blob: 92a1f6562f1ab3e648ef916352fcaf1924b0b5d1 [file] [log] [blame]
"String.match(…) test"
// match with a global regexp should set lastIndex to zero; if read-only this should throw.
// If the regexp is not global, lastIndex is not modified.
var re;
function testMatch(_re, readonly)
re = _re;
re.lastIndex = 3;
if (readonly)
re = Object.defineProperty(re, 'lastIndex', {writable:false});
return '0x1x2'.match(re);
shouldBe("testMatch(/x/g, false)", '["x","x"]');
shouldThrow("testMatch(/x/g, true)");
shouldBe("testMatch(/x/, false)", '["x"]');
shouldBe("testMatch(/x/, true)", '["x"]');
shouldBe("testMatch(/x/g, false); re.lastIndex", '0');
shouldThrow("testMatch(/x/g, true); re.lastIndex");
shouldBe("testMatch(/x/, false); re.lastIndex", '3');
shouldBe("testMatch(/x/, true); re.lastIndex", '3');