blob: 463614680b1b4f42c6bbf04cf92484ec884ec850 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-class-definitions
es6id: 14.5
description: Class methods - "get" accessors
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
function assertGetterDescriptor(object, name) {
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name);
verifyNotEnumerable(object, name);
verifyConfigurable(object, name);
assert.sameValue(typeof desc.get, 'function', "`typeof desc.get` is `'function'`");
assert.sameValue('prototype' in desc.get, false, "The result of `'prototype' in desc.get` is `false`");
assert.sameValue(desc.set, undefined, "The value of `desc.set` is `undefined`");
class C {
get x() { return 1; }
static get staticX() { return 2; }
get y() { return 3; }
static get staticY() { return 4; }
assert.sameValue(new C().x, 1, "The value of `new C().x` is `1`. Defined as `get x() { return 1; }`");
assert.sameValue(C.staticX, 2, "The value of `C.staticX` is `2`. Defined as `static get staticX() { return 2; }`");
assert.sameValue(new C().y, 3, "The value of `new C().y` is `3`. Defined as `get y() { return 3; }`");
assert.sameValue(C.staticY, 4, "The value of `C.staticY` is `4`. Defined as `static get staticY() { return 4; }`");
assertGetterDescriptor(C.prototype, 'x');
assertGetterDescriptor(C.prototype, 'y');
assertGetterDescriptor(C, 'staticX');
assertGetterDescriptor(C, 'staticY');