {
var found = false;
for (idx in whitespace_characters) {
if (ch === whitespace_characters[idx]) {
found = true;
assert.isTrue(found, "If we found a whitespace character, it had to be one of the known whitespace characters");
} else {
assert.areEqual(ch, result, "If the character we found is not a whitespace character, the trimmed string has to be equal to the character itself");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });