blob: 1aaa20fc0b02bef9b93a3b4310da19ac6188b73e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-array.prototype.tolocalestring
info: |
The elements of the array are converted to strings using their
toLocaleString methods, and these strings are then concatenated, separated
by occurrences of a separator string that has been derived in an
implementation-defined locale-specific way
description: it is the function that should be invoked
var n = 0;
var obj = {toLocaleString: function() {n++}};
var arr = [undefined, obj, null, obj, obj];
if (n !== 3) {
$ERROR('#1: var n = 0; var obj = {toLocaleString: function() {n++}}; var arr = [undefined, obj, null, obj, obj]; arr.toLocaleString(); n === 3. Actual: ' + (n));