blob: 9c730c4b369aeb47a9e9a60e7c13ce8493c9d4d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 Mozilla Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-getiterator
description: >
`GetIterator(obj, ~async~)` must attempt to call `obj[@@asyncIterator]` when
that value is an object with an [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot, not act as if
the value were `undefined`.
features: [async-iteration, IsHTMLDDA]
flags: [async]
async function f() {
var iter = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]: IsHTMLDDA,
get [Symbol.iterator]() {
throw new Test262Error("shouldn't touch Symbol.iterator");
// `IsHTMLDDA` is called here with `iter` as `this` and no arguments, and it's
// expected to return `null` under these conditions. Then the iteration
// protocol throws a `TypeError` because `null` isn't an object.
for await (var x of iter)
return "for-await-of body shouldn't be reached";
return "should have failed earlier";
function (e) {
assert.sameValue(e.constructor, TypeError,
"expected TypeError because " +
"`iter[Symbol.asyncIterator]() returned a " +
"non-object: " + e);
.then($DONE, $DONE);