blob: 552c478fff98ded7403c61030e9cc87405909d94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: String.prototype.replace (searchValue, replaceValue)
description: >
Call replace (searchValue, replaceValue) function with object and
function arguments of string. Object have overrided toString
var __obj = {toString:function(){return "\u0041B";}};
var __str = "ABB\u0041BABAB";
if (__str.replace(__obj, function(){return x;}) !== "undefinedBABABAB") {
$ERROR('#1: var x; var __obj = {toString:function(){return "\u0041B";}}; var __str = "ABB\u0041BABAB"; replace(__obj, function(){return x;}) === "undefinedBABABAB". Actual: '+__str.replace(__obj, function(){return x;}) );
var x;