blob: 36ae835fc56782245dcfd732d272435c92bc9b61 [file] [log] [blame]
function Square(x)
this.x = x;
new Square(0); // create prototype
function Square_area() { return this.x * this.x; }
Square.prototype.area = Square_area;
var s = new Square(3);
shouldBe("s.area()", "9");
function Item(name){ = name;
function Book(name, author){
this.base = Item; // set Item constructor as method of Book object
this.base(name); // set the value of name property = author;
Book.prototype = new Item;
var b = new Book("a book", "Fred"); // create object instance
shouldBe("", "'a book'");
shouldBe("", "'Fred'"); // outpus "Fred"
shouldBe("delete Boolean.prototype", "false");