blob: 92e437db344c02ae4906a43cf86e8397b8dfd6d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 Mozilla Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: Test on arrays that allow atomic operations.
includes: [testAtomics.js, testTypedArray.js]
features: [SharedArrayBuffer, ArrayBuffer, DataView, Atomics, arrow-function, let, TypedArray, for-of]
var sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024);
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(16);
var int_views = [Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array];
testWithTypedArrayConstructors(function(View) {
// Make it interesting - use non-zero byteOffsets and non-zero indexes.
var view = new View(sab, 32, 20);
var control = new View(ab, 0, 2);
for ( let val of [10,
{ valueOf: () => 33 },
undefined] )
assert.sameValue(, 3, val), ToInteger(val),
" returns its third argument (" + val + ") converted to Integer, not the input value nor the value that was stored");
control[0] = val;
assert.sameValue(view[3], control[0]);
// In-bounds boundary cases for indexing
testWithAtomicsInBoundsIndices(function(IdxGen) {
let Idx = IdxGen(view);
view.fill(0);, Idx, 37);
assert.sameValue(Atomics.load(view, Idx), 37);
}, int_views);
function ToInteger(v) {
v = +v;
if (isNaN(v))
return 0;
if (v == 0 || !isFinite(v))
return v;
if (v < 0)
return -Math.floor(Math.abs(v));
return Math.floor(v);