blob: a6b0516f73f5dda28b797a702906624f791e9a66 [file] [log] [blame]
description("Tests the properties of the XPathException object.")
var e;
try {
var evalulator = new XPathEvaluator;
var nsResolver = evalulator.createNSResolver(document);
var result = evalulator.evaluate("/body", document, nsResolver, 0, null);
var num = result.numberValue;
// raises a TYPE_ERR
} catch (err) {
e = err;
shouldBeEqualToString("e.toString()", "TYPE_ERR (DOM XPath Exception 52): The expression could not be converted to return the specified type.");
shouldBeEqualToString("", "[object XPathException]");
shouldBeEqualToString("", "[object XPathExceptionPrototype]");
shouldBeEqualToString("e.constructor.toString()", "function XPathException() {\n [native code]\n}");
shouldBe("e.constructor", "window.XPathException");
shouldBe("e.TYPE_ERR", "e.constructor.TYPE_ERR");
shouldBe("e.INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR", "51");
shouldBe("e.TYPE_ERR", "52");