blob: 863c8b0b88395fdbd9f039f5bea840b911879b88 [file] [log] [blame]
function _valToString(val)
if (val === undefined || val === null)
return '[' + typeof(val) + ']';
return val.toString() + '[' + typeof(val) + ']';
var _failed = false;
var _asserted = false;
function _warn(text)
function _fail(text)
_failed = true;
function _assert(cond, text)
_asserted = true;
if (! cond)
_fail('Failed assertion: ' + text);
function _assertSame(a, b, text_a, text_b)
_asserted = true;
if (a !== b)
_fail('Failed assertion ' + text_a + ' === ' + text_b +
' (got ' + _valToString(a) + ', expected ' + _valToString(b) + ')');
function _assertDifferent(a, b, text_a, text_b)
_asserted = true;
if (a === b)
_fail('Failed assertion ' + text_a + ' !== ' + text_b +
' (got ' + _valToString(a) + ', expected not ' + _valToString(b) + ')');
function _assertEqual(a, b, text_a, text_b)
_asserted = true;
if (a != b)
_fail('Failed assertion ' + text_a + ' == ' + text_b +
' (got ' + _valToString(a) + ', expected ' + _valToString(b) + ')');
function _assertMatch(a, b, text_a, text_b)
_asserted = true;
if (! a.match(b))
_fail('Failed assertion ' + text_a + ' matches ' + text_b +
' (got ' + _valToString(a) + ')');
var _manual_check = false;
function _requireManualCheck()
_manual_check = true;
function _crash()
_fail('Aborted due to predicted crash');
function _getPixel(canvas, x,y)
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var imgdata = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1);
return [[0],[1],[2],[3] ];
catch (e)
// probably a security exception caused by having drawn
// data: URLs onto the canvas
_manual_check = true;
return undefined;
function _assertPixel(canvas, x,y, r,g,b,a, pos, colour)
_asserted = true;
var c = _getPixel(canvas, x,y);
if (c && ! (c[0] == r && c[1] == g && c[2] == b && c[3] == a))
_fail('Failed assertion: got pixel [' + c + '] at ('+x+','+y+'), expected ['+r+','+g+','+b+','+a+']');
function _assertPixelWithGradientNoise(canvas, x,y, r,g,b,a, pos, colour)
_assertPixelApprox(canvas, x, y, r, g, b, a, pos, colour, 5);
function _assertPixelApprox(canvas, x,y, r,g,b,a, pos, colour, tolerance)
_asserted = true;
var c = _getPixel(canvas, x,y);
if (c)
var diff = Math.max(Math.abs(c[0]-r), Math.abs(c[1]-g), Math.abs(c[2]-b), Math.abs(c[3]-a));
if (diff > tolerance)
_fail('Failed assertion: got pixel [' + c + '] at ('+x+','+y+'), expected ['+r+','+g+','+b+','+a+'] +/- '+tolerance);
function _addTest(test)
var deferred = false;
window.deferTest = function () { deferred = true; };
function endTest()
if (_failed) // test failed
document.documentElement.className += ' fail';
window._testStatus = ['fail', document.getElementById('d').innerHTML];
else if (_manual_check || !_asserted)
{ // test case explicitly asked for a manual check, or no automatic assertions were performed
document.getElementById('d').innerHTML += '<li>Cannot automatically verify result';
document.documentElement.className += ' needs_check';
window._testStatus = ['check', document.getElementById('d').innerHTML];
else // test succeeded
document.getElementById('d').innerHTML += '<li>Passed';
document.documentElement.className += ' pass';
window._testStatus = ['pass', document.getElementById('d').innerHTML];
if (window.testRunner)
window.endTest = endTest;
window.wrapFunction = function (f)
return function()
f.apply(null, arguments);
catch (e)
_fail('Aborted with exception: ' + e.message);
window.onload = function ()
if (window.testRunner) {
var canvas = document.getElementById('c');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
test(canvas, ctx);
catch (e)
_fail('Aborted with exception: ' + e.message);
deferred = false; // cancel any deference
if (! deferred)