blob: 979101a3a90dcd21289b5ed94d6d7c1d8f760cc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: String.prototype.replace (searchValue, replaceValue)
description: Instance is String object, searchValue is regular expression
var __re = new RegExp(x,"g");
var __instance = String("asdf");
var __str = "1";
if (__instance.replace(__re, __str) !== "1a1s1d1f1") {
$ERROR('#1: var x; var __re = new RegExp(x,"g"); __instance = String("asdf"); __str = "1"; __instance.replace(__re, __str) === "1a1s1d1f1". Actual: '+__instance.replace(__re, __str) );
var x;