| description("Test to ensure correct behaviour of Object.getOwnPropertyNames"); |
| |
| function argumentsObject() { return arguments; }; |
| |
| var expectedPropertyNamesSet = { |
| "{}": "[]", |
| "{a:null}": "['a']", |
| "{a:null, b:null}": "['a', 'b']", |
| "{b:null, a:null}": "['a', 'b']", |
| "{__proto__:{a:null}}": "[]", |
| "{__proto__:[1,2,3]}": "[]", |
| "Object.create({}, { 'a': { 'value': 1, 'enumerable': false } })": "['a']", |
| "Object.create([1,2,3], { 'a': { 'value': 1, 'enumerable': false } })": "['a']", |
| // Function objects |
| "new Function()": "['arguments', 'caller', 'length', 'name', 'prototype']", |
| "(function(){var x=new Function();x.__proto__=[1,2,3];return x;})()": "['arguments', 'caller', 'length', 'name', 'prototype']", |
| // String objects |
| "new String('')": "['length']", |
| "new String('a')": "['0', 'length']", |
| "new String('abc')": "['0', '1', '2', 'length']", |
| "(function(){var x=new String('');x.__proto__=[1,2,3];return x;})()": "['length']", |
| // Array objects |
| "[]": "['length']", |
| "[null]": "['0', 'length']", |
| "[null,null]": "['0','1', 'length']", |
| "[null,null,,,,null]": "['0','1','5', 'length']", |
| "(function(){var x=[];x.__proto__=[1,2,3];return x;})()": "['length']", |
| // Date objects |
| "new Date()": "[]", |
| "(function(){var x=new Date();x.__proto__=[1,2,3];return x;})()": "[]", |
| // RegExp objects |
| "new RegExp('foo')": "['global', 'ignoreCase', 'lastIndex', 'multiline', 'source']", |
| "(function(){var x=new RegExp();x.__proto__=[1,2,3];return x;})()": "['global', 'ignoreCase', 'lastIndex', 'multiline', 'source']", |
| // Arguments objects |
| "argumentsObject()": "['callee', 'length']", |
| "argumentsObject(1)": "['0', 'callee', 'length']", |
| "argumentsObject(1,2,3)": "['0', '1', '2', 'callee', 'length']", |
| "(function(){arguments.__proto__=[1,2,3];return arguments;})()": "['callee', 'length']", |
| // Symbol objects |
| "Object(Symbol.iterator)": "[]", |
| // Built-in ECMA functions |
| "parseInt": "['length', 'name']", |
| "parseFloat": "['length', 'name']", |
| "isNaN": "['length', 'name']", |
| "isFinite": "['length', 'name']", |
| "escape": "['length', 'name']", |
| "unescape": "['length', 'name']", |
| "decodeURI": "['length', 'name']", |
| "decodeURIComponent": "['length', 'name']", |
| "encodeURI": "['length', 'name']", |
| "encodeURIComponent": "['length', 'name']", |
| // Built-in ECMA objects |
| "Object": "['assign', 'create', 'defineProperties', 'defineProperty', 'freeze', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', 'getOwnPropertyNames', 'getOwnPropertySymbols', 'getPrototypeOf', 'is', 'isExtensible', 'isFrozen', 'isSealed', 'keys', 'length', 'name', 'preventExtensions', 'prototype', 'seal', 'setPrototypeOf']", |
| "Object.prototype": "['__defineGetter__', '__defineSetter__', '__lookupGetter__', '__lookupSetter__', '__proto__', 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf']", |
| "Function": "['length', 'name', 'prototype']", |
| "Function.prototype": "['apply', 'bind', 'call', 'constructor', 'length', 'name', 'toString']", |
| "Array": "['from', 'isArray', 'length', 'name', 'of', 'prototype']", |
| "Array.prototype": "['concat', 'constructor', 'copyWithin', 'entries', 'every', 'fill', 'filter', 'find', 'findIndex', 'forEach', 'includes', 'indexOf', 'join', 'keys', 'lastIndexOf', 'length', 'map', 'pop', 'push', 'reduce', 'reduceRight', 'reverse', 'shift', 'slice', 'some', 'sort', 'splice', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'unshift', 'values']", |
| "String": "['fromCharCode', 'fromCodePoint', 'length', 'name', 'prototype', 'raw']", |
| "String.prototype": "['anchor', 'big', 'blink', 'bold', 'charAt', 'charCodeAt', 'codePointAt', 'concat', 'constructor', 'endsWith', 'fixed', 'fontcolor', 'fontsize', 'includes', 'indexOf', 'italics', 'lastIndexOf', 'length', 'link', 'localeCompare', 'match', 'repeat', 'replace', 'search', 'slice', 'small', 'split', 'startsWith', 'strike', 'sub', 'substr', 'substring', 'sup', 'toLocaleLowerCase', 'toLocaleUpperCase', 'toLowerCase', 'toString', 'toUpperCase', 'trim', 'trimLeft', 'trimRight', 'valueOf']", |
| "Boolean": "['length', 'name', 'prototype']", |
| "Boolean.prototype": "['constructor', 'toString', 'valueOf']", |
| "Number": "['EPSILON', 'MAX_SAFE_INTEGER', 'MAX_VALUE', 'MIN_SAFE_INTEGER', 'MIN_VALUE', 'NEGATIVE_INFINITY', 'NaN', 'POSITIVE_INFINITY', 'isFinite', 'isInteger', 'isNaN', 'isSafeInteger', 'length', 'name', 'parseFloat', 'parseInt', 'prototype']", |
| "Number.prototype": "['constructor', 'toExponential', 'toFixed', 'toLocaleString', 'toPrecision', 'toString', 'valueOf']", |
| "Date": "['UTC', 'length', 'name', 'now', 'parse', 'prototype']", |
| "Date.prototype": "['constructor', 'getDate', 'getDay', 'getFullYear', 'getHours', 'getMilliseconds', 'getMinutes', 'getMonth', 'getSeconds', 'getTime', 'getTimezoneOffset', 'getUTCDate', 'getUTCDay', 'getUTCFullYear', 'getUTCHours', 'getUTCMilliseconds', 'getUTCMinutes', 'getUTCMonth', 'getUTCSeconds', 'getYear', 'setDate', 'setFullYear', 'setHours', 'setMilliseconds', 'setMinutes', 'setMonth', 'setSeconds', 'setTime', 'setUTCDate', 'setUTCFullYear', 'setUTCHours', 'setUTCMilliseconds', 'setUTCMinutes', 'setUTCMonth', 'setUTCSeconds', 'setYear', 'toDateString', 'toGMTString', 'toISOString', 'toJSON', 'toLocaleDateString', 'toLocaleString', 'toLocaleTimeString', 'toString', 'toTimeString', 'toUTCString', 'valueOf']", |
| "RegExp": "['$&', \"$'\", '$*', '$+', '$1', '$2', '$3', '$4', '$5', '$6', '$7', '$8', '$9', '$_', '$`', 'input', 'lastMatch', 'lastParen', 'leftContext', 'length', 'multiline', 'name', 'prototype', 'rightContext']", |
| "RegExp.prototype": "['compile', 'constructor', 'exec', 'global', 'ignoreCase', 'lastIndex', 'multiline', 'source', 'test', 'toString']", |
| "Error": "['length', 'name', 'prototype']", |
| "Error.prototype": "['constructor', 'message', 'name', 'toString']", |
| "Math": "['E','LN10','LN2','LOG10E','LOG2E','PI','SQRT1_2','SQRT2','abs','acos','acosh','asin','asinh','atan','atan2','atanh','cbrt','ceil','clz32','cos','cosh','exp','expm1','floor','fround','hypot','imul','log','log10','log1p','log2','max','min','pow','random','round','sign','sin','sinh','sqrt','tan','tanh','trunc']", |
| "JSON": "['parse', 'stringify']", |
| "Symbol": "['for', 'iterator', 'keyFor', 'length', 'name', 'prototype', 'unscopables']", |
| "Symbol.prototype": "['constructor', 'toString', 'valueOf']" |
| }; |
| |
| function getSortedOwnPropertyNames(obj) |
| { |
| return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).sort(); |
| } |
| |
| for (var expr in expectedPropertyNamesSet) |
| shouldBe("getSortedOwnPropertyNames(" + expr + ")", expectedPropertyNamesSet[expr]); |
| |
| // Global Object |
| // Only check for ECMA properties here |
| var globalPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this); |
| var expectedGlobalPropertyNames = [ |
| "NaN", |
| "Infinity", |
| "undefined", |
| "parseInt", |
| "parseFloat", |
| "isNaN", |
| "isFinite", |
| "escape", |
| "unescape", |
| "decodeURI", |
| "decodeURIComponent", |
| "encodeURI", |
| "encodeURIComponent", |
| "Object", |
| "Function", |
| "Array", |
| "String", |
| "Symbol", |
| "Boolean", |
| "Number", |
| "Date", |
| "RegExp", |
| "Error", |
| "Math", |
| "JSON" |
| ]; |
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < expectedGlobalPropertyNames.length; ++i) |
| shouldBeTrue("globalPropertyNames.indexOf('" + expectedGlobalPropertyNames[i] + "') != -1"); |