blob: 62a82f8b1674ff6a4daa2316b913b95c57853d2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-array.prototype.tostring
info: |
The result of calling this function is the same as if
the built-in join method were invoked for this object with no argument
description: >
The elements of the array are converted to strings, and these
strings are then concatenated, separated by occurrences of the
separator. If no separator is provided, a single comma is used as
the separator
var x = new Array(0,1,2,3);
if (x.toString() !== x.join()) {
$ERROR('#1.1: x = new Array(0,1,2,3); x.toString() === x.join(). Actual: ' + (x.toString()));
} else {
if (x.toString() !== "0,1,2,3") {
$ERROR('#1.2: x = new Array(0,1,2,3); x.toString() === "0,1,2,3". Actual: ' + (x.toString()));
x = [];
x[0] = 0;
x[3] = 3;
if (x.toString() !== x.join()) {
$ERROR('#2.1: x = []; x[0] = 0; x[3] = 3; x.toString() === x.join(). Actual: ' + (x.toString()));
} else {
if (x.toString() !== "0,,,3") {
$ERROR('#2.2: x = []; x[0] = 0; x[3] = 3; x.toString() === "0,,,3". Actual: ' + (x.toString()));
x = Array(undefined,1,null,3);
if (x.toString() !== x.join()) {
$ERROR('#3.1: x = Array(undefined,1,null,3); x.toString() === x.join(). Actual: ' + (x.toString()));
} else {
if (x.toString() !== ",1,,3") {
$ERROR('#3.2: x = Array(undefined,1,null,3); x.toString() === ",1,,3". Actual: ' + (x.toString()));
x = [];
x[0] = 0;
if (x.toString() !== x.join()) {
$ERROR('#4.1: x = []; x[0] = 0; x.toString() === x.join(). Actual: ' + (x.toString()));
} else {
if (x.toString() !== "0") {
$ERROR('#4.2: x = []; x[0] = 0; x.toString() === "0". Actual: ' + (x.toString()));