blob: 6a6ffc3f473183e6d6bda4bb616dd10fe68c6cb8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Replayable replacements for global functions */
//! stable.js 0.1.3,
//! © 2012 Stéphan Kochen, Angry Bytes. MIT licensed.
(function() {
// A stable array sort, because `Array#sort()` is not guaranteed stable.
// This is an implementation of merge sort, without recursion.
var stable = function(arr, comp) {
if (typeof(comp) !== 'function') {
comp = function(a, b) {
a = String(a);
b = String(b);
if (a < b) return -1;
if (a > b) return 1;
return 0;
var len = arr.length;
if (len <= 1) return arr;
// Rather than dividing input, simply iterate chunks of 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.
// Chunks are the size of the left or right hand in merge sort.
// Stop when the left-hand covers all of the array.
var oarr = arr;
for (var chk = 1; chk < len; chk *= 2) {
arr = pass(arr, comp, chk);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
oarr[i] = arr[i];
return oarr;
// Run a single pass with the given chunk size. Returns a new array.
var pass = function(arr, comp, chk) {
var len = arr.length;
// Output, and position.
var result = new Array(len);
var i = 0;
// Step size / double chunk size.
var dbl = chk * 2;
// Bounds of the left and right chunks.
var l, r, e;
// Iterators over the left and right chunk.
var li, ri;
// Iterate over pairs of chunks.
for (l = 0; l < len; l += dbl) {
r = l + chk;
e = r + chk;
if (r > len) r = len;
if (e > len) e = len;
// Iterate both chunks in parallel.
li = l;
ri = r;
while (true) {
// Compare the chunks.
if (li < r && ri < e) {
// This works for a regular `sort()` compatible comparator,
// but also for a simple comparator like: `a > b`
if (comp(arr[li], arr[ri]) <= 0) {
result[i++] = arr[li++];
else {
result[i++] = arr[ri++];
// Nothing to compare, just flush what's left.
else if (li < r) {
result[i++] = arr[li++];
else if (ri < e) {
result[i++] = arr[ri++];
// Both iterators are at the chunk ends.
else {
return result;
var arrsort = function(comp) {
return stable(this, comp);
if (Object.defineProperty) {
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "sort", {
configurable: true, writable: true, enumerable: false,
value: arrsort
} else {
Array.prototype.sort = arrsort;
* In a generated replay, this file is partially common, boilerplate code
* included in every replay, and partially generated replay code. The following
* header applies to the boilerplate code. A comment indicating "Auto-generated
* below this comment" marks the separation between these two parts.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Purdue University
* Written by Gregor Richards
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
(function() {
// global eval alias
var geval = eval;
// detect if we're in a browser or not
var inbrowser = false;
var inharness = false;
var finished = false;
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && "document" in window) {
inbrowser = true;
if (window.parent && "JSBNG_handleResult" in window.parent) {
inharness = true;
} else if (typeof global !== "undefined") {
window = global; = window;
} else {
window = (function() { return this; })(); = window;
if ("console" in window) {
window.JSBNG_Console = window.console;
var callpath = [];
// global state
var JSBNG_Replay = = {
push: function(arr, fun) {
return fun;
path: function(str) {
forInKeys: function(of) {
var keys = [];
for (var k in of)
return keys.sort();
var currentTimeInMS;
if (inharness) {
currentTimeInMS = window.parent.currentTimeInMS;
} else {
if (window.performance &&
currentTimeInMS = function() { return };
else if (typeof preciseTime !== 'undefined')
currentTimeInMS = function() { return preciseTime() * 1000; };
currentTimeInMS = function() { return; };
// the actual replay runner
function onload() {
try {
delete window.onload;
} catch (ex) {}
var jr = JSBNG_Replay$;
var cb = function() {
var end = currentTimeInMS();
finished = true;
var msg = "Time: " + (end - st) + "ms";
if (inharness) {
window.parent.JSBNG_handleResult({error:false, time:(end - st)});
} else if (inbrowser) {
var res = document.createElement("div"); = "fixed"; = "1em"; = "1em"; = "35em"; = "5em"; = "1em"; = "white"; = "black";
} else if (typeof console !== "undefined") {
} else if (typeof print !== "undefined") {
// hopefully not the browser print() function :)
// force it to JIT
// then time it
var st = currentTimeInMS();
while (jr !== null) {
jr = jr(true, cb);
// add a frame at replay time
function iframe(pageid) {
var iw;
if (inbrowser) {
// represent the iframe as an iframe (of course)
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "none";
iw = iframe.contentWindow;
iw.document.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">var JSBNG_Replay_geval = eval;</script>");
} else {
// no general way, just lie and do horrible things
var topwin = window;
(function() {
var window = {};
window.window = window; = topwin;
window.JSBNG_Replay_geval = function(str) {
iw = window;
return iw;
// called at the end of the replay stuff
function finalize() {
if (inbrowser) {
setTimeout(onload, 0);
} else {
// verify this recorded value and this replayed value are close enough
function verify(rep, rec) {
if (rec !== rep &&
(rep === rep || rec === rec) /* NaN test */) {
if (typeof rec === "function" && typeof rep === "function") {
return true;
if (typeof rec !== "object" || rec === null ||
!(("__JSBNG_unknown_" + typeof(rep)) in rec)) {
return false;
return true;
// general message
var firstMessage = true;
function replayMessage(msg) {
if (inbrowser) {
if (firstMessage);
firstMessage = false;
} else {
// complain when there's an error
function verificationError(msg) {
if (finished) return;
if (inharness) {
window.parent.JSBNG_handleResult({error:true, msg: msg});
} else replayMessage(msg);
throw new Error();
// to verify a set
function verifySet(objstr, obj, prop, gvalstr, gval) {
if (/^on/.test(prop)) {
// these aren't instrumented compatibly
if (!verify(obj[prop], gval)) {
var bval = obj[prop];
var msg = "Verification failure! " + objstr + "." + prop + " is not " + gvalstr + ", it's " + bval + "!";
// to verify a call or new
function verifyCall(iscall, func, cthis, cargs) {
var ok = true;
var callArgs = func.callArgs[func.inst];
iscall = iscall ? 1 : 0;
if (cargs.length !== callArgs.length - 1) {
ok = false;
} else {
if (iscall && !verify(cthis, callArgs[0])) ok = false;
for (var i = 0; i < cargs.length; i++) {
if (!verify(cargs[i], callArgs[i+1])) ok = false;
if (!ok) {
var msg = "Call verification failure!";
return func.returns[func.inst++];
// to verify the callpath
function verifyPath(func) {
var real = callpath.shift();
if (real !== func) {
var msg = "Call path verification failure! Expected " + real + ", found " + func;
// figure out how to define getters
var defineGetter;
if (Object.defineProperty) {
var odp = Object.defineProperty;
defineGetter = function(obj, prop, getter, setter) {
if (typeof setter === "undefined") setter = function(){};
odp(obj, prop, {"enumerable": true, "configurable": true, "get": getter, "set": setter});
} else if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__) {
var opdg = Object.prototype.__defineGetter__;
var opds = Object.prototype.__defineSetter__;
defineGetter = function(obj, prop, getter, setter) {
if (typeof setter === "undefined") setter = function(){};, prop, getter);, prop, setter);
} else {
defineGetter = function() {
verificationError("This replay requires getters for correct behavior, and your JS engine appears to be incapable of defining getters. Sorry!");
var defineRegetter = function(obj, prop, getter, setter) {
defineGetter(obj, prop, function() {
return, prop);
}, function(val) {
// once it's set by the client, it's claimed, prop, val);
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {
"enumerable": true, "configurable": true, "writable": true,
"value": val
// for calling events
var fpc =;
// resist the urge, don't put a })(); here!
* Auto-generated below this comment
var ow399483212 = window;
var o0;
var f399483212_16;
var o1;
var f399483212_391;
var f399483212_392;
var f399483212_393;
var f399483212_395;
var f399483212_396;
var o2;
var o3;
JSBNG_Replay.s19277ddcd28db6dd01a1d67d562dfbbffa3c6a17_4 = [];
// 1
// record generated by JSBench 323eb38c39a6+ at 2013-07-24T20:17:57.557Z
// 2
// 5
o0 = {};
// 6
ow399483212.JSBNG__document = o0;
// 19
ow399483212.JSBNG__top = ow399483212;
// 28
ow399483212.JSBNG__scrollX = 0;
// 29
ow399483212.JSBNG__scrollY = 0;
// 38
f399483212_16 = function() { return f399483212_16.returns[f399483212_16.inst++]; };
f399483212_16.returns = [];
f399483212_16.inst = 0;
// 39
ow399483212.JSBNG__setTimeout = f399483212_16;
// 60
ow399483212.JSBNG__frames = ow399483212;
// 63
ow399483212.JSBNG__self = ow399483212;
// 70
ow399483212.JSBNG__content = ow399483212;
// 81
ow399483212.JSBNG__closed = false;
// 84
ow399483212.JSBNG__pkcs11 = null;
// 87
ow399483212.JSBNG__opener = null;
// 88
ow399483212.JSBNG__defaultStatus = "";
// 91
ow399483212.JSBNG__innerWidth = 1078;
// 92
ow399483212.JSBNG__innerHeight = 731;
// 93
ow399483212.JSBNG__outerWidth = 1092;
// 94
ow399483212.JSBNG__outerHeight = 826;
// 95
ow399483212.JSBNG__screenX = 70;
// 96
ow399483212.JSBNG__screenY = 22;
// 97
ow399483212.JSBNG__mozInnerScreenX = 0;
// 98
ow399483212.JSBNG__mozInnerScreenY = 0;
// 99
ow399483212.JSBNG__pageXOffset = 0;
// 100
ow399483212.JSBNG__pageYOffset = 0;
// 101
ow399483212.JSBNG__scrollMaxX = 0;
// 102
ow399483212.JSBNG__scrollMaxY = 0;
// 103
ow399483212.JSBNG__fullScreen = false;
// 136
ow399483212.JSBNG__frameElement = null;
// 141
ow399483212.JSBNG__mozPaintCount = 0;
// 144
ow399483212.JSBNG__mozAnimationStartTime = 1374697100399;
// 145
o1 = {};
// 146
ow399483212.JSBNG__mozIndexedDB = o1;
// 155
ow399483212.JSBNG__devicePixelRatio = 1;
// 166
ow399483212.JSBNG__name = "";
// 173
ow399483212.JSBNG__status = "";
// 772
ow399483212.JSBNG__indexedDB = o1;
// undefined
o1 = null;
// 807
ow399483212.JSBNG__onerror = null;
// 816
// 818
o1 = {};
// 819
o0.documentElement = o1;
// 821
o1.className = "";
// 823
f399483212_391 = function() { return f399483212_391.returns[f399483212_391.inst++]; };
f399483212_391.returns = [];
f399483212_391.inst = 0;
// 824
o1.getAttribute = f399483212_391;
// 825
// 826
// undefined
o1 = null;
// 828
// 829
// 830
// 831
// 832
// 834
f399483212_392 = function() { return f399483212_392.returns[f399483212_392.inst++]; };
f399483212_392.returns = [];
f399483212_392.inst = 0;
// 835
o0.JSBNG__addEventListener = f399483212_392;
// 837
// 839
// 841
// 842
o0.nodeType = 9;
// 843
f399483212_393 = function() { return f399483212_393.returns[f399483212_393.inst++]; };
f399483212_393.returns = [];
f399483212_393.inst = 0;
// 844
o0.createElement = f399483212_393;
// 845
o1 = {};
// 846
// 847
f399483212_395 = function() { return f399483212_395.returns[f399483212_395.inst++]; };
f399483212_395.returns = [];
f399483212_395.inst = 0;
// 848
o1.setAttribute = f399483212_395;
// 849
// 850
// 851
f399483212_396 = function() { return f399483212_396.returns[f399483212_396.inst++]; };
f399483212_396.returns = [];
f399483212_396.inst = 0;
// 852
o1.getElementsByTagName = f399483212_396;
// undefined
o1 = null;
// 853
o1 = {};
// 854
// 856
o2 = {};
// 857
// 858
o3 = {};
// 859
o2["0"] = o3;
// undefined
o2 = null;
// undefined
o3 = null;
// 860
o1.length = 4;
// undefined
o1 = null;
// 862
o1 = {};
// 863
// 864
o1.appendChild = void 0;
// undefined
o1 = null;
// 866
o1 = {};
// 867
// undefined
o1 = null;
// 868
// 870
// 871
// 872
// 873
// undefined
o0 = null;
// 874
// 0
JSBNG_Replay$ = function(real, cb) { if (!real) return;
// 814
geval("Function.prototype.bind = function(to) {\n var f = this;\n return function() {\n, to, arguments);\n };\n};");
// 815
geval("Function.prototype.bind = function(to) {\n var f = this;\n return function() {\n, to, arguments);\n };\n};");
// 817
geval("JSBNG__document.documentElement.className = ((((JSBNG__document.documentElement.className + \" \")) + JSBNG__document.documentElement.getAttribute(\"data-fouc-class-names\")));");
// 827
geval("(function() {\n function f(a) {\n a = ((a || window.JSBNG__event));\n if (!a) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((! && a.srcElement)) && ( = a.srcElement)));\n if (!j(a)) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!JSBNG__document.JSBNG__addEventListener) {\n var b = {\n };\n {\n var fin0keys = ((, fin0i = (0);\n var c;\n for (; (fin0i < fin0keys.length); (fin0i++)) {\n ((c) = (fin0keys[fin0i]));\n {\n b[c] = a[c];\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n a = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n a.preventDefault = a.stopPropagation = a.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {\n \n };\n d.push(a);\n return !1;\n };\n;\n function g($) {\n i();\n for (var b = 0, c; c = d[b]; b++) {\n var e = $(;\n if (((((c.type == \"click\")) && (( == \"a\"))))) {\n var f = $.data(e.get(0), \"events\"), g = ((f &&, j = ((! || !$/)));\n if (((!g && j))) {\n window.JSBNG__location =;\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e.trigger(c);\n };\n ;\n window.swiftActionQueue.wasFlushed = !0;\n };\n;\n {\n function i() {\n ((e && JSBNG__clearTimeout(e)));\n for (var a = 0; ((a < c.length)); a++) {\n JSBNG__document[((\"JSBNG__on\" + c[a]))] = null;\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n ((;\n };\n;\n function j(c) {\n var d =;\n if (((d == \"label\"))) {\n if (\"for\")) {\n var e = JSBNG__document.getElementById(\"for\"));\n if (((e.getAttribute(\"type\") == \"checkbox\"))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n else for (var f = 0; ((f <; f++) {\n if ((((((([f].tagName || \"\")).toLowerCase() == \"input\")) && (([f].getAttribute(\"type\") == \"checkbox\"))))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((((d == \"textarea\")) || ((((d == \"input\")) && ((\"type\") == \"text\")))))) || ((\"contenteditable\") == \"true\"))))) {\n if (c.type.match(b)) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((c.metaKey ? !1 : ((((((c.clientX && c.shiftKey)) && ((d == \"a\")))) ? !1 : (((((( && && ! ? !1 : !0))))));\n };\n;\n var a = /^([^\\.]+\\.)*$/, b = /^key/, c = [\"click\",\"keydown\",\"keypress\",\"keyup\",], d = [], e = null;\n for (var k = 0; ((k < c.length)); k++) {\n JSBNG__document[((\"JSBNG__on\" + c[k]))] = f;\n ;\n };\n;\n JSBNG__setTimeout(i, 10000);\n window.swiftActionQueue = {\n flush: g,\n wasFlushed: !1\n };\n})();");
// 833
geval("(function() {\n function a(a) {\n\"data-in-composition\", \"true\");\n };\n;\n function b(a) {\n\"data-in-composition\");\n };\n;\n if (JSBNG__document.JSBNG__addEventListener) {\n JSBNG__document.JSBNG__addEventListener(\"compositionstart\", a, !1);\n JSBNG__document.JSBNG__addEventListener(\"compositionend\", b, !1);\n }\n;\n;\n})();");
// 840
geval("try {\n JSBNG__document.domain = \"\";\n (function() {\n function a() {\n JSBNG__document.write = \"\";\n window.JSBNG__top.JSBNG__location = window.JSBNG__self.JSBNG__location;\n JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n JSBNG__document.body.innerHTML = \"\";\n }, 0);\n window.JSBNG__self.JSBNG__onload = function(a) {\n JSBNG__document.body.innerHTML = \"\";\n };\n };\n ;\n if (((window.JSBNG__top !== window.JSBNG__self))) {\n try {\n (( || a()));\n } catch (b) {\n a();\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n })();\n (function(a, b) {\n function H(a) {\n var b = G[a] = {\n };\n q.each(a.split(t), function(_, a) {\n b[a] = !0;\n });\n return b;\n };\n ;\n function K(a, c, d) {\n if (((((d === b)) && ((a.nodeType === 1))))) {\n var e = ((\"data-\" + c.replace(J, \"-$1\").toLowerCase()));\n d = a.getAttribute(e);\n if (((typeof d == \"string\"))) {\n try {\n d = ((((d === \"true\")) ? !0 : ((((d === \"false\")) ? !1 : ((((d === \"null\")) ? null : ((((((+d + \"\")) === d)) ? +d : ((I.test(d) ? q.parseJSON(d) : d))))))))));\n } catch (f) {\n \n };\n ;\n, c, d);\n }\n else d = b;\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return d;\n };\n ;\n function L(a) {\n var b;\n {\n var fin1keys = ((, fin1i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin1i < fin1keys.length); (fin1i++)) {\n ((b) = (fin1keys[fin1i]));\n {\n if (((((b === \"data\")) && q.isEmptyObject(a[b])))) {\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((b !== \"toJSON\"))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return !0;\n };\n ;\n function db() {\n return !1;\n };\n ;\n function eb() {\n return !0;\n };\n ;\n function kb(a) {\n return ((((!a || !a.parentNode)) || ((a.parentNode.nodeType === 11))));\n };\n ;\n function lb(a, b) {\n do a = a[b]; while (((a && ((a.nodeType !== 1)))));\n return a;\n };\n ;\n function mb(a, b, c) {\n b = ((b || 0));\n if (q.isFunction(b)) {\n return q.grep(a, function(a, d) {\n var e = !!, d, a);\n return ((e === c));\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (b.nodeType) {\n return q.grep(a, function(a, d) {\n return ((((a === b)) === c));\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((typeof b == \"string\"))) {\n var d = q.grep(a, function(a) {\n return ((a.nodeType === 1));\n });\n if (hb.test(b)) {\n return q.filter(b, d, !c);\n }\n ;\n ;\n b = q.filter(b, d);\n }\n ;\n ;\n return q.grep(a, function(a, d) {\n return ((((q.inArray(a, b) >= 0)) === c));\n });\n };\n ;\n function nb(a) {\n var b = ob.split(\"|\"), c = a.createDocumentFragment();\n if (c.createElement) {\n while (b.length) {\n c.createElement(b.pop());\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c;\n };\n ;\n function Fb(a, b) {\n return ((a.getElementsByTagName(b)[0] || a.appendChild(a.ownerDocument.createElement(b))));\n };\n ;\n function Gb(a, b) {\n if (((((b.nodeType !== 1)) || !q.hasData(a)))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var c, d, e, f = q._data(a), g = q._data(b, f), i =;\n if (i) {\n delete g.handle;\n = {\n };\n {\n var fin2keys = ((, fin2i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin2i < fin2keys.length); (fin2i++)) {\n ((c) = (fin2keys[fin2i]));\n {\n for (d = 0, e = i[c].length; ((d < e)); d++) {\n q.JSBNG__event.add(b, c, i[c][d]);\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n (( && ( = q.extend({\n },;\n };\n ;\n function Hb(a, b) {\n var c;\n if (((b.nodeType !== 1))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((b.clearAttributes && b.clearAttributes()));\n ((b.mergeAttributes && b.mergeAttributes(a)));\n c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n if (((c === \"object\"))) {\n ((b.parentNode && (b.outerHTML = a.outerHTML)));\n (((((( && a.innerHTML)) && !q.trim(b.innerHTML))) && (b.innerHTML = a.innerHTML)));\n }\n else if (((((c === \"input\")) && yb.test(a.type)))) {\n b.defaultChecked = b.checked = a.checked;\n ((((b.value !== a.value)) && (b.value = a.value)));\n }\n else ((((c === \"option\")) ? b.selected = a.defaultSelected : ((((((c === \"input\")) || ((c === \"textarea\")))) ? b.defaultValue = a.defaultValue : ((((((c === \"script\")) && ((b.text !== a.text)))) && (b.text = a.text)))))));\n \n ;\n ;\n b.removeAttribute(q.expando);\n };\n ;\n function Ib(a) {\n return ((((typeof a.getElementsByTagName != \"undefined\")) ? a.getElementsByTagName(\"*\") : ((((typeof a.querySelectorAll != \"undefined\")) ? a.querySelectorAll(\"*\") : []))));\n };\n ;\n function Jb(a) {\n ((yb.test(a.type) && (a.defaultChecked = a.checked)));\n };\n ;\n function _b(a, b) {\n if (((b in a))) {\n return b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var c = ((b.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b.slice(1))), d = b, e = Zb.length;\n while (e--) {\n b = ((Zb[e] + c));\n if (((b in a))) {\n return b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return d;\n };\n ;\n function ac(a, b) {\n a = ((b || a));\n return ((((q.css(a, \"display\") === \"none\")) || !q.contains(a.ownerDocument, a)));\n };\n ;\n function bc(a, b) {\n var c, d, e = [], f = 0, g = a.length;\n for (; ((f < g)); f++) {\n c = a[f];\n if (! {\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e[f] = q._data(c, \"olddisplay\");\n if (b) {\n ((((!e[f] && (( === \"none\")))) && ( = \"\")));\n (((((( === \"\")) && ac(c))) && (e[f] = q._data(c, \"olddisplay\", fc(c.nodeName)))));\n }\n else {\n d = Kb(c, \"display\");\n ((((!e[f] && ((d !== \"none\")))) && q._data(c, \"olddisplay\", d)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n for (f = 0; ((f < g)); f++) {\n c = a[f];\n if (! {\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((!b || (( === \"none\")))) || (( === \"\"))))) {\n = ((b ? ((e[f] || \"\")) : \"none\"));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a;\n };\n ;\n function cc(a, b, c) {\n var d = Sb.exec(b);\n return ((d ? ((Math.max(0, ((d[1] - ((c || 0))))) + ((d[2] || \"px\")))) : b));\n };\n ;\n function dc(a, b, c, d) {\n var e = ((((c === ((d ? \"border\" : \"JSBNG__content\")))) ? 4 : ((((b === \"width\")) ? 1 : 0)))), f = 0;\n for (; ((e < 4)); e += 2) {\n ((((c === \"margin\")) && (f += q.css(a, ((c + Yb[e])), !0))));\n if (d) {\n ((((c === \"JSBNG__content\")) && (f -= ((parseFloat(Kb(a, ((\"padding\" + Yb[e])))) || 0)))));\n ((((c !== \"margin\")) && (f -= ((parseFloat(Kb(a, ((((\"border\" + Yb[e])) + \"Width\")))) || 0)))));\n }\n else {\n f += ((parseFloat(Kb(a, ((\"padding\" + Yb[e])))) || 0));\n ((((c !== \"padding\")) && (f += ((parseFloat(Kb(a, ((((\"border\" + Yb[e])) + \"Width\")))) || 0)))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return f;\n };\n ;\n function ec(a, b, c) {\n var d = ((((b === \"width\")) ? a.offsetWidth : a.offsetHeight)), e = !0, f = (( && ((q.css(a, \"boxSizing\") === \"border-box\"))));\n if (((((d <= 0)) || ((d == null))))) {\n d = Kb(a, b);\n if (((((d < 0)) || ((d == null))))) {\n d =[b];\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (Tb.test(d)) {\n return d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e = ((f && (( || ((d ===[b]))))));\n d = ((parseFloat(d) || 0));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((d + dc(a, b, ((c || ((f ? \"border\" : \"JSBNG__content\")))), e))) + \"px\"));\n };\n ;\n function fc(a) {\n if (Vb[a]) {\n return Vb[a];\n }\n ;\n ;\n var b = q(((((\"\\u003C\" + a)) + \"\\u003E\"))).appendTo(e.body), c = b.css(\"display\");\n b.remove();\n if (((((c === \"none\")) || ((c === \"\"))))) {\n Lb = e.body.appendChild(((Lb || q.extend(e.createElement(\"div\"), {\n frameBorder: 0,\n width: 0,\n height: 0\n }))));\n if (((!Mb || !Lb.createElement))) {\n Mb = ((Lb.contentWindow || Lb.contentDocument)).JSBNG__document;\n Mb.write(\"\\u003C!doctype html\\u003E\\u003Chtml\\u003E\\u003Cbody\\u003E\");\n Mb.close();\n }\n ;\n ;\n b = Mb.body.appendChild(Mb.createElement(a));\n c = Kb(b, \"display\");\n e.body.removeChild(Lb);\n }\n ;\n ;\n Vb[a] = c;\n return c;\n };\n ;\n function lc(a, b, c, d) {\n var e;\n if (q.isArray(b)) {\n q.each(b, function(b, e) {\n ((((c || hc.test(a))) ? d(a, e) : lc(((((((a + \"[\")) + ((((typeof e == \"object\")) ? b : \"\")))) + \"]\")), e, c, d)));\n });\n }\n else {\n if (((!c && ((q.type(b) === \"object\"))))) {\n {\n var fin3keys = ((, fin3i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin3i < fin3keys.length); (fin3i++)) {\n ((e) = (fin3keys[fin3i]));\n {\n lc(((((((a + \"[\")) + e)) + \"]\")), b[e], c, d);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n else {\n d(a, b);\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n function Cc(a) {\n return function(b, c) {\n if (((typeof b != \"string\"))) {\n c = b;\n b = \"*\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n var d, e, f, g = b.toLowerCase().split(t), i = 0, j = g.length;\n if (q.isFunction(c)) {\n for (; ((i < j)); i++) {\n d = g[i];\n f = /^\\+/.test(d);\n ((f && (d = ((d.substr(1) || \"*\")))));\n e = a[d] = ((a[d] || []));\n e[((f ? \"unshift\" : \"push\"))](c);\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n ;\n function Dc(a, c, d, e, f, g) {\n f = ((f || c.dataTypes[0]));\n g = ((g || {\n }));\n g[f] = !0;\n var i, j = a[f], k = 0, l = ((j ? j.length : 0)), m = ((a === yc));\n for (; ((((k < l)) && ((m || !i)))); k++) {\n i = j[k](c, d, e);\n if (((typeof i == \"string\"))) {\n if (((!m || g[i]))) i = b;\n else {\n c.dataTypes.unshift(i);\n i = Dc(a, c, d, e, i, g);\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n ((((((m || !i)) && !g[\"*\"])) && (i = Dc(a, c, d, e, \"*\", g))));\n return i;\n };\n ;\n function Ec(a, c) {\n var d, e, f = ((q.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {\n }));\n {\n var fin4keys = ((, fin4i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin4i < fin4keys.length); (fin4i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin4keys[fin4i]));\n {\n ((((c[d] !== b)) && (((f[d] ? a : ((e || (e = {\n })))))[d] = c[d])));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n ((e && q.extend(!0, a, e)));\n };\n ;\n function Fc(a, c, d) {\n var e, f, g, i, j = a.contents, k = a.dataTypes, l = a.responseFields;\n {\n var fin5keys = ((, fin5i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin5i < fin5keys.length); (fin5i++)) {\n ((f) = (fin5keys[fin5i]));\n {\n ((((f in d)) && (c[l[f]] = d[f])));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n while (((k[0] === \"*\"))) {\n k.shift();\n ((((e === b)) && (e = ((a.mimeType || c.getResponseHeader(\"content-type\"))))));\n };\n ;\n if (e) {\n {\n var fin6keys = ((, fin6i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin6i < fin6keys.length); (fin6i++)) {\n ((f) = (fin6keys[fin6i]));\n {\n if (((j[f] && j[f].test(e)))) {\n k.unshift(f);\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((k[0] in d))) g = k[0];\n else {\n {\n var fin7keys = ((, fin7i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin7i < fin7keys.length); (fin7i++)) {\n ((f) = (fin7keys[fin7i]));\n {\n if (((!k[0] || a.converters[((((f + \" \")) + k[0]))]))) {\n g = f;\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((i || (i = f)));\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n g = ((g || i));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (g) {\n ((((g !== k[0])) && k.unshift(g)));\n return d[g];\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n function Gc(a, b) {\n var c, d, e, f, g = a.dataTypes.slice(), i = g[0], j = {\n }, k = 0;\n ((a.dataFilter && (b = a.dataFilter(b, a.dataType))));\n if (g[1]) {\n {\n var fin8keys = ((, fin8i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin8i < fin8keys.length); (fin8i++)) {\n ((c) = (fin8keys[fin8i]));\n {\n j[c.toLowerCase()] = a.converters[c];\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (; e = g[++k]; ) {\n if (((e !== \"*\"))) {\n if (((((i !== \"*\")) && ((i !== e))))) {\n c = ((j[((((i + \" \")) + e))] || j[((\"* \" + e))]));\n if (!c) {\n {\n var fin9keys = ((, fin9i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin9i < fin9keys.length); (fin9i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin9keys[fin9i]));\n {\n f = d.split(\" \");\n if (((f[1] === e))) {\n c = ((j[((((i + \" \")) + f[0]))] || j[((\"* \" + f[0]))]));\n if (c) {\n if (((c === !0))) {\n c = j[d];\n }\n else {\n if (((j[d] !== !0))) {\n e = f[0];\n g.splice(k--, 0, e);\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((c !== !0))) {\n if (((c && a[\"throws\"]))) {\n b = c(b);\n }\n else {\n try {\n b = c(b);\n } catch (l) {\n return {\n state: \"parsererror\",\n error: ((c ? l : ((((((\"No conversion from \" + i)) + \" to \")) + e))))\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n i = e;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return {\n state: \"success\",\n data: b\n };\n };\n ;\n function Oc() {\n try {\n return new a.JSBNG__XMLHttpRequest;\n } catch (b) {\n \n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n function Pc() {\n try {\n return new a.ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\");\n } catch (b) {\n \n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n function Xc() {\n JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n Qc = b;\n }, 0);\n return Qc =;\n };\n ;\n function Yc(a, b) {\n q.each(b, function(b, c) {\n var d = ((Wc[b] || [])).concat(Wc[\"*\"]), e = 0, f = d.length;\n for (; ((e < f)); e++) {\n if (d[e].call(a, b, c)) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n });\n };\n ;\n function Zc(a, b, c) {\n var d, e = 0, f = 0, g = Vc.length, i = q.Deferred().always(function() {\n delete j.elem;\n }), j = function() {\n var b = ((Qc || Xc())), c = Math.max(0, ((((k.startTime + k.duration)) - b))), d = ((((c / k.duration)) || 0)), e = ((1 - d)), f = 0, g = k.tweens.length;\n for (; ((f < g)); f++) {\n k.tweens[f].run(e);\n ;\n };\n ;\n i.notifyWith(a, [k,e,c,]);\n if (((((e < 1)) && g))) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n i.resolveWith(a, [k,]);\n return !1;\n }, k = i.promise({\n elem: a,\n props: q.extend({\n }, b),\n opts: q.extend(!0, {\n specialEasing: {\n }\n }, c),\n originalProperties: b,\n originalOptions: c,\n startTime: ((Qc || Xc())),\n duration: c.duration,\n tweens: [],\n createTween: function(b, c, d) {\n var e = q.Tween(a, k.opts, b, c, ((k.opts.specialEasing[b] || k.opts.easing)));\n k.tweens.push(e);\n return e;\n },\n JSBNG__stop: function(b) {\n var c = 0, d = ((b ? k.tweens.length : 0));\n for (; ((c < d)); c++) {\n k.tweens[c].run(1);\n ;\n };\n ;\n ((b ? i.resolveWith(a, [k,b,]) : i.rejectWith(a, [k,b,])));\n return this;\n }\n }), l = k.props;\n $c(l, k.opts.specialEasing);\n for (; ((e < g)); e++) {\n d = Vc[e].call(k, a, l, k.opts);\n if (d) {\n return d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n Yc(k, l);\n ((q.isFunction(k.opts.start) &&, k)));\n q.fx.timer(q.extend(j, {\n anim: k,\n queue: k.opts.queue,\n elem: a\n }));\n return k.progress(k.opts.progress).done(k.opts.done, k.opts.complete).fail(;\n };\n ;\n function $c(a, b) {\n var c, d, e, f, g;\n {\n var fin10keys = ((, fin10i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin10i < fin10keys.length); (fin10i++)) {\n ((c) = (fin10keys[fin10i]));\n {\n d = q.camelCase(c);\n e = b[d];\n f = a[c];\n if (q.isArray(f)) {\n e = f[1];\n f = a[c] = f[0];\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((c !== d))) {\n a[d] = f;\n delete a[c];\n }\n ;\n ;\n g = q.cssHooks[d];\n if (((g && ((\"expand\" in g))))) {\n f = g.expand(f);\n delete a[d];\n {\n var fin11keys = ((, fin11i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin11i < fin11keys.length); (fin11i++)) {\n ((c) = (fin11keys[fin11i]));\n {\n if (!((c in a))) {\n a[c] = f[c];\n b[c] = e;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n }\n else b[d] = e;\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n function _c(a, b, c) {\n var d, e, f, g, i, j, k, l, m, n = this, o =, p = {\n }, r = [], s = ((a.nodeType && ac(a)));\n if (!c.queue) {\n l = q._queueHooks(a, \"fx\");\n if (((l.unqueued == null))) {\n l.unqueued = 0;\n m =;\n = function() {\n ((l.unqueued || m()));\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n l.unqueued++;\n n.always(function() {\n n.always(function() {\n l.unqueued--;\n ((q.queue(a, \"fx\").length ||;\n });\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((a.nodeType === 1)) && ((((\"height\" in b)) || ((\"width\" in b))))))) {\n c.overflow = [o.overflow,o.overflowX,o.overflowY,];\n ((((((q.css(a, \"display\") === \"inline\")) && ((q.css(a, \"float\") === \"none\")))) && ((((! || ((fc(a.nodeName) === \"inline\")))) ? o.display = \"inline-block\" : o.zoom = 1))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (c.overflow) {\n o.overflow = \"hidden\";\n (( || n.done(function() {\n o.overflow = c.overflow[0];\n o.overflowX = c.overflow[1];\n o.overflowY = c.overflow[2];\n })));\n }\n ;\n ;\n {\n var fin12keys = ((, fin12i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin12i < fin12keys.length); (fin12i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin12keys[fin12i]));\n {\n f = b[d];\n if (Sc.exec(f)) {\n delete b[d];\n j = ((j || ((f === \"toggle\"))));\n if (((f === ((s ? \"hide\" : \"show\"))))) {\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n r.push(d);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n g = r.length;\n if (g) {\n i = ((q._data(a, \"fxshow\") || q._data(a, \"fxshow\", {\n })));\n ((((\"hidden\" in i)) && (s = i.hidden)));\n ((j && (i.hidden = !s)));\n ((s ? q(a).show() : n.done(function() {\n q(a).hide();\n })));\n n.done(function() {\n var b;\n q.removeData(a, \"fxshow\", !0);\n {\n var fin13keys = ((, fin13i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin13i < fin13keys.length); (fin13i++)) {\n ((b) = (fin13keys[fin13i]));\n {\n, b, p[b]);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n });\n for (d = 0; ((d < g)); d++) {\n e = r[d];\n k = n.createTween(e, ((s ? i[e] : 0)));\n p[e] = ((i[e] ||, e)));\n if (!((e in i))) {\n i[e] = k.start;\n if (s) {\n k.end = k.start;\n k.start = ((((((e === \"width\")) || ((e === \"height\")))) ? 1 : 0));\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n function ad(a, b, c, d, e) {\n return new ad.prototype.init(a, b, c, d, e);\n };\n ;\n function bd(a, b) {\n var c, d = {\n height: a\n }, e = 0;\n b = ((b ? 1 : 0));\n for (; ((e < 4)); e += ((2 - b))) {\n c = Yb[e];\n d[((\"margin\" + c))] = d[((\"padding\" + c))] = a;\n };\n ;\n ((b && (d.opacity = d.width = a)));\n return d;\n };\n ;\n function dd(a) {\n return ((q.isWindow(a) ? a : ((((a.nodeType === 9)) ? ((a.defaultView || a.parentWindow)) : !1))));\n };\n ;\n var c, d, e = a.JSBNG__document, f = a.JSBNG__location, g = a.JSBNG__navigator, i = a.jQuery, j = a.$, k = Array.prototype.push, l = Array.prototype.slice, m = Array.prototype.indexOf, n = Object.prototype.toString, o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, p = String.prototype.trim, q = function(a, b) {\n return new q.fn.init(a, b, c);\n }, r = /[\\-+]?(?:\\d*\\.|)\\d+(?:[eE][\\-+]?\\d+|)/.source, s = /\\S/, t = /\\s+/, u = /^[\\s\\uFEFF\\xA0]+|[\\s\\uFEFF\\xA0]+$/g, v = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\\w\\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\\w\\-]*)$)/, w = /^<(\\w+)\\s*\\/?>(?:<\\/\\1>|)$/, x = /^[\\],:{}\\s]*$/, y = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\\s*\\[)+/g, z = /\\\\(?:[\"\\\\\\/bfnrt]|u[\\da-fA-F]{4})/g, A = /\"[^\"\\\\\\r\\n]*\"|true|false|null|-?(?:\\d\\d*\\.|)\\d+(?:[eE][\\-+]?\\d+|)/g, B = /^-ms-/, C = /-([\\da-z])/gi, D = function(a, b) {\n return ((b + \"\")).toUpperCase();\n }, E = function() {\n if (e.JSBNG__addEventListener) {\n e.JSBNG__removeEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", E, !1);\n q.ready();\n }\n else if (((e.readyState === \"complete\"))) {\n e.JSBNG__detachEvent(\"JSBNG__onreadystatechange\", E);\n q.ready();\n }\n \n ;\n ;\n }, F = {\n };\n q.fn = q.prototype = {\n constructor: q,\n init: function(a, c, d) {\n var f, g, i, j;\n if (!a) {\n return this;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (a.nodeType) {\n this.context = this[0] = a;\n this.length = 1;\n return this;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((typeof a == \"string\"))) {\n ((((((((a.charAt(0) === \"\\u003C\")) && ((a.charAt(((a.length - 1))) === \"\\u003E\")))) && ((a.length >= 3)))) ? f = [null,a,null,] : f = v.exec(a)));\n if (((f && ((f[1] || !c))))) {\n if (f[1]) {\n c = ((((c instanceof q)) ? c[0] : c));\n j = ((((c && c.nodeType)) ? ((c.ownerDocument || c)) : e));\n a = q.parseHTML(f[1], j, !0);\n ((((w.test(f[1]) && q.isPlainObject(c))) &&, c, !0)));\n return q.merge(this, a);\n }\n ;\n ;\n g = e.getElementById(f[2]);\n if (((g && g.parentNode))) {\n if ((( !== f[2]))) {\n return d.JSBNG__find(a);\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.length = 1;\n this[0] = g;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.context = e;\n this.selector = a;\n return this;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((!c || c.jquery)) ? ((c || d)).JSBNG__find(a) : this.constructor(c).JSBNG__find(a)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (q.isFunction(a)) {\n return d.ready(a);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((a.selector !== b))) {\n this.selector = a.selector;\n this.context = a.context;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return q.makeArray(a, this);\n },\n selector: \"\",\n jquery: \"1.8.3\",\n length: 0,\n size: function() {\n return this.length;\n },\n toArray: function() {\n return;\n },\n get: function(a) {\n return ((((a == null)) ? this.toArray() : ((((a < 0)) ? this[((this.length + a))] : this[a]))));\n },\n pushStack: function(a, b, c) {\n var d = q.merge(this.constructor(), a);\n d.prevObject = this;\n d.context = this.context;\n ((((b === \"JSBNG__find\")) ? d.selector = ((((this.selector + ((this.selector ? \" \" : \"\")))) + c)) : ((b && (d.selector = ((((((((((this.selector + \".\")) + b)) + \"(\")) + c)) + \")\")))))));\n return d;\n },\n each: function(a, b) {\n return q.each(this, a, b);\n },\n ready: function(a) {\n q.ready.promise().done(a);\n return this;\n },\n eq: function(a) {\n a = +a;\n return ((((a === -1)) ? this.slice(a) : this.slice(a, ((a + 1)))));\n },\n first: function() {\n return this.eq(0);\n },\n last: function() {\n return this.eq(-1);\n },\n slice: function() {\n return this.pushStack(l.apply(this, arguments), \"slice\",\",\"));\n },\n map: function(a) {\n return this.pushStack(, function(b, c) {\n return, c, b);\n }));\n },\n end: function() {\n return ((this.prevObject || this.constructor(null)));\n },\n push: k,\n sort: [].sort,\n splice: [].splice\n };\n q.fn.init.prototype = q.fn;\n q.extend = q.fn.extend = function() {\n var a, c, d, e, f, g, i = ((arguments[0] || {\n })), j = 1, k = arguments.length, l = !1;\n if (((typeof i == \"boolean\"))) {\n l = i;\n i = ((arguments[1] || {\n }));\n j = 2;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((((typeof i != \"object\")) && !q.isFunction(i))) && (i = {\n })));\n if (((k === j))) {\n i = this;\n --j;\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (; ((j < k)); j++) {\n if ((((a = arguments[j]) != null))) {\n {\n var fin14keys = ((, fin14i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin14i < fin14keys.length); (fin14i++)) {\n ((c) = (fin14keys[fin14i]));\n {\n d = i[c];\n e = a[c];\n if (((i === e))) {\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((l && e)) && ((q.isPlainObject(e) || (f = q.isArray(e))))))) {\n if (f) {\n f = !1;\n g = ((((d && q.isArray(d))) ? d : []));\n }\n else g = ((((d && q.isPlainObject(d))) ? d : {\n }));\n ;\n ;\n i[c] = q.extend(l, g, e);\n }\n else ((((e !== b)) && (i[c] = e)));\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return i;\n };\n q.extend({\n noConflict: function(b) {\n ((((a.$ === q)) && (a.$ = j)));\n ((((b && ((a.jQuery === q)))) && (a.jQuery = i)));\n return q;\n },\n isReady: !1,\n readyWait: 1,\n holdReady: function(a) {\n ((a ? q.readyWait++ : q.ready(!0)));\n },\n ready: function(a) {\n if (((((a === !0)) ? --q.readyWait : q.isReady))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!e.body) {\n return JSBNG__setTimeout(q.ready, 1);\n }\n ;\n ;\n q.isReady = !0;\n if (((((a !== !0)) && ((--q.readyWait > 0))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n d.resolveWith(e, [q,]);\n ((q.fn.trigger && q(e).trigger(\"ready\").off(\"ready\")));\n },\n isFunction: function(a) {\n return ((q.type(a) === \"function\"));\n },\n isArray: ((Array.isArray || function(a) {\n return ((q.type(a) === \"array\"));\n })),\n isWindow: function(a) {\n return ((((a != null)) && ((a == a.window))));\n },\n isNumeric: function(a) {\n return ((!isNaN(parseFloat(a)) && isFinite(a)));\n },\n type: function(a) {\n return ((((a == null)) ? String(a) : ((F[] || \"object\"))));\n },\n isPlainObject: function(a) {\n if (((((((!a || ((q.type(a) !== \"object\")))) || a.nodeType)) || q.isWindow(a)))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n try {\n if (((((a.constructor && !, \"constructor\"))) && !, \"isPrototypeOf\")))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n } catch (c) {\n return !1;\n };\n ;\n var d;\n {\n var fin15keys = ((, fin15i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin15i < fin15keys.length); (fin15i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin15keys[fin15i]));\n {\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return ((((d === b)) ||, d)));\n },\n isEmptyObject: function(a) {\n var b;\n {\n var fin16keys = ((, fin16i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin16i < fin16keys.length); (fin16i++)) {\n ((b) = (fin16keys[fin16i]));\n {\n return !1;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return !0;\n },\n error: function(a) {\n throw new Error(a);\n },\n parseHTML: function(a, b, c) {\n var d;\n if (((!a || ((typeof a != \"string\"))))) {\n return null;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((typeof b == \"boolean\"))) {\n c = b;\n b = 0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n b = ((b || e));\n if (d = w.exec(a)) {\n return [b.createElement(d[1]),];\n }\n ;\n ;\n d = q.buildFragment([a,], b, ((c ? null : [])));\n return q.merge([], ((d.cacheable ? q.clone(d.fragment) : d.fragment)).childNodes);\n },\n parseJSON: function(b) {\n if (((!b || ((typeof b != \"string\"))))) {\n return null;\n }\n ;\n ;\n b = q.trim(b);\n if (((a.JSON && a.JSON.parse))) {\n return a.JSON.parse(b);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (x.test(b.replace(z, \"@\").replace(A, \"]\").replace(y, \"\"))) {\n return (new Function(((\"return \" + b))))();\n }\n ;\n ;\n q.error(((\"Invalid JSON: \" + b)));\n },\n parseXML: function(c) {\n var d, e;\n if (((!c || ((typeof c != \"string\"))))) {\n return null;\n }\n ;\n ;\n try {\n if (a.JSBNG__DOMParser) {\n e = new JSBNG__DOMParser;\n d = e.parseFromString(c, \"text/xml\");\n }\n else {\n d = new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLDOM\");\n d.async = \"false\";\n d.loadXML(c);\n }\n ;\n ;\n } catch (f) {\n d = b;\n };\n ;\n ((((((!d || !d.documentElement)) || d.getElementsByTagName(\"parsererror\").length)) && q.error(((\"Invalid XML: \" + c)))));\n return d;\n },\n noop: function() {\n \n },\n globalEval: function(b) {\n ((((b && s.test(b))) && ((a.JSBNG__execScript || function(b) {\n, b);\n }))(b)));\n },\n camelCase: function(a) {\n return a.replace(B, \"ms-\").replace(C, D);\n },\n nodeName: function(a, b) {\n return ((a.nodeName && ((a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase()))));\n },\n each: function(a, c, d) {\n var e, f = 0, g = a.length, i = ((((g === b)) || q.isFunction(a)));\n if (d) {\n if (i) {\n {\n var fin17keys = ((, fin17i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin17i < fin17keys.length); (fin17i++)) {\n ((e) = (fin17keys[fin17i]));\n {\n if (((c.apply(a[e], d) === !1))) {\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n }\n else for (; ((f < g)); ) {\n if (((c.apply(a[f++], d) === !1))) {\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n else if (i) {\n {\n var fin18keys = ((, fin18i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin18i < fin18keys.length); (fin18i++)) {\n ((e) = (fin18keys[fin18i]));\n {\n if ((([e], e, a[e]) === !1))) {\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n }\n else for (; ((f < g)); ) {\n if ((([f], f, a[f++]) === !1))) {\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n \n ;\n ;\n return a;\n },\n trim: ((((p && !\"\\ufeff\\u00a0\"))) ? function(a) {\n return ((((a == null)) ? \"\" :;\n } : function(a) {\n return ((((a == null)) ? \"\" : ((a + \"\")).replace(u, \"\")));\n })),\n makeArray: function(a, b) {\n var c, d = ((b || []));\n if (((a != null))) {\n c = q.type(a);\n ((((((((((((a.length == null)) || ((c === \"string\")))) || ((c === \"function\")))) || ((c === \"regexp\")))) || q.isWindow(a))) ?, a) : q.merge(d, a)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return d;\n },\n inArray: function(a, b, c) {\n var d;\n if (b) {\n if (m) {\n return, a, c);\n }\n ;\n ;\n d = b.length;\n c = ((c ? ((((c < 0)) ? Math.max(0, ((d + c))) : c)) : 0));\n for (; ((c < d)); c++) {\n if (((((c in b)) && ((b[c] === a))))) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return -1;\n },\n merge: function(a, c) {\n var d = c.length, e = a.length, f = 0;\n if (((typeof d == \"number\"))) {\n for (; ((f < d)); f++) {\n a[e++] = c[f];\n ;\n };\n }\n else {\n while (((c[f] !== b))) {\n a[e++] = c[f++];\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n a.length = e;\n return a;\n },\n grep: function(a, b, c) {\n var d, e = [], f = 0, g = a.length;\n c = !!c;\n for (; ((f < g)); f++) {\n d = !!b(a[f], f);\n ((((c !== d)) && e.push(a[f])));\n };\n ;\n return e;\n },\n map: function(a, c, d) {\n var e, f, g = [], i = 0, j = a.length, k = ((((a instanceof q)) || ((((((j !== b)) && ((typeof j == \"number\")))) && ((((((((((j > 0)) && a[0])) && a[((j - 1))])) || ((j === 0)))) || q.isArray(a)))))));\n if (k) {\n for (; ((i < j)); i++) {\n e = c(a[i], i, d);\n ((((e != null)) && (g[g.length] = e)));\n };\n }\n else {\n {\n var fin19keys = ((, fin19i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin19i < fin19keys.length); (fin19i++)) {\n ((f) = (fin19keys[fin19i]));\n {\n e = c(a[f], f, d);\n ((((e != null)) && (g[g.length] = e)));\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n return g.concat.apply([], g);\n },\n guid: 1,\n proxy: function(a, c) {\n var d, e, f;\n if (((typeof c == \"string\"))) {\n d = a[c];\n c = a;\n a = d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!q.isFunction(a)) {\n return b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e =, 2);\n f = function() {\n return a.apply(c, e.concat(;\n };\n f.guid = a.guid = ((a.guid || q.guid++));\n return f;\n },\n access: function(a, c, d, e, f, g, i) {\n var j, k = ((d == null)), l = 0, m = a.length;\n if (((d && ((typeof d == \"object\"))))) {\n {\n var fin20keys = ((, fin20i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin20i < fin20keys.length); (fin20i++)) {\n ((l) = (fin20keys[fin20i]));\n {\n q.access(a, c, l, d[l], 1, g, e);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n f = 1;\n }\n else if (((e !== b))) {\n j = ((((i === b)) && q.isFunction(e)));\n if (k) {\n if (j) {\n j = c;\n c = function(a, b, c) {\n return, c);\n };\n }\n else {\n, e);\n c = null;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (c) {\n for (; ((l < m)); l++) {\n c(a[l], d, ((j ?[l], l, c(a[l], d)) : e)), i);\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n f = 1;\n }\n \n ;\n ;\n return ((f ? a : ((k ? : ((m ? c(a[0], d) : g))))));\n },\n now: function() {\n return (new JSBNG__Date).getTime();\n }\n });\n q.ready.promise = function(b) {\n if (!d) {\n d = q.Deferred();\n if (((e.readyState === \"complete\"))) {\n JSBNG__setTimeout(q.ready, 1);\n }\n else {\n if (e.JSBNG__addEventListener) {\n e.JSBNG__addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", E, !1);\n a.JSBNG__addEventListener(\"load\", q.ready, !1);\n }\n else {\n e.JSBNG__attachEvent(\"JSBNG__onreadystatechange\", E);\n a.JSBNG__attachEvent(\"JSBNG__onload\", q.ready);\n var c = !1;\n try {\n c = ((((a.JSBNG__frameElement == null)) && e.documentElement));\n } catch (f) {\n \n };\n ;\n ((((c && c.doScroll)) && function g() {\n if (!q.isReady) {\n try {\n c.doScroll(\"left\");\n } catch (a) {\n return JSBNG__setTimeout(g, 50);\n };\n ;\n q.ready();\n }\n ;\n ;\n }()));\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return d.promise(b);\n };\n q.each(\"Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object\".split(\" \"), function(a, b) {\n F[((((\"[object \" + b)) + \"]\"))] = b.toLowerCase();\n });\n c = q(e);\n var G = {\n };\n q.Callbacks = function(a) {\n a = ((((typeof a == \"string\")) ? ((G[a] || H(a))) : q.extend({\n }, a)));\n var c, d, e, f, g, i, j = [], k = ((!a.once && [])), l = function(b) {\n c = ((a.memory && b));\n d = !0;\n i = ((f || 0));\n f = 0;\n g = j.length;\n e = !0;\n for (; ((j && ((i < g)))); i++) {\n if (((((j[i].apply(b[0], b[1]) === !1)) && a.stopOnFalse))) {\n c = !1;\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n e = !1;\n ((j && ((k ? ((k.length && l(k.shift()))) : ((c ? j = [] : m.disable()))))));\n }, m = {\n add: function() {\n if (j) {\n var b = j.length;\n (function d(b) {\n q.each(b, function(_, b) {\n var c = q.type(b);\n ((((c === \"function\")) ? ((((!a.unique || !m.has(b))) && j.push(b))) : ((((((b && b.length)) && ((c !== \"string\")))) && d(b)))));\n });\n })(arguments);\n if (e) {\n g = j.length;\n }\n else {\n if (c) {\n f = b;\n l(c);\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this;\n },\n remove: function() {\n ((j && q.each(arguments, function(_, a) {\n var b;\n while ((((b = q.inArray(a, j, b)) > -1))) {\n j.splice(b, 1);\n if (e) {\n ((((b <= g)) && g--));\n ((((b <= i)) && i--));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n })));\n return this;\n },\n has: function(a) {\n return ((q.inArray(a, j) > -1));\n },\n empty: function() {\n j = [];\n return this;\n },\n disable: function() {\n j = k = c = b;\n return this;\n },\n disabled: function() {\n return !j;\n },\n lock: function() {\n k = b;\n ((c || m.disable()));\n return this;\n },\n locked: function() {\n return !k;\n },\n fireWith: function(a, b) {\n b = ((b || []));\n b = [a,((b.slice ? b.slice() : b)),];\n ((((j && ((!d || k)))) && ((e ? k.push(b) : l(b)))));\n return this;\n },\n fire: function() {\n m.fireWith(this, arguments);\n return this;\n },\n fired: function() {\n return !!d;\n }\n };\n return m;\n };\n q.extend({\n Deferred: function(a) {\n var b = [[\"resolve\",\"done\",q.Callbacks(\"once memory\"),\"resolved\",],[\"reject\",\"fail\",q.Callbacks(\"once memory\"),\"rejected\",],[\"notify\",\"progress\",q.Callbacks(\"memory\"),],], c = \"pending\", d = {\n state: function() {\n return c;\n },\n always: function() {\n e.done(arguments).fail(arguments);\n return this;\n },\n then: function() {\n var a = arguments;\n return q.Deferred(function(c) {\n q.each(b, function(b, d) {\n var f = d[0], g = a[b];\n e[d[1]](((q.isFunction(g) ? function() {\n var a = g.apply(this, arguments);\n ((((a && q.isFunction(a.promise))) ? a.promise().done(c.resolve).fail(c.reject).progress(c.notify) : c[((f + \"With\"))](((((this === e)) ? c : this)), [a,])));\n } : c[f])));\n });\n a = null;\n }).promise();\n },\n promise: function(a) {\n return ((((a != null)) ? q.extend(a, d) : d));\n }\n }, e = {\n };\n d.pipe = d.then;\n q.each(b, function(a, f) {\n var g = f[2], i = f[3];\n d[f[1]] = g.add;\n ((i && g.add(function() {\n c = i;\n }, b[((a ^ 1))][2].disable, b[2][2].lock)));\n e[f[0]] =;\n e[((f[0] + \"With\"))] = g.fireWith;\n });\n d.promise(e);\n ((a &&, e)));\n return e;\n },\n when: function(a) {\n var b = 0, c =, d = c.length, e = ((((((d !== 1)) || ((a && q.isFunction(a.promise))))) ? d : 0)), f = ((((e === 1)) ? a : q.Deferred())), g = function(a, b, c) {\n return function(d) {\n b[a] = this;\n c[a] = ((((arguments.length > 1)) ? : d));\n ((((c === i)) ? f.notifyWith(b, c) : ((--e || f.resolveWith(b, c)))));\n };\n }, i, j, k;\n if (((d > 1))) {\n i = new Array(d);\n j = new Array(d);\n k = new Array(d);\n for (; ((b < d)); b++) {\n ((((c[b] && q.isFunction(c[b].promise))) ? c[b].promise().done(g(b, k, c)).fail(f.reject).progress(g(b, j, i)) : --e));\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((e || f.resolveWith(k, c)));\n return f.promise();\n }\n });\n = function() {\n var b, c, d, f, g, i, j, k, l, m, n, o = e.createElement(\"div\");\n o.setAttribute(\"className\", \"t\");\n o.innerHTML = \" \\u003Clink/\\u003E\\u003Ctable\\u003E\\u003C/table\\u003E\\u003Ca href='/a'\\u003Ea\\u003C/a\\u003E\\u003Cinput type='checkbox'/\\u003E\";\n c = o.getElementsByTagName(\"*\");\n d = o.getElementsByTagName(\"a\")[0];\n if (((((!c || !d)) || !c.length))) {\n return {\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n f = e.createElement(\"select\");\n g = f.appendChild(e.createElement(\"option\"));\n i = o.getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0];\n = \"top:1px;float:left;opacity:.5\";\n b = {\n leadingWhitespace: ((o.firstChild.nodeType === 3)),\n tbody: !o.getElementsByTagName(\"tbody\").length,\n htmlSerialize: !!o.getElementsByTagName(\"link\").length,\n style: /top/.test(d.getAttribute(\"style\")),\n hrefNormalized: ((d.getAttribute(\"href\") === \"/a\")),\n opacity: /^0.5/.test(,\n cssFloat: !!,\n checkOn: ((i.value === \"JSBNG__on\")),\n optSelected: g.selected,\n getSetAttribute: ((o.className !== \"t\")),\n enctype: !!e.createElement(\"form\").enctype,\n html5Clone: ((e.createElement(\"nav\").cloneNode(!0).outerHTML !== \"\\u003C:nav\\u003E\\u003C/:nav\\u003E\")),\n boxModel: ((e.compatMode === \"CSS1Compat\")),\n submitBubbles: !0,\n changeBubbles: !0,\n focusinBubbles: !1,\n deleteExpando: !0,\n noCloneEvent: !0,\n inlineBlockNeedsLayout: !1,\n shrinkWrapBlocks: !1,\n reliableMarginRight: !0,\n boxSizingReliable: !0,\n pixelPosition: !1\n };\n i.checked = !0;\n b.noCloneChecked = i.cloneNode(!0).checked;\n f.disabled = !0;\n b.optDisabled = !g.disabled;\n try {\n delete o.test;\n } catch (p) {\n b.deleteExpando = !1;\n };\n ;\n if (((((!o.JSBNG__addEventListener && o.JSBNG__attachEvent)) && o.fireEvent))) {\n o.JSBNG__attachEvent(\"JSBNG__onclick\", n = function() {\n b.noCloneEvent = !1;\n });\n o.cloneNode(!0).fireEvent(\"JSBNG__onclick\");\n o.JSBNG__detachEvent(\"JSBNG__onclick\", n);\n }\n ;\n ;\n i = e.createElement(\"input\");\n i.value = \"t\";\n i.setAttribute(\"type\", \"radio\");\n b.radioValue = ((i.value === \"t\"));\n i.setAttribute(\"checked\", \"checked\");\n i.setAttribute(\"JSBNG__name\", \"t\");\n o.appendChild(i);\n j = e.createDocumentFragment();\n j.appendChild(o.lastChild);\n b.checkClone = j.cloneNode(!0).cloneNode(!0).lastChild.checked;\n b.appendChecked = i.checked;\n j.removeChild(i);\n j.appendChild(o);\n if (o.JSBNG__attachEvent) {\n {\n var fin21keys = (({\n submit: !0,\n change: !0,\n focusin: !0\n }))), fin21i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin21i < fin21keys.length); (fin21i++)) {\n ((l) = (fin21keys[fin21i]));\n {\n k = ((\"JSBNG__on\" + l));\n m = ((k in o));\n if (!m) {\n o.setAttribute(k, \"return;\");\n m = ((typeof o[k] == \"function\"));\n }\n ;\n ;\n b[((l + \"Bubbles\"))] = m;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n q(function() {\n var c, d, f, g, i = \"padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:block;overflow:hidden;\", j = e.getElementsByTagName(\"body\")[0];\n if (!j) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = e.createElement(\"div\");\n = \"visibility:hidden;border:0;width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:1px\";\n j.insertBefore(c, j.firstChild);\n d = e.createElement(\"div\");\n c.appendChild(d);\n d.innerHTML = \"\\u003Ctable\\u003E\\u003Ctr\\u003E\\u003Ctd\\u003E\\u003C/td\\u003E\\u003Ctd\\u003Et\\u003C/td\\u003E\\u003C/tr\\u003E\\u003C/table\\u003E\";\n f = d.getElementsByTagName(\"td\");\n f[0].style.cssText = \"padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:none\";\n m = ((f[0].offsetHeight === 0));\n f[0].style.display = \"\";\n f[1].style.display = \"none\";\n b.reliableHiddenOffsets = ((m && ((f[0].offsetHeight === 0))));\n d.innerHTML = \"\";\n = \"box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;padding:1px;border:1px;display:block;width:4px;margin-top:1%;position:absolute;top:1%;\";\n b.boxSizing = ((d.offsetWidth === 4));\n b.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = ((j.offsetTop !== 1));\n if (a.JSBNG__getComputedStyle) {\n b.pixelPosition = ((((a.JSBNG__getComputedStyle(d, null) || {\n })).JSBNG__top !== \"1%\"));\n b.boxSizingReliable = ((((a.JSBNG__getComputedStyle(d, null) || {\n width: \"4px\"\n })).width === \"4px\"));\n g = e.createElement(\"div\");\n = = i;\n = = \"0\";\n = \"1px\";\n d.appendChild(g);\n b.reliableMarginRight = !parseFloat(((a.JSBNG__getComputedStyle(g, null) || {\n })).marginRight);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((typeof != \"undefined\"))) {\n d.innerHTML = \"\";\n = ((i + \"width:1px;padding:1px;display:inline;zoom:1\"));\n b.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ((d.offsetWidth === 3));\n = \"block\";\n = \"visible\";\n d.innerHTML = \"\\u003Cdiv\\u003E\\u003C/div\\u003E\";\n = \"5px\";\n b.shrinkWrapBlocks = ((d.offsetWidth !== 3));\n = 1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n j.removeChild(c);\n c = d = f = g = null;\n });\n j.removeChild(o);\n c = d = f = g = i = j = o = null;\n return b;\n }();\n var I = /(?:\\{[\\s\\S]*\\}|\\[[\\s\\S]*\\])$/, J = /([A-Z])/g;\n q.extend({\n cache: {\n },\n deletedIds: [],\n uuid: 0,\n expando: ((\"jQuery\" + ((q.fn.jquery + Math.JSBNG__random())).replace(/\\D/g, \"\"))),\n noData: {\n embed: !0,\n object: \"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\",\n applet: !0\n },\n hasData: function(a) {\n a = ((a.nodeType ? q.cache[a[q.expando]] : a[q.expando]));\n return ((!!a && !L(a)));\n },\n data: function(a, c, d, e) {\n if (!q.acceptData(a)) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var f, g, i = q.expando, j = ((typeof c == \"string\")), k = a.nodeType, l = ((k ? q.cache : a)), m = ((k ? a[i] : ((a[i] && i))));\n if (((((((((!m || !l[m])) || ((!e && !l[m].data)))) && j)) && ((d === b))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((m || ((k ? a[i] = m = ((q.deletedIds.pop() || q.guid++)) : m = i))));\n if (!l[m]) {\n l[m] = {\n };\n ((k || (l[m].toJSON = q.noop)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((typeof c == \"object\")) || ((typeof c == \"function\"))))) {\n ((e ? l[m] = q.extend(l[m], c) : l[m].data = q.extend(l[m].data, c)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n f = l[m];\n if (!e) {\n (( || ( = {\n })));\n f =;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((d !== b)) && (f[q.camelCase(c)] = d)));\n if (j) {\n g = f[c];\n ((((g == null)) && (g = f[q.camelCase(c)])));\n }\n else g = f;\n ;\n ;\n return g;\n },\n removeData: function(a, b, c) {\n if (!q.acceptData(a)) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var d, e, f, g = a.nodeType, i = ((g ? q.cache : a)), j = ((g ? a[q.expando] : q.expando));\n if (!i[j]) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (b) {\n d = ((c ? i[j] : i[j].data));\n if (d) {\n if (!q.isArray(b)) {\n if (((b in d))) b = [b,];\n else {\n b = q.camelCase(b);\n ((((b in d)) ? b = [b,] : b = b.split(\" \")));\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (e = 0, f = b.length; ((e < f)); e++) {\n delete d[b[e]];\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (!((c ? L : q.isEmptyObject))(d)) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!c) {\n delete i[j].data;\n if (!L(i[j])) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((g ? q.cleanData([a,], !0) : (((( || ((i != i.window)))) ? delete i[j] : i[j] = null))));\n },\n _data: function(a, b, c) {\n return, b, c, !0);\n },\n acceptData: function(a) {\n var b = ((a.nodeName && q.noData[a.nodeName.toLowerCase()]));\n return ((!b || ((((b !== !0)) && ((a.getAttribute(\"classid\") === b))))));\n }\n });\n q.fn.extend({\n data: function(a, c) {\n var d, e, f, g, i, j = this[0], k = 0, l = null;\n if (((a === b))) {\n if (this.length) {\n l =;\n if (((((j.nodeType === 1)) && !q._data(j, \"parsedAttrs\")))) {\n f = j.attributes;\n for (i = f.length; ((k < i)); k++) {\n g = f[k].JSBNG__name;\n if (!g.indexOf(\"data-\")) {\n g = q.camelCase(g.substring(5));\n K(j, g, l[g]);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n q._data(j, \"parsedAttrs\", !0);\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return l;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((typeof a == \"object\"))) {\n return this.each(function() {\n, a);\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n d = a.split(\".\", 2);\n d[1] = ((d[1] ? ((\".\" + d[1])) : \"\"));\n e = ((d[1] + \"!\"));\n return q.access(this, function(c) {\n if (((c === b))) {\n l = this.triggerHandler(((\"getData\" + e)), [d[0],]);\n if (((((l === b)) && j))) {\n l =, a);\n l = K(j, a, l);\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((((l === b)) && d[1])) ?[0]) : l));\n }\n ;\n ;\n d[1] = c;\n this.each(function() {\n var b = q(this);\n b.triggerHandler(((\"setData\" + e)), d);\n, a, c);\n b.triggerHandler(((\"changeData\" + e)), d);\n });\n }, null, c, ((arguments.length > 1)), null, !1);\n },\n removeData: function(a) {\n return this.each(function() {\n q.removeData(this, a);\n });\n }\n });\n q.extend({\n queue: function(a, b, c) {\n var d;\n if (a) {\n b = ((((b || \"fx\")) + \"queue\"));\n d = q._data(a, b);\n ((c && ((((!d || q.isArray(c))) ? d = q._data(a, b, q.makeArray(c)) : d.push(c)))));\n return ((d || []));\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n dequeue: function(a, b) {\n b = ((b || \"fx\"));\n var c = q.queue(a, b), d = c.length, e = c.shift(), f = q._queueHooks(a, b), g = function() {\n q.dequeue(a, b);\n };\n if (((e === \"inprogress\"))) {\n e = c.shift();\n d--;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (e) {\n ((((b === \"fx\")) && c.unshift(\"inprogress\")));\n delete f.JSBNG__stop;\n, g, f);\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((!d && f)) &&;\n },\n _queueHooks: function(a, b) {\n var c = ((b + \"queueHooks\"));\n return ((q._data(a, c) || q._data(a, c, {\n empty: q.Callbacks(\"once memory\").add(function() {\n q.removeData(a, ((b + \"queue\")), !0);\n q.removeData(a, c, !0);\n })\n })));\n }\n });\n q.fn.extend({\n queue: function(a, c) {\n var d = 2;\n if (((typeof a != \"string\"))) {\n c = a;\n a = \"fx\";\n d--;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((arguments.length < d)) ? q.queue(this[0], a) : ((((c === b)) ? this : this.each(function() {\n var b = q.queue(this, a, c);\n q._queueHooks(this, a);\n ((((((a === \"fx\")) && ((b[0] !== \"inprogress\")))) && q.dequeue(this, a)));\n })))));\n },\n dequeue: function(a) {\n return this.each(function() {\n q.dequeue(this, a);\n });\n },\n delay: function(a, b) {\n a = ((q.fx ? ((q.fx.speeds[a] || a)) : a));\n b = ((b || \"fx\"));\n return this.queue(b, function(b, c) {\n var d = JSBNG__setTimeout(b, a);\n c.JSBNG__stop = function() {\n JSBNG__clearTimeout(d);\n };\n });\n },\n clearQueue: function(a) {\n return this.queue(((a || \"fx\")), []);\n },\n promise: function(a, c) {\n var d, e = 1, f = q.Deferred(), g = this, i = this.length, j = function() {\n ((--e || f.resolveWith(g, [g,])));\n };\n if (((typeof a != \"string\"))) {\n c = a;\n a = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n a = ((a || \"fx\"));\n while (i--) {\n d = q._data(g[i], ((a + \"queueHooks\")));\n if (((d && d.empty))) {\n e++;\n d.empty.add(j);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n j();\n return f.promise(c);\n }\n });\n var M, N, O, P = /[\\t\\r\\n]/g, Q = /\\r/g, R = /^(?:button|input)$/i, S = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i, T = /^a(?:rea|)$/i, U = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, V =;\n q.fn.extend({\n attr: function(a, b) {\n return q.access(this, q.attr, a, b, ((arguments.length > 1)));\n },\n removeAttr: function(a) {\n return this.each(function() {\n q.removeAttr(this, a);\n });\n },\n prop: function(a, b) {\n return q.access(this, q.prop, a, b, ((arguments.length > 1)));\n },\n removeProp: function(a) {\n a = ((q.propFix[a] || a));\n return this.each(function() {\n try {\n this[a] = b;\n delete this[a];\n } catch (c) {\n \n };\n ;\n });\n },\n addClass: function(a) {\n var b, c, d, e, f, g, i;\n if (q.isFunction(a)) {\n return this.each(function(b) {\n q(this).addClass(, b, this.className));\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((a && ((typeof a == \"string\"))))) {\n b = a.split(t);\n for (c = 0, d = this.length; ((c < d)); c++) {\n e = this[c];\n if (((e.nodeType === 1))) {\n if (((!e.className && ((b.length === 1))))) e.className = a;\n else {\n f = ((((\" \" + e.className)) + \" \"));\n for (g = 0, i = b.length; ((g < i)); g++) {\n ((((f.indexOf(((((\" \" + b[g])) + \" \"))) < 0)) && (f += ((b[g] + \" \")))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n e.className = q.trim(f);\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this;\n },\n removeClass: function(a) {\n var c, d, e, f, g, i, j;\n if (q.isFunction(a)) {\n return this.each(function(b) {\n q(this).removeClass(, b, this.className));\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((a && ((typeof a == \"string\")))) || ((a === b))))) {\n c = ((a || \"\")).split(t);\n for (i = 0, j = this.length; ((i < j)); i++) {\n e = this[i];\n if (((((e.nodeType === 1)) && e.className))) {\n d = ((((\" \" + e.className)) + \" \")).replace(P, \" \");\n for (f = 0, g = c.length; ((f < g)); f++) {\n while (((d.indexOf(((((\" \" + c[f])) + \" \"))) >= 0))) {\n d = d.replace(((((\" \" + c[f])) + \" \")), \" \");\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n e.className = ((a ? q.trim(d) : \"\"));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this;\n },\n toggleClass: function(a, b) {\n var c = typeof a, d = ((typeof b == \"boolean\"));\n return ((q.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function(c) {\n q(this).toggleClass(, c, this.className, b), b);\n }) : this.each(function() {\n if (((c === \"string\"))) {\n var e, f = 0, g = q(this), i = b, j = a.split(t);\n while (e = j[f++]) {\n i = ((d ? i : !g.hasClass(e)));\n g[((i ? \"addClass\" : \"removeClass\"))](e);\n };\n ;\n }\n else if (((((c === \"undefined\")) || ((c === \"boolean\"))))) {\n ((this.className && q._data(this, \"__className__\", this.className)));\n this.className = ((((this.className || ((a === !1)))) ? \"\" : ((q._data(this, \"__className__\") || \"\"))));\n }\n \n ;\n ;\n })));\n },\n hasClass: function(a) {\n var b = ((((\" \" + a)) + \" \")), c = 0, d = this.length;\n for (; ((c < d)); c++) {\n if (((((this[c].nodeType === 1)) && ((((((\" \" + this[c].className)) + \" \")).replace(P, \" \").indexOf(b) >= 0))))) {\n return !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return !1;\n },\n val: function(a) {\n var c, d, e, f = this[0];\n if (!arguments.length) {\n if (f) {\n c = ((q.valHooks[f.type] || q.valHooks[f.nodeName.toLowerCase()]));\n if (((((c && ((\"get\" in c)))) && (((d = c.get(f, \"value\")) !== b))))) {\n return d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n d = f.value;\n return ((((typeof d == \"string\")) ? d.replace(Q, \"\") : ((((d == null)) ? \"\" : d))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e = q.isFunction(a);\n return this.each(function(d) {\n var f, g = q(this);\n if (((this.nodeType !== 1))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((e ? f =, d, g.val()) : f = a));\n ((((f == null)) ? f = \"\" : ((((typeof f == \"number\")) ? f += \"\" : ((q.isArray(f) && (f =, function(a) {\n return ((((a == null)) ? \"\" : ((a + \"\"))));\n }))))))));\n c = ((q.valHooks[this.type] || q.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()]));\n if (((((!c || !((\"set\" in c)))) || ((c.set(this, f, \"value\") === b))))) {\n this.value = f;\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n }\n });\n q.extend({\n valHooks: {\n option: {\n get: function(a) {\n var b = a.attributes.value;\n return ((((!b || b.specified)) ? a.value : a.text));\n }\n },\n select: {\n get: function(a) {\n var b, c, d = a.options, e = a.selectedIndex, f = ((((a.type === \"select-one\")) || ((e < 0)))), g = ((f ? null : [])), i = ((f ? ((e + 1)) : d.length)), j = ((((e < 0)) ? i : ((f ? e : 0))));\n for (; ((j < i)); j++) {\n c = d[j];\n if (((((((c.selected || ((j === e)))) && (( ? !c.disabled : ((c.getAttribute(\"disabled\") === null)))))) && ((!c.parentNode.disabled || !q.nodeName(c.parentNode, \"optgroup\")))))) {\n b = q(c).val();\n if (f) {\n return b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n g.push(b);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return g;\n },\n set: function(a, b) {\n var c = q.makeArray(b);\n q(a).JSBNG__find(\"option\").each(function() {\n this.selected = ((q.inArray(q(this).val(), c) >= 0));\n });\n ((c.length || (a.selectedIndex = -1)));\n return c;\n }\n }\n },\n attrFn: {\n },\n attr: function(a, c, d, e) {\n var f, g, i, j = a.nodeType;\n if (((((((!a || ((j === 3)))) || ((j === 8)))) || ((j === 2))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((e && q.isFunction(q.fn[c])))) {\n return q(a)[c](d);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((typeof a.getAttribute == \"undefined\"))) {\n return q.prop(a, c, d);\n }\n ;\n ;\n i = ((((j !== 1)) || !q.isXMLDoc(a)));\n if (i) {\n c = c.toLowerCase();\n g = ((q.attrHooks[c] || ((U.test(c) ? N : M))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((d !== b))) {\n if (((d === null))) {\n q.removeAttr(a, c);\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((((g && ((\"set\" in g)))) && i)) && (((f = g.set(a, d, c)) !== b))))) {\n return f;\n }\n ;\n ;\n a.setAttribute(c, ((d + \"\")));\n return d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((((g && ((\"get\" in g)))) && i)) && (((f = g.get(a, c)) !== null))))) {\n return f;\n }\n ;\n ;\n f = a.getAttribute(c);\n return ((((f === null)) ? b : f));\n },\n removeAttr: function(a, b) {\n var c, d, e, f, g = 0;\n if (((b && ((a.nodeType === 1))))) {\n d = b.split(t);\n for (; ((g < d.length)); g++) {\n e = d[g];\n if (e) {\n c = ((q.propFix[e] || e));\n f = U.test(e);\n ((f || q.attr(a, e, \"\")));\n a.removeAttribute(((V ? e : c)));\n ((((f && ((c in a)))) && (a[c] = !1)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n attrHooks: {\n type: {\n set: function(a, b) {\n if (((R.test(a.nodeName) && a.parentNode))) {\n q.error(\"type property can't be changed\");\n }\n else {\n if (((((! && ((b === \"radio\")))) && q.nodeName(a, \"input\")))) {\n var c = a.value;\n a.setAttribute(\"type\", b);\n ((c && (a.value = c)));\n return b;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n },\n value: {\n get: function(a, b) {\n return ((((M && q.nodeName(a, \"button\"))) ? M.get(a, b) : ((((b in a)) ? a.value : null))));\n },\n set: function(a, b, c) {\n if (((M && q.nodeName(a, \"button\")))) {\n return M.set(a, b, c);\n }\n ;\n ;\n a.value = b;\n }\n }\n },\n propFix: {\n tabindex: \"tabIndex\",\n readonly: \"readOnly\",\n \"for\": \"htmlFor\",\n class: \"className\",\n maxlength: \"maxLength\",\n cellspacing: \"cellSpacing\",\n cellpadding: \"cellPadding\",\n rowspan: \"rowSpan\",\n colspan: \"colSpan\",\n usemap: \"useMap\",\n frameborder: \"frameBorder\",\n contenteditable: \"contentEditable\"\n },\n prop: function(a, c, d) {\n var e, f, g, i = a.nodeType;\n if (((((((!a || ((i === 3)))) || ((i === 8)))) || ((i === 2))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n g = ((((i !== 1)) || !q.isXMLDoc(a)));\n if (g) {\n c = ((q.propFix[c] || c));\n f = q.propHooks[c];\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((d !== b)) ? ((((((f && ((\"set\" in f)))) && (((e = f.set(a, d, c)) !== b)))) ? e : a[c] = d)) : ((((((f && ((\"get\" in f)))) && (((e = f.get(a, c)) !== null)))) ? e : a[c]))));\n },\n propHooks: {\n tabIndex: {\n get: function(a) {\n var c = a.getAttributeNode(\"tabindex\");\n return ((((c && c.specified)) ? parseInt(c.value, 10) : ((((S.test(a.nodeName) || ((T.test(a.nodeName) && a.href)))) ? 0 : b))));\n }\n }\n }\n });\n N = {\n get: function(a, c) {\n var d, e = q.prop(a, c);\n return ((((((e === !0)) || ((((((typeof e != \"boolean\")) && (d = a.getAttributeNode(c)))) && ((d.nodeValue !== !1)))))) ? c.toLowerCase() : b));\n },\n set: function(a, b, c) {\n var d;\n if (((b === !1))) q.removeAttr(a, c);\n else {\n d = ((q.propFix[c] || c));\n ((((d in a)) && (a[d] = !0)));\n a.setAttribute(c, c.toLowerCase());\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c;\n }\n };\n if (!V) {\n O = {\n JSBNG__name: !0,\n id: !0,\n coords: !0\n };\n M = q.valHooks.button = {\n get: function(a, c) {\n var d;\n d = a.getAttributeNode(c);\n return ((((d && ((O[c] ? ((d.value !== \"\")) : d.specified)))) ? d.value : b));\n },\n set: function(a, b, c) {\n var d = a.getAttributeNode(c);\n if (!d) {\n d = e.createAttribute(c);\n a.setAttributeNode(d);\n }\n ;\n ;\n return d.value = ((b + \"\"));\n }\n };\n q.each([\"width\",\"height\",], function(a, b) {\n q.attrHooks[b] = q.extend(q.attrHooks[b], {\n set: function(a, c) {\n if (((c === \"\"))) {\n a.setAttribute(b, \"auto\");\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n });\n });\n q.attrHooks.contenteditable = {\n get: M.get,\n set: function(a, b, c) {\n ((((b === \"\")) && (b = \"false\")));\n M.set(a, b, c);\n }\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n (( || q.each([\"href\",\"src\",\"width\",\"height\",], function(a, c) {\n q.attrHooks[c] = q.extend(q.attrHooks[c], {\n get: function(a) {\n var d = a.getAttribute(c, 2);\n return ((((d === null)) ? b : d));\n }\n });\n })));\n (( || ( = {\n get: function(a) {\n return (( || b));\n },\n set: function(a, b) {\n return = ((b + \"\"));\n }\n })));\n (( || (q.propHooks.selected = q.extend(q.propHooks.selected, {\n get: function(a) {\n var b = a.parentNode;\n if (b) {\n b.selectedIndex;\n ((b.parentNode && b.parentNode.selectedIndex));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return null;\n }\n }))));\n (( || (q.propFix.enctype = \"encoding\")));\n (( || q.each([\"radio\",\"checkbox\",], function() {\n q.valHooks[this] = {\n get: function(a) {\n return ((((a.getAttribute(\"value\") === null)) ? \"JSBNG__on\" : a.value));\n }\n };\n })));\n q.each([\"radio\",\"checkbox\",], function() {\n q.valHooks[this] = q.extend(q.valHooks[this], {\n set: function(a, b) {\n if (q.isArray(b)) {\n return a.checked = ((q.inArray(q(a).val(), b) >= 0));\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n });\n });\n var W = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i, X = /^([^\\.]*|)(?:\\.(.+)|)$/, Y = /(?:^|\\s)hover(\\.\\S+|)\\b/, Z = /^key/, ab = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, bb = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, cb = function(a) {\n return ((q.JSBNG__event.special.hover ? a : a.replace(Y, \"mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1\")));\n };\n q.JSBNG__event = {\n add: function(a, c, d, e, f) {\n var g, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s;\n if (((((((((((a.nodeType === 3)) || ((a.nodeType === 8)))) || !c)) || !d)) || !(g = q._data(a))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (d.handler) {\n p = d;\n d = p.handler;\n f = p.selector;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((d.guid || (d.guid = q.guid++)));\n j =;\n ((j || ( = j = {\n })));\n i = g.handle;\n if (!i) {\n g.handle = i = function(a) {\n return ((((((typeof q == \"undefined\")) || ((!!a && ((q.JSBNG__event.triggered === a.type)))))) ? b : q.JSBNG__event.dispatch.apply(i.elem, arguments)));\n };\n i.elem = a;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = q.trim(cb(c)).split(\" \");\n for (k = 0; ((k < c.length)); k++) {\n l = ((X.exec(c[k]) || []));\n m = l[1];\n n = ((l[2] || \"\")).split(\".\").sort();\n s = ((q.JSBNG__event.special[m] || {\n }));\n m = ((((f ? s.delegateType : s.bindType)) || m));\n s = ((q.JSBNG__event.special[m] || {\n }));\n o = q.extend({\n type: m,\n origType: l[1],\n data: e,\n handler: d,\n guid: d.guid,\n selector: f,\n needsContext: ((f && q.expr.match.needsContext.test(f))),\n namespace: n.join(\".\")\n }, p);\n r = j[m];\n if (!r) {\n r = j[m] = [];\n r.delegateCount = 0;\n if (((!s.setup || ((, e, n, i) === !1))))) {\n ((a.JSBNG__addEventListener ? a.JSBNG__addEventListener(m, i, !1) : ((a.JSBNG__attachEvent && a.JSBNG__attachEvent(((\"JSBNG__on\" + m)), i)))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (s.add) {\n, o);\n ((o.handler.guid || (o.handler.guid = d.guid)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((f ? r.splice(r.delegateCount++, 0, o) : r.push(o)));\n[m] = !0;\n };\n ;\n a = null;\n },\n global: {\n },\n remove: function(a, b, c, d, e) {\n var f, g, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s = ((q.hasData(a) && q._data(a)));\n if (((!s || !(n = {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n b = q.trim(cb(((b || \"\")))).split(\" \");\n for (f = 0; ((f < b.length)); f++) {\n g = ((X.exec(b[f]) || []));\n i = j = g[1];\n k = g[2];\n if (!i) {\n {\n var fin22keys = ((, fin22i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin22i < fin22keys.length); (fin22i++)) {\n ((i) = (fin22keys[fin22i]));\n {\n q.JSBNG__event.remove(a, ((i + b[f])), c, d, !0);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n o = ((q.JSBNG__event.special[i] || {\n }));\n i = ((((d ? o.delegateType : o.bindType)) || i));\n p = ((n[i] || []));\n l = p.length;\n k = ((k ? new RegExp(((((\"(^|\\\\.)\" + k.split(\".\").sort().join(\"\\\\.(?:.*\\\\.|)\"))) + \"(\\\\.|$)\"))) : null));\n for (m = 0; ((m < p.length)); m++) {\n r = p[m];\n if (((((((((e || ((j === r.origType)))) && ((!c || ((c.guid === r.guid)))))) && ((!k || k.test(r.namespace))))) && ((((!d || ((d === r.selector)))) || ((((d === \"**\")) && r.selector))))))) {\n p.splice(m--, 1);\n ((r.selector && p.delegateCount--));\n ((o.remove &&, r)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (((((p.length === 0)) && ((l !== p.length))))) {\n ((((!o.teardown || ((, k, s.handle) === !1)))) && q.removeEvent(a, i, s.handle)));\n delete n[i];\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (q.isEmptyObject(n)) {\n delete s.handle;\n q.removeData(a, \"events\", !0);\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n customEvent: {\n getData: !0,\n setData: !0,\n changeData: !0\n },\n trigger: function(c, d, f, g) {\n if (((!f || ((((f.nodeType !== 3)) && ((f.nodeType !== 8))))))) {\n var i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t = ((c.type || c)), u = [];\n if (bb.test(((t + q.JSBNG__event.triggered)))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((t.indexOf(\"!\") >= 0))) {\n t = t.slice(0, -1);\n j = !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((t.indexOf(\".\") >= 0))) {\n u = t.split(\".\");\n t = u.shift();\n u.sort();\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((!f || q.JSBNG__event.customEvent[t])) && ![t]))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = ((((typeof c == \"object\")) ? ((c[q.expando] ? c : new q.JSBNG__Event(t, c))) : new q.JSBNG__Event(t)));\n c.type = t;\n c.isTrigger = !0;\n c.exclusive = j;\n c.namespace = u.join(\".\");\n c.namespace_re = ((c.namespace ? new RegExp(((((\"(^|\\\\.)\" + u.join(\"\\\\.(?:.*\\\\.|)\"))) + \"(\\\\.|$)\"))) : null));\n n = ((((t.indexOf(\":\") < 0)) ? ((\"JSBNG__on\" + t)) : \"\"));\n if (!f) {\n i = q.cache;\n {\n var fin23keys = ((, fin23i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin23i < fin23keys.length); (fin23i++)) {\n ((k) = (fin23keys[fin23i]));\n {\n ((((i[k].events && i[k].events[t])) && q.JSBNG__event.trigger(c, d, i[k].handle.elem, !0)));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c.result = b;\n (( || ( = f)));\n d = ((((d != null)) ? q.makeArray(d) : []));\n d.unshift(c);\n o = ((q.JSBNG__event.special[t] || {\n }));\n if (((o.trigger && ((o.trigger.apply(f, d) === !1))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n r = [[f,((o.bindType || t)),],];\n if (((((!g && !o.noBubble)) && !q.isWindow(f)))) {\n s = ((o.delegateType || t));\n l = ((bb.test(((s + t))) ? f : f.parentNode));\n for (m = f; l; l = l.parentNode) {\n r.push([l,s,]);\n m = l;\n };\n ;\n ((((m === ((f.ownerDocument || e)))) && r.push([((((m.defaultView || m.parentWindow)) || a)),s,])));\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (k = 0; ((((k < r.length)) && !c.isPropagationStopped())); k++) {\n l = r[k][0];\n c.type = r[k][1];\n p = ((((q._data(l, \"events\") || {\n }))[c.type] && q._data(l, \"handle\")));\n ((p && p.apply(l, d)));\n p = ((n && l[n]));\n ((((((((p && q.acceptData(l))) && p.apply)) && ((p.apply(l, d) === !1)))) && c.preventDefault()));\n };\n ;\n c.type = t;\n if (((((((((((((((((!g && !c.isDefaultPrevented())) && ((!o._default || ((o._default.apply(f.ownerDocument, d) === !1)))))) && ((((t !== \"click\")) || !q.nodeName(f, \"a\"))))) && q.acceptData(f))) && n)) && f[t])) && ((((((t !== \"JSBNG__focus\")) && ((t !== \"JSBNG__blur\")))) || (( !== 0)))))) && !q.isWindow(f)))) {\n m = f[n];\n ((m && (f[n] = null)));\n q.JSBNG__event.triggered = t;\n f[t]();\n q.JSBNG__event.triggered = b;\n ((m && (f[n] = m)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c.result;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return;\n },\n dispatch: function(c) {\n c = q.JSBNG__event.fix(((c || a.JSBNG__event)));\n var d, e, f, g, i, j, k, m, n, o, p = ((((q._data(this, \"events\") || {\n }))[c.type] || [])), r = p.delegateCount, s =, t = ((!c.exclusive && !c.namespace)), u = ((q.JSBNG__event.special[c.type] || {\n })), v = [];\n s[0] = c;\n c.delegateTarget = this;\n if (((u.preDispatch && ((, c) === !1))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((r && ((!c.button || ((c.type !== \"click\"))))))) {\n for (f =; ((f != this)); f = ((f.parentNode || this))) {\n if (((((f.disabled !== !0)) || ((c.type !== \"click\"))))) {\n i = {\n };\n k = [];\n for (d = 0; ((d < r)); d++) {\n m = p[d];\n n = m.selector;\n ((((i[n] === b)) && (i[n] = ((m.needsContext ? ((q(n, this).index(f) >= 0)) : q.JSBNG__find(n, this, null, [f,]).length)))));\n ((i[n] && k.push(m)));\n };\n ;\n ((k.length && v.push({\n elem: f,\n matches: k\n })));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((p.length > r)) && v.push({\n elem: this,\n matches: p.slice(r)\n })));\n for (d = 0; ((((d < v.length)) && !c.isPropagationStopped())); d++) {\n j = v[d];\n c.currentTarget = j.elem;\n for (e = 0; ((((e < j.matches.length)) && !c.isImmediatePropagationStopped())); e++) {\n m = j.matches[e];\n if (((((t || ((!c.namespace && !m.namespace)))) || ((c.namespace_re && c.namespace_re.test(m.namespace)))))) {\n =;\n c.handleObj = m;\n g = ((((q.JSBNG__event.special[m.origType] || {\n })).handle || m.handler)).apply(j.elem, s);\n if (((g !== b))) {\n c.result = g;\n if (((g === !1))) {\n c.preventDefault();\n c.stopPropagation();\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n ((u.postDispatch &&, c)));\n return c.result;\n },\n props: \"attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which\".split(\" \"),\n fixHooks: {\n },\n keyHooks: {\n props: \"char charCode key keyCode\".split(\" \"),\n filter: function(a, b) {\n ((((a.which == null)) && (a.which = ((((b.charCode != null)) ? b.charCode : b.keyCode)))));\n return a;\n }\n },\n mouseHooks: {\n props: \"button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement\".split(\" \"),\n filter: function(a, c) {\n var d, f, g, i = c.button, j = c.fromElement;\n if (((((a.pageX == null)) && ((c.clientX != null))))) {\n d = (( || e));\n f = d.documentElement;\n g = d.body;\n a.pageX = ((((c.clientX + ((((((f && f.scrollLeft)) || ((g && g.scrollLeft)))) || 0)))) - ((((((f && f.clientLeft)) || ((g && g.clientLeft)))) || 0))));\n a.pageY = ((((c.clientY + ((((((f && f.scrollTop)) || ((g && g.scrollTop)))) || 0)))) - ((((((f && f.clientTop)) || ((g && g.clientTop)))) || 0))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((!a.relatedTarget && j)) && (a.relatedTarget = ((((j === ? c.toElement : j)))));\n ((((!a.which && ((i !== b)))) && (a.which = ((((i & 1)) ? 1 : ((((i & 2)) ? 3 : ((((i & 4)) ? 2 : 0)))))))));\n return a;\n }\n },\n fix: function(a) {\n if (a[q.expando]) {\n return a;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var b, c, d = a, f = ((q.JSBNG__event.fixHooks[a.type] || {\n })), g = ((f.props ? this.props.concat(f.props) : this.props));\n a = q.JSBNG__Event(d);\n for (b = g.length; b; ) {\n c = g[--b];\n a[c] = d[c];\n };\n ;\n (( || ( = ((d.srcElement || e)))));\n (((( === 3)) && ( =;\n a.metaKey = !!a.metaKey;\n return ((f.filter ? f.filter(a, d) : a));\n },\n special: {\n load: {\n noBubble: !0\n },\n JSBNG__focus: {\n delegateType: \"focusin\"\n },\n JSBNG__blur: {\n delegateType: \"focusout\"\n },\n beforeunload: {\n setup: function(a, b, c) {\n ((q.isWindow(this) && (this.JSBNG__onbeforeunload = c)));\n },\n teardown: function(a, b) {\n ((((this.JSBNG__onbeforeunload === b)) && (this.JSBNG__onbeforeunload = null)));\n }\n }\n },\n simulate: function(a, b, c, d) {\n var e = q.extend(new q.JSBNG__Event, c, {\n type: a,\n isSimulated: !0,\n originalEvent: {\n }\n });\n ((d ? q.JSBNG__event.trigger(e, null, b) :, e)));\n ((e.isDefaultPrevented() && c.preventDefault()));\n }\n };\n q.JSBNG__event.handle = q.JSBNG__event.dispatch;\n q.removeEvent = ((e.JSBNG__removeEventListener ? function(a, b, c) {\n ((a.JSBNG__removeEventListener && a.JSBNG__removeEventListener(b, c, !1)));\n } : function(a, b, c) {\n var d = ((\"JSBNG__on\" + b));\n if (a.JSBNG__detachEvent) {\n ((((typeof a[d] == \"undefined\")) && (a[d] = null)));\n a.JSBNG__detachEvent(d, c);\n }\n ;\n ;\n }));\n q.JSBNG__Event = function(a, b) {\n if (!((this instanceof q.JSBNG__Event))) {\n return new q.JSBNG__Event(a, b);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((a && a.type))) {\n this.originalEvent = a;\n this.type = a.type;\n this.isDefaultPrevented = ((((((a.defaultPrevented || ((a.returnValue === !1)))) || ((a.getPreventDefault && a.getPreventDefault())))) ? eb : db));\n }\n else this.type = a;\n ;\n ;\n ((b && q.extend(this, b)));\n this.timeStamp = ((((a && a.timeStamp)) ||;\n this[q.expando] = !0;\n };\n q.JSBNG__Event.prototype = {\n preventDefault: function() {\n this.isDefaultPrevented = eb;\n var a = this.originalEvent;\n if (!a) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1));\n },\n stopPropagation: function() {\n this.isPropagationStopped = eb;\n var a = this.originalEvent;\n if (!a) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation()));\n a.cancelBubble = !0;\n },\n stopImmediatePropagation: function() {\n this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = eb;\n this.stopPropagation();\n },\n isDefaultPrevented: db,\n isPropagationStopped: db,\n isImmediatePropagationStopped: db\n };\n q.each({\n mouseenter: \"mouseover\",\n mouseleave: \"mouseout\"\n }, function(a, b) {\n q.JSBNG__event.special[a] = {\n delegateType: b,\n bindType: b,\n handle: function(a) {\n var c, d = this, e = a.relatedTarget, f = a.handleObj, g = f.selector;\n if (((!e || ((((e !== d)) && !q.contains(d, e)))))) {\n a.type = f.origType;\n c = f.handler.apply(this, arguments);\n a.type = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c;\n }\n };\n });\n (( || (q.JSBNG__event.special.submit = {\n setup: function() {\n if (q.nodeName(this, \"form\")) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n q.JSBNG__event.add(this, \"click._submit keypress._submit\", function(a) {\n var c =, d = ((((q.nodeName(c, \"input\") || q.nodeName(c, \"button\"))) ? c.form : b));\n if (((d && !q._data(d, \"_submit_attached\")))) {\n q.JSBNG__event.add(d, \"submit._submit\", function(a) {\n a._submit_bubble = !0;\n });\n q._data(d, \"_submit_attached\", !0);\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n },\n postDispatch: function(a) {\n if (a._submit_bubble) {\n delete a._submit_bubble;\n ((((this.parentNode && !a.isTrigger)) && q.JSBNG__event.simulate(\"submit\", this.parentNode, a, !0)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n teardown: function() {\n if (q.nodeName(this, \"form\")) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n q.JSBNG__event.remove(this, \"._submit\");\n }\n })));\n (( || (q.JSBNG__event.special.change = {\n setup: function() {\n if (W.test(this.nodeName)) {\n if (((((this.type === \"checkbox\")) || ((this.type === \"radio\"))))) {\n q.JSBNG__event.add(this, \"propertychange._change\", function(a) {\n ((((a.originalEvent.propertyName === \"checked\")) && (this._just_changed = !0)));\n });\n q.JSBNG__event.add(this, \"click._change\", function(a) {\n ((((this._just_changed && !a.isTrigger)) && (this._just_changed = !1)));\n q.JSBNG__event.simulate(\"change\", this, a, !0);\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n q.JSBNG__event.add(this, \"beforeactivate._change\", function(a) {\n var b =;\n if (((W.test(b.nodeName) && !q._data(b, \"_change_attached\")))) {\n q.JSBNG__event.add(b, \"change._change\", function(a) {\n ((((((this.parentNode && !a.isSimulated)) && !a.isTrigger)) && q.JSBNG__event.simulate(\"change\", this.parentNode, a, !0)));\n });\n q._data(b, \"_change_attached\", !0);\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n },\n handle: function(a) {\n var b =;\n if (((((((((this !== b)) || a.isSimulated)) || a.isTrigger)) || ((((b.type !== \"radio\")) && ((b.type !== \"checkbox\"))))))) {\n return a.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n teardown: function() {\n q.JSBNG__event.remove(this, \"._change\");\n return !W.test(this.nodeName);\n }\n })));\n (( || q.each({\n JSBNG__focus: \"focusin\",\n JSBNG__blur: \"focusout\"\n }, function(a, b) {\n var c = 0, d = function(a) {\n q.JSBNG__event.simulate(b,, q.JSBNG__event.fix(a), !0);\n };\n q.JSBNG__event.special[b] = {\n setup: function() {\n ((((c++ === 0)) && e.JSBNG__addEventListener(a, d, !0)));\n },\n teardown: function() {\n ((((--c === 0)) && e.JSBNG__removeEventListener(a, d, !0)));\n }\n };\n })));\n q.fn.extend({\n JSBNG__on: function(a, c, d, e, f) {\n var g, i;\n if (((typeof a == \"object\"))) {\n if (((typeof c != \"string\"))) {\n d = ((d || c));\n c = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n {\n var fin24keys = ((, fin24i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin24i < fin24keys.length); (fin24i++)) {\n ((i) = (fin24keys[fin24i]));\n {\n this.JSBNG__on(i, c, d, a[i], f);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return this;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((d == null)) && ((e == null))))) {\n e = c;\n d = c = b;\n }\n else if (((e == null))) {\n if (((typeof c == \"string\"))) {\n e = d;\n d = b;\n }\n else {\n e = d;\n d = c;\n c = b;\n }\n ;\n }\n \n ;\n ;\n if (((e === !1))) {\n e = db;\n }\n else {\n if (!e) {\n return this;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((f === 1))) {\n g = e;\n e = function(a) {\n q().off(a);\n return g.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n e.guid = ((g.guid || (g.guid = q.guid++)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this.each(function() {\n q.JSBNG__event.add(this, a, e, d, c);\n });\n },\n one: function(a, b, c, d) {\n return this.JSBNG__on(a, b, c, d, 1);\n },\n off: function(a, c, d) {\n var e, f;\n if (((((a && a.preventDefault)) && a.handleObj))) {\n e = a.handleObj;\n q(a.delegateTarget).off(((e.namespace ? ((((e.origType + \".\")) + e.namespace)) : e.origType)), e.selector, e.handler);\n return this;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((typeof a == \"object\"))) {\n {\n var fin25keys = ((, fin25i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin25i < fin25keys.length); (fin25i++)) {\n ((f) = (fin25keys[fin25i]));\n {\n, c, a[f]);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return this;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((c === !1)) || ((typeof c == \"function\"))))) {\n d = c;\n c = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((d === !1)) && (d = db)));\n return this.each(function() {\n q.JSBNG__event.remove(this, a, d, c);\n });\n },\n bind: function(a, b, c) {\n return this.JSBNG__on(a, null, b, c);\n },\n unbind: function(a, b) {\n return, null, b);\n },\n live: function(a, b, c) {\n q(this.context).JSBNG__on(a, this.selector, b, c);\n return this;\n },\n die: function(a, b) {\n q(this.context).off(a, ((this.selector || \"**\")), b);\n return this;\n },\n delegate: function(a, b, c, d) {\n return this.JSBNG__on(b, a, c, d);\n },\n undelegate: function(a, b, c) {\n return ((((arguments.length === 1)) ?, \"**\") :, ((a || \"**\")), c)));\n },\n trigger: function(a, b) {\n return this.each(function() {\n q.JSBNG__event.trigger(a, b, this);\n });\n },\n triggerHandler: function(a, b) {\n if (this[0]) {\n return q.JSBNG__event.trigger(a, b, this[0], !0);\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n toggle: function(a) {\n var b = arguments, c = ((a.guid || q.guid++)), d = 0, e = function(c) {\n var e = ((((q._data(this, ((\"lastToggle\" + a.guid))) || 0)) % d));\n q._data(this, ((\"lastToggle\" + a.guid)), ((e + 1)));\n c.preventDefault();\n return ((b[e].apply(this, arguments) || !1));\n };\n e.guid = c;\n while (((d < b.length))) {\n b[d++].guid = c;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return;\n },\n hover: function(a, b) {\n return this.mouseenter(a).mouseleave(((b || a)));\n }\n });\n q.each(\"blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu\".split(\" \"), function(a, b) {\n q.fn[b] = function(a, c) {\n if (((c == null))) {\n c = a;\n a = null;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((arguments.length > 0)) ? this.JSBNG__on(b, null, a, c) : this.trigger(b)));\n };\n ((Z.test(b) && (q.JSBNG__event.fixHooks[b] = q.JSBNG__event.keyHooks)));\n ((ab.test(b) && (q.JSBNG__event.fixHooks[b] = q.JSBNG__event.mouseHooks)));\n });\n (function(a, b) {\n function fb(a, b, c, d) {\n c = ((c || []));\n b = ((b || s));\n var e, f, j, k, l = b.nodeType;\n if (((!a || ((typeof a != \"string\"))))) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((l !== 1)) && ((l !== 9))))) {\n return [];\n }\n ;\n ;\n j = g(b);\n if (((!j && !d))) {\n if (e = Q.exec(a)) {\n if (k = e[1]) {\n if (((l === 9))) {\n f = b.getElementById(k);\n if (((!f || !f.parentNode))) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if ((( === k))) {\n c.push(f);\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n else if (((((((b.ownerDocument && (f = b.ownerDocument.getElementById(k)))) && i(b, f))) && (( === k))))) {\n c.push(f);\n return c;\n }\n \n ;\n ;\n }\n else {\n if (e[2]) {\n x.apply(c,, 0));\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if ((((((k = e[3]) && cb)) && b.getElementsByClassName))) {\n x.apply(c,, 0));\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return sb(a.replace(M, \"$1\"), b, c, d, j);\n };\n ;\n function gb(a) {\n return function(b) {\n var c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n return ((((c === \"input\")) && ((b.type === a))));\n };\n };\n ;\n function hb(a) {\n return function(b) {\n var c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n return ((((((c === \"input\")) || ((c === \"button\")))) && ((b.type === a))));\n };\n };\n ;\n function ib(a) {\n return A(function(b) {\n b = +b;\n return A(function(c, d) {\n var e, f = a([], c.length, b), g = f.length;\n while (g--) {\n ((c[e = f[g]] && (c[e] = !(d[e] = c[e]))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n });\n });\n };\n ;\n function jb(a, b, c) {\n if (((a === b))) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var d = a.nextSibling;\n while (d) {\n if (((d === b))) {\n return -1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n d = d.nextSibling;\n };\n ;\n return 1;\n };\n ;\n function kb(a, b) {\n var c, d, f, g, i, j, k, l = D[p][((a + \" \"))];\n if (l) {\n return ((b ? 0 : l.slice(0)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n i = a;\n j = [];\n k = e.preFilter;\n while (i) {\n if (((!c || (d = N.exec(i))))) {\n ((d && (i = ((i.slice(d[0].length) || i)))));\n j.push(f = []);\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = !1;\n if (d = O.exec(i)) {\n f.push(c = new r(d.shift()));\n i = i.slice(c.length);\n c.type = d[0].replace(M, \" \");\n }\n ;\n ;\n {\n var fin26keys = ((, fin26i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin26i < fin26keys.length); (fin26i++)) {\n ((g) = (fin26keys[fin26i]));\n {\n if ((((d = X[g].exec(i)) && ((!k[g] || (d = k[g](d))))))) {\n f.push(c = new r(d.shift()));\n i = i.slice(c.length);\n c.type = g;\n c.matches = d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n if (!c) {\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return ((b ? i.length : ((i ? fb.error(a) : D(a, j).slice(0)))));\n };\n ;\n function lb(a, b, d) {\n var e = b.dir, f = ((d && ((b.dir === \"parentNode\")))), g = v++;\n return ((b.first ? function(b, c, d) {\n while (b = b[e]) {\n if (((f || ((b.nodeType === 1))))) {\n return a(b, c, d);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n } : function(b, d, i) {\n if (!i) {\n var j, k = ((((((u + \" \")) + g)) + \" \")), l = ((k + c));\n while (b = b[e]) {\n if (((f || ((b.nodeType === 1))))) {\n if ((((j = b[p]) === l))) {\n return b.sizset;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((typeof j == \"string\")) && ((j.indexOf(k) === 0))))) {\n if (b.sizset) {\n return b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n else {\n b[p] = l;\n if (a(b, d, i)) {\n b.sizset = !0;\n return b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n b.sizset = !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n else while (b = b[e]) {\n if (((f || ((b.nodeType === 1))))) {\n if (a(b, d, i)) {\n return b;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }));\n };\n ;\n function mb(a) {\n return ((((a.length > 1)) ? function(b, c, d) {\n var e = a.length;\n while (e--) {\n if (!a[e](b, c, d)) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return !0;\n } : a[0]));\n };\n ;\n function nb(a, b, c, d, e) {\n var f, g = [], i = 0, j = a.length, k = ((b != null));\n for (; ((i < j)); i++) {\n if (f = a[i]) {\n if (((!c || c(f, d, e)))) {\n g.push(f);\n ((k && b.push(i)));\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return g;\n };\n ;\n function ob(a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n ((((d && !d[p])) && (d = ob(d))));\n ((((e && !e[p])) && (e = ob(e, f))));\n return A(function(f, g, i, j) {\n var k, l, m, n = [], o = [], p = g.length, q = ((f || rb(((b || \"*\")), ((i.nodeType ? [i,] : i)), []))), r = ((((a && ((f || !b)))) ? nb(q, n, a, i, j) : q)), s = ((c ? ((((e || ((f ? a : ((p || d)))))) ? [] : g)) : r));\n ((c && c(r, s, i, j)));\n if (d) {\n k = nb(s, o);\n d(k, [], i, j);\n l = k.length;\n while (l--) {\n if (m = k[l]) {\n s[o[l]] = !(r[o[l]] = m);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (f) {\n if (((e || a))) {\n if (e) {\n k = [];\n l = s.length;\n while (l--) {\n (((m = s[l]) && k.push(r[l] = m)));\n ;\n };\n ;\n e(null, s = [], k, j);\n }\n ;\n ;\n l = s.length;\n while (l--) {\n (((((m = s[l]) && (((k = ((e ?, m) : n[l]))) > -1)))) && (f[k] = !(g[k] = m))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n else {\n s = nb(((((s === g)) ? s.splice(p, s.length) : s)));\n ((e ? e(null, g, s, j) : x.apply(g, s)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n };\n ;\n function pb(a) {\n var b, c, d, f = a.length, g = e.relative[a[0].type], i = ((g || e.relative[\" \"])), j = ((g ? 1 : 0)), k = lb(function(a) {\n return ((a === b));\n }, i, !0), l = lb(function(a) {\n return ((, a) > -1));\n }, i, !0), n = [function(a, c, d) {\n return ((((!g && ((d || ((c !== m)))))) || (((b = c).nodeType ? k(a, c, d) : l(a, c, d)))));\n },];\n for (; ((j < f)); j++) {\n if (c = e.relative[a[j].type]) n = [lb(mb(n), c),];\n else {\n c = e.filter[a[j].type].apply(null, a[j].matches);\n if (c[p]) {\n d = ++j;\n for (; ((d < f)); d++) {\n if (e.relative[a[d].type]) {\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return ob(((((j > 1)) && mb(n))), ((((j > 1)) && a.slice(0, ((j - 1))).join(\"\").replace(M, \"$1\"))), c, ((((j < d)) && pb(a.slice(j, d)))), ((((d < f)) && pb(a = a.slice(d)))), ((((d < f)) && a.join(\"\"))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n n.push(c);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return mb(n);\n };\n ;\n function qb(a, b) {\n var d = ((b.length > 0)), f = ((a.length > 0)), g = function(i, j, k, l, n) {\n var o, p, q, r = [], t = 0, v = \"0\", y = ((i && [])), z = ((n != null)), A = m, B = ((i || ((f && e.JSBNG__find.TAG(\"*\", ((((n && j.parentNode)) || j))))))), C = u += ((((A == null)) ? 1 : Math.E));\n if (z) {\n m = ((((j !== s)) && j));\n c = g.el;\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (; (((o = B[v]) != null)); v++) {\n if (((f && o))) {\n for (p = 0; q = a[p]; p++) {\n if (q(o, j, k)) {\n l.push(o);\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (z) {\n u = C;\n c = ++g.el;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (d) {\n (((o = ((!q && o))) && t--));\n ((i && y.push(o)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n t += v;\n if (((d && ((v !== t))))) {\n for (p = 0; q = b[p]; p++) {\n q(y, r, j, k);\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (i) {\n if (((t > 0))) {\n while (v--) {\n ((((!y[v] && !r[v])) && (r[v] =;\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n r = nb(r);\n }\n ;\n ;\n x.apply(l, r);\n ((((((((z && !i)) && ((r.length > 0)))) && ((((t + b.length)) > 1)))) && fb.uniqueSort(l)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (z) {\n u = C;\n m = A;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return y;\n };\n g.el = 0;\n return ((d ? A(g) : g));\n };\n ;\n function rb(a, b, c) {\n var d = 0, e = b.length;\n for (; ((d < e)); d++) {\n fb(a, b[d], c);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return c;\n };\n ;\n function sb(a, b, c, d, f) {\n var g, i, k, l, m, n = kb(a), o = n.length;\n if (((!d && ((n.length === 1))))) {\n i = n[0] = n[0].slice(0);\n if (((((((((((i.length > 2)) && (((k = i[0]).type === \"ID\")))) && ((b.nodeType === 9)))) && !f)) && e.relative[i[1].type]))) {\n b = e.JSBNG__find.ID(k.matches[0].replace(W, \"\"), b, f)[0];\n if (!b) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n a = a.slice(i.shift().length);\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (g = ((X.POS.test(a) ? -1 : ((i.length - 1)))); ((g >= 0)); g--) {\n k = i[g];\n if (e.relative[l = k.type]) {\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (m = e.JSBNG__find[l]) {\n if (d = m(k.matches[0].replace(W, \"\"), ((((S.test(i[0].type) && b.parentNode)) || b)), f)) {\n i.splice(g, 1);\n a = ((d.length && i.join(\"\")));\n if (!a) {\n x.apply(c,, 0));\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n break;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n j(a, n)(d, b, f, c, S.test(a));\n return c;\n };\n ;\n function tb() {\n \n };\n ;\n var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, l, m, n = !0, o = \"undefined\", p = ((\"sizcache\" + Math.JSBNG__random())).replace(\".\", \"\"), r = String, s = a.JSBNG__document, t = s.documentElement, u = 0, v = 0, w = [].pop, x = [].push, y = [].slice, z = (([].indexOf || function(a) {\n var b = 0, c = this.length;\n for (; ((b < c)); b++) {\n if (((this[b] === a))) {\n return b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return -1;\n })), A = function(a, b) {\n a[p] = ((((b == null)) || b));\n return a;\n }, B = function() {\n var a = {\n }, b = [];\n return A(function(c, d) {\n ((((b.push(c) > e.cacheLength)) && delete a[b.shift()]));\n return a[((c + \" \"))] = d;\n }, a);\n }, C = B(), D = B(), E = B(), F = \"[\\\\x20\\\\t\\\\r\\\\n\\\\f]\", G = \"(?:\\\\\\\\.|[-\\\\w]|[^\\\\x00-\\\\xa0])+\", H = G.replace(\"w\", \"w#\"), I = \"([*^$|!~]?=)\", J = ((((((((((((((((((((((((((\"\\\\[\" + F)) + \"*(\")) + G)) + \")\")) + F)) + \"*(?:\")) + I)) + F)) + \"*(?:(['\\\"])((?:\\\\\\\\.|[^\\\\\\\\])*?)\\\\3|(\")) + H)) + \")|)|)\")) + F)) + \"*\\\\]\")), K = ((((((((\":(\" + G)) + \")(?:\\\\((?:(['\\\"])((?:\\\\\\\\.|[^\\\\\\\\])*?)\\\\2|([^()[\\\\]]*|(?:(?:\")) + J)) + \")|[^:]|\\\\\\\\.)*|.*))\\\\)|)\")), L = ((((((((\":(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\\\(\" + F)) + \"*((?:-\\\\d)?\\\\d*)\")) + F)) + \"*\\\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)\")), M = new RegExp(((((((((\"^\" + F)) + \"+|((?:^|[^\\\\\\\\])(?:\\\\\\\\.)*)\")) + F)) + \"+$\")), \"g\"), N = new RegExp(((((((((\"^\" + F)) + \"*,\")) + F)) + \"*\"))), O = new RegExp(((((((((\"^\" + F)) + \"*([\\\\x20\\\\t\\\\r\\\\n\\\\f\\u003E+~])\")) + F)) + \"*\"))), P = new RegExp(K), Q = /^(?:#([\\w\\-]+)|(\\w+)|\\.([\\w\\-]+))$/, R = /^:not/, S = /[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]*[+~]/, T = /:not\\($/, U = /h\\d/i, V = /input|select|textarea|button/i, W = /\\\\(?!\\\\)/g, X = {\n ID: new RegExp(((((\"^#(\" + G)) + \")\"))),\n CLASS: new RegExp(((((\"^\\\\.(\" + G)) + \")\"))),\n NAME: new RegExp(((((\"^\\\\[name=['\\\"]?(\" + G)) + \")['\\\"]?\\\\]\"))),\n TAG: new RegExp(((((\"^(\" + G.replace(\"w\", \"w*\"))) + \")\"))),\n ATTR: new RegExp(((\"^\" + J))),\n PSEUDO: new RegExp(((\"^\" + K))),\n POS: new RegExp(L, \"i\"),\n CHILD: new RegExp(((((((((((((((((\"^:(only|nth|first|last)-child(?:\\\\(\" + F)) + \"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\\\d*)n|)\")) + F)) + \"*(?:([+-]|)\")) + F)) + \"*(\\\\d+)|))\")) + F)) + \"*\\\\)|)\")), \"i\"),\n needsContext: new RegExp(((((((\"^\" + F)) + \"*[\\u003E+~]|\")) + L)), \"i\")\n }, Y = function(a) {\n var b = s.createElement(\"div\");\n try {\n return a(b);\n } catch (c) {\n return !1;\n } finally {\n b = null;\n };\n ;\n }, Z = Y(function(a) {\n a.appendChild(s.createComment(\"\"));\n return !a.getElementsByTagName(\"*\").length;\n }), ab = Y(function(a) {\n a.innerHTML = \"\\u003Ca href='#'\\u003E\\u003C/a\\u003E\";\n return ((((a.firstChild && ((typeof a.firstChild.getAttribute !== o)))) && ((a.firstChild.getAttribute(\"href\") === \"#\"))));\n }), bb = Y(function(a) {\n a.innerHTML = \"\\u003Cselect\\u003E\\u003C/select\\u003E\";\n var b = typeof a.lastChild.getAttribute(\"multiple\");\n return ((((b !== \"boolean\")) && ((b !== \"string\"))));\n }), cb = Y(function(a) {\n a.innerHTML = \"\\u003Cdiv class='hidden e'\\u003E\\u003C/div\\u003E\\u003Cdiv class='hidden'\\u003E\\u003C/div\\u003E\";\n if (((!a.getElementsByClassName || !a.getElementsByClassName(\"e\").length))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n a.lastChild.className = \"e\";\n return ((a.getElementsByClassName(\"e\").length === 2));\n }), db = Y(function(a) {\n = ((p + 0));\n a.innerHTML = ((((((((\"\\u003Ca name='\" + p)) + \"'\\u003E\\u003C/a\\u003E\\u003Cdiv name='\")) + p)) + \"'\\u003E\\u003C/div\\u003E\"));\n t.insertBefore(a, t.firstChild);\n var b = ((s.getElementsByName && ((s.getElementsByName(p).length === ((2 + s.getElementsByName(((p + 0))).length))))));\n d = !s.getElementById(p);\n t.removeChild(a);\n return b;\n });\n try {\n, 0)[0].nodeType;\n } catch (eb) {\n y = function(a) {\n var b, c = [];\n for (; b = this[a]; a++) {\n c.push(b);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return c;\n };\n };\n ;\n fb.matches = function(a, b) {\n return fb(a, null, null, b);\n };\n fb.matchesSelector = function(a, b) {\n return ((fb(b, null, null, [a,]).length > 0));\n };\n f = fb.getText = function(a) {\n var b, c = \"\", d = 0, e = a.nodeType;\n if (e) {\n if (((((((e === 1)) || ((e === 9)))) || ((e === 11))))) {\n if (((typeof a.textContent == \"string\"))) {\n return a.textContent;\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (a = a.firstChild; a; a = a.nextSibling) {\n c += f(a);\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n else if (((((e === 3)) || ((e === 4))))) {\n return a.nodeValue;\n }\n \n ;\n ;\n }\n else for (; b = a[d]; d++) {\n c += f(b);\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c;\n };\n g = fb.isXML = function(a) {\n var b = ((a && ((a.ownerDocument || a)).documentElement));\n return ((b ? ((b.nodeName !== \"HTML\")) : !1));\n };\n i = fb.contains = ((t.contains ? function(a, b) {\n var c = ((((a.nodeType === 9)) ? a.documentElement : a)), d = ((b && b.parentNode));\n return ((((a === d)) || !!((((((d && ((d.nodeType === 1)))) && c.contains)) && c.contains(d)))));\n } : ((t.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a, b) {\n return ((b && !!((a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16))));\n } : function(a, b) {\n while (b = b.parentNode) {\n if (((b === a))) {\n return !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return !1;\n }))));\n fb.attr = function(a, b) {\n var c, d = g(a);\n ((d || (b = b.toLowerCase())));\n if (c = e.attrHandle[b]) {\n return c(a);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((d || bb))) {\n return a.getAttribute(b);\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = a.getAttributeNode(b);\n return ((c ? ((((typeof a[b] == \"boolean\")) ? ((a[b] ? b : null)) : ((c.specified ? c.value : null)))) : null));\n };\n e = fb.selectors = {\n cacheLength: 50,\n createPseudo: A,\n match: X,\n attrHandle: ((ab ? {\n } : {\n href: function(a) {\n return a.getAttribute(\"href\", 2);\n },\n type: function(a) {\n return a.getAttribute(\"type\");\n }\n })),\n JSBNG__find: {\n ID: ((d ? function(a, b, c) {\n if (((((typeof b.getElementById !== o)) && !c))) {\n var d = b.getElementById(a);\n return ((((d && d.parentNode)) ? [d,] : []));\n }\n ;\n ;\n } : function(a, c, d) {\n if (((((typeof c.getElementById !== o)) && !d))) {\n var e = c.getElementById(a);\n return ((e ? (((((( === a)) || ((((typeof e.getAttributeNode !== o)) && ((e.getAttributeNode(\"id\").value === a)))))) ? [e,] : b)) : []));\n }\n ;\n ;\n })),\n TAG: ((Z ? function(a, b) {\n if (((typeof b.getElementsByTagName !== o))) {\n return b.getElementsByTagName(a);\n }\n ;\n ;\n } : function(a, b) {\n var c = b.getElementsByTagName(a);\n if (((a === \"*\"))) {\n var d, e = [], f = 0;\n for (; d = c[f]; f++) {\n ((((d.nodeType === 1)) && e.push(d)));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return e;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c;\n })),\n NAME: ((db && function(a, b) {\n if (((typeof b.getElementsByName !== o))) {\n return b.getElementsByName(JSBNG__name);\n }\n ;\n ;\n })),\n CLASS: ((cb && function(a, b, c) {\n if (((((typeof b.getElementsByClassName !== o)) && !c))) {\n return b.getElementsByClassName(a);\n }\n ;\n ;\n }))\n },\n relative: {\n \"\\u003E\": {\n dir: \"parentNode\",\n first: !0\n },\n \" \": {\n dir: \"parentNode\"\n },\n \"+\": {\n dir: \"previousSibling\",\n first: !0\n },\n \"~\": {\n dir: \"previousSibling\"\n }\n },\n preFilter: {\n ATTR: function(a) {\n a[1] = a[1].replace(W, \"\");\n a[3] = ((((a[4] || a[5])) || \"\")).replace(W, \"\");\n ((((a[2] === \"~=\")) && (a[3] = ((((\" \" + a[3])) + \" \")))));\n return a.slice(0, 4);\n },\n CHILD: function(a) {\n a[1] = a[1].toLowerCase();\n if (((a[1] === \"nth\"))) {\n ((a[2] || fb.error(a[0])));\n a[3] = +((a[3] ? ((a[4] + ((a[5] || 1)))) : ((2 * ((((a[2] === \"even\")) || ((a[2] === \"odd\"))))))));\n a[4] = +((((a[6] + a[7])) || ((a[2] === \"odd\"))));\n }\n else ((a[2] && fb.error(a[0])));\n ;\n ;\n return a;\n },\n PSEUDO: function(a) {\n var b, c;\n if (X.CHILD.test(a[0])) {\n return null;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (a[3]) {\n a[2] = a[3];\n }\n else {\n if (b = a[4]) {\n if (((((P.test(b) && (c = kb(b, !0)))) && (c = ((b.indexOf(\")\", ((b.length - c))) - b.length)))))) {\n b = b.slice(0, c);\n a[0] = a[0].slice(0, c);\n }\n ;\n ;\n a[2] = b;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return a.slice(0, 3);\n }\n },\n filter: {\n ID: ((d ? function(a) {\n a = a.replace(W, \"\");\n return function(b) {\n return ((b.getAttribute(\"id\") === a));\n };\n } : function(a) {\n a = a.replace(W, \"\");\n return function(b) {\n var c = ((((typeof b.getAttributeNode !== o)) && b.getAttributeNode(\"id\")));\n return ((c && ((c.value === a))));\n };\n })),\n TAG: function(a) {\n if (((a === \"*\"))) {\n return function() {\n return !0;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n a = a.replace(W, \"\").toLowerCase();\n return function(b) {\n return ((b.nodeName && ((b.nodeName.toLowerCase() === a))));\n };\n },\n CLASS: function(a) {\n var b = C[p][((a + \" \"))];\n return ((b || (((b = new RegExp(((((((((((((\"(^|\" + F)) + \")\")) + a)) + \"(\")) + F)) + \"|$)\")))) && C(a, function(a) {\n return b.test(((((a.className || ((((typeof a.getAttribute !== o)) && a.getAttribute(\"class\"))))) || \"\")));\n })))));\n },\n ATTR: function(a, b, c) {\n return function(d, e) {\n var f = fb.attr(d, a);\n if (((f == null))) {\n return ((b === \"!=\"));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!b) {\n return !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n f += \"\";\n return ((((b === \"=\")) ? ((f === c)) : ((((b === \"!=\")) ? ((f !== c)) : ((((b === \"^=\")) ? ((c && ((f.indexOf(c) === 0)))) : ((((b === \"*=\")) ? ((c && ((f.indexOf(c) > -1)))) : ((((b === \"$=\")) ? ((c && ((f.substr(((f.length - c.length))) === c)))) : ((((b === \"~=\")) ? ((((((\" \" + f)) + \" \")).indexOf(c) > -1)) : ((((b === \"|=\")) ? ((((f === c)) || ((f.substr(0, ((c.length + 1))) === ((c + \"-\")))))) : !1))))))))))))));\n };\n },\n CHILD: function(a, b, c, d) {\n return ((((a === \"nth\")) ? function(a) {\n var b, e, f = a.parentNode;\n if (((((c === 1)) && ((d === 0))))) {\n return !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (f) {\n e = 0;\n for (b = f.firstChild; b; b = b.nextSibling) {\n if (((b.nodeType === 1))) {\n e++;\n if (((a === b))) {\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e -= d;\n return ((((e === c)) || ((((((e % c)) === 0)) && ((((e / c)) >= 0))))));\n } : function(b) {\n var c = b;\n switch (a) {\n case \"only\":\n \n case \"first\":\n while (c = c.previousSibling) {\n if (((c.nodeType === 1))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (((a === \"first\"))) {\n return !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = b;\n case \"last\":\n while (c = c.nextSibling) {\n if (((c.nodeType === 1))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return !0;\n };\n ;\n }));\n },\n PSEUDO: function(a, b) {\n var c, d = ((((e.pseudos[a] || e.setFilters[a.toLowerCase()])) || fb.error(((\"unsupported pseudo: \" + a)))));\n if (d[p]) {\n return d(b);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((d.length > 1))) {\n c = [a,a,\"\",b,];\n return ((e.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(a.toLowerCase()) ? A(function(a, c) {\n var e, f = d(a, b), g = f.length;\n while (g--) {\n e =, f[g]);\n a[e] = !(c[e] = f[g]);\n };\n ;\n }) : function(a) {\n return d(a, 0, c);\n }));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return d;\n }\n },\n pseudos: {\n not: A(function(a) {\n var b = [], c = [], d = j(a.replace(M, \"$1\"));\n return ((d[p] ? A(function(a, b, c, e) {\n var f, g = d(a, null, e, []), i = a.length;\n while (i--) {\n if (f = g[i]) {\n a[i] = !(b[i] = f);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }) : function(a, e, f) {\n b[0] = a;\n d(b, null, f, c);\n return !c.pop();\n }));\n }),\n has: A(function(a) {\n return function(b) {\n return ((fb(a, b).length > 0));\n };\n }),\n contains: A(function(a) {\n return function(b) {\n return ((((((b.textContent || b.innerText)) || f(b))).indexOf(a) > -1));\n };\n }),\n enabled: function(a) {\n return ((a.disabled === !1));\n },\n disabled: function(a) {\n return ((a.disabled === !0));\n },\n checked: function(a) {\n var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n return ((((((b === \"input\")) && !!a.checked)) || ((((b === \"option\")) && !!a.selected))));\n },\n selected: function(a) {\n ((a.parentNode && a.parentNode.selectedIndex));\n return ((a.selected === !0));\n },\n parent: function(a) {\n return !e.pseudos.empty(a);\n },\n empty: function(a) {\n var b;\n a = a.firstChild;\n while (a) {\n if (((((((a.nodeName > \"@\")) || (((b = a.nodeType) === 3)))) || ((b === 4))))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n a = a.nextSibling;\n };\n ;\n return !0;\n },\n header: function(a) {\n return U.test(a.nodeName);\n },\n text: function(a) {\n var b, c;\n return ((((((a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === \"input\")) && (((b = a.type) === \"text\")))) && (((((c = a.getAttribute(\"type\")) == null)) || ((c.toLowerCase() === b))))));\n },\n radio: gb(\"radio\"),\n checkbox: gb(\"checkbox\"),\n file: gb(\"file\"),\n password: gb(\"password\"),\n image: gb(\"image\"),\n submit: hb(\"submit\"),\n reset: hb(\"reset\"),\n button: function(a) {\n var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n return ((((((b === \"input\")) && ((a.type === \"button\")))) || ((b === \"button\"))));\n },\n input: function(a) {\n return V.test(a.nodeName);\n },\n JSBNG__focus: function(a) {\n var b = a.ownerDocument;\n return ((((((a === b.activeElement)) && ((!b.hasFocus || b.hasFocus())))) && !!((((a.type || a.href)) || ~a.tabIndex))));\n },\n active: function(a) {\n return ((a === a.ownerDocument.activeElement));\n },\n first: ib(function() {\n return [0,];\n }),\n last: ib(function(a, b) {\n return [((b - 1)),];\n }),\n eq: ib(function(a, b, c) {\n return [((((c < 0)) ? ((c + b)) : c)),];\n }),\n even: ib(function(a, b) {\n for (var c = 0; ((c < b)); c += 2) {\n a.push(c);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a;\n }),\n odd: ib(function(a, b) {\n for (var c = 1; ((c < b)); c += 2) {\n a.push(c);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a;\n }),\n lt: ib(function(a, b, c) {\n for (var d = ((((c < 0)) ? ((c + b)) : c)); ((--d >= 0)); ) {\n a.push(d);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a;\n }),\n gt: ib(function(a, b, c) {\n for (var d = ((((c < 0)) ? ((c + b)) : c)); ((++d < b)); ) {\n a.push(d);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a;\n })\n }\n };\n k = ((t.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a, b) {\n if (((a === b))) {\n l = !0;\n return 0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((((!a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition)) ? a.compareDocumentPosition : ((a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4)))) ? -1 : 1));\n } : function(a, b) {\n if (((a === b))) {\n l = !0;\n return 0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex))) {\n return ((a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex));\n }\n ;\n ;\n var c, d, e = [], f = [], g = a.parentNode, i = b.parentNode, j = g;\n if (((g === i))) {\n return jb(a, b);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!g) {\n return -1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!i) {\n return 1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n while (j) {\n e.unshift(j);\n j = j.parentNode;\n };\n ;\n j = i;\n while (j) {\n f.unshift(j);\n j = j.parentNode;\n };\n ;\n c = e.length;\n d = f.length;\n for (var k = 0; ((((k < c)) && ((k < d)))); k++) {\n if (((e[k] !== f[k]))) {\n return jb(e[k], f[k]);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return ((((k === c)) ? jb(a, f[k], -1) : jb(e[k], b, 1)));\n }));\n [0,0,].sort(k);\n n = !l;\n fb.uniqueSort = function(a) {\n var b, c = [], d = 1, e = 0;\n l = n;\n a.sort(k);\n if (l) {\n for (; b = a[d]; d++) {\n ((((b === a[((d - 1))])) && (e = c.push(d))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n while (e--) {\n a.splice(c[e], 1);\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return a;\n };\n fb.error = function(a) {\n throw new Error(((\"Syntax error, unrecognized expression: \" + a)));\n };\n j = fb.compile = function(a, b) {\n var c, d = [], e = [], f = E[p][((a + \" \"))];\n if (!f) {\n ((b || (b = kb(a))));\n c = b.length;\n while (c--) {\n f = pb(b[c]);\n ((f[p] ? d.push(f) : e.push(f)));\n };\n ;\n f = E(a, qb(e, d));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return f;\n };\n ((s.querySelectorAll && function() {\n var a, b = sb, c = /'|\\\\/g, d = /\\=[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]*([^'\"\\]]*)[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]*\\]/g, e = [\":focus\",], f = [\":active\",], i = ((((((((t.matchesSelector || t.mozMatchesSelector)) || t.webkitMatchesSelector)) || t.oMatchesSelector)) || t.msMatchesSelector));\n Y(function(a) {\n a.innerHTML = \"\\u003Cselect\\u003E\\u003Coption selected=''\\u003E\\u003C/option\\u003E\\u003C/select\\u003E\";\n ((a.querySelectorAll(\"[selected]\").length || e.push(((((\"\\\\[\" + F)) + \"*(?:checked|disabled|ismap|multiple|readonly|selected|value)\")))));\n ((a.querySelectorAll(\":checked\").length || e.push(\":checked\")));\n });\n Y(function(a) {\n a.innerHTML = \"\\u003Cp test=''\\u003E\\u003C/p\\u003E\";\n ((a.querySelectorAll(\"[test^='']\").length && e.push(((((\"[*^$]=\" + F)) + \"*(?:\\\"\\\"|'')\")))));\n a.innerHTML = \"\\u003Cinput type='hidden'/\\u003E\";\n ((a.querySelectorAll(\":enabled\").length || e.push(\":enabled\", \":disabled\")));\n });\n e = new RegExp(e.join(\"|\"));\n sb = function(a, d, f, g, i) {\n if (((((!g && !i)) && !e.test(a)))) {\n var j, k, l = !0, m = p, n = d, o = ((((d.nodeType === 9)) && a));\n if (((((d.nodeType === 1)) && ((d.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== \"object\"))))) {\n j = kb(a);\n (((l = d.getAttribute(\"id\")) ? m = l.replace(c, \"\\\\$&\") : d.setAttribute(\"id\", m)));\n m = ((((\"[id='\" + m)) + \"'] \"));\n k = j.length;\n while (k--) {\n j[k] = ((m + j[k].join(\"\")));\n ;\n };\n ;\n n = ((((S.test(a) && d.parentNode)) || d));\n o = j.join(\",\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (o) {\n try {\n x.apply(f,, 0));\n return f;\n } catch (q) {\n \n } finally {\n ((l || d.removeAttribute(\"id\")));\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return b(a, d, f, g, i);\n };\n if (i) {\n Y(function(b) {\n a =, \"div\");\n try {\n, \"[test!='']:sizzle\");\n f.push(\"!=\", K);\n } catch (c) {\n \n };\n ;\n });\n f = new RegExp(f.join(\"|\"));\n fb.matchesSelector = function(b, c) {\n c = c.replace(d, \"='$1']\");\n if (((((!g(b) && !f.test(c))) && !e.test(c)))) {\n try {\n var j =, c);\n if (((((j || a)) || ((b.JSBNG__document && ((b.JSBNG__document.nodeType !== 11))))))) {\n return j;\n }\n ;\n ;\n } catch (k) {\n \n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((fb(c, null, null, [b,]).length > 0));\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n }()));\n e.pseudos.nth = e.pseudos.eq;\n e.filters = tb.prototype = e.pseudos;\n e.setFilters = new tb;\n fb.attr = q.attr;\n q.JSBNG__find = fb;\n q.expr = fb.selectors;\n q.expr[\":\"] = q.expr.pseudos;\n q.unique = fb.uniqueSort;\n q.text = fb.getText;\n q.isXMLDoc = fb.isXML;\n q.contains = fb.contains;\n })(a);\n var fb = /Until$/, gb = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, hb = /^.[^:#\\[\\.,]*$/, ib = q.expr.match.needsContext, jb = {\n children: !0,\n contents: !0,\n next: !0,\n prev: !0\n };\n q.fn.extend({\n JSBNG__find: function(a) {\n var b, c, d, e, f, g, i = this;\n if (((typeof a != \"string\"))) {\n return q(a).filter(function() {\n for (b = 0, c = i.length; ((b < c)); b++) {\n if (q.contains(i[b], this)) {\n return !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n g = this.pushStack(\"\", \"JSBNG__find\", a);\n for (b = 0, c = this.length; ((b < c)); b++) {\n d = g.length;\n q.JSBNG__find(a, this[b], g);\n if (((b > 0))) {\n for (e = d; ((e < g.length)); e++) {\n for (f = 0; ((f < d)); f++) {\n if (((g[f] === g[e]))) {\n g.splice(e--, 1);\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return g;\n },\n has: function(a) {\n var b, c = q(a, this), d = c.length;\n return this.filter(function() {\n for (b = 0; ((b < d)); b++) {\n if (q.contains(this, c[b])) {\n return !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n });\n },\n not: function(a) {\n return this.pushStack(mb(this, a, !1), \"not\", a);\n },\n filter: function(a) {\n return this.pushStack(mb(this, a, !0), \"filter\", a);\n },\n is: function(a) {\n return ((!!a && ((((typeof a == \"string\")) ? ((ib.test(a) ? ((q(a, this.context).index(this[0]) >= 0)) : ((q.filter(a, this).length > 0)))) : ((this.filter(a).length > 0))))));\n },\n closest: function(a, b) {\n var c, d = 0, e = this.length, f = [], g = ((((ib.test(a) || ((typeof a != \"string\")))) ? q(a, ((b || this.context))) : 0));\n for (; ((d < e)); d++) {\n c = this[d];\n while (((((((c && c.ownerDocument)) && ((c !== b)))) && ((c.nodeType !== 11))))) {\n if (((g ? ((g.index(c) > -1)) : q.JSBNG__find.matchesSelector(c, a)))) {\n f.push(c);\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = c.parentNode;\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n f = ((((f.length > 1)) ? q.unique(f) : f));\n return this.pushStack(f, \"closest\", a);\n },\n index: function(a) {\n return ((a ? ((((typeof a == \"string\")) ? q.inArray(this[0], q(a)) : q.inArray(((a.jquery ? a[0] : a)), this))) : ((((this[0] && this[0].parentNode)) ? this.prevAll().length : -1))));\n },\n add: function(a, b) {\n var c = ((((typeof a == \"string\")) ? q(a, b) : q.makeArray(((((a && a.nodeType)) ? [a,] : a))))), d = q.merge(this.get(), c);\n return this.pushStack(((((kb(c[0]) || kb(d[0]))) ? d : q.unique(d))));\n },\n addBack: function(a) {\n return this.add(((((a == null)) ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(a))));\n }\n });\n q.fn.andSelf = q.fn.addBack;\n q.each({\n parent: function(a) {\n var b = a.parentNode;\n return ((((b && ((b.nodeType !== 11)))) ? b : null));\n },\n parents: function(a) {\n return q.dir(a, \"parentNode\");\n },\n parentsUntil: function(a, b, c) {\n return q.dir(a, \"parentNode\", c);\n },\n next: function(a) {\n return lb(a, \"nextSibling\");\n },\n prev: function(a) {\n return lb(a, \"previousSibling\");\n },\n nextAll: function(a) {\n return q.dir(a, \"nextSibling\");\n },\n prevAll: function(a) {\n return q.dir(a, \"previousSibling\");\n },\n nextUntil: function(a, b, c) {\n return q.dir(a, \"nextSibling\", c);\n },\n prevUntil: function(a, b, c) {\n return q.dir(a, \"previousSibling\", c);\n },\n siblings: function(a) {\n return q.sibling(((a.parentNode || {\n })).firstChild, a);\n },\n children: function(a) {\n return q.sibling(a.firstChild);\n },\n contents: function(a) {\n return ((q.nodeName(a, \"div\") ? ((a.contentDocument || a.contentWindow.JSBNG__document)) : q.merge([], a.childNodes)));\n }\n }, function(a, b) {\n q.fn[a] = function(c, d) {\n var e =, b, c);\n ((fb.test(a) || (d = c)));\n ((((d && ((typeof d == \"string\")))) && (e = q.filter(d, e))));\n e = ((((((this.length > 1)) && !jb[a])) ? q.unique(e) : e));\n ((((((this.length > 1)) && gb.test(a))) && (e = e.reverse())));\n return this.pushStack(e, a,\",\"));\n };\n });\n q.extend({\n filter: function(a, b, c) {\n ((c && (a = ((((\":not(\" + a)) + \")\")))));\n return ((((b.length === 1)) ? ((q.JSBNG__find.matchesSelector(b[0], a) ? [b[0],] : [])) : q.JSBNG__find.matches(a, b)));\n },\n dir: function(a, c, d) {\n var e = [], f = a[c];\n while (((((f && ((f.nodeType !== 9)))) && ((((((d === b)) || ((f.nodeType !== 1)))) || !q(f).is(d)))))) {\n ((((f.nodeType === 1)) && e.push(f)));\n f = f[c];\n };\n ;\n return e;\n },\n sibling: function(a, b) {\n var c = [];\n for (; a; a = a.nextSibling) {\n ((((((a.nodeType === 1)) && ((a !== b)))) && c.push(a)));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return c;\n }\n });\n var ob = \"abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video\", pb = / jQuery\\d+=\"(?:null|\\d+)\"/g, qb = /^\\s+/, rb = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\\w:]+)[^>]*)\\/>/gi, sb = /<([\\w:]+)/, tb = /<tbody/i, ub = /<|&#?\\w+;/, vb = /<(?:script|style|link)/i, wb = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i, xb = new RegExp(((((\"\\u003C(?:\" + ob)) + \")[\\\\s/\\u003E]\")), \"i\"), yb = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/, zb = /checked\\s*(?:[^=]|=\\s*.checked.)/i, Ab = /\\/(java|ecma)script/i, Bb = /^\\s*<!(?:\\[CDATA\\[|\\-\\-)|[\\]\\-]{2}>\\s*$/g, Cb = {\n option: [1,\"\\u003Cselect multiple='multiple'\\u003E\",\"\\u003C/select\\u003E\",],\n legend: [1,\"\\u003Cfieldset\\u003E\",\"\\u003C/fieldset\\u003E\",],\n thead: [1,\"\\u003Ctable\\u003E\",\"\\u003C/table\\u003E\",],\n tr: [2,\"\\u003Ctable\\u003E\\u003Ctbody\\u003E\",\"\\u003C/tbody\\u003E\\u003C/table\\u003E\",],\n td: [3,\"\\u003Ctable\\u003E\\u003Ctbody\\u003E\\u003Ctr\\u003E\",\"\\u003C/tr\\u003E\\u003C/tbody\\u003E\\u003C/table\\u003E\",],\n col: [2,\"\\u003Ctable\\u003E\\u003Ctbody\\u003E\\u003C/tbody\\u003E\\u003Ccolgroup\\u003E\",\"\\u003C/colgroup\\u003E\\u003C/table\\u003E\",],\n area: [1,\"\\u003Cmap\\u003E\",\"\\u003C/map\\u003E\",],\n _default: [0,\"\",\"\",]\n }, Db = nb(e), Eb = Db.appendChild(e.createElement(\"div\"));\n Cb.optgroup = Cb.option;\n Cb.tbody = Cb.tfoot = Cb.colgroup = Cb.caption = Cb.thead;\n =;\n (( || (Cb._default = [1,\"X\\u003Cdiv\\u003E\",\"\\u003C/div\\u003E\",])));\n q.fn.extend({\n text: function(a) {\n return q.access(this, function(a) {\n return ((((a === b)) ? q.text(this) : this.empty().append(((((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument)) || e)).createTextNode(a))));\n }, null, a, arguments.length);\n },\n wrapAll: function(a) {\n if (q.isFunction(a)) {\n return this.each(function(b) {\n q(this).wrapAll(, b));\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (this[0]) {\n var b = q(a, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(!0);\n ((this[0].parentNode && b.insertBefore(this[0])));\n {\n var a = this;\n while (((a.firstChild && ((a.firstChild.nodeType === 1))))) {\n a = a.firstChild;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a;\n }).append(this);\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this;\n },\n wrapInner: function(a) {\n return ((q.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function(b) {\n q(this).wrapInner(, b));\n }) : this.each(function() {\n var b = q(this), c = b.contents();\n ((c.length ? c.wrapAll(a) : b.append(a)));\n })));\n },\n wrap: function(a) {\n var b = q.isFunction(a);\n return this.each(function(c) {\n q(this).wrapAll(((b ?, c) : a)));\n });\n },\n unwrap: function() {\n return this.parent().each(function() {\n ((q.nodeName(this, \"body\") || q(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes)));\n }).end();\n },\n append: function() {\n return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function(a) {\n ((((((this.nodeType === 1)) || ((this.nodeType === 11)))) && this.appendChild(a)));\n });\n },\n prepend: function() {\n return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function(a) {\n ((((((this.nodeType === 1)) || ((this.nodeType === 11)))) && this.insertBefore(a, this.firstChild)));\n });\n },\n before: function() {\n if (!kb(this[0])) {\n return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function(a) {\n this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this);\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (arguments.length) {\n var a = q.clean(arguments);\n return this.pushStack(q.merge(a, this), \"before\", this.selector);\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n after: function() {\n if (!kb(this[0])) {\n return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function(a) {\n this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this.nextSibling);\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (arguments.length) {\n var a = q.clean(arguments);\n return this.pushStack(q.merge(this, a), \"after\", this.selector);\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n remove: function(a, b) {\n var c, d = 0;\n for (; (((c = this[d]) != null)); d++) {\n if (((!a || q.filter(a, [c,]).length))) {\n if (((!b && ((c.nodeType === 1))))) {\n q.cleanData(c.getElementsByTagName(\"*\"));\n q.cleanData([c,]);\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((c.parentNode && c.parentNode.removeChild(c)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return this;\n },\n empty: function() {\n var a, b = 0;\n for (; (((a = this[b]) != null)); b++) {\n ((((a.nodeType === 1)) && q.cleanData(a.getElementsByTagName(\"*\"))));\n while (a.firstChild) {\n a.removeChild(a.firstChild);\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n return this;\n },\n clone: function(a, b) {\n a = ((((a == null)) ? !1 : a));\n b = ((((b == null)) ? a : b));\n return {\n return q.clone(this, a, b);\n });\n },\n html: function(a) {\n return q.access(this, function(a) {\n var c = ((this[0] || {\n })), d = 0, e = this.length;\n if (((a === b))) {\n return ((((c.nodeType === 1)) ? c.innerHTML.replace(pb, \"\") : b));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((((((((typeof a == \"string\")) && !vb.test(a))) && (( || !xb.test(a))))) && (( || !qb.test(a))))) && !Cb[((sb.exec(a) || [\"\",\"\",]))[1].toLowerCase()]))) {\n a = a.replace(rb, \"\\u003C$1\\u003E\\u003C/$2\\u003E\");\n try {\n for (; ((d < e)); d++) {\n c = ((this[d] || {\n }));\n if (((c.nodeType === 1))) {\n q.cleanData(c.getElementsByTagName(\"*\"));\n c.innerHTML = a;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n c = 0;\n } catch (f) {\n \n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((c && this.empty().append(a)));\n }, null, a, arguments.length);\n },\n replaceWith: function(a) {\n if (!kb(this[0])) {\n if (q.isFunction(a)) {\n return this.each(function(b) {\n var c = q(this), d = c.html();\n c.replaceWith(, b, d));\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((typeof a != \"string\")) && (a = q(a).detach())));\n return this.each(function() {\n var b = this.nextSibling, c = this.parentNode;\n q(this).remove();\n ((b ? q(b).before(a) : q(c).append(a)));\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((this.length ? this.pushStack(q(((q.isFunction(a) ? a() : a))), \"replaceWith\", a) : this));\n },\n detach: function(a) {\n return this.remove(a, !0);\n },\n domManip: function(a, c, d) {\n a = [].concat.apply([], a);\n var e, f, g, i, j = 0, k = a[0], l = [], m = this.length;\n if (((((((! && ((m > 1)))) && ((typeof k == \"string\")))) && zb.test(k)))) {\n return this.each(function() {\n q(this).domManip(a, c, d);\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (q.isFunction(k)) {\n return this.each(function(e) {\n var f = q(this);\n a[0] =, e, ((c ? f.html() : b)));\n f.domManip(a, c, d);\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (this[0]) {\n e = q.buildFragment(a, this, l);\n g = e.fragment;\n f = g.firstChild;\n ((((g.childNodes.length === 1)) && (g = f)));\n if (f) {\n c = ((c && q.nodeName(f, \"tr\")));\n for (i = ((e.cacheable || ((m - 1)))); ((j < m)); j++) {\n && q.nodeName(this[j], \"table\"))) ? Fb(this[j], \"tbody\") : this[j])), ((((j === i)) ? g : q.clone(g, !0, !0))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n g = f = null;\n ((l.length && q.each(l, function(a, b) {\n ((b.src ? ((q.ajax ? q.ajax({\n url: b.src,\n type: \"GET\",\n dataType: \"script\",\n async: !1,\n global: !1,\n throws: !0\n }) : q.error(\"no ajax\"))) : q.globalEval(((((((b.text || b.textContent)) || b.innerHTML)) || \"\")).replace(Bb, \"\"))));\n ((b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b)));\n })));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this;\n }\n });\n q.buildFragment = function(a, c, d) {\n var f, g, i, j = a[0];\n c = ((c || e));\n c = ((((!c.nodeType && c[0])) || c));\n c = ((c.ownerDocument || c));\n if (((((((((((((((((a.length === 1)) && ((typeof j == \"string\")))) && ((j.length < 512)))) && ((c === e)))) && ((j.charAt(0) === \"\\u003C\")))) && !wb.test(j))) && (( || !zb.test(j))))) && (( || !xb.test(j)))))) {\n g = !0;\n f = q.fragments[j];\n i = ((f !== b));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!f) {\n f = c.createDocumentFragment();\n q.clean(a, c, f, d);\n ((g && (q.fragments[j] = ((i && f)))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return {\n fragment: f,\n cacheable: g\n };\n };\n q.fragments = {\n };\n q.each({\n appendTo: \"append\",\n prependTo: \"prepend\",\n insertBefore: \"before\",\n insertAfter: \"after\",\n replaceAll: \"replaceWith\"\n }, function(a, b) {\n q.fn[a] = function(c) {\n var d, e = 0, f = [], g = q(c), i = g.length, j = ((((this.length === 1)) && this[0].parentNode));\n if (((((((j == null)) || ((((j && ((j.nodeType === 11)))) && ((j.childNodes.length === 1)))))) && ((i === 1))))) {\n g[b](this[0]);\n return this;\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (; ((e < i)); e++) {\n d = ((((e > 0)) ? this.clone(!0) : this)).get();\n q(g[e])[b](d);\n f = f.concat(d);\n };\n ;\n return this.pushStack(f, a, g.selector);\n };\n });\n q.extend({\n clone: function(a, b, c) {\n var d, e, f, g;\n if ((((( || q.isXMLDoc(a))) || !xb.test(((((\"\\u003C\" + a.nodeName)) + \"\\u003E\")))))) g = a.cloneNode(!0);\n else {\n Eb.innerHTML = a.outerHTML;\n Eb.removeChild(g = Eb.firstChild);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((((! || ! && ((((a.nodeType === 1)) || ((a.nodeType === 11)))))) && !q.isXMLDoc(a)))) {\n Hb(a, g);\n d = Ib(a);\n e = Ib(g);\n for (f = 0; d[f]; ++f) {\n ((e[f] && Hb(d[f], e[f])));\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (b) {\n Gb(a, g);\n if (c) {\n d = Ib(a);\n e = Ib(g);\n for (f = 0; d[f]; ++f) {\n Gb(d[f], e[f]);\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n d = e = null;\n return g;\n },\n clean: function(a, b, c, d) {\n var f, g, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t = ((((b === e)) && Db)), u = [];\n if (((!b || ((typeof b.createDocumentFragment == \"undefined\"))))) {\n b = e;\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (f = 0; (((i = a[f]) != null)); f++) {\n ((((typeof i == \"number\")) && (i += \"\")));\n if (!i) {\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((typeof i == \"string\"))) {\n if (!ub.test(i)) i = b.createTextNode(i);\n else {\n t = ((t || nb(b)));\n m = b.createElement(\"div\");\n t.appendChild(m);\n i = i.replace(rb, \"\\u003C$1\\u003E\\u003C/$2\\u003E\");\n j = ((sb.exec(i) || [\"\",\"\",]))[1].toLowerCase();\n k = ((Cb[j] || Cb._default));\n l = k[0];\n m.innerHTML = ((((k[1] + i)) + k[2]));\n while (l--) {\n m = m.lastChild;\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (! {\n n = tb.test(i);\n o = ((((((j === \"table\")) && !n)) ? ((m.firstChild && m.firstChild.childNodes)) : ((((((k[1] === \"\\u003Ctable\\u003E\")) && !n)) ? m.childNodes : []))));\n for (g = ((o.length - 1)); ((g >= 0)); --g) {\n ((((q.nodeName(o[g], \"tbody\") && !o[g].childNodes.length)) && o[g].parentNode.removeChild(o[g])));\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((! && qb.test(i))) && m.insertBefore(b.createTextNode(qb.exec(i)[0]), m.firstChild)));\n i = m.childNodes;\n m.parentNode.removeChild(m);\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((i.nodeType ? u.push(i) : q.merge(u, i)));\n };\n ;\n ((m && (i = m = t = null)));\n if (! {\n for (f = 0; (((i = u[f]) != null)); f++) {\n ((q.nodeName(i, \"input\") ? Jb(i) : ((((typeof i.getElementsByTagName != \"undefined\")) && q.grep(i.getElementsByTagName(\"input\"), Jb)))));\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (c) {\n r = function(a) {\n if (((!a.type || Ab.test(a.type)))) {\n return ((d ? d.push(((a.parentNode ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : a))) : c.appendChild(a)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n for (f = 0; (((i = u[f]) != null)); f++) {\n if (((!q.nodeName(i, \"script\") || !r(i)))) {\n c.appendChild(i);\n if (((typeof i.getElementsByTagName != \"undefined\"))) {\n s = q.grep(q.merge([], i.getElementsByTagName(\"script\")), r);\n u.splice.apply(u, [((f + 1)),0,].concat(s));\n f += s.length;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return u;\n },\n cleanData: function(a, b) {\n var c, d, e, f, g = 0, i = q.expando, j = q.cache, k =, l = q.JSBNG__event.special;\n for (; (((e = a[g]) != null)); g++) {\n if (((b || q.acceptData(e)))) {\n d = e[i];\n c = ((d && j[d]));\n if (c) {\n if ( {\n {\n var fin27keys = ((, fin27i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin27i < fin27keys.length); (fin27i++)) {\n ((f) = (fin27keys[fin27i]));\n {\n ((l[f] ? q.JSBNG__event.remove(e, f) : q.removeEvent(e, f, c.handle)));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (j[d]) {\n delete j[d];\n ((k ? delete e[i] : ((e.removeAttribute ? e.removeAttribute(i) : e[i] = null))));\n q.deletedIds.push(d);\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n });\n (function() {\n var a, b;\n q.uaMatch = function(a) {\n a = a.toLowerCase();\n var b = ((((((((((/(chrome)[ \\/]([\\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(webkit)[ \\/]([\\w.]+)/.exec(a))) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \\/]([\\w.]+)/.exec(a))) || /(msie) ([\\w.]+)/.exec(a))) || ((((a.indexOf(\"compatible\") < 0)) && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\\w.]+)|)/.exec(a))))) || []));\n return {\n browser: ((b[1] || \"\")),\n version: ((b[2] || \"0\"))\n };\n };\n a = q.uaMatch(g.userAgent);\n b = {\n };\n if (a.browser) {\n b[a.browser] = !0;\n b.version = a.version;\n }\n ;\n ;\n (( ? b.webkit = !0 : ((b.webkit && (b.safari = !0)))));\n q.browser = b;\n q.sub = function() {\n function a(b, c) {\n return new a.fn.init(b, c);\n };\n ;\n q.extend(!0, a, this);\n a.superclass = this;\n a.fn = a.prototype = this();\n a.fn.constructor = a;\n a.sub = this.sub;\n a.fn.init = function(d, e) {\n ((((((e && ((e instanceof q)))) && !((e instanceof a)))) && (e = a(e))));\n return, d, e, b);\n };\n a.fn.init.prototype = a.fn;\n var b = a(e);\n return a;\n };\n })();\n var Kb, Lb, Mb, Nb = /alpha\\([^)]*\\)/i, Ob = /opacity=([^)]*)/, Pb = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/, Qb = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/, Rb = /^margin/, Sb = new RegExp(((((\"^(\" + r)) + \")(.*)$\")), \"i\"), Tb = new RegExp(((((\"^(\" + r)) + \")(?!px)[a-z%]+$\")), \"i\"), Ub = new RegExp(((((\"^([-+])=(\" + r)) + \")\")), \"i\"), Vb = {\n BODY: \"block\"\n }, Wb = {\n position: \"absolute\",\n visibility: \"hidden\",\n display: \"block\"\n }, Xb = {\n letterSpacing: 0,\n fontWeight: 400\n }, Yb = [\"Top\",\"Right\",\"Bottom\",\"Left\",], Zb = [\"Webkit\",\"O\",\"Moz\",\"ms\",], $b = q.fn.toggle;\n q.fn.extend({\n css: function(a, c) {\n return q.access(this, function(a, c, d) {\n return ((((d !== b)) ?, c, d) : q.css(a, c)));\n }, a, c, ((arguments.length > 1)));\n },\n show: function() {\n return bc(this, !0);\n },\n hide: function() {\n return bc(this);\n },\n toggle: function(a, b) {\n var c = ((typeof a == \"boolean\"));\n return ((((q.isFunction(a) && q.isFunction(b))) ? $b.apply(this, arguments) : this.each(function() {\n ((((c ? a : ac(this))) ? q(this).show() : q(this).hide()));\n })));\n }\n });\n q.extend({\n cssHooks: {\n opacity: {\n get: function(a, b) {\n if (b) {\n var c = Kb(a, \"opacity\");\n return ((((c === \"\")) ? \"1\" : c));\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n }\n },\n cssNumber: {\n fillOpacity: !0,\n fontWeight: !0,\n lineHeight: !0,\n opacity: !0,\n orphans: !0,\n widows: !0,\n zIndex: !0,\n zoom: !0\n },\n cssProps: {\n float: (( ? \"cssFloat\" : \"styleFloat\"))\n },\n style: function(a, c, d, e) {\n if (((((((!a || ((a.nodeType === 3)))) || ((a.nodeType === 8)))) || ! {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var f, g, i, j = q.camelCase(c), k =;\n c = ((q.cssProps[j] || (q.cssProps[j] = _b(k, j))));\n i = ((q.cssHooks[c] || q.cssHooks[j]));\n if (((d === b))) {\n return ((((((i && ((\"get\" in i)))) && (((f = i.get(a, !1, e)) !== b)))) ? f : k[c]));\n }\n ;\n ;\n g = typeof d;\n if (((((g === \"string\")) && (f = Ub.exec(d))))) {\n d = ((((((f[1] + 1)) * f[2])) + parseFloat(q.css(a, c))));\n g = \"number\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((d == null)) || ((((g === \"number\")) && isNaN(d)))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((((g === \"number\")) && !q.cssNumber[j])) && (d += \"px\")));\n if (((((!i || !((\"set\" in i)))) || (((d = i.set(a, d, e)) !== b))))) {\n try {\n k[c] = d;\n } catch (l) {\n \n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n css: function(a, c, d, e) {\n var f, g, i, j = q.camelCase(c);\n c = ((q.cssProps[j] || (q.cssProps[j] = _b(, j))));\n i = ((q.cssHooks[c] || q.cssHooks[j]));\n ((((i && ((\"get\" in i)))) && (f = i.get(a, !0, e))));\n ((((f === b)) && (f = Kb(a, c))));\n ((((((f === \"normal\")) && ((c in Xb)))) && (f = Xb[c])));\n if (((d || ((e !== b))))) {\n g = parseFloat(f);\n return ((((d || q.isNumeric(g))) ? ((g || 0)) : f));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return f;\n },\n swap: function(a, b, c) {\n var d, e, f = {\n };\n {\n var fin28keys = ((, fin28i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin28i < fin28keys.length); (fin28i++)) {\n ((e) = (fin28keys[fin28i]));\n {\n f[e] =[e];\n[e] = b[e];\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n d =;\n {\n var fin29keys = ((, fin29i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin29i < fin29keys.length); (fin29i++)) {\n ((e) = (fin29keys[fin29i]));\n {\n[e] = f[e];\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return d;\n }\n });\n ((a.JSBNG__getComputedStyle ? Kb = function(b, c) {\n var d, e, f, g, i = a.JSBNG__getComputedStyle(b, null), j =;\n if (i) {\n d = ((i.getPropertyValue(c) || i[c]));\n ((((((d === \"\")) && !q.contains(b.ownerDocument, b))) && (d =, c))));\n if (((Tb.test(d) && Rb.test(c)))) {\n e = j.width;\n f = j.minWidth;\n g = j.maxWidth;\n j.minWidth = j.maxWidth = j.width = d;\n d = i.width;\n j.width = e;\n j.minWidth = f;\n j.maxWidth = g;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return d;\n } : ((e.documentElement.currentStyle && (Kb = function(a, b) {\n var c, d, e = ((a.currentStyle && a.currentStyle[b])), f =;\n ((((((((e == null)) && f)) && f[b])) && (e = f[b])));\n if (((Tb.test(e) && !Pb.test(b)))) {\n c = f.left;\n d = ((a.runtimeStyle && a.runtimeStyle.left));\n ((d && (a.runtimeStyle.left = a.currentStyle.left)));\n f.left = ((((b === \"fontSize\")) ? \"1em\" : e));\n e = ((f.pixelLeft + \"px\"));\n f.left = c;\n ((d && (a.runtimeStyle.left = d)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((e === \"\")) ? \"auto\" : e));\n })))));\n q.each([\"height\",\"width\",], function(a, b) {\n q.cssHooks[b] = {\n get: function(a, c, d) {\n if (c) {\n return ((((((a.offsetWidth === 0)) && Qb.test(Kb(a, \"display\")))) ? q.swap(a, Wb, function() {\n return ec(a, b, d);\n }) : ec(a, b, d)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n set: function(a, c, d) {\n return cc(a, c, ((d ? dc(a, b, d, (( && ((q.css(a, \"boxSizing\") === \"border-box\"))))) : 0)));\n }\n };\n });\n (( || (q.cssHooks.opacity = {\n get: function(a, b) {\n return ((Ob.test(((((((b && a.currentStyle)) ? a.currentStyle.filter : || \"\"))) ? ((((77546 * parseFloat(RegExp.$1))) + \"\")) : ((b ? \"1\" : \"\"))));\n },\n set: function(a, b) {\n var c =, d = a.currentStyle, e = ((q.isNumeric(b) ? ((((\"alpha(opacity=\" + ((b * 100)))) + \")\")) : \"\")), f = ((((((d && d.filter)) || c.filter)) || \"\"));\n c.zoom = 1;\n if (((((((b >= 1)) && ((q.trim(f.replace(Nb, \"\")) === \"\")))) && c.removeAttribute))) {\n c.removeAttribute(\"filter\");\n if (((d && !d.filter))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c.filter = ((Nb.test(f) ? f.replace(Nb, e) : ((((f + \" \")) + e))));\n }\n })));\n q(function() {\n (( || (q.cssHooks.marginRight = {\n get: function(a, b) {\n return q.swap(a, {\n display: \"inline-block\"\n }, function() {\n if (b) {\n return Kb(a, \"marginRight\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n }\n })));\n ((((! && q.fn.position)) && q.each([\"JSBNG__top\",\"left\",], function(a, b) {\n q.cssHooks[b] = {\n get: function(a, c) {\n if (c) {\n var d = Kb(a, b);\n return ((Tb.test(d) ? ((q(a).position()[b] + \"px\")) : d));\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n };\n })));\n });\n if (((q.expr && q.expr.filters))) {\n q.expr.filters.hidden = function(a) {\n return ((((((a.offsetWidth === 0)) && ((a.offsetHeight === 0)))) || ((! && (((((( && || Kb(a, \"display\"))) === \"none\"))))));\n };\n q.expr.filters.visible = function(a) {\n return !q.expr.filters.hidden(a);\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n q.each({\n margin: \"\",\n padding: \"\",\n border: \"Width\"\n }, function(a, b) {\n q.cssHooks[((a + b))] = {\n expand: function(c) {\n var d, e = ((((typeof c == \"string\")) ? c.split(\" \") : [c,])), f = {\n };\n for (d = 0; ((d < 4)); d++) {\n f[((((a + Yb[d])) + b))] = ((((e[d] || e[((d - 2))])) || e[0]));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return f;\n }\n };\n ((Rb.test(a) || (q.cssHooks[((a + b))].set = cc)));\n });\n var gc = /%20/g, hc = /\\[\\]$/, ic = /\\r?\\n/g, jc = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i, kc = /^(?:select|textarea)/i;\n q.fn.extend({\n serialize: function() {\n return q.param(this.serializeArray());\n },\n serializeArray: function() {\n return {\n return ((this.elements ? q.makeArray(this.elements) : this));\n }).filter(function() {\n return ((((this.JSBNG__name && !this.disabled)) && ((((this.checked || kc.test(this.nodeName))) || jc.test(this.type)))));\n }).map(function(a, b) {\n var c = q(this).val();\n return ((((c == null)) ? null : ((q.isArray(c) ?, function(a, c) {\n return {\n JSBNG__name: b.JSBNG__name,\n value: a.replace(ic, \"\\u000d\\u000a\")\n };\n }) : {\n JSBNG__name: b.JSBNG__name,\n value: c.replace(ic, \"\\u000d\\u000a\")\n }))));\n }).get();\n }\n });\n q.param = function(a, c) {\n var d, e = [], f = function(a, b) {\n b = ((q.isFunction(b) ? b() : ((((b == null)) ? \"\" : b))));\n e[e.length] = ((((encodeURIComponent(a) + \"=\")) + encodeURIComponent(b)));\n };\n ((((c === b)) && (c = ((q.ajaxSettings && q.ajaxSettings.traditional)))));\n if (((q.isArray(a) || ((a.jquery && !q.isPlainObject(a)))))) {\n q.each(a, function() {\n f(this.JSBNG__name, this.value);\n });\n }\n else {\n {\n var fin30keys = ((, fin30i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin30i < fin30keys.length); (fin30i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin30keys[fin30i]));\n {\n lc(d, a[d], c, f);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n return e.join(\"&\").replace(gc, \"+\");\n };\n var mc, nc, oc = /#.*$/, pc = /^(.*?):[ \\t]*([^\\r\\n]*)\\r?$/gm, qc = /^(?:about|app|app\\-storage|.+\\-extension|file|res|widget):$/, rc = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, sc = /^\\/\\//, tc = /\\?/, uc = /<script\\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\\/script>/gi, vc = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, wc = /^([\\w\\+\\.\\-]+:)(?:\\/\\/([^\\/?#:]*)(?::(\\d+)|)|)/, xc = q.fn.load, yc = {\n }, zc = {\n }, Ac = (([\"*/\",] + [\"*\",]));\n try {\n nc = f.href;\n } catch (Bc) {\n nc = e.createElement(\"a\");\n nc.href = \"\";\n nc = nc.href;\n };\n ;\n mc = ((wc.exec(nc.toLowerCase()) || []));\n q.fn.load = function(a, c, d) {\n if (((((typeof a != \"string\")) && xc))) {\n return xc.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!this.length) {\n return this;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e, f, g, i = this, j = a.indexOf(\" \");\n if (((j >= 0))) {\n e = a.slice(j, a.length);\n a = a.slice(0, j);\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (q.isFunction(c)) {\n d = c;\n c = b;\n }\n else ((((c && ((typeof c == \"object\")))) && (f = \"POST\")));\n ;\n ;\n q.ajax({\n url: a,\n type: f,\n dataType: \"html\",\n data: c,\n complete: function(a, b) {\n ((d && i.each(d, ((g || [a.responseText,b,a,])))));\n }\n }).done(function(a) {\n g = arguments;\n i.html(((e ? q(\"\\u003Cdiv\\u003E\").append(a.replace(uc, \"\")).JSBNG__find(e) : a)));\n });\n return this;\n };\n q.each(\"ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend\".split(\" \"), function(a, b) {\n q.fn[b] = function(a) {\n return this.JSBNG__on(b, a);\n };\n });\n q.each([\"get\",\"post\",], function(a, c) {\n q[c] = function(a, d, e, f) {\n if (q.isFunction(d)) {\n f = ((f || e));\n e = d;\n d = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return q.ajax({\n type: c,\n url: a,\n data: d,\n success: e,\n dataType: f\n });\n };\n });\n q.extend({\n getScript: function(a, c) {\n return q.get(a, b, c, \"script\");\n },\n getJSON: function(a, b, c) {\n return q.get(a, b, c, \"json\");\n },\n ajaxSetup: function(a, b) {\n if (b) Ec(a, q.ajaxSettings);\n else {\n b = a;\n a = q.ajaxSettings;\n }\n ;\n ;\n Ec(a, b);\n return a;\n },\n ajaxSettings: {\n url: nc,\n isLocal: qc.test(mc[1]),\n global: !0,\n type: \"GET\",\n contentType: \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8\",\n processData: !0,\n async: !0,\n accepts: {\n xml: \"application/xml, text/xml\",\n html: \"text/html\",\n text: \"text/plain\",\n json: \"application/json, text/javascript\",\n \"*\": Ac\n },\n contents: {\n xml: /xml/,\n html: /html/,\n json: /json/\n },\n responseFields: {\n xml: \"responseXML\",\n text: \"responseText\"\n },\n converters: {\n \"* text\": a.String,\n \"text html\": !0,\n \"text json\": q.parseJSON,\n \"text xml\": q.parseXML\n },\n flatOptions: {\n context: !0,\n url: !0\n }\n },\n ajaxPrefilter: Cc(yc),\n ajaxTransport: Cc(zc),\n ajax: function(a, c) {\n function z(a, c, f, j) {\n var l, t, u, v, x, z = c;\n if (((w === 2))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n w = 2;\n ((i && JSBNG__clearTimeout(i)));\n g = b;\n e = ((j || \"\"));\n y.readyState = ((((a > 0)) ? 4 : 0));\n ((f && (v = Fc(m, y, f))));\n if (((((((a >= 200)) && ((a < 300)))) || ((a === 304))))) {\n if (m.ifModified) {\n x = y.getResponseHeader(\"Last-Modified\");\n ((x && (q.lastModified[d] = x)));\n x = y.getResponseHeader(\"Etag\");\n ((x && (q.etag[d] = x)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((a === 304))) {\n z = \"notmodified\";\n l = !0;\n }\n else {\n l = Gc(m, v);\n z = l.state;\n t =;\n u = l.error;\n l = !u;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n else {\n u = z;\n if (((!z || a))) {\n z = \"error\";\n ((((a < 0)) && (a = 0)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n y.JSBNG__status = a;\n y.statusText = ((((c || z)) + \"\"));\n ((l ? p.resolveWith(n, [t,z,y,]) : p.rejectWith(n, [y,z,u,])));\n y.statusCode(s);\n s = b;\n ((k && o.trigger(((\"ajax\" + ((l ? \"Success\" : \"Error\")))), [y,m,((l ? t : u)),])));\n r.fireWith(n, [y,z,]);\n if (k) {\n o.trigger(\"ajaxComplete\", [y,m,]);\n (( || q.JSBNG__event.trigger(\"ajaxStop\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (((typeof a == \"object\"))) {\n c = a;\n a = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = ((c || {\n }));\n var d, e, f, g, i, j, k, l, m = q.ajaxSetup({\n }, c), n = ((m.context || m)), o = ((((((n !== m)) && ((n.nodeType || ((n instanceof q)))))) ? q(n) : q.JSBNG__event)), p = q.Deferred(), r = q.Callbacks(\"once memory\"), s = ((m.statusCode || {\n })), u = {\n }, v = {\n }, w = 0, x = \"canceled\", y = {\n readyState: 0,\n setRequestHeader: function(a, b) {\n if (!w) {\n var c = a.toLowerCase();\n a = v[c] = ((v[c] || a));\n u[a] = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this;\n },\n getAllResponseHeaders: function() {\n return ((((w === 2)) ? e : null));\n },\n getResponseHeader: function(a) {\n var c;\n if (((w === 2))) {\n if (!f) {\n f = {\n };\n while (c = pc.exec(e)) {\n f[c[1].toLowerCase()] = c[2];\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = f[a.toLowerCase()];\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((c === b)) ? null : c));\n },\n overrideMimeType: function(a) {\n ((w || (m.mimeType = a)));\n return this;\n },\n abort: function(a) {\n a = ((a || x));\n ((g && g.abort(a)));\n z(0, a);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.promise(y);\n y.success = y.done;\n y.error =;\n y.complete = r.add;\n y.statusCode = function(a) {\n if (a) {\n var b;\n if (((w < 2))) {\n var fin31keys = ((, fin31i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin31i < fin31keys.length); (fin31i++)) {\n ((b) = (fin31keys[fin31i]));\n {\n s[b] = [s[b],a[b],];\n ;\n };\n };\n }\n else {\n b = a[y.JSBNG__status];\n y.always(b);\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this;\n };\n m.url = ((((a || m.url)) + \"\")).replace(oc, \"\").replace(sc, ((mc[1] + \"//\")));\n m.dataTypes = q.trim(((m.dataType || \"*\"))).toLowerCase().split(t);\n if (((m.crossDomain == null))) {\n j = wc.exec(m.url.toLowerCase());\n m.crossDomain = !((!j || ((((((j[1] === mc[1])) && ((j[2] === mc[2])))) && ((((j[3] || ((((j[1] === \"http:\")) ? 80 : 443)))) == ((mc[3] || ((((mc[1] === \"http:\")) ? 80 : 443))))))))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n (((((( && m.processData)) && ((typeof != \"string\")))) && ( = q.param(, m.traditional))));\n Dc(yc, m, c, y);\n if (((w === 2))) {\n return y;\n }\n ;\n ;\n k =;\n m.type = m.type.toUpperCase();\n m.hasContent = !rc.test(m.type);\n ((((k && (( === 0)))) && q.JSBNG__event.trigger(\"ajaxStart\")));\n if (!m.hasContent) {\n if ( {\n m.url += ((((tc.test(m.url) ? \"&\" : \"?\")) +;\n delete;\n }\n ;\n ;\n d = m.url;\n if (((m.cache === !1))) {\n var A =, B = m.url.replace(vc, ((\"$1_=\" + A)));\n m.url = ((B + ((((B === m.url)) ? ((((((tc.test(m.url) ? \"&\" : \"?\")) + \"_=\")) + A)) : \"\"))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n (((((((( && m.hasContent)) && ((m.contentType !== !1)))) || c.contentType)) && y.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\", m.contentType)));\n if (m.ifModified) {\n d = ((d || m.url));\n ((q.lastModified[d] && y.setRequestHeader(\"If-Modified-Since\", q.lastModified[d])));\n ((q.etag[d] && y.setRequestHeader(\"If-None-Match\", q.etag[d])));\n }\n ;\n ;\n y.setRequestHeader(\"Accept\", ((((m.dataTypes[0] && m.accepts[m.dataTypes[0]])) ? ((m.accepts[m.dataTypes[0]] + ((((m.dataTypes[0] !== \"*\")) ? ((((\", \" + Ac)) + \"; q=0.01\")) : \"\")))) : m.accepts[\"*\"])));\n {\n var fin32keys = ((, fin32i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin32i < fin32keys.length); (fin32i++)) {\n ((l) = (fin32keys[fin32i]));\n {\n y.setRequestHeader(l, m.headers[l]);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n if (((!m.beforeSend || ((((, y, m) !== !1)) && ((w !== 2))))))) {\n x = \"abort\";\n {\n var fin33keys = (({\n success: 1,\n error: 1,\n complete: 1\n }))), fin33i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin33i < fin33keys.length); (fin33i++)) {\n ((l) = (fin33keys[fin33i]));\n {\n y[l](m[l]);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n g = Dc(zc, m, c, y);\n if (!g) z(-1, \"No Transport\");\n else {\n y.readyState = 1;\n ((k && o.trigger(\"ajaxSend\", [y,m,])));\n ((((m.async && ((m.timeout > 0)))) && (i = JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n y.abort(\"timeout\");\n }, m.timeout))));\n try {\n w = 1;\n g.send(u, z);\n } catch (C) {\n if (!((w < 2))) {\n throw C;\n }\n ;\n ;\n z(-1, C);\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return y;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return y.abort();\n },\n active: 0,\n lastModified: {\n },\n etag: {\n }\n });\n var Hc = [], Ic = /\\?/, Jc = /(=)\\?(?=&|$)|\\?\\?/, Kc =;\n q.ajaxSetup({\n jsonp: \"callback\",\n jsonpCallback: function() {\n var a = ((Hc.pop() || ((((q.expando + \"_\")) + Kc++))));\n this[a] = !0;\n return a;\n }\n });\n q.ajaxPrefilter(\"json jsonp\", function(c, d, e) {\n var f, g, i, j =, k = c.url, l = ((c.jsonp !== !1)), m = ((l && Jc.test(k))), n = ((((((((l && !m)) && ((typeof j == \"string\")))) && !((c.contentType || \"\")).indexOf(\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"))) && Jc.test(j)));\n if (((((((c.dataTypes[0] === \"jsonp\")) || m)) || n))) {\n f = c.jsonpCallback = ((q.isFunction(c.jsonpCallback) ? c.jsonpCallback() : c.jsonpCallback));\n g = a[f];\n ((m ? c.url = k.replace(Jc, ((\"$1\" + f))) : ((n ? = j.replace(Jc, ((\"$1\" + f))) : ((l && (c.url += ((((((((Ic.test(k) ? \"&\" : \"?\")) + c.jsonp)) + \"=\")) + f)))))))));\n c.converters[\"script json\"] = function() {\n ((i || q.error(((f + \" was not called\")))));\n return i[0];\n };\n c.dataTypes[0] = \"json\";\n a[f] = function() {\n i = arguments;\n };\n e.always(function() {\n a[f] = g;\n if (c[f]) {\n c.jsonpCallback = d.jsonpCallback;\n Hc.push(f);\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((i && q.isFunction(g))) && g(i[0])));\n i = g = b;\n });\n return \"script\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n q.ajaxSetup({\n accepts: {\n script: \"text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript\"\n },\n contents: {\n script: /javascript|ecmascript/\n },\n converters: {\n \"text script\": function(a) {\n q.globalEval(a);\n return a;\n }\n }\n });\n q.ajaxPrefilter(\"script\", function(a) {\n ((((a.cache === b)) && (a.cache = !1)));\n if (a.crossDomain) {\n a.type = \"GET\";\n = !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n q.ajaxTransport(\"script\", function(a) {\n if (a.crossDomain) {\n var c, d = ((((e.head || e.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0])) || e.documentElement));\n return {\n send: function(_, f) {\n c = e.createElement(\"script\");\n c.async = \"async\";\n ((a.scriptCharset && (c.charset = a.scriptCharset)));\n c.src = a.url;\n c.JSBNG__onload = c.JSBNG__onreadystatechange = function(_, a) {\n if (((((a || !c.readyState)) || /loaded|complete/.test(c.readyState)))) {\n c.JSBNG__onload = c.JSBNG__onreadystatechange = null;\n ((((d && c.parentNode)) && d.removeChild(c)));\n c = b;\n ((a || f(200, \"success\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n d.insertBefore(c, d.firstChild);\n },\n abort: function() {\n ((c && c.JSBNG__onload(0, 1)));\n }\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n var Lc, Mc = ((a.ActiveXObject ? function() {\n {\n var fin34keys = ((, fin34i = (0);\n var a;\n for (; (fin34i < fin34keys.length); (fin34i++)) {\n ((a) = (fin34keys[fin34i]));\n {\n Lc[a](0, 1);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n } : !1)), Nc = 0;\n q.ajaxSettings.xhr = ((a.ActiveXObject ? function() {\n return ((((!this.isLocal && Oc())) || Pc()));\n } : Oc));\n (function(a) {\n q.extend(, {\n ajax: !!a,\n cors: ((!!a && ((\"withCredentials\" in a))))\n });\n })(q.ajaxSettings.xhr());\n (( && q.ajaxTransport(function(c) {\n if (((!c.crossDomain || {\n var d;\n return {\n send: function(e, f) {\n var g, i, j = c.xhr();\n ((c.username ?, c.url, c.async, c.username, c.password) :, c.url, c.async)));\n if (c.xhrFields) {\n {\n var fin35keys = ((, fin35i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin35i < fin35keys.length); (fin35i++)) {\n ((i) = (fin35keys[fin35i]));\n {\n j[i] = c.xhrFields[i];\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((c.mimeType && j.overrideMimeType)) && j.overrideMimeType(c.mimeType)));\n ((((!c.crossDomain && !e[\"X-Requested-With\"])) && (e[\"X-Requested-With\"] = \"JSBNG__XMLHttpRequest\")));\n try {\n {\n var fin36keys = ((, fin36i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin36i < fin36keys.length); (fin36i++)) {\n ((i) = (fin36keys[fin36i]));\n {\n j.setRequestHeader(i, e[i]);\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n } catch (_) {\n \n };\n ;\n j.send(((((c.hasContent && || null)));\n d = function(_, a) {\n var e, i, k, l, m;\n try {\n if (((d && ((a || ((j.readyState === 4))))))) {\n d = b;\n if (g) {\n j.JSBNG__onreadystatechange = q.noop;\n ((Mc && delete Lc[g]));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (a) ((((j.readyState !== 4)) && j.abort()));\n else {\n e = j.JSBNG__status;\n k = j.getAllResponseHeaders();\n l = {\n };\n m = j.responseXML;\n ((((m && m.documentElement)) && (l.xml = m)));\n try {\n l.text = j.responseText;\n } catch (n) {\n \n };\n ;\n try {\n i = j.statusText;\n } catch (n) {\n i = \"\";\n };\n ;\n ((((((!e && c.isLocal)) && !c.crossDomain)) ? e = ((l.text ? 200 : 404)) : ((((e === 1223)) && (e = 204)))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n } catch (o) {\n ((a || f(-1, o)));\n };\n ;\n ((l && f(e, i, l, k)));\n };\n if (!c.async) {\n d();\n }\n else {\n if (((j.readyState === 4))) JSBNG__setTimeout(d, 0);\n else {\n g = ++Nc;\n if (Mc) {\n if (!Lc) {\n Lc = {\n };\n q(a).unload(Mc);\n }\n ;\n ;\n Lc[g] = d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n j.JSBNG__onreadystatechange = d;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n abort: function() {\n ((d && d(0, 1)));\n }\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n })));\n var Qc, Rc, Sc = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, Tc = new RegExp(((((\"^(?:([-+])=|)(\" + r)) + \")([a-z%]*)$\")), \"i\"), Uc = /queueHooks$/, Vc = [_c,], Wc = {\n \"*\": [function(a, b) {\n var c, d, e = this.createTween(a, b), f = Tc.exec(b), g = e.cur(), i = ((+g || 0)), j = 1, k = 20;\n if (f) {\n c = +f[2];\n d = ((f[3] || ((q.cssNumber[a] ? \"\" : \"px\"))));\n if (((((d !== \"px\")) && i))) {\n i = ((((q.css(e.elem, a, !0) || c)) || 1));\n do {\n j = ((j || \".5\"));\n i /= j;\n, a, ((i + d)));\n } while (((((((j !== (j = ((e.cur() / g))))) && ((j !== 1)))) && --k)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n e.unit = d;\n e.start = i;\n e.end = ((f[1] ? ((i + ((((f[1] + 1)) * c)))) : c));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return e;\n },]\n };\n q.Animation = q.extend(Zc, {\n tweener: function(a, b) {\n if (q.isFunction(a)) {\n b = a;\n a = [\"*\",];\n }\n else a = a.split(\" \");\n ;\n ;\n var c, d = 0, e = a.length;\n for (; ((d < e)); d++) {\n c = a[d];\n Wc[c] = ((Wc[c] || []));\n Wc[c].unshift(b);\n };\n ;\n },\n prefilter: function(a, b) {\n ((b ? Vc.unshift(a) : Vc.push(a)));\n }\n });\n q.Tween = ad;\n ad.prototype = {\n constructor: ad,\n init: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n this.elem = a;\n this.prop = c;\n this.easing = ((e || \"swing\"));\n this.options = b;\n this.start = = this.cur();\n this.end = d;\n this.unit = ((f || ((q.cssNumber[c] ? \"\" : \"px\"))));\n },\n cur: function() {\n var a = ad.propHooks[this.prop];\n return ((((a && a.get)) ? a.get(this) : ad.propHooks._default.get(this)));\n },\n run: function(a) {\n var b, c = ad.propHooks[this.prop];\n ((this.options.duration ? this.pos = b = q.easing[this.easing](a, ((this.options.duration * a)), 0, 1, this.options.duration) : this.pos = b = a));\n = ((((((this.end - this.start)) * b)) + this.start));\n ((this.options.step &&,, this)));\n ((((c && c.set)) ? c.set(this) : ad.propHooks._default.set(this)));\n return this;\n }\n };\n ad.prototype.init.prototype = ad.prototype;\n ad.propHooks = {\n _default: {\n get: function(a) {\n var b;\n if (((((a.elem[a.prop] == null)) || ((!! && (([a.prop] != null))))))) {\n b = q.css(a.elem, a.prop, !1, \"\");\n return ((((!b || ((b === \"auto\")))) ? 0 : b));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return a.elem[a.prop];\n },\n set: function(a) {\n ((q.fx.step[a.prop] ? q.fx.step[a.prop](a) : (((( && (((([q.cssProps[a.prop]] != null)) || q.cssHooks[a.prop])))) ?, a.prop, (( + a.unit))) : a.elem[a.prop] =;\n }\n }\n };\n ad.propHooks.scrollTop = ad.propHooks.scrollLeft = {\n set: function(a) {\n ((((a.elem.nodeType && a.elem.parentNode)) && (a.elem[a.prop] =;\n }\n };\n q.each([\"toggle\",\"show\",\"hide\",], function(a, b) {\n var c = q.fn[b];\n q.fn[b] = function(d, e, f) {\n return ((((((((d == null)) || ((typeof d == \"boolean\")))) || ((((!a && q.isFunction(d))) && q.isFunction(e))))) ? c.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(bd(b, !0), d, e, f)));\n };\n });\n q.fn.extend({\n fadeTo: function(a, b, c, d) {\n return this.filter(ac).css(\"opacity\", 0).show().end().animate({\n opacity: b\n }, a, c, d);\n },\n animate: function(a, b, c, d) {\n var e = q.isEmptyObject(a), f = q.speed(b, c, d), g = function() {\n var b = Zc(this, q.extend({\n }, a), f);\n ((e && b.JSBNG__stop(!0)));\n };\n return ((((e || ((f.queue === !1)))) ? this.each(g) : this.queue(f.queue, g)));\n },\n JSBNG__stop: function(a, c, d) {\n var e = function(a) {\n var b = a.JSBNG__stop;\n delete a.JSBNG__stop;\n b(d);\n };\n if (((typeof a != \"string\"))) {\n d = c;\n c = a;\n a = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((c && ((a !== !1)))) && this.queue(((a || \"fx\")), [])));\n return this.each(function() {\n var b = !0, c = ((((a != null)) && ((a + \"queueHooks\")))), f = q.timers, g = q._data(this);\n if (c) {\n ((((g[c] && g[c].JSBNG__stop)) && e(g[c])));\n }\n else {\n {\n var fin37keys = ((, fin37i = (0);\n (0);\n for (; (fin37i < fin37keys.length); (fin37i++)) {\n ((c) = (fin37keys[fin37i]));\n {\n ((((((g[c] && g[c].JSBNG__stop)) && Uc.test(c))) && e(g[c])));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (c = f.length; c--; ) {\n if (((((f[c].elem === this)) && ((((a == null)) || ((f[c].queue === a))))))) {\n f[c].anim.JSBNG__stop(d);\n b = !1;\n f.splice(c, 1);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n ((((b || !d)) && q.dequeue(this, a)));\n });\n }\n });\n q.each({\n slideDown: bd(\"show\"),\n slideUp: bd(\"hide\"),\n slideToggle: bd(\"toggle\"),\n fadeIn: {\n opacity: \"show\"\n },\n fadeOut: {\n opacity: \"hide\"\n },\n fadeToggle: {\n opacity: \"toggle\"\n }\n }, function(a, b) {\n q.fn[a] = function(a, c, d) {\n return this.animate(b, a, c, d);\n };\n });\n q.speed = function(a, b, c) {\n var d = ((((a && ((typeof a == \"object\")))) ? q.extend({\n }, a) : {\n complete: ((((c || ((!c && b)))) || ((q.isFunction(a) && a)))),\n duration: a,\n easing: ((((c && b)) || ((((b && !q.isFunction(b))) && b))))\n }));\n d.duration = (( ? 0 : ((((typeof d.duration == \"number\")) ? d.duration : ((((d.duration in q.fx.speeds)) ? q.fx.speeds[d.duration] : q.fx.speeds._default))))));\n if (((((d.queue == null)) || ((d.queue === !0))))) {\n d.queue = \"fx\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n d.old = d.complete;\n d.complete = function() {\n ((q.isFunction(d.old) &&;\n ((d.queue && q.dequeue(this, d.queue)));\n };\n return d;\n };\n q.easing = {\n linear: function(a) {\n return a;\n },\n swing: function(a) {\n return ((91581 - ((Math.cos(((a * Math.PI))) / 2))));\n }\n };\n q.timers = [];\n q.fx = ad.prototype.init;\n q.fx.tick = function() {\n var a, c = q.timers, d = 0;\n Qc =;\n for (; ((d < c.length)); d++) {\n a = c[d];\n ((((!a() && ((c[d] === a)))) && c.splice(d--, 1)));\n };\n ;\n ((c.length || q.fx.JSBNG__stop()));\n Qc = b;\n };\n q.fx.timer = function(a) {\n ((((((a() && q.timers.push(a))) && !Rc)) && (Rc = JSBNG__setInterval(q.fx.tick, q.fx.interval))));\n };\n q.fx.interval = 13;\n q.fx.JSBNG__stop = function() {\n JSBNG__clearInterval(Rc);\n Rc = null;\n };\n q.fx.speeds = {\n slow: 600,\n fast: 200,\n _default: 400\n };\n q.fx.step = {\n };\n ((((q.expr && q.expr.filters)) && (q.expr.filters.animated = function(a) {\n return q.grep(q.timers, function(b) {\n return ((a === b.elem));\n }).length;\n })));\n var cd = /^(?:body|html)$/i;\n q.fn.offset = function(a) {\n if (arguments.length) {\n return ((((a === b)) ? this : this.each(function(b) {\n q.offset.setOffset(this, a, b);\n })));\n }\n ;\n ;\n var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k = {\n JSBNG__top: 0,\n left: 0\n }, l = this[0], m = ((l && l.ownerDocument));\n if (!m) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if ((((d = m.body) === l))) {\n return q.offset.bodyOffset(l);\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = m.documentElement;\n if (!q.contains(c, l)) {\n return k;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((typeof l.getBoundingClientRect != \"undefined\")) && (k = l.getBoundingClientRect())));\n e = dd(m);\n f = ((((c.clientTop || d.clientTop)) || 0));\n g = ((((c.clientLeft || d.clientLeft)) || 0));\n i = ((e.JSBNG__pageYOffset || c.scrollTop));\n j = ((e.JSBNG__pageXOffset || c.scrollLeft));\n return {\n JSBNG__top: ((((k.JSBNG__top + i)) - f)),\n left: ((((k.left + j)) - g))\n };\n };\n q.offset = {\n bodyOffset: function(a) {\n var b = a.offsetTop, c = a.offsetLeft;\n if ( {\n b += ((parseFloat(q.css(a, \"marginTop\")) || 0));\n c += ((parseFloat(q.css(a, \"marginLeft\")) || 0));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return {\n JSBNG__top: b,\n left: c\n };\n },\n setOffset: function(a, b, c) {\n var d = q.css(a, \"position\");\n ((((d === \"static\")) && ( = \"relative\")));\n var e = q(a), f = e.offset(), g = q.css(a, \"JSBNG__top\"), i = q.css(a, \"left\"), j = ((((((d === \"absolute\")) || ((d === \"fixed\")))) && ((q.inArray(\"auto\", [g,i,]) > -1)))), k = {\n }, l = {\n }, m, n;\n if (j) {\n l = e.position();\n m = l.JSBNG__top;\n n = l.left;\n }\n else {\n m = ((parseFloat(g) || 0));\n n = ((parseFloat(i) || 0));\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((q.isFunction(b) && (b =, c, f))));\n ((((b.JSBNG__top != null)) && (k.JSBNG__top = ((((b.JSBNG__top - f.JSBNG__top)) + m)))));\n ((((b.left != null)) && (k.left = ((((b.left - f.left)) + n)))));\n ((((\"using\" in b)) ?, k) : e.css(k)));\n }\n };\n q.fn.extend({\n position: function() {\n if (!this[0]) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var a = this[0], b = this.offsetParent(), c = this.offset(), d = ((cd.test(b[0].nodeName) ? {\n JSBNG__top: 0,\n left: 0\n } : b.offset()));\n c.JSBNG__top -= ((parseFloat(q.css(a, \"marginTop\")) || 0));\n c.left -= ((parseFloat(q.css(a, \"marginLeft\")) || 0));\n d.JSBNG__top += ((parseFloat(q.css(b[0], \"borderTopWidth\")) || 0));\n d.left += ((parseFloat(q.css(b[0], \"borderLeftWidth\")) || 0));\n return {\n JSBNG__top: ((c.JSBNG__top - d.JSBNG__top)),\n left: ((c.left - d.left))\n };\n },\n offsetParent: function() {\n return {\n var a = ((this.offsetParent || e.body));\n while (((((a && !cd.test(a.nodeName))) && ((q.css(a, \"position\") === \"static\"))))) {\n a = a.offsetParent;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return ((a || e.body));\n });\n }\n });\n q.each({\n scrollLeft: \"JSBNG__pageXOffset\",\n scrollTop: \"JSBNG__pageYOffset\"\n }, function(a, c) {\n var d = /Y/.test(c);\n q.fn[a] = function(e) {\n return q.access(this, function(a, e, f) {\n var g = dd(a);\n if (((f === b))) {\n return ((g ? ((((c in g)) ? g[c] : g.JSBNG__document.documentElement[e])) : a[e]));\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((g ? g.JSBNG__scrollTo(((d ? q(g).scrollLeft() : f)), ((d ? f : q(g).scrollTop()))) : a[e] = f));\n }, a, e, arguments.length, null);\n };\n });\n q.each({\n Height: \"height\",\n Width: \"width\"\n }, function(a, c) {\n q.each({\n padding: ((\"JSBNG__inner\" + a)),\n JSBNG__content: c,\n \"\": ((\"JSBNG__outer\" + a))\n }, function(d, e) {\n q.fn[e] = function(e, f) {\n var g = ((arguments.length && ((d || ((typeof e != \"boolean\")))))), i = ((d || ((((((e === !0)) || ((f === !0)))) ? \"margin\" : \"border\"))));\n return q.access(this, function(c, d, e) {\n var f;\n if (q.isWindow(c)) {\n return c.JSBNG__document.documentElement[((\"client\" + a))];\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((c.nodeType === 9))) {\n f = c.documentElement;\n return Math.max(c.body[((\"JSBNG__scroll\" + a))], f[((\"JSBNG__scroll\" + a))], c.body[((\"offset\" + a))], f[((\"offset\" + a))], f[((\"client\" + a))]);\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((e === b)) ? q.css(c, d, e, i) :, d, e, i)));\n }, c, ((g ? e : b)), g, null);\n };\n });\n });\n a.jQuery = a.$ = q;\n ((((((((typeof define == \"function\")) && define.amd)) && define.amd.jQuery)) && define(\"jquery\", [], function() {\n return q;\n })));\n })(window);\n (function(a) {\n ((((typeof define == \"function\")) ? define(a) : ((((typeof YUI == \"function\")) ? YUI.add(\"es5\", a) : a()))));\n })(function() {\n ((Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function(b) {\n var c = this;\n if (((typeof c != \"function\"))) {\n throw new TypeError(((\"Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible \" + c)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e =, 1), f = function() {\n if (((this instanceof f))) {\n var a = function() {\n \n };\n a.prototype = c.prototype;\n var g = new a, i = c.apply(g, e.concat(;\n return ((((Object(i) === i)) ? i : g));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c.apply(b, e.concat(;\n };\n return f;\n })));\n var a =, b = Array.prototype, c = Object.prototype, d = b.slice, e = a.bind(c.toString), f = a.bind(c.hasOwnProperty), g, i, j, k, l;\n if (l = f(c, \"__defineGetter__\")) {\n g = a.bind(c.__defineGetter__);\n i = a.bind(c.__defineSetter__);\n j = a.bind(c.__lookupGetter__);\n k = a.bind(c.__lookupSetter__);\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((Array.isArray || (Array.isArray = function(b) {\n return ((e(b) == \"[object Array]\"));\n })));\n ((Array.prototype.forEach || (Array.prototype.forEach = function(b) {\n var c = v(this), d = arguments[1], f = -1, g = ((c.length >>> 0));\n if (((e(b) != \"[object Function]\"))) {\n throw new TypeError;\n }\n ;\n ;\n while (((++f < g))) {\n ((((f in c)) &&, c[f], f, c)));\n ;\n };\n ;\n })));\n (( || ( = function(b) {\n var c = v(this), d = ((c.length >>> 0)), f = Array(d), g = arguments[1];\n if (((e(b) != \"[object Function]\"))) {\n throw new TypeError(((b + \" is not a function\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (var i = 0; ((i < d)); i++) {\n ((((i in c)) && (f[i] =, c[i], i, c))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return f;\n })));\n ((Array.prototype.filter || (Array.prototype.filter = function(b) {\n var c = v(this), d = ((c.length >>> 0)), f = [], g, i = arguments[1];\n if (((e(b) != \"[object Function]\"))) {\n throw new TypeError(((b + \" is not a function\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (var j = 0; ((j < d)); j++) {\n if (((j in c))) {\n g = c[j];\n ((, g, j, c) && f.push(g)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return f;\n })));\n ((Array.prototype.every || (Array.prototype.every = function(b) {\n var c = v(this), d = ((c.length >>> 0)), f = arguments[1];\n if (((e(b) != \"[object Function]\"))) {\n throw new TypeError(((b + \" is not a function\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (var g = 0; ((g < d)); g++) {\n if (((((g in c)) && !, c[g], g, c)))) {\n return !1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return !0;\n })));\n ((Array.prototype.some || (Array.prototype.some = function(b) {\n var c = v(this), d = ((c.length >>> 0)), f = arguments[1];\n if (((e(b) != \"[object Function]\"))) {\n throw new TypeError(((b + \" is not a function\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (var g = 0; ((g < d)); g++) {\n if (((((g in c)) &&, c[g], g, c)))) {\n return !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return !1;\n })));\n ((Array.prototype.reduce || (Array.prototype.reduce = function(b) {\n var c = v(this), d = ((c.length >>> 0));\n if (((e(b) != \"[object Function]\"))) {\n throw new TypeError(((b + \" is not a function\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((!d && ((arguments.length == 1))))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"reduce of empty array with no initial value\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n var f = 0, g;\n if (((arguments.length >= 2))) {\n g = arguments[1];\n }\n else {\n do {\n if (((f in c))) {\n g = c[f++];\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((++f >= d))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"reduce of empty array with no initial value\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n } while (!0);\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (; ((f < d)); f++) {\n ((((f in c)) && (g = 0, g, c[f], f, c))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return g;\n })));\n ((Array.prototype.reduceRight || (Array.prototype.reduceRight = function(b) {\n var c = v(this), d = ((c.length >>> 0));\n if (((e(b) != \"[object Function]\"))) {\n throw new TypeError(((b + \" is not a function\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((!d && ((arguments.length == 1))))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"reduceRight of empty array with no initial value\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n var f, g = ((d - 1));\n if (((arguments.length >= 2))) {\n f = arguments[1];\n }\n else {\n do {\n if (((g in c))) {\n f = c[g--];\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((--g < 0))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"reduceRight of empty array with no initial value\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n } while (!0);\n }\n ;\n ;\n do ((((g in this)) && (f = 0, f, c[g], g, c)))); while (g--);\n return f;\n })));\n ((Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function(b) {\n var c = v(this), d = ((c.length >>> 0));\n if (!d) {\n return -1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e = 0;\n ((((arguments.length > 1)) && (e = t(arguments[1]))));\n e = ((((e >= 0)) ? e : Math.max(0, ((d + e)))));\n for (; ((e < d)); e++) {\n if (((((e in c)) && ((c[e] === b))))) {\n return e;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return -1;\n })));\n ((Array.prototype.lastIndexOf || (Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(b) {\n var c = v(this), d = ((c.length >>> 0));\n if (!d) {\n return -1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e = ((d - 1));\n ((((arguments.length > 1)) && (e = Math.min(e, t(arguments[1])))));\n e = ((((e >= 0)) ? e : ((d - Math.abs(e)))));\n for (; ((e >= 0)); e--) {\n if (((((e in c)) && ((b === c[e]))))) {\n return e;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return -1;\n })));\n if (!Object.keys) {\n var m = !0, n = [\"toString\",\"toLocaleString\",\"valueOf\",\"hasOwnProperty\",\"isPrototypeOf\",\"propertyIsEnumerable\",\"constructor\",], o = n.length;\n {\n var fin38keys = (({\n toString: null\n }))), fin38i = (0);\n var p;\n for (; (fin38i < fin38keys.length); (fin38i++)) {\n ((p) = (fin38keys[fin38i]));\n {\n m = !1;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n Object.keys = function w(a) {\n if (((((((typeof a != \"object\")) && ((typeof a != \"function\")))) || ((a === null))))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Object.keys called on a non-object\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n var w = [];\n {\n var fin39keys = ((, fin39i = (0);\n var b;\n for (; (fin39i < fin39keys.length); (fin39i++)) {\n ((b) = (fin39keys[fin39i]));\n {\n ((f(a, b) && w.push(b)));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n if (m) {\n for (var c = 0, d = o; ((c < d)); c++) {\n var e = n[c];\n ((f(a, e) && w.push(e)));\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n return w;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((!JSBNG__Date.prototype.toISOString || (((new JSBNG__Date(-62198755200000)).toISOString().indexOf(\"-000001\") === -1))))) {\n JSBNG__Date.prototype.toISOString = function() {\n var b, c, d, e;\n if (!isFinite(this)) {\n throw new RangeError(\"JSBNG__Date.prototype.toISOString called on non-finite value.\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n b = [((this.getUTCMonth() + 1)),this.getUTCDate(),this.getUTCHours(),this.getUTCMinutes(),this.getUTCSeconds(),];\n e = this.getUTCFullYear();\n e = ((((((e < 0)) ? \"-\" : ((((e > 9999)) ? \"+\" : \"\")))) + ((\"00000\" + Math.abs(e))).slice(((((((0 <= e)) && ((e <= 9999)))) ? -4 : -6)))));\n c = b.length;\n while (c--) {\n d = b[c];\n ((((d < 10)) && (b[c] = ((\"0\" + d)))));\n };\n ;\n return ((((((((((((((e + \"-\")) + b.slice(0, 2).join(\"-\"))) + \"T\")) + b.slice(2).join(\":\"))) + \".\")) + ((\"000\" + this.getUTCMilliseconds())).slice(-3))) + \"Z\"));\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n (( || ( = function() {\n return (new JSBNG__Date).getTime();\n })));\n ((JSBNG__Date.prototype.toJSON || (JSBNG__Date.prototype.toJSON = function(b) {\n if (((typeof this.toISOString != \"function\"))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"toISOString property is not callable\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this.toISOString();\n })));\n if (((!JSBNG__Date.parse || ((JSBNG__Date.parse(\"+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z\") !== 8640000000000000))))) {\n JSBNG__Date = function(a) {\n var b = function e(b, c, d, h, f, g, i) {\n var j = arguments.length;\n if (((this instanceof a))) {\n var k = ((((((j == 1)) && ((String(b) === b)))) ? new a(e.parse(b)) : ((((j >= 7)) ? new a(b, c, d, h, f, g, i) : ((((j >= 6)) ? new a(b, c, d, h, f, g) : ((((j >= 5)) ? new a(b, c, d, h, f) : ((((j >= 4)) ? new a(b, c, d, h) : ((((j >= 3)) ? new a(b, c, d) : ((((j >= 2)) ? new a(b, c) : ((((j >= 1)) ? new a(b) : new a))))))))))))))));\n k.constructor = e;\n return k;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return a.apply(this, arguments);\n }, c = new RegExp(\"^(\\\\d{4}|[+-]\\\\d{6})(?:-(\\\\d{2})(?:-(\\\\d{2})(?:T(\\\\d{2}):(\\\\d{2})(?::(\\\\d{2})(?:\\\\.(\\\\d{3}))?)?(?:Z|(?:([-+])(\\\\d{2}):(\\\\d{2})))?)?)?)?$\");\n {\n var fin40keys = ((, fin40i = (0);\n var d;\n for (; (fin40i < fin40keys.length); (fin40i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin40keys[fin40i]));\n {\n b[d] = a[d];\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n =;\n b.UTC = a.UTC;\n b.prototype = a.prototype;\n b.prototype.constructor = b;\n b.parse = function(d) {\n var e = c.exec(d);\n if (e) {\n e.shift();\n for (var f = 1; ((f < 7)); f++) {\n e[f] = +((e[f] || ((((f < 3)) ? 1 : 0))));\n ((((f == 1)) && e[f]--));\n };\n ;\n var g = +e.pop(), i = +e.pop(), j = e.pop(), k = 0;\n if (j) {\n if (((((i > 23)) || ((g > 59))))) {\n return NaN;\n }\n ;\n ;\n k = ((((((((i * 60)) + g)) * 60000)) * ((((j == \"+\")) ? -1 : 1))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n var l = +e[0];\n if (((((0 <= l)) && ((l <= 99))))) {\n e[0] = ((l + 400));\n return ((((a.UTC.apply(this, e) + k)) - 12622780800000));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((a.UTC.apply(this, e) + k));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return a.parse.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n return b;\n }(JSBNG__Date);\n }\n ;\n ;\n var q = \"\\u0009\\u000a\\u000b\\u000c\\u000d \\u00a0\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\u2028\\u2029\\ufeff\";\n if (((!String.prototype.trim || q.trim()))) {\n q = ((((\"[\" + q)) + \"]\"));\n var r = new RegExp(((((((\"^\" + q)) + q)) + \"*\"))), s = new RegExp(((((q + q)) + \"*$\")));\n String.prototype.trim = function() {\n if (((((this === undefined)) || ((this === null))))) {\n throw new TypeError(((((\"can't convert \" + this)) + \" to object\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return String(this).replace(r, \"\").replace(s, \"\");\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n var t = function(a) {\n a = +a;\n ((((a !== a)) ? a = 0 : ((((((((a !== 0)) && ((a !== ((1 / 0)))))) && ((a !== -Infinity)))) && (a = ((((((a > 0)) || -1)) * Math.floor(Math.abs(a)))))))));\n return a;\n }, u = ((\"a\"[0] != \"a\")), v = function(a) {\n if (((a == null))) {\n throw new TypeError(((((\"can't convert \" + a)) + \" to object\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((((u && ((typeof a == \"string\")))) && a)) ? a.split(\"\") : Object(a)));\n };\n });\n (function(a) {\n ((((typeof define == \"function\")) ? define(a) : ((((typeof YUI == \"function\")) ? YUI.add(\"es5-sham\", a) : a()))));\n })(function() {\n function b(a) {\n try {\n Object.defineProperty(a, \"sentinel\", {\n });\n return ((\"sentinel\" in a));\n } catch (b) {\n \n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n ((Object.getPrototypeOf || (Object.getPrototypeOf = function(b) {\n return ((b.__proto__ || ((b.constructor ? b.constructor.prototype : prototypeOfObject))));\n })));\n if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {\n var a = \"Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor called on a non-object: \";\n Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function(c, d) {\n if (((((((typeof c != \"object\")) && ((typeof c != \"function\")))) || ((c === null))))) {\n throw new TypeError(((a + c)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!owns(c, d)) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e = {\n enumerable: !0,\n configurable: !0\n };\n if (supportsAccessors) {\n var f = c.__proto__;\n c.__proto__ = prototypeOfObject;\n var g = lookupGetter(c, d), i = lookupSetter(c, d);\n c.__proto__ = f;\n if (((g || i))) {\n ((g && (e.get = g)));\n ((i && (e.set = i)));\n return e;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e.value = c[d];\n return e;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((Object.getOwnPropertyNames || (Object.getOwnPropertyNames = function(b) {\n return Object.keys(b);\n })));\n ((Object.create || (Object.create = function(b, c) {\n var d;\n if (((b === null))) d = {\n __proto__: null\n };\n else {\n if (((typeof b != \"object\"))) {\n throw new TypeError(((((\"typeof prototype[\" + typeof b)) + \"] != 'object'\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e = function() {\n \n };\n e.prototype = b;\n d = new e;\n d.__proto__ = b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((c !== void 0)) && Object.defineProperties(d, c)));\n return d;\n })));\n if (Object.defineProperty) {\n var c = b({\n }), d = ((((typeof JSBNG__document == \"undefined\")) || b(JSBNG__document.createElement(\"div\"))));\n if (((!c || !d))) {\n var e = Object.defineProperty;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((!Object.defineProperty || e))) {\n var f = \"Property description must be an object: \", g = \"Object.defineProperty called on non-object: \", i = \"getters & setters can not be defined on this javascript engine\";\n Object.defineProperty = function(b, c, d) {\n if (((((((typeof b != \"object\")) && ((typeof b != \"function\")))) || ((b === null))))) {\n throw new TypeError(((g + b)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((((typeof d != \"object\")) && ((typeof d != \"function\")))) || ((d === null))))) {\n throw new TypeError(((f + d)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (e) {\n try {\n return, b, c, d);\n } catch (j) {\n \n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (owns(d, \"value\")) if (((supportsAccessors && ((lookupGetter(b, c) || lookupSetter(b, c)))))) {\n var k = b.__proto__;\n b.__proto__ = prototypeOfObject;\n delete b[c];\n b[c] = d.value;\n b.__proto__ = k;\n }\n else b[c] = d.value;\n \n else {\n if (!supportsAccessors) {\n throw new TypeError(i);\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((owns(d, \"get\") && defineGetter(b, c, d.get)));\n ((owns(d, \"set\") && defineSetter(b, c, d.set)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return b;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((Object.defineProperties || (Object.defineProperties = function(b, c) {\n {\n var fin41keys = ((, fin41i = (0);\n var d;\n for (; (fin41i < fin41keys.length); (fin41i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin41keys[fin41i]));\n {\n ((((owns(c, d) && ((d != \"__proto__\")))) && Object.defineProperty(b, d, c[d])));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return b;\n })));\n ((Object.seal || (Object.seal = function(b) {\n return b;\n })));\n ((Object.freeze || (Object.freeze = function(b) {\n return b;\n })));\n try {\n Object.freeze(function() {\n \n });\n } catch (j) {\n Object.freeze = function(b) {\n return function(c) {\n return ((((typeof c == \"function\")) ? c : b(c)));\n };\n }(Object.freeze);\n };\n ;\n ((Object.preventExtensions || (Object.preventExtensions = function(b) {\n return b;\n })));\n ((Object.isSealed || (Object.isSealed = function(b) {\n return !1;\n })));\n ((Object.isFrozen || (Object.isFrozen = function(b) {\n return !1;\n })));\n ((Object.isExtensible || (Object.isExtensible = function(b) {\n if (((Object(b) !== b))) {\n throw new TypeError;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var c = \"\";\n while (owns(b, c)) {\n c += \"?\";\n ;\n };\n ;\n b[c] = !0;\n var d = owns(b, c);\n delete b[c];\n return d;\n })));\n });\n (function(a, b) {\n function t(a) {\n for (var b = 1, c; c = arguments[b]; b++) {\n {\n var fin42keys = ((, fin42i = (0);\n var d;\n for (; (fin42i < fin42keys.length); (fin42i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin42keys[fin42i]));\n {\n a[d] = c[d];\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a;\n };\n ;\n function u(a) {\n return;\n };\n ;\n function w(a, b) {\n for (var c = 0, d; d = a[c]; c++) {\n if (((b == d))) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return -1;\n };\n ;\n function x() {\n var a = u(arguments), b = [];\n for (var c = 0, d = a.length; ((c < d)); c++) {\n ((((a[c].length > 0)) && b.push(a[c].replace(/\\/$/, \"\"))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b.join(\"/\");\n };\n ;\n function y(a, b, c) {\n var d = b.split(\"/\"), e = a;\n while (((d.length > 1))) {\n var f = d.shift();\n e = e[f] = ((e[f] || {\n }));\n };\n ;\n e[d[0]] = c;\n };\n ;\n function z() {\n \n };\n ;\n function A(a, b) {\n ((a && ( = this.path = this.resolvePath(a))));\n this.originalPath = a;\n this.force = !!b;\n };\n ;\n function B(a, b) {\n = a;\n this.path = this.resolvePath(a);\n this.force = b;\n };\n ;\n function C(a, b) {\n = a;\n this.contents = b;\n this.dep = O(a);\n this.deps = [];\n this.path = this.dep.path;\n };\n ;\n function D(a, b) {\n var d;\n this.body = b;\n if (!a) if (c) {\n d = ((i || K()));\n if (d) {\n this.setId(;\n delete j[d.scriptId];\n this.then(function(a) {\n, a);\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n else g = this;\n \n else {\n this.setId(a);\n (((d = p[((\"module_\" +]) && this.then(function(a) {\n, a);\n })));\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n function E(a) {\n var b = [];\n for (var c = 0, d; d = a[c]; c++) {\n ((((d instanceof H)) ? b = b.concat(E(d.deps)) : ((((d instanceof B)) && b.push(d)))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b;\n };\n ;\n function F() {\n for (var a = 0, b; b = this.deps[a]; a++) {\n if (b.forceFetch) b.forceFetch();\n else {\n b.force = !0;\n b.start();\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return this;\n };\n ;\n function G(a) {\n this.deps = a;\n ((((this.deps.length == 0)) && this.complete()));\n };\n ;\n function H(a) {\n this.deps = a;\n };\n ;\n function J() {\n this.entries = {\n };\n };\n ;\n function K() {\n {\n var fin43keys = ((, fin43i = (0);\n var a;\n for (; (fin43i < fin43keys.length); (fin43i++)) {\n ((a) = (fin43keys[fin43i]));\n {\n if (((d[a].readyState == \"interactive\"))) {\n return j[d[a].id];\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n function L() {\n var a = u(arguments), b, c;\n ((((typeof a[0] == \"string\")) && (b = a.shift())));\n c = a.shift();\n return new D(b, c);\n };\n ;\n function M() {\n var a = u(arguments), b;\n ((((typeof a[((a.length - 1))] == \"function\")) && (b = a.pop())));\n var c = new G(N(a));\n ((b && c.then(b)));\n return c;\n };\n ;\n function N(a) {\n var b = [];\n for (var c = 0, d; d = a[c]; c++) {\n ((((typeof d == \"string\")) && (d = O(d))));\n ((v(d) && (d = new H(N(d)))));\n b.push(d);\n };\n ;\n return b;\n };\n ;\n function O(a) {\n var b, c;\n for (var d = 0, e; e = M.matchers[d]; d++) {\n var f = e[0], g = e[1];\n if (b = a.match(f)) {\n return g(a);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n throw new Error(((a + \" was not recognised by loader\")));\n };\n ;\n function Q() {\n a.using = k;\n a.provide = l;\n a.loadrunner = m;\n return P;\n };\n ;\n function R(a) {\n function d(b, d) {\n c[d] = ((c[d] || {\n }));\n c[d][a] = {\n key: a,\n start: b.startTime,\n end: b.endTime,\n duration: ((b.endTime - ((b.startTime || (new JSBNG__Date).getTime())))),\n JSBNG__status: d,\n origin: b\n };\n };\n ;\n var b, c = {\n };\n if (((a && (((((b = o[a]) || (b = p[a]))) || (b = n[a])))))) {\n return {\n start: b.startTime,\n end: b.endTime,\n duration: ((b.endTime - ((b.startTime || (new JSBNG__Date).getTime())))),\n origin: b\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n {\n var fin44keys = ((, fin44i = (0);\n var a;\n for (; (fin44i < fin44keys.length); (fin44i++)) {\n ((a) = (fin44keys[fin44i]));\n {\n d(o[a], \"met\");\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n {\n var fin45keys = ((, fin45i = (0);\n var a;\n for (; (fin45i < fin45keys.length); (fin45i++)) {\n ((a) = (fin45keys[fin45i]));\n {\n d(p[a], \"inProgress\");\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n {\n var fin46keys = ((, fin46i = (0);\n var a;\n for (; (fin46i < fin46keys.length); (fin46i++)) {\n ((a) = (fin46keys[fin46i]));\n {\n d(n[a], \"paused\");\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return c;\n };\n ;\n function S() {\n n = {\n };\n o = {\n };\n p = {\n };\n M.bundles = new J;\n B.exports = {\n };\n D.provided = {\n };\n };\n ;\n function T(a) {\n return ((M.bundles.get(a) || undefined));\n };\n ;\n var c = ((a.JSBNG__attachEvent && !a.JSBNG__opera)), d = b.getElementsByTagName(\"script\"), e, f = b.createElement(\"script\"), g, i, j = {\n }, k = a.using, l = a.provide, m = a.loadrunner, n = {\n }, o = {\n }, p = {\n };\n for (var q = 0, r; r = d[q]; q++) {\n if (r.src.match(/loadrunner\\.js(\\?|#|$)/)) {\n e = r;\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n var s = function() {\n var a = 0;\n return function() {\n return a++;\n };\n }(), v = ((Array.isArray || function(a) {\n return ((a.constructor == Array));\n }));\n z.prototype.then = function(b) {\n this.callbacks = ((this.callbacks || []));\n this.callbacks.push(b);\n ((this.completed ? b.apply(a, this.results) : ((((this.callbacks.length == 1)) && this.start()))));\n return this;\n };\n z.prototype.key = function() {\n (( || ( = s())));\n return ((\"dependency_\" +;\n };\n z.prototype.start = function() {\n var a = this, b, c;\n this.startTime = (new JSBNG__Date).getTime();\n if (b = o[this.key()]) {\n this.complete.apply(this, b.results);\n }\n else {\n if (c = p[this.key()]) {\n c.then(function() {\n a.complete.apply(a, arguments);\n });\n }\n else {\n if (this.shouldFetch()) {\n p[this.key()] = this;\n this.fetch();\n }\n else {\n n[this.key()] = ((n[this.key()] || []));\n n[this.key()].push(this);\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n z.prototype.shouldFetch = function() {\n return !0;\n };\n z.prototype.complete = function() {\n var b;\n this.endTime = (new JSBNG__Date).getTime();\n delete p[this.key()];\n ((o[this.key()] || (o[this.key()] = this)));\n if (!this.completed) {\n this.results = u(arguments);\n this.completed = !0;\n if (this.callbacks) {\n for (var c = 0, d; d = this.callbacks[c]; c++) {\n d.apply(a, this.results);\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (b = n[this.key()]) {\n for (var c = 0, e; e = b[c]; c++) {\n e.complete.apply(e, arguments);\n ;\n };\n ;\n delete n[this.key()];\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n A.autoFetch = !0;\n A.xhrTransport = function() {\n var a, b = this;\n if (window.JSBNG__XMLHttpRequest) {\n a = new window.JSBNG__XMLHttpRequest;\n }\n else {\n try {\n a = new window.ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\");\n } catch (c) {\n return new Error(\"XHR not found.\");\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n a.JSBNG__onreadystatechange = function() {\n var c;\n ((((a.readyState == 4)) && b.loaded(a.responseText)));\n };\n\"GET\", this.path, !0);\n a.send(null);\n };\n A.scriptTagTransport = function() {\n var b = f.cloneNode(!1), c = this;\n this.scriptId = ((\"LR\" + s()));\n = this.scriptId;\n b.type = \"text/javascript\";\n b.async = !0;\n b.JSBNG__onerror = function() {\n throw new Error(((c.path + \" not loaded\")));\n };\n b.JSBNG__onreadystatechange = b.JSBNG__onload = function(b) {\n b = ((a.JSBNG__event || b));\n if (((((b.type == \"load\")) || ((w([\"loaded\",\"complete\",], this.readyState) > -1))))) {\n this.JSBNG__onreadystatechange = null;\n c.loaded();\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n b.src = this.path;\n i = this;\n d[0].parentNode.insertBefore(b, d[0]);\n i = null;\n j[this.scriptId] = this;\n };\n A.prototype = new z;\n A.prototype.start = function() {\n var a = this, b;\n (((def = D.provided[this.originalPath]) ? def.then(function() {\n a.complete();\n }) : (((b = T(this.originalPath)) ? b.then(function() {\n a.start();\n }) :;\n };\n A.prototype.resolvePath = function(a) {\n a = a.replace(/^\\$/, ((M.path.replace(/\\/$/, \"\") + \"/\")));\n return a;\n };\n A.prototype.key = function() {\n return ((\"script_\" +;\n };\n A.prototype.shouldFetch = function() {\n return ((A.autoFetch || this.force));\n };\n A.prototype.fetch = A.scriptTagTransport;\n A.prototype.loaded = function() {\n this.complete();\n };\n B.exports = {\n };\n B.prototype = new A;\n B.prototype.start = function() {\n var a = this, b, c;\n (((b = D.provided[]) ? b.then(function(b) {\n, b);\n }) : (((c = T( ? c.then(function() {\n a.start();\n }) :;\n };\n B.prototype.key = function() {\n return ((\"module_\" +;\n };\n B.prototype.resolvePath = function(a) {\n return x(M.path, ((a + \".js\")));\n };\n B.prototype.loaded = function() {\n var a, b, d = this;\n if (!c) {\n a = g;\n g = null;\n if (a) {\n a.setId(;\n a.then(function(a) {\n, a);\n });\n }\n else if (!D.provided[]) {\n throw new Error(((((\"Tried to load '\" + + \"' as a module, but it didn't have a 'provide()' in it.\")));\n }\n \n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n C.prototype = new A;\n C.prototype.start = function() {\n var a = this, b, c, d;\n for (var e = 0, f = this.contents.length; ((e < f)); e++) {\n c = O(this.contents[e]);\n this.deps.push(c);\n d = c.key();\n ((((((!o[d] && !p[d])) && !n[d])) && (n[d] = this)));\n };\n ;\n;\n };\n C.prototype.loaded = function() {\n var a, b, c = this, d, e;\n for (var f = 0, g = this.deps.length; ((f < g)); f++) {\n d = this.deps[f];\n e = d.key();\n delete n[e];\n o[e] = this;\n };\n ;\n;\n };\n D.provided = {\n };\n D.prototype = new z;\n D.prototype.key = function() {\n (( || ( = ((\"anon_\" + s())))));\n return ((\"definition_\" +;\n };\n D.prototype.setId = function(a) {\n = a;\n D.provided[a] = this;\n };\n D.prototype.fetch = function() {\n var a = this;\n ((((typeof this.body == \"object\")) ? this.complete(this.body) : ((((typeof this.body == \"function\")) && this.body(function(b) {\n a.complete(b);\n })))));\n };\n D.prototype.complete = function(a) {\n a = ((a || {\n }));\n (( && (this.exports = B.exports[] = a)));\n, a);\n };\n G.prototype = new z;\n G.prototype.fetch = function() {\n function b() {\n var b = [];\n for (var c = 0, d; d = a.deps[c]; c++) {\n if (!d.completed) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((d.results.length > 0)) && (b = b.concat(d.results))));\n };\n ;\n a.complete.apply(a, b);\n };\n ;\n var a = this;\n for (var c = 0, d; d = this.deps[c]; c++) {\n d.then(b);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return this;\n };\n G.prototype.forceFetch = F;\n = function(a) {\n var b = this;\n return this.then(function() {\n var c = E(b.deps), d = {\n };\n for (var e = 0, f; f = c[e]; e++) {\n y(d,, arguments[e]);\n ;\n };\n ;\n a.apply(this, [d,].concat(u(arguments)));\n });\n };\n H.prototype = new z;\n H.prototype.fetch = function() {\n var a = this, b = 0, c = [];\n (function d() {\n var e = a.deps[b++];\n ((e ? e.then(function(a) {\n ((((e.results.length > 0)) && (c = c.concat(e.results))));\n d();\n }) : a.complete.apply(a, c)));\n })();\n return this;\n };\n H.prototype.forceFetch = F;\n var I = [];\n J.prototype.push = function(a) {\n {\n var fin47keys = ((, fin47i = (0);\n var b;\n for (; (fin47i < fin47keys.length); (fin47i++)) {\n ((b) = (fin47keys[fin47i]));\n {\n I[b] = new C(b, a[b]);\n for (var c = 0, d; d = a[b][c]; c++) {\n this.entries[d] = I[b];\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n };\n J.prototype.get = function(a) {\n return this.entries[a];\n };\n var P = function(a) {\n return a(M, L, P);\n };\n P.Script = A;\n P.Module = B;\n P.Collection = G;\n P.Sequence = H;\n P.Definition = D;\n P.Dependency = z;\n P.noConflict = Q;\n P.debug = R;\n P.reset = S;\n a.loadrunner = P;\n a.using = M;\n a.provide = L;\n M.path = \"\";\n M.bundles = new J;\n M.matchers = [];\n M.matchers.add = function(a, b) {\n this.unshift([a,b,]);\n };\n M.matchers.add(/^(lr!)?[a-zA-Z0-9_\\/.-]+$/, function(a) {\n var b = new B(a.replace(/^lr!/, \"\"));\n return b;\n });\n M.matchers.add(/(^script!|\\.js$)/, function(a) {\n var b = new A(a.replace(/^script!/, \"\"));\n return b;\n });\n if (e) {\n M.path = ((((e.getAttribute(\"data-path\") || e.src.split(/loadrunner\\.js/)[0])) || \"\"));\n (((main = e.getAttribute(\"data-main\")) && M.apply(a, main.split(/\\s*,\\s*/)).then(function() {\n \n })));\n }\n ;\n ;\n })(this, JSBNG__document);\n (function(a) {\n loadrunner(function(b, c) {\n function e(a, b) {\n return new loadrunner.Definition(a, function(a) {\n a(b());\n });\n };\n ;\n var d;\n a.deferred = e;\n b.matchers.add(/(^script!|\\.js(!?)$)/, function(a) {\n var b = !!a.match(/!$/);\n a = a.replace(/!$/, \"\");\n if (d = loadrunner.Definition.provided[a]) {\n return d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var c = new loadrunner.Script(a, b);\n ((b && c.start()));\n return c;\n });\n });\n })(this);\n (function(a) {\n loadrunner(function(b, c) {\n function d(a) {\n return;\n };\n ;\n function f(a, b) {\n for (var c = 0, d; d = a[c]; c++) {\n if (((b == d))) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return -1;\n };\n ;\n function g(a, b) {\n var c = (( || \"\")), d = c.split(\"/\");\n d.pop();\n var e = a.split(\"/\"), f = !1;\n while (((((e[0] == \"..\")) && d.length))) {\n d.pop();\n e.shift();\n f = !0;\n };\n ;\n if (((e[0] == \".\"))) {\n e.shift();\n f = !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((f && (e = d.concat(e))));\n return e.join(\"/\");\n };\n ;\n function i(a, b) {\n function d(a) {\n return loadrunner.Module.exports[g(a.replace(/^.+!/, \"\"), b)];\n };\n ;\n var c = [];\n for (var e = 0, f = a.length; ((e < f)); e++) {\n if (((a[e] == \"require\"))) {\n c.push(d);\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((a[e] == \"exports\"))) {\n b.exports = ((b.exports || {\n }));\n c.push(b.exports);\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((a[e] == \"module\"))) {\n c.push(b);\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c.push(d(a[e]));\n };\n ;\n return c;\n };\n ;\n function j() {\n var a = d(arguments), c = [], j, k;\n ((((typeof a[0] == \"string\")) && (j = a.shift())));\n ((e(a[0]) && (c = a.shift())));\n k = a.shift();\n var l = new loadrunner.Definition(j, function(a) {\n function l() {\n var b = i(d(c), j), e;\n ((((typeof k == \"function\")) ? e = k.apply(j, b) : e = k));\n ((((typeof e == \"undefined\")) && (e = j.exports)));\n a(e);\n };\n ;\n var e = [], j = this;\n for (var m = 0, n = c.length; ((m < n)); m++) {\n var o = c[m];\n ((((f([\"require\",\"exports\",\"module\",], o) == -1)) && e.push(g(o, j))));\n };\n ;\n ((((e.length > 0)) ? b.apply(this, e.concat(l)) : l()));\n });\n return l;\n };\n ;\n var e = ((Array.isArray || function(a) {\n return ((a.constructor == Array));\n }));\n a.define = j;\n });\n })(this);\n loadrunner(function(a, b, c, d) {\n function e(a) {\n = this.path = a;\n };\n ;\n e.loaded = {\n };\n e.prototype = new c.Dependency;\n e.prototype.start = function() {\n if (e.loaded[this.path]) this.complete();\n else {\n e.loaded[this.path] = !0;\n this.load();\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n e.prototype.load = function() {\n function j() {\n if ((($(f).length > 0))) {\n return i();\n }\n ;\n ;\n c += 1;\n ((((c < 200)) ? b = JSBNG__setTimeout(j, 50) : i()));\n };\n ;\n function k() {\n var d;\n try {\n d = !!a.sheet.cssRules;\n } catch (e) {\n c += 1;\n ((((c < 200)) ? b = JSBNG__setTimeout(k, 50) : i()));\n return;\n };\n ;\n i();\n };\n ;\n var a, b, c, d = JSBNG__document, e = this.path, f = ((((\"link[href=\\\"\" + e)) + \"\\\"]\")), g = $.browser;\n if ((($(f).length > 0))) {\n return this.complete();\n }\n ;\n ;\n var i = function() {\n JSBNG__clearTimeout(b);\n a.JSBNG__onload = a.JSBNG__onerror = null;\n this.complete();\n }.bind(this);\n if (((g.webkit || g.mozilla))) {\n c = 0;\n if (g.webkit) j();\n else {\n a = d.createElement(\"style\");\n a.innerHTML = ((((\"@import \\\"\" + e)) + \"\\\";\"));\n k(a);\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (!a) {\n a = d.createElement(\"link\");\n a.setAttribute(\"rel\", \"stylesheet\");\n a.setAttribute(\"href\", e);\n a.setAttribute(\"charset\", \"utf-8\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n a.JSBNG__onload = a.JSBNG__onerror = i;\n ((d.head || d.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0])).appendChild(a);\n };\n a.matchers.add(/^css!/, function(a) {\n a = a.replace(/^css!/, \"\");\n return new e(a);\n });\n });\n using.aliases = {\n \"$jasmine.ab65100d806a31abbb8c2b07c8fae7afbf2d1242.js\": 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a)); b++) {\n c[((b + 1))] = arguments[b];\n ;\n };\n ;\n return ((((a === 0)) ? {\n } : (c[0] = {\n }, ((((c[((c.length - 1))] === !0)) && (c.pop(), c.unshift(!0)))), $.extend.apply(undefined, c))));\n },\n push: function(a, b, c) {\n return ((a && Object.keys(((b || {\n }))).forEach(function(d) {\n if (((a[d] && c))) {\n throw Error(((((\"utils.push attempted to overwrite '\" + d)) + \"' while running in protected mode\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((((typeof a[d] == \"object\")) && ((typeof b[d] == \"object\")))) ? this.push(a[d], b[d]) : a[d] = b[d]));\n }, this))), a;\n },\n isEnumerable: function(a, b) {\n return ((Object.keys(a).indexOf(b) > -1));\n },\n compose: function() {\n var a = arguments;\n return function() {\n var b = arguments;\n for (var c = ((a.length - 1)); ((c >= 0)); c--) {\n b = [a[c].apply(this, b),];\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b[0];\n };\n },\n uniqueArray: function(a) {\n var b = {\n }, c = [];\n for (var d = 0, e = a.length; ((d < e)); ++d) {\n if (b.hasOwnProperty(a[d])) {\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c.push(a[d]), b[a[d]] = 1;\n };\n ;\n return c;\n },\n debounce: function(a, c, d) {\n ((((typeof c != \"number\")) && (c = b)));\n var e, f;\n return function() {\n var b = this, g = arguments, h = function() {\n e = null, ((d || (f = a.apply(b, g))));\n }, i = ((d && !e));\n return JSBNG__clearTimeout(e), e = JSBNG__setTimeout(h, c), ((i && (f = a.apply(b, g)))), f;\n };\n },\n throttle: function(a, c) {\n ((((typeof c != \"number\")) && (c = b)));\n var d, e, f, g, h, i, j = this.debounce(function() {\n h = g = !1;\n }, c);\n return function() {\n d = this, e = arguments;\n var b = function() {\n f = null, ((h && (i = a.apply(d, e)))), j();\n };\n return ((f || (f = JSBNG__setTimeout(b, c)))), ((g ? h = !0 : (g = !0, i = a.apply(d, e)))), j(), i;\n };\n },\n countThen: function(a, b) {\n return function() {\n if (!--a) {\n return b.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n },\n delegate: function(a) {\n return function(b, c) {\n var d = $(, e;\n Object.keys(a).forEach(function(f) {\n if ((e = d.closest(f)).length) {\n return c = ((c || {\n })), c.el = e[0], a[f].apply(this, [b,c,]);\n }\n ;\n ;\n }, this);\n };\n }\n };\n return c;\n });\n define(\"components/flight/lib/registry\", [\"./utils\",], function(a) {\n function b(a, b) {\n var c, d, e, f = b.length;\n return ((((typeof b[((f - 1))] == \"function\")) && (f -= 1, e = b[f]))), ((((typeof b[((f - 1))] == \"object\")) && (f -= 1))), ((((f == 2)) ? (c = b[0], d = b[1]) : (c = a.node, d = b[0]))), {\n element: c,\n type: d,\n callback: e\n };\n };\n ;\n function c(a, b) {\n return ((((((a.element == b.element)) && ((a.type == b.type)))) && ((((b.callback == null)) || ((a.callback == b.callback))))));\n };\n ;\n function d() {\n function d(b) {\n this.component = b, this.attachedTo = [], this.instances = {\n }, this.addInstance = function(a) {\n var b = new e(a);\n return this.instances[a.identity] = b, this.attachedTo.push(a.node), b;\n }, this.removeInstance = function(b) {\n delete this.instances[b.identity];\n var c = this.attachedTo.indexOf(b.node);\n ((((c > -1)) && this.attachedTo.splice(c, 1))), ((Object.keys(this.instances).length || a.removeComponentInfo(this)));\n }, this.isAttachedTo = function(a) {\n return ((this.attachedTo.indexOf(a) > -1));\n };\n };\n ;\n function e(b) {\n this.instance = b, = [], this.addBind = function(b) {\n,;\n }, this.removeBind = function(a) {\n for (var b = 0, d; d =[b]; b++) {\n ((c(d, a) &&, 1)));\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n };\n ;\n var a = this;\n (this.reset = function() {\n this.components = [], this.allInstances = {\n }, = [];\n }).call(this), this.addInstance = function(a) {\n var b = this.findComponentInfo(a);\n ((b || (b = new d(a.constructor), this.components.push(b))));\n var c = b.addInstance(a);\n return this.allInstances[a.identity] = c, b;\n }, this.removeInstance = function(a) {\n var b, c = this.findInstanceInfo(a), d = this.findComponentInfo(a);\n ((d && d.removeInstance(a))), delete this.allInstances[a.identity];\n }, this.removeComponentInfo = function(a) {\n var b = this.components.indexOf(a);\n ((((b > -1)) && this.components.splice(b, 1)));\n }, this.findComponentInfo = function(a) {\n var b = ((a.attachTo ? a : a.constructor));\n for (var c = 0, d; d = this.components[c]; c++) {\n if (((d.component === b))) {\n return d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return null;\n }, this.findInstanceInfo = function(a) {\n return ((this.allInstances[a.identity] || null));\n }, this.findInstanceInfoByNode = function(a) {\n var b = [];\n return Object.keys(this.allInstances).forEach(function(c) {\n var d = this.allInstances[c];\n ((((d.instance.node === a)) && b.push(d)));\n }, this), b;\n }, this.JSBNG__on = function(c) {\n var d = a.findInstanceInfo(this), e, f = arguments.length, g = 1, h = new Array(((f - 1)));\n for (; ((g < f)); g++) {\n h[((g - 1))] = arguments[g];\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (d) {\n e = c.apply(null, h), ((e && (h[((h.length - 1))] = e)));\n var i = b(this, h);\n d.addBind(i);\n }\n ;\n ;\n }, = function(d, e, f) {\n var g = b(this, arguments), h = a.findInstanceInfo(this);\n ((h && h.removeBind(g)));\n for (var i = 0, j; j =[i]; i++) {\n ((c(j, g) &&, 1)));\n ;\n };\n ;\n }, a.trigger = new Function, this.teardown = function() {\n a.removeInstance(this);\n }, this.withRegistration = function() {\n this.before(\"initialize\", function() {\n a.addInstance(this);\n }), this.around(\"JSBNG__on\", a.JSBNG__on), this.after(\"off\",, ((((window.DEBUG && DEBUG.enabled)) && this.after(\"trigger\", a.trigger))), this.after(\"teardown\", {\n obj: a,\n fnName: \"teardown\"\n });\n };\n };\n ;\n return new d;\n });\n define(\"components/flight/tools/debug/debug\", [\"../../lib/registry\",\"../../lib/utils\",], function(a, b) {\n function d(a, b, c) {\n var c = ((c || {\n })), e = ((c.obj || window)), g = ((c.path || ((((e == window)) ? \"window\" : \"\")))), h = Object.keys(e);\n h.forEach(function(c) {\n ((((f[a] || a))(b, e, c) && JSBNG__console.log([g,\".\",c,].join(\"\"), \"-\\u003E\", [\"(\",typeof e[c],\")\",].join(\"\"), e[c]))), (((((((([c]) == \"[object Object]\")) && ((e[c] != e)))) && ((g.split(\".\").indexOf(c) == -1)))) && d(a, b, {\n obj: e[c],\n path: [g,c,].join(\".\")\n })));\n });\n };\n ;\n function e(a, b, c, e) {\n ((((!b || ((typeof c == b)))) ? d(a, c, e) : JSBNG__console.error([c,\"must be\",b,].join(\" \"))));\n };\n ;\n function g(a, b) {\n e(\"JSBNG__name\", \"string\", a, b);\n };\n ;\n function h(a, b) {\n e(\"nameContains\", \"string\", a, b);\n };\n ;\n function i(a, b) {\n e(\"type\", \"function\", a, b);\n };\n ;\n function j(a, b) {\n e(\"value\", null, a, b);\n };\n ;\n function k(a, b) {\n e(\"valueCoerced\", null, a, b);\n };\n ;\n function l(a, b) {\n d(a, null, b);\n };\n ;\n function p() {\n var a = [];\n ((c.eventNames.length || (c.eventNames = m))), c.actions = ((a.length ? a : m)), t();\n };\n ;\n function q() {\n var a = [];\n ((c.actions.length || (c.actions = m))), c.eventNames = ((a.length ? a : m)), t();\n };\n ;\n function r() {\n c.actions = [], c.eventNames = [], t();\n };\n ;\n function s() {\n c.actions = m, c.eventNames = m, t();\n };\n ;\n function t() {\n ((window.JSBNG__localStorage && (JSBNG__localStorage.setItem(\"logFilter_eventNames\", c.eventNames), JSBNG__localStorage.setItem(\"logFilter_actions\", c.actions))));\n };\n ;\n function u() {\n var a = {\n eventNames: ((((window.JSBNG__localStorage && JSBNG__localStorage.getItem(\"logFilter_eventNames\"))) || n)),\n actions: ((((window.JSBNG__localStorage && JSBNG__localStorage.getItem(\"logFilter_actions\"))) || o))\n };\n return Object.keys(a).forEach(function(b) {\n var c = a[b];\n ((((((typeof c == \"string\")) && ((c !== m)))) && (a[b] = c.split(\",\"))));\n }), a;\n };\n ;\n var c, f = {\n JSBNG__name: function(a, b, c) {\n return ((a == c));\n },\n nameContains: function(a, b, c) {\n return ((c.indexOf(a) > -1));\n },\n type: function(a, b, c) {\n return ((b[c] instanceof a));\n },\n value: function(a, b, c) {\n return ((b[c] === a));\n },\n valueCoerced: function(a, b, c) {\n return ((b[c] == a));\n }\n }, m = \"all\", n = [], o = [], c = u();\n return {\n enable: function(a) {\n this.enabled = !!a, ((((a && window.JSBNG__console)) && (\"Booting in DEBUG mode\"),\"You can configure event logging with\")))), window.DEBUG = this;\n },\n JSBNG__find: {\n byName: g,\n byNameContains: h,\n byType: i,\n byValue: j,\n byValueCoerced: k,\n custom: l\n },\n events: {\n logFilter: c,\n logByAction: p,\n logByName: q,\n logAll: s,\n logNone: r\n }\n };\n });\n define(\"components/flight/lib/compose\", [\"./utils\",\"../tools/debug/debug\",], function(a, b) {\n function f(a, b) {\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e = Object.create(null);\n Object.keys(a).forEach(function(c) {\n if (((d.indexOf(c) < 0))) {\n var f = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, c);\n f.writable = b, e[c] = f;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }), Object.defineProperties(a, e);\n };\n ;\n function g(a, b, d) {\n var e;\n if (((!c || !a.hasOwnProperty(b)))) {\n;\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, b).writable, Object.defineProperty(a, b, {\n writable: !0\n }),, Object.defineProperty(a, b, {\n writable: e\n });\n };\n ;\n function h(a, b) {\n a.mixedIn = ((a.hasOwnProperty(\"mixedIn\") ? a.mixedIn : [])), b.forEach(function(b) {\n ((((a.mixedIn.indexOf(b) == -1)) && (f(a, !1),, a.mixedIn.push(b))));\n }), f(a, !0);\n };\n ;\n var c = ((b.enabled && !a.isEnumerable(Object, \"getOwnPropertyDescriptor\"))), d = [\"mixedIn\",];\n if (c) {\n try {\n Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object, \"keys\");\n } catch (e) {\n c = !1;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n return {\n mixin: h,\n unlockProperty: g\n };\n });\n define(\"components/flight/lib/advice\", [\"./utils\",\"./compose\",], function(a, b) {\n var c = {\n around: function(a, b) {\n return function() {\n var d = 0, e = arguments.length, f = new Array(((e + 1)));\n f[0] = a.bind(this);\n for (; ((d < e)); d++) {\n f[((d + 1))] = arguments[d];\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b.apply(this, f);\n };\n },\n before: function(a, b) {\n var c = ((((typeof b == \"function\")) ? b : b.obj[b.fnName]));\n return function() {\n return c.apply(this, arguments), a.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n },\n after: function(a, b) {\n var c = ((((typeof b == \"function\")) ? b : b.obj[b.fnName]));\n return function() {\n var d = ((a.unbound || a)).apply(this, arguments);\n return c.apply(this, arguments), d;\n };\n },\n withAdvice: function() {\n [\"before\",\"after\",\"around\",].forEach(function(a) {\n this[a] = function(d, e) {\n b.unlockProperty(this, d, function() {\n return ((((typeof this[d] == \"function\")) ? this[d] = c[a](this[d], e) : this[d] = e));\n });\n };\n }, this);\n }\n };\n return c;\n });\n define(\"components/flight/lib/logger\", [\"./compose\",\"./utils\",], function(a, b) {\n function d(a) {\n var b = ((a.tagName ? a.tagName.toLowerCase() : a.toString())), c = ((a.className ? ((\".\" + a.className)) : \"\")), d = ((b + c));\n return ((a.tagName ? [\"'\",\"'\",].join(d) : d));\n };\n ;\n function e(a, b, e) {\n var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m;\n ((((typeof e[((e.length - 1))] == \"function\")) && (h = e.pop(), h = ((h.unbound || h))))), ((((typeof e[((e.length - 1))] == \"object\")) && e.pop())), ((((e.length == 2)) ? (g = e[0], f = e[1]) : (g = b.$node[0], f = e[0]))), ((((window.DEBUG && window.DEBUG.enabled)) && (j =, l = ((((j.actions == \"all\")) || ((j.actions.indexOf(a) > -1)))), k = function(a) {\n return ((a.test ? a : new RegExp(((((\"^\" + a.replace(/\\*/g, \".*\"))) + \"$\")))));\n }, m = ((((j.eventNames == \"all\")) || j.eventNames.some(function(a) {\n return k(a).test(f);\n }))), ((((l && m)) &&[a], a, ((((\"[\" + f)) + \"]\")), d(g), b.constructor.describe.split(\" \").slice(0, 3).join(\" \")))))));\n };\n ;\n function f() {\n this.before(\"trigger\", function() {\n e(\"trigger\", this, b.toArray(arguments));\n }), this.before(\"JSBNG__on\", function() {\n e(\"JSBNG__on\", this, b.toArray(arguments));\n }), this.before(\"off\", function(a) {\n e(\"off\", this, b.toArray(arguments));\n });\n };\n ;\n var c = {\n JSBNG__on: \"\\u003C-\",\n trigger: \"-\\u003E\",\n off: \"x \"\n };\n return f;\n });\n define(\"components/flight/lib/component\", [\"./advice\",\"./utils\",\"./compose\",\"./registry\",\"./logger\",\"../tools/debug/debug\",], function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n function i(a) {\n {\n var b = [a.type,];\n ((a.element && b.unshift(a.element))), ((((typeof a.callback == \"function\")) && b.push(a.callback))),, b);\n }, a.instance);\n };\n ;\n function j() {\n i(d.findInstanceInfo(this));\n };\n ;\n function k() {\n var a = d.findComponentInfo(this);\n ((a && Object.keys(a.instances).forEach(function(b) {\n var c = a.instances[b];\n c.instance.teardown();\n })));\n };\n ;\n function l(a, b) {\n try {\n window.JSBNG__postMessage(b, \"*\");\n } catch (c) {\n throw JSBNG__console.log(\"unserializable data for event\", a, \":\", b), new Error([\"The event\",a,\"on component\",this.toString(),\"was triggered with non-serializable data\",].join(\" \"));\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n function m() {\n this.trigger = function() {\n var a, b, c, d, e, g = ((arguments.length - 1)), h = arguments[g];\n return ((((((typeof h != \"string\")) && ((!h || !h.defaultBehavior)))) && (g--, c = h))), ((((g == 1)) ? (a = $(arguments[0]), d = arguments[1]) : (a = this.$node, d = arguments[0]))), ((d.defaultBehavior && (e = d.defaultBehavior, d = $.JSBNG__Event(d.type)))), b = ((d.type || d)), ((((f.enabled && window.JSBNG__postMessage)) &&, b, c))), ((((typeof this.attr.eventData == \"object\")) && (c = $.extend(!0, {\n }, this.attr.eventData, c)))), a.trigger(((d || b)), c), ((((e && !d.isDefaultPrevented())) && ((this[e] || e)).call(this))), a;\n }, this.JSBNG__on = function() {\n var a, c, d, e, f = ((arguments.length - 1)), g = arguments[f];\n ((((typeof g == \"object\")) ? e = b.delegate(this.resolveDelegateRules(g)) : e = g)), ((((f == 2)) ? (a = $(arguments[0]), c = arguments[1]) : (a = this.$node, c = arguments[0])));\n if (((((typeof e != \"function\")) && ((typeof e != \"object\"))))) {\n throw new Error(((((\"Unable to bind to '\" + c)) + \"' because the given callback is not a function or an object\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return d = e.bind(this), = e, ((e.guid && (d.guid = e.guid))), a.JSBNG__on(c, d), e.guid = d.guid, d;\n }, = function() {\n var a, b, c, d = ((arguments.length - 1));\n return ((((typeof arguments[d] == \"function\")) && (c = arguments[d], d -= 1))), ((((d == 1)) ? (a = $(arguments[0]), b = arguments[1]) : (a = this.$node, b = arguments[0]))),, c);\n }, this.resolveDelegateRules = function(a) {\n var b = {\n };\n return Object.keys(a).forEach(function(c) {\n if (((!c in this.attr))) {\n throw new Error(((((((((\"Component \\\"\" + this.toString())) + \"\\\" wants to listen on \\\"\")) + c)) + \"\\\" but no such attribute was defined.\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n b[this.attr[c]] = a[c];\n }, this), b;\n }, this.defaultAttrs = function(a) {\n ((b.push(this.defaults, a, !0) || (this.defaults = a)));\n }, = function(a) {\n return this.$node.JSBNG__find(this.attr[a]);\n }, this.initialize = $.noop, this.teardown = j;\n };\n ;\n function n(a) {\n var c = arguments.length, e = new Array(((c - 1)));\n for (var f = 1; ((f < c)); f++) {\n e[((f - 1))] = arguments[f];\n ;\n };\n ;\n if (!a) {\n throw new Error(\"Component needs to be attachTo'd a jQuery object, native node or selector string\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n var g = b.merge.apply(b, e);\n $(a).each(function(a, b) {\n var c = ((b.jQuery ? b[0] : b)), e = d.findComponentInfo(this);\n if (((e && e.isAttachedTo(c)))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n new this(b, g);\n }.bind(this));\n };\n ;\n function o() {\n function l(a, b) {\n b = ((b || {\n })), this.identity = h++;\n if (!a) {\n throw new Error(\"Component needs a node\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((a.jquery ? (this.node = a[0], this.$node = a) : (this.node = a, this.$node = $(a)))), this.toString = l.toString, ((f.enabled && (this.describe = this.toString())));\n var c = Object.create(b);\n {\n var fin48keys = ((, fin48i = (0);\n var d;\n for (; (fin48i < fin48keys.length); (fin48i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin48keys[fin48i]));\n {\n ((b.hasOwnProperty(d) || (c[d] = this.defaults[d])));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n this.attr = c,, b);\n };\n ;\n var b = arguments.length, i = new Array(((b + 3)));\n for (var j = 0; ((j < b)); j++) {\n i[j] = arguments[j];\n ;\n };\n ;\n return l.toString = function() {\n var a = {\n if (((a.JSBNG__name == null))) {\n var b = a.toString().match(g);\n return ((((b && b[1])) ? b[1] : \"\"));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return ((((a.JSBNG__name != \"withBaseComponent\")) ? a.JSBNG__name : \"\"));\n }).filter(Boolean).join(\", \");\n return a;\n }, ((f.enabled && (l.describe = l.toString()))), l.attachTo = n, l.teardownAll = k, ((f.enabled && i.unshift(e))), i.unshift(m, a.withAdvice, d.withRegistration), c.mixin(l.prototype, i), l;\n };\n ;\n var g = /function (.*?)\\s?\\(/, h = 0;\n return o.teardownAll = function() {\n d.components.slice().forEach(function(a) {\n a.component.teardownAll();\n }), d.reset();\n }, o;\n });\n define(\"core/component\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"components/flight/lib/component\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var flightComponent = require(\"components/flight/lib/component\");\n module.exports = flightComponent;\n });\n define(\"core/registry\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"components/flight/lib/registry\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var flightRegistry = require(\"components/flight/lib/registry\");\n module.exports = flightRegistry;\n });\n provide(\"core/clock\", function(a) {\n using(\"core/component\", \"core/registry\", function(b, c) {\n function h() {\n \n };\n ;\n function i() {\n this.timers = [], this.clockComponent = function() {\n if (((!this.currentClock || !c.findInstanceInfo(this.currentClock)))) {\n this.reset(), this.currentClock = new d(JSBNG__document);\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this.currentClock;\n }, this.trigger = function(a, b) {\n this.clockComponent().trigger(a, b);\n }, this.reset = function() {\n this.timers = [];\n }, this.tick = function() {\n this.timers.forEach(function(a) {\n a.tick(f);\n });\n }, this.setTicker = function() {\n this.pause(), this.ticker = window.JSBNG__setInterval(this.tick.bind(this), f);\n }, this.init = function() {\n this.clockComponent(), ((this.ticker || this.setTicker()));\n }, this.clear = function(a) {\n ((a && this.timers.splice(this.timers.indexOf(a), 1)));\n }, this.setTimeoutEvent = function(a, b, c) {\n if (((typeof a != \"string\"))) {\n return JSBNG__console.error(\"clock.setTimeoutEvent was passed a function instead of a string.\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.init();\n var d = new k(a, b, c);\n return this.timers.push(d), d;\n }, this.JSBNG__clearTimeout = function(a) {\n ((((a instanceof k)) && this.clear(a)));\n }, this.setIntervalEvent = function(a, b, c) {\n if (((typeof a != \"string\"))) {\n return JSBNG__console.error(\"clock.setIntervalEvent was passed a function instead of a string.\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.init();\n var d = new m(a, b, c);\n return this.timers.push(d), d;\n }, this.JSBNG__clearInterval = function(a) {\n ((((a instanceof m)) && this.clear(a)));\n }, this.resume = this.restart = this.setTicker, this.pause = function(a, b) {\n JSBNG__clearInterval(((this.ticker || 0)));\n };\n };\n ;\n function j() {\n this.callback = function() {\n e.trigger(this.eventName,;\n }, this.clear = function() {\n e.clear(this);\n }, this.pause = function() {\n this.paused = !0;\n }, this.resume = function() {\n this.paused = !1;\n }, this.tickUnlessPaused = this.tick, this.tick = function() {\n if (this.paused) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.tickUnlessPaused.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n };\n ;\n function k(a, b, c) {\n this.countdown = b, this.eventName = a, = c;\n };\n ;\n function m(a, b, c) {\n this.countdown = this.interval = this.maxInterval = this.initialInterval = b, this.backoffFactor = g, this.eventName = a, = c;\n };\n ;\n var d = b(h), e = new i, f = 1000, g = 2, l = function() {\n this.tick = function(a) {\n this.countdown -= a, ((((this.countdown <= 0)) && (this.clear(), this.callback())));\n };\n };\n,;\n var n = function() {\n this.tick = function(a) {\n this.countdown -= a;\n if (((this.countdown <= 0))) {\n this.callback();\n if (((this.interval < this.maxInterval))) {\n var b = ((Math.ceil(((((this.interval * this.backoffFactor)) / f))) * f));\n this.interval = Math.min(b, this.maxInterval);\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.countdown = this.interval;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }, this.backoff = function(a, b) {\n this.maxInterval = a, this.backoffFactor = ((b || g)), ((((this.interval > this.maxInterval)) && (this.interval = a)));\n }, this.cancelBackoff = function() {\n this.interval = this.maxInterval = this.initialInterval, this.countdown = Math.min(this.countdown, this.interval), this.resume();\n };\n };\n,, a(e);\n });\n });\n define(\"core/compose\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"components/flight/lib/compose\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var flightCompose = require(\"components/flight/lib/compose\");\n module.exports = flightCompose;\n });\n define(\"core/advice\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"components/flight/lib/advice\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var flightAdvice = require(\"components/flight/lib/advice\");\n module.exports = flightAdvice;\n });\n provide(\"core/parameterize\", function(a) {\n function c(a, c, d) {\n return ((c ? a.replace(b, function(a, b) {\n if (b) {\n if (c[b]) {\n return c[b];\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (d) {\n throw new Error(((\"Cannot parameterize string, no replacement found for \" + b)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return \"\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n return a;\n }) : a));\n };\n ;\n var b = /\\{\\{(.+?)\\}\\}/g;\n a(c);\n });\n provide(\"core/i18n\", function(a) {\n using(\"core/parameterize\", function(b) {\n a(b);\n });\n });\n define(\"core/logger\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"components/flight/lib/logger\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var flightLogger = require(\"components/flight/lib/logger\");\n module.exports = flightLogger;\n });\n define(\"core/utils\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"components/flight/lib/utils\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var flightUtils = require(\"components/flight/lib/utils\");\n module.exports = flightUtils;\n });\n define(\"debug/debug\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"components/flight/tools/debug/debug\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var flightDebug = require(\"components/flight/tools/debug/debug\");\n module.exports = flightDebug;\n });\n provide(\"app/utils/auth_token\", function(a) {\n var b;\n a({\n get: function() {\n if (!b) {\n throw new Error(\"authToken should have been set!\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n return b;\n },\n set: function(a) {\n b = a;\n },\n addTo: function(a, c) {\n return a.authenticity_token = b, ((c && (a.post_authenticity_token = b))), a;\n }\n });\n });\n define(\"app/data/scribe_transport\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function ScribeTransport(a) {\n this.SESSION_BUFFER_KEY = \"ScribeTransport\", this.SCRIBE_API_ENDPOINT = \"/i/jot\", this.options = {\n }, ((a && (this.updateOptions(a), this.registerEventHandlers(a))));\n };\n ;\n ScribeTransport.prototype = {\n flush: function(a, b) {\n if (((!a || !a.length))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((b === undefined)) && (b = !!this.options.sync)));\n if (this.options.useAjax) {\n var c = {\n url: this.options.url,\n data: $.extend(this.ajaxParams(a), this.options.requestParameters),\n type: \"POST\",\n dataType: \"json\",\n async: !b\n };\n ((this.options.debug && (((this.options.debugHandler && (c.success = this.options.debugHandler))), = \"1\"))), $.ajax(c);\n }\n else {\n var d = ((this.options.debug ? \"&debug=1\" : \"\"));\n (new JSBNG__Image).src = ((((((((((this.options.url + \"?q=\")) + (+(new JSBNG__Date)).toString().slice(-4))) + d)) + \"&\")) + this.imageParams(a)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.reset();\n },\n ajaxParams: function(a) {\n if (((typeof a == \"string\"))) {\n return {\n log: ((((\"[\" + a)) + \"]\"))\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n var b = this.options.encodeParameters;\n return ((((b && ((typeof b == \"function\")))) ? b.apply(this, arguments) : {\n log: JSON.stringify(a)\n }));\n },\n imageParams: function(a) {\n if (((typeof a == \"string\"))) {\n return ((((\"log=%5B\" + a)) + \"%5D\"));\n }\n ;\n ;\n var b = this.options.encodeParameters;\n return ((((b && ((typeof b == \"function\")))) ? b.apply(this, arguments) : ((\"log=\" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(a))))));\n },\n reset: function() {\n ((this.options.bufferEvents && (this.skipUnloadFlush = !1, JSBNG__sessionStorage.removeItem(this.options.bufferKey))));\n },\n getBuffer: function() {\n return ((JSBNG__sessionStorage.getItem(this.options.bufferKey) || \"\"));\n },\n send: function(a, b, c) {\n if (((((!b || !a)) || ((this.options.bufferSize < 0))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n a._category_ = b;\n if (((((c || !this.options.bufferEvents)) || !this.options.bufferSize))) this.flush([a,], c);\n else {\n var d = JSON.stringify(a);\n ((this.options.useAjax || (d = encodeURIComponent(d))));\n var e = this.getBuffer(), f = ((e + ((e ? ((this.SEPARATOR + d)) : d))));\n ((((this.options.bufferSize && this.fullBuffer(f))) ? ((this.options.useAjax ? this.flush(f) : (this.flush(e), JSBNG__sessionStorage.setItem(this.options.bufferKey, d)))) : JSBNG__sessionStorage.setItem(this.options.bufferKey, f)));\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((this.options.debug && $(JSBNG__document).trigger(((\"scribedata.\" + this.options.bufferKey)), a))), ((((this.options.metrics && ((a.event_info != \"debug\")))) && $(JSBNG__document).trigger(\"debugscribe\", a)));\n },\n fullBuffer: function(a) {\n return ((a.length >= ((this.options.useAjax ? ((this.options.bufferSize * 2083)) : ((2050 - this.options.url.length))))));\n },\n updateOptions: function(a) {\n this.options = $.extend({\n }, this.options, a), ((this.options.requestParameters || (this.options.requestParameters = {\n }))), ((((this.options.flushOnUnload === undefined)) && (this.options.flushOnUnload = !0))), ((this.options.bufferKey || (this.options.bufferKey = this.SESSION_BUFFER_KEY))), ((((this.options.bufferSize === 0)) && (this.options.bufferEvents = !1))), ((((this.options.useAjax === undefined)) && (this.options.useAjax = !0)));\n if (((this.options.bufferEvents || ((this.options.bufferEvents == undefined))))) {\n try {\n JSBNG__sessionStorage.setItem(((this.SESSION_BUFFER_KEY + \".init\")), \"test\");\n var b = ((JSBNG__sessionStorage.getItem(((this.SESSION_BUFFER_KEY + \".init\"))) == \"test\"));\n JSBNG__sessionStorage.removeItem(((this.SESSION_BUFFER_KEY + \".init\"))), this.options.bufferEvents = b;\n } catch (c) {\n this.options.bufferEvents = !1;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((this.options.debug && !this.options.debugHandler))) {\n var d = this;\n this.options.debugHandler = ((a.debugHandler || function(a) {\n $(JSBNG__document).trigger(((\"handlescribe.\" + d.options.bufferKey)), a);\n }));\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e = ((((window.JSBNG__location.protocol === \"https:\")) ? \"https:\" : \"http:\"));\n ((((this.options.url === undefined)) ? ((this.options.useAjax ? this.options.url = this.SCRIBE_API_ENDPOINT : this.options.url = ((\"\" + this.SCRIBE_API_ENDPOINT)))) : this.options.url = this.options.url.replace(/^[a-z]+:/g, e).replace(/\\/$/, \"\"))), ((((this.options.bufferEvents && ((this.options.bufferSize === undefined)))) && (this.options.bufferSize = 20)));\n },\n appHost: function() {\n return;\n },\n registerEventHandlers: function() {\n var a = this, b = $(JSBNG__document);\n if (this.options.bufferEvents) {\n b.JSBNG__on(((\"flushscribe.\" + a.options.bufferKey)), function(b) {\n a.flush(a.getBuffer(), !0);\n });\n if (this.options.flushOnUnload) {\n var c = function(b) {\n a.skipUnloadFlush = ((((!b || !b.match(/http/))) || !!b.match(new RegExp(((\"^https?://\" + a.appHost())), \"gi\")))), ((a.skipUnloadFlush && window.JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n a.skipUnloadFlush = !1;\n }, 3000)));\n };\n b.JSBNG__on(((\"mouseup.\" + this.options.bufferKey)), \"a\", function(a) {\n if (((((((((((this.getAttribute(\"target\") || a.button)) || a.metaKey)) || a.shiftKey)) || a.altKey)) || a.ctrlKey))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c(this.getAttribute(\"href\"));\n }), b.JSBNG__on(((\"submit.\" + this.options.bufferKey)), \"form\", function(a) {\n c(this.getAttribute(\"action\"));\n }), b.JSBNG__on(((\"uiNavigate.\" + this.options.bufferKey)), function(a, b) {\n c(b.url);\n }), $(window).JSBNG__on(((\"unload.\" + this.options.bufferKey)), function() {\n ((a.skipUnloadFlush || a.flush(a.getBuffer(), !0))), a.skipUnloadFlush = !1;\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.SEPARATOR = ((this.options.useAjax ? \",\" : encodeURIComponent(\",\")));\n },\n destroy: function() {\n this.flush(this.getBuffer()), $(JSBNG__document).off(((\"flushscribe.\" + this.options.bufferKey))), $(window).off(((\"unload.\" + this.options.bufferKey))), $(JSBNG__document).off(((\"mouseup.\" + this.options.bufferKey))), $(JSBNG__document).off(((\"submit.\" + this.options.bufferKey))), $(JSBNG__document).off(((\"uiNavigate.\" + this.options.bufferKey)));\n }\n }, module.exports = new ScribeTransport;\n });\n define(\"app/data/scribe_monitor\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function scribeMonitor() {\n function a(a) {\n if (((window.scribeConsole && window.scribeConsole.JSBNG__postMessage))) {\n var b = ((((window.JSBNG__location.protocol + \"//\")) +;\n try {\n window.scribeConsole.JSBNG__postMessage(a, b);\n } catch (c) {\n var d = ((((\"ScribeMonitor.postToConsole - Scribe Console error or unserializable data [\" + a._category_)) + \"]\"));\n JSBNG__console.error(d, a);\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n this.verifyHost = function(a) {\n return ((a && a.match(/^(staging[0-9]+\\.[^\\.]+\\|twitter\\.com|localhost\\.twitter\\.com)(\\:[0-9]+)?$/)));\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"keypress\", function(a) {\n if (((((((a.charCode == 205)) && a.shiftKey)) && a.altKey))) {\n var b = \"menubar=no,toolbar=no,personalbar=no,location=no,resizable=yes,status=no,dependent=yes,height=600,width=600,screenX=100,screenY=100,scrollbars=yes\", c =;\n ((this.verifyHost(c) || (c = \"\"))), window.scribeConsole = + \"//\")) + c)) + \"/scribe/console\")), \"scribe_console\", b);\n }\n ;\n ;\n }), this.JSBNG__on(\"scribedata.ScribeTransport handlescribe.ScribeTransport\", function(b, c) {\n a(c);\n }), ((this.attr.scribesForScribeConsole && this.JSBNG__on(\"uiSwiftLoaded uiPageChanged\", function(b, c) {\n ((((((b.type == \"uiSwiftLoaded\")) || !c.fromCache)) && this.attr.scribesForScribeConsole.forEach(function(b) {\n b._category_ = \"client_event\", a(b);\n })));\n })));\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\");\n module.exports = defineComponent(scribeMonitor);\n });\n define(\"app/data/client_event\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/data/scribe_transport\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function ClientEvent(a) {\n this.scribeContext = {\n }, this.scribeData = {\n }, this.scribe = function(b, c) {\n var d = ((a || window.scribeTransport));\n if (!d) {\n throw new Error(\"You must create a global scribeTransport variable or pass one into this constructor.\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((((!b || ((typeof b != \"object\")))) || ((c && ((typeof c != \"object\"))))))) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid terms or data hash argument when calling ClientEvent.scribe().\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (this.scribeContext) {\n var e = ((((typeof this.scribeContext == \"function\")) ? this.scribeContext() : this.scribeContext));\n b = $.extend({\n }, e, b);\n }\n ;\n ;\n {\n var fin49keys = ((, fin49i = (0);\n var f;\n for (; (fin49i < fin49keys.length); (fin49i++)) {\n ((f) = (fin49keys[fin49i]));\n {\n b[f] = ((b[f] && ((\"\" + b[f])).toLowerCase().replace(/_?[^a-z0-9_]+_?/g, \"_\")));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n ((d.options.debug && $.each([\"client\",\"action\",], function(a, c) {\n if (!b[c]) {\n throw new Error(((((\"You must specify a \" + c)) + \" term in your client_event.\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n })));\n var c = $.extend({\n }, c);\n if (this.scribeData) {\n var g = ((((typeof this.scribeData == \"function\")) ? this.scribeData() : this.scribeData));\n c = $.extend({\n }, g, c);\n }\n ;\n ;\n c.event_namespace = b, c.triggered_on = ((c.triggered_on || +(new JSBNG__Date))), c.format_version = ((c.format_version || 2)), d.send(c, \"client_event\");\n };\n };\n ;\n var scribeTransport = require(\"app/data/scribe_transport\");\n module.exports = new ClientEvent(scribeTransport);\n });\n define(\"app/data/ddg\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/data/client_event\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function DDG(a, b) {\n this.experiments = ((a || {\n })), this.impressions = {\n }, this.scribeExperiment = function(a, c, d) {\n var e = $.extend({\n page: \"ddg\",\n section: a.experiment_key,\n component: \"\",\n element: \"\"\n }, c);\n d = ((d || {\n })), d.experiment_key = a.experiment_key, d.bucket = a.bucket, d.version = a.version, ((b || window.clientEvent)).scribe(e, d);\n }, this.impression = function(a) {\n var b = this.experiments[a];\n ((b && (a = b.experiment_key, ((this.impressions[a] || (this.scribeExperiment(b, {\n action: \"experiment\"\n }), this.impressions[a] = !0))))));\n }, this.track = function(a, b, c) {\n if (!b) {\n throw new Error(\"You must specify an event name to track custom DDG events. Event names should be lower-case, snake_cased strings.\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n var d = this.experiments[a];\n ((d && this.scribeExperiment(d, {\n element: b,\n action: \"track\"\n }, c)));\n }, this.bucket = function(a) {\n var b = this.experiments[a];\n return ((b ? b.bucket : \"\"));\n };\n };\n ;\n var clientEvent = require(\"app/data/client_event\");\n module.exports = new DDG({\n }, clientEvent);\n });\n define(\"app/utils/scribe_association_types\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n module.exports = {\n associatedTweet: 1,\n platformCardPublisher: 2,\n platformCardCreator: 3,\n conversationOrigin: 4,\n associatedUser: 5,\n associatedTimeline: 6\n };\n });\n define(\"app/data/with_scribe\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/data/client_event\",\"core/utils\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withScribe() {\n function a(a) {\n if (!a) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n a = ((a.sourceEventData ? a.sourceEventData : a));\n if (((a.scribeContext || a.scribeData))) {\n return a;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n this.scribe = function() {\n var b =, c, d, e, f, g;\n c = ((((typeof b[0] == \"string\")) ? {\n action: b[0]\n } : b[0])), b.shift();\n if (b[0]) {\n e = b[0], ((e.sourceEventData && (e = e.sourceEventData)));\n if (((e.scribeContext || e.scribeData))) {\n f = e.scribeContext, g = e.scribeData;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((((((b[0].scribeContext || b[0].scribeData)) || b[0].sourceEventData)) || ((b.length === 2)))) && b.shift()));\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = utils.merge({\n }, f, c), d = ((((typeof b[0] == \"function\")) ? b[0].bind(this)(e) : b[0])), d = utils.merge({\n }, g, d), this.transport(c, d);\n }, this.scribeOnEvent = function(b, c, d) {\n this.JSBNG__on(b, function(a, b) {\n b = ((b || {\n })), this.scribe(c, ((b.sourceEventData || b)), d);\n });\n }, this.transport = function(b, c) {\n clientEvent.scribe(b, c);\n };\n };\n ;\n var clientEvent = require(\"app/data/client_event\"), utils = require(\"core/utils\");\n module.exports = withScribe;\n });\n define(\"app/utils/with_session\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withSession() {\n this.setSessionItem = function(a, b) {\n ((window.JSBNG__sessionStorage && JSBNG__sessionStorage.setItem(a, b)));\n }, this.removeSessionItem = function(a) {\n ((window.JSBNG__sessionStorage && JSBNG__sessionStorage.removeItem(a)));\n }, this.getSessionItem = function(a) {\n return ((window.JSBNG__sessionStorage && JSBNG__sessionStorage.getItem(a)));\n }, this.setSessionObject = function(a, b) {\n ((((b === undefined)) ? this.removeSessionItem(a) : this.setSessionItem(a, JSON.stringify(b))));\n }, this.getSessionObject = function(a) {\n var b = this.getSessionItem(a);\n return ((((b === undefined)) ? b : JSON.parse(b)));\n };\n };\n ;\n module.exports = withSession;\n });\n define(\"app/utils/scribe_item_types\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n module.exports = {\n tweet: 0,\n promotedTweet: 1,\n popularTweet: 2,\n retweet: 10,\n user: 3,\n promotedUser: 4,\n message: 6,\n story: 7,\n trend: 8,\n promotedTrend: 9,\n popularTrend: 15,\n list: 11,\n search: 12,\n savedSearch: 13,\n peopleSearch: 14\n };\n });\n define(\"app/data/with_interaction_data_scribe\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/compose\",\"app/data/with_scribe\",\"app/utils/with_session\",\"app/utils/scribe_item_types\",\"app/utils/scribe_association_types\",\"app/data/client_event\",\"core/utils\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withInteractionDataScribe() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n profileClickContextExpirationMs: 600000,\n profileClickContextSessionKey: \"profileClickContext\"\n }), compose.mixin(this, [withScribe,withSession,]), this.scribeInteraction = function(a, b, c) {\n if (((!a || !b))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((((typeof a == \"string\")) && (a = {\n action: a\n })));\n var d = a.action;\n if (!d) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n b = utils.merge(b, b.sourceEventData), a = this.getInteractionScribeContext(a, b);\n var e = {\n };\n ((b.url && (e.url = b.url))), ((b.query && (e.query = b.query))), ((b.impressionId && (e.promoted = !0)));\n var f = this.interactionItem(b);\n ((f && (e.items = [f,])));\n var g = this.interactionTarget(b, a);\n ((g && (e.targets = [g,]))), c = utils.merge(e, c, b.scribeData), ((b.conversationOriginTweetId && (c.associations = ((c.associations || {\n })), c.associations[associationTypes.conversationOrigin] = {\n association_id: b.conversationOriginTweetId,\n association_type: itemTypes.tweet\n }))), ((((((d == \"profile_click\")) || ((d == \"mention_click\")))) && this.saveProfileClickContext(b)));\n if (((((d == \"report_as_spam\")) || ((d == \"block\"))))) {\n var h = this.getUserActionAssociations(b);\n ((h && (c.associations = utils.merge(c.associations, h))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.scribe(a, b, c);\n }, this.interactionItem = function(a) {\n var b = {\n };\n if (((((a.position === 0)) || a.position))) {\n b.position = a.position;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((a.impressionId && (b.promoted_id = a.impressionId)));\n switch (a.itemType) {\n case \"user\":\n this.userDetails(b, a);\n break;\n case \"tweet\":\n this.tweetDetails(b, a), this.cardDetails(b, a), this.translationDetails(b, a), this.conversationDetails(b, a);\n break;\n case \"activity\":\n this.activityDetails(b, a), ((((a.activityType == \"follow\")) ? (this.userDetails(b, a), ((a.isNetworkActivity || ( = this.attr.userId)))) : ((a.listId ? this.listDetails(b, a) : (this.tweetDetails(b, a), this.cardDetails(b, a))))));\n break;\n case \"story\":\n this.storyDetails(b, a), ((a.tweetId ? this.tweetDetails(b, a) : ((a.userId ? this.userDetails(b, a) : b.item_type = itemTypes.story))));\n };\n ;\n return b;\n }, this.interactionTarget = function(a, b) {\n if (this.isUserTarget(b.action)) {\n var c = ((((a.isMentionClick ? a.userId : a.targetUserId)) || a.userId));\n return this.userDetails({\n }, {\n userId: c\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n }, this.tweetDetails = function(a, b) {\n return = b.tweetId, a.item_type = itemTypes.tweet, ((b.relevanceType && (a.is_popular_tweet = !0))), ((b.retweetId && (a.retweeting_tweet_id = b.retweetId))), a;\n }, this.cardDetails = function(a, b) {\n return ((b.cardItem && utils.push(a, b.cardItem))), a;\n }, this.translationDetails = function(a, b) {\n return a.dest = b.dest, a;\n }, this.conversationDetails = function(a, b) {\n ((b.isConversation && (a.description = \"focal\"))), ((b.isConversationComponent && (a.description = b.description, = b.tweetId)));\n }, this.userDetails = function(a, b) {\n return = ((b.containerUserId || b.userId)), a.item_type = itemTypes.user, ((b.feedbackToken && (a.token = b.feedbackToken))), a;\n }, this.listDetails = function(a, b) {\n return = b.listId, a.item_type = itemTypes.list, a;\n }, this.activityDetails = function(a, b) {\n return a.activity_type = b.activityType, ((b.actingUserIds && (a.acting_user_ids = b.actingUserIds))), a;\n }, this.storyDetails = function(a, b) {\n return a.story_type = b.storyType, a.story_source = b.storySource, a.social_proof_type = b.socialProofType, a;\n }, this.isUserTarget = function(a) {\n return (([\"mention_click\",\"profile_click\",\"follow\",\"unfollow\",\"block\",\"unblock\",\"report_as_spam\",\"add_to_list\",\"dm\",].indexOf(a) != -1));\n }, this.getInteractionScribeContext = function(a, b) {\n return ((((((a.action == \"profile_click\")) && ((a.element === undefined)))) && (a.element = ((b.isPromotedBadgeClick ? \"promoted_badge\" : b.profileClickTarget))))), a;\n }, this.scribeInteractiveResults = function(a, b, c, d) {\n var e = [], f = !1;\n ((((typeof a == \"string\")) && (a = {\n action: a\n })));\n if (((!a.action || !b))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((b.length || (a.action = \"no_results\"))), b.forEach(function(a) {\n ((f || (f = !!a.impressionId))), e.push(this.interactionItem(a));\n }.bind(this)), a = this.getInteractionScribeContext(a, c);\n var g = {\n };\n ((((e && e.length)) && (g.items = e))), ((f && (g.promoted = !0))), this.scribe(a, c, utils.merge(g, d));\n }, this.associationNamespace = function(a, b) {\n var c = {\n page:,\n section: a.section\n };\n return (((([\"conversation\",\"replies\",\"in_reply_to\",].indexOf(b) >= 0)) && (c.component = b))), c;\n }, this.getProfileUserAssociations = function() {\n var a = ((this.attr.profile_user && this.attr.profile_user.id_str)), b = null;\n return ((a && (b = {\n }, b[associationTypes.associatedUser] = {\n association_id: a,\n association_type: itemTypes.user,\n association_namespace: this.associationNamespace(clientEvent.scribeContext)\n }))), b;\n }, this.getProfileClickContextAssociations = function(a) {\n var b = ((this.getSessionObject(this.attr.profileClickContextSessionKey) || null));\n return ((((((((b && ((b.userId == a)))) && ((b.expires > (new JSBNG__Date).getTime())))) && b.associations)) || null));\n }, this.saveProfileClickContext = function(a) {\n var b = {\n };\n ((a.tweetId ? (b[associationTypes.associatedTweet] = {\n association_id: a.tweetId,\n association_type: itemTypes.tweet,\n association_namespace: this.associationNamespace(clientEvent.scribeContext, a.scribeContext.component)\n }, ((a.conversationOriginTweetId && (b[associationTypes.conversationOrigin] = {\n association_id: a.conversationOriginTweetId,\n association_type: itemTypes.tweet\n })))) : b = this.getProfileUserAssociations())), this.setSessionObject(this.attr.profileClickContextSessionKey, {\n userId: a.userId,\n associations: b,\n expires: (((new JSBNG__Date).getTime() + this.attr.profileClickContextExpirationMs))\n });\n }, this.getUserActionAssociations = function(a) {\n var b = a.scribeContext.component, c;\n return ((((((b == \"profile_dialog\")) || ((b == \"profile_follow_card\")))) ? c = this.getProfileClickContextAssociations(a.userId) : ((((b == \"user\")) ? c = this.getProfileUserAssociations() : c = null)))), c;\n };\n };\n ;\n var compose = require(\"core/compose\"), withScribe = require(\"app/data/with_scribe\"), withSession = require(\"app/utils/with_session\"), itemTypes = require(\"app/utils/scribe_item_types\"), associationTypes = require(\"app/utils/scribe_association_types\"), clientEvent = require(\"app/data/client_event\"), utils = require(\"core/utils\");\n module.exports = withInteractionDataScribe;\n });\n define(\"app/utils/scribe_card_types\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n module.exports = {\n photoTweet: 1,\n photoCard: 2,\n playerCard: 3,\n summaryCard: 4,\n promotionCard: 5,\n plusCard: 6\n };\n });\n define(\"app/data/with_card_metadata\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/compose\",\"app/utils/scribe_association_types\",\"app/data/with_interaction_data_scribe\",\"app/utils/scribe_item_types\",\"app/utils/scribe_card_types\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withCardMetadata() {\n compose.mixin(this, [withInteractionDataScribe,]);\n var a = \"Swift-1\";\n this.cardAssociationsForData = function(a) {\n var b = {\n associations: {\n }\n };\n return b.associations[associationTypes.platformCardPublisher] = {\n association_id: a.publisherUserId,\n association_type: itemTypes.user\n }, b.associations[associationTypes.platformCardCreator] = {\n association_id: a.creatorUserId,\n association_type: itemTypes.user\n }, b.message = a.cardUrl, b;\n }, this.getCardDataFromTweet = function(a) {\n var b = {\n }, c = a.closest(\".tweet\"), d, e, f, g;\n return (((d = c.closest(\".permalink-tweet-container\")).length || (d = $(c.attr(\"data-expanded-footer\"))))), b.tweetHasCard = c.hasClass(\"has-cards\"), g = !!d.JSBNG__find(\".card2\").length, b.interactionInsideCard = !1, ((g ? (b.tweetHasCard2 = g, b.tweetPreExpanded = c.hasClass(\"preexpanded\"), b.itemId = ((c.attr(\"data-item-id\") || null)), b.promotedId = ((c.attr(\"data-impression-id\") || null)), f = d.JSBNG__find(\".card2\"), b.cardName = f.attr(\"data-card2-name\"), b.cardUrl = f.JSBNG__find(\".card2-holder\").attr(\"data-card2-url\"), b.publisherUserId = this.getUserIdFromElement(f.JSBNG__find(\".card2-attribution\").JSBNG__find(\".js-user-profile-link\")), b.creatorUserId = this.getUserIdFromElement(f.JSBNG__find(\".card2-byline\").JSBNG__find(\".js-user-profile-link\")), b.interactionInsideCard = !!a.closest(\".card2\").length) : ((b.tweetHasCard && (e = d.JSBNG__find(\".cards-base\"), ((((e.length > 0)) && (b.cardType =\"card-type\"), b.cardUrl =\"card-url\"), b.publisherUserId = this.getUserIdFromElement(e.JSBNG__find(\".source .js-user-profile-link\")), b.creatorUserId = this.getUserIdFromElement(e.JSBNG__find(\".byline .js-user-profile-link\")), b.interactionInsideCard = this.interactionInsideCard(a))))))))), b;\n }, this.interactionInsideCard = function(a) {\n return !!a.closest(\".cards-base\").length;\n }, this.scribeCardInteraction = function(a, b) {\n ((b.tweetHasCard2 ? this.scribeCard2Interaction(a, b) : ((b.tweetHasCard && this.scribeClassicCardInteraction(a, b)))));\n }, this.scribeClassicCardInteraction = function(a, b) {\n var c = this.cardAssociationsForData(b);\n this.scribeInteraction({\n element: ((((\"platform_\" + b.cardType)) + \"_card\")),\n action: a\n }, b, c);\n }, this.getCard2Item = function(b) {\n return {\n item_type: itemTypes.tweet,\n id: b.itemId,\n promoted_id: b.promotedId,\n pre_expanded: ((b.tweetPreExpanded || !1)),\n card_type: cardTypes.plusCard,\n card_name: b.cardName,\n card_url: b.cardUrl,\n card_platform_key: a,\n publisher_id: b.publisherUserId\n };\n }, this.scribeCard2Interaction = function(a, b) {\n var c = {\n items: [this.getCard2Item(b),]\n };\n this.scribeInteraction({\n element: \"platform_card\",\n action: a\n }, b, c);\n }, this.getUserIdFromElement = function(a) {\n return ((a.length ? a.attr(\"data-user-id\") : null));\n };\n };\n ;\n var compose = require(\"core/compose\"), associationTypes = require(\"app/utils/scribe_association_types\"), withInteractionDataScribe = require(\"app/data/with_interaction_data_scribe\"), itemTypes = require(\"app/utils/scribe_item_types\"), cardTypes = require(\"app/utils/scribe_card_types\");\n module.exports = withCardMetadata;\n });\n define(\"app/data/with_conversation_metadata\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n module.exports = function() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n hasConversationModuleClassAlt: \"has-conversation-module\",\n conversationModuleSelectorAlt: \".conversation-module\",\n rootClass: \"root\",\n conversationRootTweetSelector: \".conversation-module .conversation-tweet-item.root .tweet\",\n conversationAncestorTweetSelector: \".conversation-module .conversation-tweet-item:not(root) .tweet\"\n }), this.getConversationAttrs = function(a) {\n var b = {\n };\n if (a.hasClass(this.attr.hasConversationModuleClass)) {\n var c = a.closest(this.attr.conversationModuleSelector);\n b.isConversation = !0, b.conversationAncestors = c.attr(\"data-ancestors\").split(\",\");\n }\n else ((a.hasClass(\"conversation-tweet\") && (b.isConversationComponent = !0, b.description = ((a.hasClass(this.attr.rootClass) ? \"root\" : \"ancestor\")))));\n ;\n ;\n return b;\n }, this.conversationComponentInteractionData = function(a, b) {\n return {\n itemType: \"tweet\",\n tweetId: $(a).attr(\"data-item-id\"),\n description: b,\n isConversationComponent: !0\n };\n }, this.extraInteractionData = function(a) {\n if (((a.JSBNG__find(this.attr.conversationModuleSelector).length > 0))) {\n var b = a.JSBNG__find(this.conversationRootTweetSelector).map(function(a, b) {\n return this.conversationComponentInteractionData(b, \"root\");\n }.bind(this)).get(), c = a.JSBNG__find(this.attr.conversationAncestorTweetSelector).map(function(a, b) {\n return this.conversationComponentInteractionData(b, \"ancestor\");\n }.bind(this)).get();\n return b.concat(c);\n }\n ;\n ;\n return [];\n }, this.addConversationScribeContext = function(a, b) {\n return ((((b && b.isConversation)) ? (a.component = \"conversation\", a.element = \"tweet\") : ((((b && b.isConversationComponent)) && (a.component = \"conversation\", a.element = b.description))))), a;\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n ((this.attr.conversationModuleSelector || (this.attr.conversationModuleSelector = this.attr.conversationModuleSelectorAlt))), ((this.attr.hasConversationModuleClass || (this.attr.hasConversationModuleClass = this.attr.hasConversationModuleClassAlt)));\n });\n };\n });\n define(\"app/ui/with_interaction_data\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/compose\",\"core/utils\",\"app/data/with_card_metadata\",\"app/data/with_conversation_metadata\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withInteractionData() {\n compose.mixin(this, [withCardMetadata,withConversationMetadata,]), this.defaultAttrs({\n genericInteractionItemSelector: \".js-stream-item\",\n expandoContainerSelector: \".expanded-conversation\",\n expandoAncestorSelector: \".ancestor\",\n expandoDescendantSelector: \".descendant\",\n streamItemContainerSelector: \".js-stream-item, .permalink\",\n activityTargetSelector: \".activity-truncated-tweet .js-actionable-tweet, .js-activity-list_member_added [data-list-id]\",\n activityItemSelector: \".js-activity\",\n itemAvatarSelector: \".js-action-profile-avatar, .avatar.size48\",\n itemSmallAvatarSelector: \".avatar.size24, .avatar.size32\",\n itemMentionSelector: \".twitter-atreply\",\n discoveryStoryItemSelector: \".js-story-item\",\n discoveryStoryHeadlineSelector: \".js-news-headline a\",\n originalTweetSelector: \".js-original-tweet[data-tweet-id]\",\n promotedBadgeSelector: \".js-promoted-badge\",\n elementContextSelector: \"[data-element-context]\",\n componentContextSelector: \"[data-component-context]\",\n scribeContextSelector: \"[data-scribe-context]\",\n userTargetSelector: \".js-user-profile-link, .twitter-atreply\"\n });\n var a = {\n feedbackToken: \"data-feedback-token\",\n impressionId: \"data-impression-id\",\n disclosureType: \"data-disclosure-type\",\n impressionCookie: \"data-impression-cookie\",\n relevanceType: \"data-relevance-type\",\n associatedTweetId: \"data-associated-tweet-id\"\n }, b = utils.merge({\n tweetId: \"data-tweet-id\",\n retweetId: \"data-retweet-id\",\n isReplyTo: \"data-is-reply-to\",\n hasParentTweet: \"data-has-parent-tweet\"\n }, a), c = utils.merge({\n activityType: \"data-activity-type\"\n }, b), d = utils.merge({\n storyType: \"data-story-type\",\n query: \"data-query\",\n url: \"data-url\",\n storySource: \"data-source\",\n storyMediaType: \"data-card-media-type\",\n socialProofType: \"data-social-proof-type\"\n }, b);\n this.interactionDataWithCard = function(a, b) {\n return this.interactionData(a, b, !0);\n }, this.interactionData = function(a, b, c) {\n var d = {\n }, e = {\n }, f = !!c, g = (( ? $( : $(a)));\n ((this.setItemType && this.setItemType(g))), b = ((b || {\n })), ((this.attr.eventData && (d = this.attr.eventData.scribeContext, e = this.attr.eventData.scribeData)));\n var h = utils.merge(this.getEventData(g, f), b), i = g.closest(this.attr.scribeContextSelector).data(\"scribe-context\");\n ((i && (e = utils.merge(i, e)))), d = utils.merge({\n }, d, this.getScribeContext(g, h));\n if (((((this.attr.itemType == \"tweet\")) && (([\"replies\",\"conversation\",\"in_reply_to\",].indexOf(d.component) >= 0))))) {\n var j = g.closest(this.attr.streamItemContainerSelector).JSBNG__find(this.attr.originalTweetSelector);\n ((j.length && (h.conversationOriginTweetId = j.attr(\"data-tweet-id\"))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n return utils.merge({\n scribeContext: d,\n scribeData: e\n }, h);\n }, this.getScribeContext = function(a, b) {\n var c = {\n }, d = a.closest(this.attr.componentContextSelector).attr(\"data-component-context\");\n ((d && (c.component = d)));\n var e = a.closest(this.attr.elementContextSelector).attr(\"data-element-context\");\n ((e && (c.element = e)));\n if (((c.element || c.component))) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }, this.getInteractionItemPosition = function(a, b) {\n if (((b && ((b.position >= 0))))) {\n return b.position;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var c = ((this.getItemPosition && this.getItemPosition(a)));\n return ((((c >= 0)) ? c : (c = this.getExpandoPosition(a), ((((c != -1)) ? c : ((((a.attr(\"data-is-tweet-proof\") === \"true\")) ? this.getTweetProofPosition(a) : this.getStreamPosition(a))))))));\n }, this.getExpandoPosition = function(a) {\n var b, c = -1, d = a.closest(this.attr.expandoAncestorSelector), e = a.closest(this.attr.expandoDescendantSelector);\n return ((d.length && (b = d.closest(this.attr.expandoContainerSelector), c = b.JSBNG__find(this.attr.expandoAncestorSelector).index(d)))), ((e.length && (b = e.closest(this.attr.expandoContainerSelector), c = b.JSBNG__find(this.attr.expandoDescendantSelector).index(e)))), ((a.closest(\".in-reply-to,.replies-to\").length && (b = a.closest(\".in-reply-to,.replies-to\"), c = b.JSBNG__find(\".tweet\").index(a.closest(\".tweet\"))))), c;\n }, this.getTweetProofPosition = function(a) {\n var b = a.closest(this.attr.trendItemSelector).index();\n return ((((b != -1)) ? b : -1));\n }, this.getStreamPosition = function(a) {\n var b = a.closest(this.attr.genericInteractionItemSelector).index();\n if (((b != -1))) {\n return b;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }, this.getEventData = function(c, d) {\n var e, f;\n switch (this.attr.itemType) {\n case \"activity\":\n return this.getActivityEventData(c);\n case \"story\":\n return this.getStoryEventData(c);\n case \"user\":\n return this.getDataAttrs(c, a);\n case \"tweet\":\n return f = utils.merge(this.getDataAttrs(c, b), this.getConversationAttrs(c)), ((d ? utils.merge(this.getCardAttrs(c), f) : f));\n case \"list\":\n return this.getDataAttrs(c, a);\n case \"trend\":\n return this.getDataAttrs(c, b);\n default:\n return JSBNG__console.warn(\"You must configure your UI component with an \\\"itemType\\\" attribute of activity, story, user, tweet, list, or trend in order for it to scribe properly.\"), {\n };\n };\n ;\n }, this.getActivityEventData = function(a) {\n var b = a.closest(this.attr.activityItemSelector), d = b.JSBNG__find(this.attr.activityTargetSelector);\n ((d.length || (d = a)));\n var e = this.getDataAttrs(a, c, d);\n e.isNetworkActivity = !!a.closest(\".discover-stream\").length, ((e.activityType || ((e.isReplyTo ? e.activityType = \"reply\" : e.activityType = ((e.retweetId ? \"retweet\" : \"mention\"))))));\n var f = [], g = ((e.isNetworkActivity ? \".stream-item-activity-header\" : \"ol.activity-supplement\"));\n return b.JSBNG__find(((g + \" a[data-user-id]\"))).each(function() {\n f.push($(this).data(\"user-id\"));\n }), ((f.length && (e.actingUserIds = f))), e;\n }, this.getStoryEventData = function(a) {\n var b = this.getDataAttrs(a, d), c = a.closest(this.attr.discoveryStoryItemSelector), e = c.JSBNG__find(this.attr.discoveryStoryHeadlineSelector).text();\n return b.storyTitle = e.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, \"\"), b;\n }, this.getTargetUserId = function(a) {\n var b = a.closest(this.attr.userTargetSelector);\n if (b.length) {\n return ((b.closest(\"[data-user-id]\").attr(\"data-user-id\") || b.JSBNG__find(\"[data-user-id]\").attr(\"data-user-id\")));\n }\n ;\n ;\n }, this.getDataAttrs = function(a, b, c) {\n var d = {\n };\n c = ((c || a)), $.each(b, function(a, b) {\n ((\"[\" + b)) + \"]\"))) ? d[a] = c.attr(b) : d[a] = c.closest(((((\"[\" + b)) + \"]\"))).attr(b)));\n }), d.isReplyTo = ((d.isReplyTo === \"true\")), d = utils.merge(d, {\n position: this.getInteractionItemPosition(a, d),\n isMentionClick: ((a.closest(this.attr.itemMentionSelector).length > 0)),\n isPromotedBadgeClick: ((a.closest(this.attr.promotedBadgeSelector).length > 0)),\n itemType: this.attr.itemType\n }), (( ? d.profileClickTarget = \"avatar\" : (( ? d.profileClickTarget = \"mini_avatar\" : d.profileClickTarget = \"screen_name\"))));\n var e = this.getTargetUserId(a);\n return ((e && (d.targetUserId = e))), d.userId = a.closest(\"[data-user-id]\").attr(\"data-user-id\"), d.containerUserId = c.closest(\"[data-user-id]\").attr(\"data-user-id\"), d;\n }, this.getCardAttrs = function(a) {\n var b = this.getCardDataFromTweet(a);\n return ((b.tweetHasCard2 ? {\n cardItem: this.getCard2Item(b)\n } : {\n }));\n };\n };\n ;\n var compose = require(\"core/compose\"), utils = require(\"core/utils\"), withCardMetadata = require(\"app/data/with_card_metadata\"), withConversationMetadata = require(\"app/data/with_conversation_metadata\");\n module.exports = withInteractionData;\n });\n define(\"app/data/tweet_actions_scribe\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"core/utils\",\"app/ui/with_interaction_data\",\"app/data/with_conversation_metadata\",\"app/data/with_interaction_data_scribe\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function tweetActionsScribe() {\n this.scribeTweet = function(a) {\n return function(b, c) {\n var d = this.addConversationScribeContext({\n action: a\n }, c.sourceEventData);\n this.scribeInteraction(d, utils.merge(c, c.sourceEventData));\n }.bind(this);\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"uiReplyButtonTweetSuccess\", this.scribeTweet(\"reply\")), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiDidRetweetSuccess\", this.scribeTweet(\"retweet\")), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiDidDeleteTweet\", this.scribeTweet(\"delete\")), this.JSBNG__on(\"dataDidFavoriteTweet\", this.scribeTweet(\"favorite\")), this.JSBNG__on(\"dataDidUnfavoriteTweet\", this.scribeTweet(\"unfavorite\")), this.JSBNG__on(\"dataDidUnretweet\", this.scribeTweet(\"unretweet\")), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiPermalinkClick\", this.scribeTweet(\"permalink\")), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiDidShareViaEmailSuccess\", this.scribeTweet(\"share_via_email\")), this.JSBNG__on(\"dataTweetTranslationSuccess\", this.scribeTweet(\"translate\"));\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), utils = require(\"core/utils\"), withInteractionData = require(\"app/ui/with_interaction_data\"), withConversationMetadata = require(\"app/data/with_conversation_metadata\"), withInteractionDataScribe = require(\"app/data/with_interaction_data_scribe\");\n module.exports = defineComponent(tweetActionsScribe, withInteractionData, withConversationMetadata, withInteractionDataScribe);\n });\n define(\"app/data/user_actions_scribe\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/utils/scribe_item_types\",\"app/utils/scribe_association_types\",\"app/data/with_interaction_data_scribe\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function userActionsScribe() {\n function a(a) {\n var b = ((a && a.associatedTweetId)), c = {\n };\n if (!b) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c[associationTypes.associatedTweet] = {\n association_type: itemTypes.tweet,\n association_id: b\n }, {\n associations: c\n };\n };\n ;\n this.defaultAttrs({\n urlToActionMap: {\n \"/i/user/follow\": \"follow\",\n \"/i/user/unfollow\": \"unfollow\",\n \"/i/user/block\": \"block\",\n \"/i/user/unblock\": \"unblock\",\n \"/i/user/report_spam\": \"report_as_spam\",\n \"/i/user/hide\": \"dismiss\"\n },\n userActionToActionMap: {\n uiMentionAction: \"reply\",\n uiDmAction: \"dm\",\n uiListAction: \"add_to_list\",\n uiRetweetOnAction: {\n element: \"allow_retweets\",\n action: \"JSBNG__on\"\n },\n uiRetweetOffAction: {\n element: \"allow_retweets\",\n action: \"off\"\n },\n uiDeviceNotificationsOnAction: {\n element: \"mobile_notifications\",\n action: \"JSBNG__on\"\n },\n uiDeviceNotificationsOffAction: {\n element: \"mobile_notifications\",\n action: \"off\"\n },\n uiShowMobileNotificationsConfirm: {\n element: \"mobile_notifications\",\n action: \"failure\"\n },\n uiShowPushTweetsNotificationsConfirm: {\n element: \"mobile_notifications\",\n action: \"failure\"\n },\n uiEmailFollowAction: {\n element: \"email_follow\",\n action: \"email_follow\"\n },\n uiEmailUnfollowAction: {\n element: \"email_follow\",\n action: \"email_unfollow\"\n }\n }\n }), this.handleUserEvent = function(b, c) {\n this.scribeInteraction(this.attr.urlToActionMap[c.requestUrl], c, a(c.sourceEventData)), ((c.isFollowBack && this.scribeInteraction(\"follow_back\", c, a(c.sourceEventData))));\n }, this.handleAction = function(b, c) {\n this.scribeInteraction(this.attr.userActionToActionMap[b.type], c, a(c));\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"dataFollowStateChange dataUserActionSuccess dataEmailFollow dataEmailUnfollow\", this.handleUserEvent), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiMentionAction uiListAction uiDmAction uiRetweetOnAction uiRetweetOffAction uiDeviceNotificationsOnAction uiDeviceNotificationsOffAction uiShowMobileNotificationsConfirm uiShowPushTweetsNotificationsConfirm uiEmailFollowAction uiEmailUnfollowAction\", this.handleAction);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), itemTypes = require(\"app/utils/scribe_item_types\"), associationTypes = require(\"app/utils/scribe_association_types\"), withInteractionDataScribe = require(\"app/data/with_interaction_data_scribe\");\n module.exports = defineComponent(userActionsScribe, withInteractionDataScribe);\n });\n define(\"app/data/item_actions_scribe\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/data/with_interaction_data_scribe\",\"app/data/with_conversation_metadata\",\"app/data/with_card_metadata\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function itemActionsScribe() {\n this.handleNewerTimelineItems = function(a, b) {\n this.scribeInteractiveResults({\n element: \"newer\",\n action: \"results\"\n }, b.items, b);\n }, this.handleRangeTimelineItems = function(a, b) {\n this.scribeInteractiveResults({\n element: \"range\",\n action: \"results\"\n }, b.items, b);\n }, this.handleProfilePopup = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.sourceEventData, d = ((c.isMentionClick ? \"mention_click\" : \"profile_click\"));\n c.userId = b.user_id, ((c.interactionInsideCard ? this.scribeCardAction(d, a, c) : this.scribeInteraction(d, c)));\n }, this.scribeItemAction = function(a, b, c) {\n var d = this.addConversationScribeContext({\n action: a\n }, c);\n this.scribeInteraction(d, c);\n }, this.scribeSearchTagClick = function(a, b) {\n var c = ((((a.type == \"uiCashtagClick\")) ? \"cashtag\" : \"hashtag\"));\n this.scribeInteraction({\n element: c,\n action: \"search\"\n }, b);\n }, this.scribeLinkClick = function(a, b) {\n var c = {\n };\n ((b.tcoUrl && (c.message = b.tcoUrl))), ((((b.text && ((b.text.indexOf(\"\") == 0)))) && (b.url = ((\"http://\" + b.text))))), this.scribeInteraction(\"open_link\", b, c);\n }, this.scribeCardAction = function(a, b, c) {\n ((((c && c.tweetHasCard)) && this.scribeCardInteraction(a, c)));\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiHasInjectedNewTimeline\", this.handleNewerTimelineItems), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiHasInjectedRangeTimelineItems\", this.handleRangeTimelineItems), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"dataProfilePopupSuccess\", this.handleProfilePopup), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiItemSelected\", this.scribeItemAction.bind(this, \"select\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiItemDeselected\", this.scribeItemAction.bind(this, \"deselect\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiHashtagClick uiCashtagClick\", this.scribeSearchTagClick), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiItemLinkClick\", this.scribeLinkClick), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiCardInteractionLinkClick\", this.scribeCardAction.bind(this, \"click\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiCardExternalLinkClick\", this.scribeCardAction.bind(this, \"open_link\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiItemSelected\", this.scribeCardAction.bind(this, \"show\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiItemDeselected\", this.scribeCardAction.bind(this, \"hide\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiMapShow\", this.scribeItemAction.bind(this, \"show\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiMapClick\", this.scribeItemAction.bind(this, \"click\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiShareViaEmailDialogOpened\", this.scribeItemAction.bind(this, \"open\"));\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), withInteractionDataScribe = require(\"app/data/with_interaction_data_scribe\"), withConversationMetadata = require(\"app/data/with_conversation_metadata\"), withCardMetadata = require(\"app/data/with_card_metadata\");\n module.exports = defineComponent(itemActionsScribe, withInteractionDataScribe, withConversationMetadata, withCardMetadata);\n });\n define(\"app/utils/full_path\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function fullPath() {\n return [JSBNG__location.pathname,,].join(\"\");\n };\n ;\n module.exports = fullPath;\n });\n define(\"app/data/navigation_scribe\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/data/client_event\",\"app/data/with_scribe\",\"app/utils/full_path\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function navigationScribe() {\n this.scribeNav = function(a, b) {\n this.scribe(\"JSBNG__navigate\", b, {\n url: b.url\n });\n }, this.scribeCachedImpression = function(a, b) {\n ((b.fromCache && this.scribe(\"impression\")));\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n clientEvent.internalReferer = fullPath(), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiNavigationLinkClick\", this.scribeNav), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiPageChanged\", this.scribeCachedImpression);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), clientEvent = require(\"app/data/client_event\"), withScribe = require(\"app/data/with_scribe\"), fullPath = require(\"app/utils/full_path\");\n module.exports = defineComponent(navigationScribe, withScribe);\n });\n define(\"app/data/simple_event_scribe\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/data/with_scribe\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function simpleEventScribe() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n eventToActionMap: {\n uiEnableEmailFollowAction: {\n action: \"enable\"\n },\n uiDisableEmailFollowAction: {\n action: \"disable\"\n }\n }\n }), this.scribeSimpleEvent = function(a, b) {\n this.scribe(this.attr.eventToActionMap[a.type], b);\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"uiEnableEmailFollowAction\", this.scribeSimpleEvent), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiDisableEmailFollowAction\", this.scribeSimpleEvent);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), withScribe = require(\"app/data/with_scribe\");\n module.exports = defineComponent(simpleEventScribe, withScribe);\n });\n define(\"app/boot/scribing\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/data/scribe_transport\",\"app/data/scribe_monitor\",\"app/data/client_event\",\"app/data/ddg\",\"app/data/tweet_actions_scribe\",\"app/data/user_actions_scribe\",\"app/data/item_actions_scribe\",\"app/data/navigation_scribe\",\"app/data/simple_event_scribe\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function initialize(a) {\n var b = {\n useAjax: !0,\n bufferEvents: ((((((a.environment != \"development\")) && ((a.environment != \"staging\")))) && !a.preflight)),\n flushOnUnload: ((a.environment != \"selenium\")),\n bufferSize: ((((a.environment == \"selenium\")) ? ((1000 * a.scribeBufferSize)) : a.scribeBufferSize)),\n debug: !!a.debugAllowed,\n requestParameters: a.scribeParameters\n };\n scribeTransport.updateOptions(b), scribeTransport.registerEventHandlers(), clientEvent.scribeContext = {\n client: \"web\",\n page: a.pageName,\n section: a.sectionName\n }, clientEvent.scribeData = {\n internal_referer: ((clientEvent.internalReferer || a.internalReferer)),\n client_version: ((a.macawSwift ? \"macaw-swift\" : \"swift\"))\n }, delete clientEvent.internalReferer, ((a.loggedIn || (clientEvent.scribeData.user_id = 0))), ddg.experiments = a.experiments, ((((((((a.environment != \"production\")) || a.preflight)) || a.scribesForScribeConsole)) && ScribeMonitor.attachTo(JSBNG__document, {\n scribesForScribeConsole: a.scribesForScribeConsole\n }))), TweetActionsScribe.attachTo(JSBNG__document, a), UserActionsScribe.attachTo(JSBNG__document, a), ItemActionsScribe.attachTo(JSBNG__document, a), NavigationScribe.attachTo(JSBNG__document, a), SimpleEventScribe.attachTo(JSBNG__document, a);\n };\n ;\n var scribeTransport = require(\"app/data/scribe_transport\"), ScribeMonitor = require(\"app/data/scribe_monitor\"), clientEvent = require(\"app/data/client_event\"), ddg = require(\"app/data/ddg\"), TweetActionsScribe = require(\"app/data/tweet_actions_scribe\"), UserActionsScribe = require(\"app/data/user_actions_scribe\"), ItemActionsScribe = require(\"app/data/item_actions_scribe\"), NavigationScribe = require(\"app/data/navigation_scribe\"), SimpleEventScribe = require(\"app/data/simple_event_scribe\");\n module.exports = initialize;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/navigation\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/utils/full_path\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function navigation() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n spinnerContainer: \"body\",\n pushStateSelector: \"a.js-nav\",\n pageContainer: \"#page-container\",\n docContainer: \"#doc\",\n globalHeadingSelector: \".global-nav h1\",\n spinnerClass: \"pushing-state\",\n spinnerSelector: \".pushstate-spinner\",\n baseFoucClass: \"swift-loading\"\n }), this.JSBNG__navigate = function(a) {\n var b, c;\n if (((((((a.shiftKey || a.ctrlKey)) || a.metaKey)) || ((((a.which != undefined)) && ((a.which > 1))))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n b = $(, c = b.closest(this.attr.pushStateSelector), ((((c.length && !a.isDefaultPrevented())) && (this.trigger(c, \"uiNavigate\", {\n href: c.attr(\"href\")\n }), a.preventDefault(), a.stopImmediatePropagation())));\n }, this.updatePage = function(a, b, c) {\n this.hideSpinner(), this.trigger(\"uiBeforePageChanged\", b), this.trigger(\"uiTeardown\", b), $(\"html\").attr(\"class\", ((((b.init_data.htmlClassNames + \" \")) + b.init_data.htmlFoucClassNames))), $(\"body\").attr(\"class\", b.body_class_names),\"docContainer\").attr(\"class\", b.doc_class_names),\"pageContainer\").attr(\"class\", b.page_container_class_names);\n var d = ((((b.banners && !b.fromCache)) ? ((b.banners + :;\n this.$node.JSBNG__find(b.init_data.viewContainer).html(d), ((b.isPopState || $(window).scrollTop(0))), using(b.module, function(a) {\n a(b.init_data), $(\"html\").removeClass(this.attr.baseFoucClass), this.trigger(\"uiPageChanged\", b);\n }.bind(this));\n }, this.showSpinner = function(a, b) {\n\"spinnerContainer\").addClass(this.attr.spinnerClass);\n }, this.hideSpinner = function(a, b) {\n\"spinnerContainer\").removeClass(this.attr.spinnerClass);\n }, this.addSpinner = function() {\n ((\"spinnerSelector\").length || $(\"\\u003Cdiv class=\\\"pushstate-spinner\\\"\\u003E\\u003C/div\\u003E\").insertAfter(\"globalHeadingSelector\"))));\n }, this.onPopState = function(a) {\n ((a.originalEvent.state && (((isSafari && ( = \"none\", JSBNG__document.body.offsetHeight, = \"block\"))), this.trigger(\"uiNavigate\", {\n isPopState: !0,\n href: fullPath()\n }))));\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"click\", this.JSBNG__navigate), this.JSBNG__on(window, \"popstate\", this.onPopState), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiSwiftLoaded\", this.addSpinner), this.JSBNG__on(\"dataPageRefresh\", this.updatePage), this.JSBNG__on(\"dataPageFetch\", this.showSpinner);\n });\n };\n ;\n var component = require(\"core/component\"), fullPath = require(\"app/utils/full_path\"), Navigation = component(navigation), isSafari = (($.browser.safari === !0));\n module.exports = Navigation;\n });\n provide(\"app/utils/time\", function(a) {\n function b(a) {\n = a;\n };\n ;\n function c(a) {\n var c = {\n seconds: new b(((a * 1000))),\n minutes: new b(((((a * 1000)) * 60))),\n hours: new b(((((((a * 1000)) * 60)) * 60))),\n days: new b(((((((((a * 1000)) * 60)) * 60)) * 24)))\n };\n return c.second = c.seconds, c.minute = c.minutes, c.hour = c.hours, = c.days, c;\n };\n ;\n = function() {\n return (new JSBNG__Date).getTime();\n }, b.prototype.fromNow = function() {\n return new JSBNG__Date((( +;\n }, b.prototype.ago = function() {\n return new JSBNG__Date((( -;\n }, b.prototype.getTime = b.prototype.valueOf = function() {\n return;\n }, a(c);\n });\n define(\"app/utils/storage/core\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/compose\",\"core/advice\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function JSBNG__localStorage() {\n this.initialize = function(a) {\n this.namespace = a, this.prefix = [\"__\",this.namespace,\"__:\",].join(\"\"), this.matcher = new RegExp(((\"^\" + this.prefix)));\n }, this.getItem = function(a) {\n return this.decode(window.JSBNG__localStorage.getItem(((this.prefix + a))));\n }, this.setItem = function(a, b) {\n try {\n return window.JSBNG__localStorage.setItem(((this.prefix + a)), this.encode(b));\n } catch (c) {\n return ((((window.DEBUG && window.DEBUG.enabled)) && JSBNG__console.error(c))), undefined;\n };\n ;\n }, this.removeItem = function(a) {\n return window.JSBNG__localStorage.removeItem(((this.prefix + a)));\n }, this.keys = function() {\n var a = [];\n for (var b = 0, c = window.JSBNG__localStorage.length, d; ((b < c)); b++) {\n d = window.JSBNG__localStorage.key(b), ((d.match(this.matcher) && a.push(d.replace(this.matcher, \"\"))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a;\n }, this.clear = function() {\n this.keys().forEach(function(a) {\n this.removeItem(a);\n }, this);\n }, this.clearAll = function() {\n window.JSBNG__localStorage.clear();\n };\n };\n ;\n function userData() {\n function b(b, c) {\n var d = c.xmlDocument.documentElement;\n a[b] = {\n };\n while (d.firstChild) {\n d.removeChild(d.firstChild);\n ;\n };\n ;\n;\n };\n ;\n function c(a) {\n return JSBNG__document.getElementById(((\"__storage_\" + a)));\n };\n ;\n var a = {\n };\n this.initialize = function(b) {\n this.namespace = b, (((this.dataStore = c(this.namespace)) || this.createStorageElement())), this.xmlDoc = this.dataStore.xmlDocument, this.xmlDocEl = this.xmlDoc.documentElement, a[this.namespace] = ((a[this.namespace] || {\n }));\n }, this.createStorageElement = function() {\n this.dataStore = JSBNG__document.createElement(\"div\"), = ((\"__storage_\" + this.namespace)), = \"none\", JSBNG__document.appendChild(this.dataStore), this.dataStore.addBehavior(\"#default#userData\"), this.dataStore.load(this.namespace);\n }, this.getNodeByKey = function(b) {\n var c = this.xmlDocEl.childNodes, d;\n if (d = a[this.namespace][b]) {\n return d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (var e = 0, f = c.length; ((e < f)); e++) {\n d = c.JSBNG__item(e);\n if (((d.getAttribute(\"key\") == b))) {\n return a[this.namespace][b] = d, d;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return null;\n }, this.getItem = function(a) {\n var b = this.getNodeByKey(a), c = null;\n return ((b && (c = b.getAttribute(\"value\")))), this.decode(c);\n }, this.setItem = function(b, c) {\n var d = this.getNodeByKey(b);\n return ((d ? d.setAttribute(\"value\", this.encode(c)) : (d = this.xmlDoc.createNode(1, \"JSBNG__item\", \"\"), d.setAttribute(\"key\", b), d.setAttribute(\"value\", this.encode(c)), this.xmlDocEl.appendChild(d), a[this.namespace][b] = d))),, c;\n }, this.removeItem = function(b) {\n var c = this.getNodeByKey(b);\n ((c && (this.xmlDocEl.removeChild(c), delete a[this.namespace][b]))),;\n }, this.keys = function() {\n var a = this.xmlDocEl.childNodes.length, b = [];\n for (var c = 0; ((c < a)); c++) {\n b.push(this.xmlDocEl.childNodes[c].getAttribute(\"key\"));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b;\n }, this.clear = function() {\n b(this.namespace, this.dataStore);\n }, this.clearAll = function() {\n {\n var fin50keys = ((, fin50i = (0);\n var d;\n for (; (fin50i < fin50keys.length); (fin50i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin50keys[fin50i]));\n {\n b(d, c(d)), a[d] = {\n };\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n };\n };\n ;\n function noStorage() {\n this.initialize = $.noop, this.getNodeByKey = function(a) {\n return null;\n }, this.getItem = function(a) {\n return null;\n }, this.setItem = function(a, b) {\n return b;\n }, this.removeItem = function(a) {\n return null;\n }, this.keys = function() {\n return [];\n }, this.clear = $.noop, this.clearAll = $.noop;\n };\n ;\n function memory() {\n this.initialize = function(a) {\n this.namespace = a, ((memoryStore[this.namespace] || (memoryStore[this.namespace] = {\n }))), = memoryStore[this.namespace];\n }, this.getItem = function(a) {\n return (([a] ? this.decode([a]) : undefined));\n }, this.setItem = function(a, b) {\n return[a] = this.encode(b);\n }, this.removeItem = function(a) {\n delete[a];\n }, this.keys = function() {\n return Object.keys(;\n }, this.clear = function() {\n = memoryStore[this.namespace] = {\n };\n }, this.clearAll = function() {\n memoryStore = {\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n function browserStore() {\n ((supportsLocalStorage() ? : ((JSBNG__document.documentElement.addBehavior ? :;\n };\n ;\n function supportsLocalStorage() {\n if (((doesLocalStorage === undefined))) {\n try {\n window.JSBNG__localStorage.setItem(\"~~~~\", 1), window.JSBNG__localStorage.removeItem(\"~~~~\"), doesLocalStorage = !0;\n } catch (a) {\n doesLocalStorage = !1;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n return doesLocalStorage;\n };\n ;\n function encoding() {\n this.encode = function(a) {\n return ((((a === undefined)) && (a = null))), JSON.stringify(a);\n }, this.decode = function(a) {\n return JSON.parse(a);\n };\n };\n ;\n function CoreStorage() {\n ((arguments.length && this.initialize.apply(this, arguments)));\n };\n ;\n var compose = require(\"core/compose\"), advice = require(\"core/advice\"), memoryStore = {\n }, doesLocalStorage;\n compose.mixin(CoreStorage.prototype, [encoding,browserStore,advice.withAdvice,]), CoreStorage.clearAll = CoreStorage.prototype.clearAll, module.exports = CoreStorage;\n });\n define(\"app/data/notifications\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/clock\",\"app/utils/storage/core\",\"app/utils/time\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function JSBNG__Notification(a, b, c, d) {\n this.key = b, this.timestamp = 0, = a, this.seenFirstResponse = !1, this.pollEvent = c, this.paramAdder = d;\n };\n ;\n function Notifications() {\n this.entries = [];\n };\n ;\n var clock = require(\"core/clock\"), JSBNG__Storage = require(\"app/utils/storage/core\"), time = require(\"app/utils/time\"), pollDelay = 20000, storage = new JSBNG__Storage(\"DM\"), filteredEndpoints = [\"/i/users/recommendations\",\"/i/timeline\",\"/i/connect/timeline\",\"/i/discover/timeline\",\"/i/search/timeline\",\"/i/profiles/show\",\"/messages\",];\n JSBNG__Notification.prototype = {\n reset: function() {\n this.timestamp =;\n },\n isResponseValid: function(a) {\n return (((((((((( && a)) && a[this.key])) && a.notCached)) && ((a[this.key].JSBNG__status == \"ok\")))) && ((a[this.key].response !== null))));\n },\n update: function(a) {\n ((this.isResponseValid(a) ? this.reset() : ((((!this.seenFirstResponse && this.pollEvent)) && $(JSBNG__document).trigger(this.pollEvent))))), this.seenFirstResponse = !0;\n },\n shouldPoll: function() {\n return (((( - this.timestamp)) > pollDelay));\n },\n addParam: function(a) {\n this.paramAdder(a);\n }\n }, Notifications.prototype = {\n init: function(a) {\n this.initialized = !0, = new JSBNG__Notification(a.notifications_dm, \"d\", \"uiDMPoll\", this.addDMData), this.connect = new JSBNG__Notification(a.notifications_timeline, \"t\", null, function() {\n \n }), this.spoonbill = new JSBNG__Notification(a.notifications_spoonbill, \"n\", null, function() {\n \n }), this.entries = [,this.connect,this.spoonbill,], ((a.notifications_dm_poll_scale && (pollDelay = ((a.notifications_dm_poll_scale * 1000)))));\n },\n getPollDelay: function() {\n return pollDelay;\n },\n addDMData: function(a) {\n a.oldest_unread_id = ((storage.getItem(\"oldestUnreadMessageId\") || 0));\n },\n updateNotificationState: function(a) {\n this.entries.forEach(function(b) {\n b.update(a);\n });\n },\n resetDMState: function(a, b) {\n;\n },\n shouldPoll: function() {\n return ((this.initialized ? (( ? : !1)) : !1));\n },\n extraParameters: function(a) {\n if (((!a || !this.shouldPoll()))) {\n return {\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n var b = {\n };\n return ((filteredEndpoints.some(function(b) {\n return ((a.indexOf(b) == 0));\n }) && this.entries.forEach(function(a) {\n a.addParam(b);\n }))), b;\n }\n }, module.exports = new Notifications;\n });\n provide(\"app/utils/querystring\", function(a) {\n function b(a) {\n return encodeURIComponent(a).replace(/\\+/g, \"%2B\");\n };\n ;\n function c(a) {\n return decodeURIComponent(a.replace(/\\+/g, \" \"));\n };\n ;\n function d(a) {\n var c = [];\n {\n var fin51keys = ((, fin51i = (0);\n var d;\n for (; (fin51i < fin51keys.length); (fin51i++)) {\n ((d) = (fin51keys[fin51i]));\n {\n ((((((a[d] !== null)) && ((typeof a[d] != \"undefined\")))) && c.push(((((b(d) + \"=\")) + b(a[d]))))));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return c.sort().join(\"&\");\n };\n ;\n function e(a) {\n var b = {\n }, d, e, f, g;\n if (a) {\n d = a.split(\"&\");\n for (g = 0; f = d[g]; g++) {\n e = f.split(\"=\"), ((((e.length == 2)) && (b[c(e[0])] = c(e[1]))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return b;\n };\n ;\n a({\n decode: e,\n encode: d,\n encodePart: b,\n decodePart: c\n });\n });\n define(\"app/utils/params\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/utils/querystring\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var qs = require(\"app/utils/querystring\"), fromQuery = function(a) {\n var b =;\n return qs.decode(b);\n }, fromFragment = function(a) {\n var b = a.href, c = b.indexOf(\"#\"), d = ((((c < 0)) ? \"\" : b.substring(((c + 1)))));\n return qs.decode(d);\n }, combined = function(a) {\n var b = {\n }, c = fromQuery(a), d = fromFragment(a);\n {\n var fin52keys = ((, fin52i = (0);\n var e;\n for (; (fin52i < fin52keys.length); (fin52i++)) {\n ((e) = (fin52keys[fin52i]));\n {\n ((c.hasOwnProperty(e) && (b[e] = c[e])));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n {\n var fin53keys = ((, fin53i = (0);\n var e;\n for (; (fin53i < fin53keys.length); (fin53i++)) {\n ((e) = (fin53keys[fin53i]));\n {\n ((d.hasOwnProperty(e) && (b[e] = d[e])));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n return b;\n };\n module.exports = {\n combined: combined,\n fromQuery: fromQuery,\n fromFragment: fromFragment\n };\n });\n define(\"app/data/with_auth_token\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/utils/auth_token\",\"core/utils\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withAuthToken() {\n this.addAuthToken = function(b) {\n if (!authToken.get()) {\n throw \"addAuthToken requires a formAuthenticityToken\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n return b = ((b || {\n })), utils.merge(b, {\n authenticity_token: authToken.get()\n });\n }, this.addPHXAuthToken = function(b) {\n if (!authToken.get()) {\n throw \"addPHXAuthToken requires a formAuthenticityToken\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n return b = ((b || {\n })), utils.merge(b, {\n post_authenticity_token: authToken.get()\n });\n }, this.getAuthToken = function() {\n return this.attr.formAuthenticityToken;\n };\n };\n ;\n var authToken = require(\"app/utils/auth_token\"), utils = require(\"core/utils\");\n module.exports = withAuthToken;\n });\n deferred(\"$lib/gibberish-aes.js\", function() {\n (function(a) {\n var b = function() {\n var a = 14, c = 8, d = !1, e = function(a) {\n try {\n return unescape(encodeURIComponent(a));\n } catch (b) {\n throw \"Error on UTF-8 encode\";\n };\n ;\n }, f = function(a) {\n try {\n return decodeURIComponent(escape(a));\n } catch (b) {\n throw \"Bad Key\";\n };\n ;\n }, g = function(a) {\n var b = [], c, d;\n ((((a.length < 16)) && (c = ((16 - a.length)), b = [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,])));\n for (d = 0; ((d < a.length)); d++) {\n b[d] = a[d];\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b;\n }, h = function(a, b) {\n var c = \"\", d, e;\n if (b) {\n d = a[15];\n if (((d > 16))) {\n throw \"Decryption error: Maybe bad key\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((d == 16))) {\n return \"\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n for (e = 0; ((e < ((16 - d)))); e++) {\n c += String.fromCharCode(a[e]);\n ;\n };\n ;\n }\n else for (e = 0; ((e < 16)); e++) {\n c += String.fromCharCode(a[e]);\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c;\n }, i = function(a) {\n var b = \"\", c;\n for (c = 0; ((c < a.length)); c++) {\n b += ((((((a[c] < 16)) ? \"0\" : \"\")) + a[c].toString(16)));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b;\n }, j = function(a) {\n var b = [];\n return a.replace(/(..)/g, function(a) {\n b.push(parseInt(a, 16));\n }), b;\n }, k = function(a) {\n a = e(a);\n var b = [], c;\n for (c = 0; ((c < a.length)); c++) {\n b[c] = a.charCodeAt(c);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b;\n }, l = function(b) {\n switch (b) {\n case 128:\n a = 10, c = 4;\n break;\n case 192:\n a = 12, c = 6;\n break;\n case 256:\n a = 14, c = 8;\n break;\n default:\n throw ((\"Invalid Key Size Specified:\" + b));\n };\n ;\n }, m = function(a) {\n var b = [], c;\n for (c = 0; ((c < a)); c++) {\n b = b.concat(Math.floor(((Math.JSBNG__random() * 256))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b;\n }, n = function(d, e) {\n var f = ((((a >= 12)) ? 3 : 2)), g = [], h = [], i = [], j = [], k = d.concat(e), l;\n i[0] = b.Hash.MD5(k), j = i[0];\n for (l = 1; ((l < f)); l++) {\n i[l] = b.Hash.MD5(i[((l - 1))].concat(k)), j = j.concat(i[l]);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return g = j.slice(0, ((4 * c))), h = j.slice(((4 * c)), ((((4 * c)) + 16))), {\n key: g,\n iv: h\n };\n }, o = function(a, b, c) {\n b = x(b);\n var d = Math.ceil(((a.length / 16))), e = [], f, h = [];\n for (f = 0; ((f < d)); f++) {\n e[f] = g(a.slice(((f * 16)), ((((f * 16)) + 16))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n ((((((a.length % 16)) === 0)) && (e.push([16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,]), d++)));\n for (f = 0; ((f < e.length)); f++) {\n e[f] = ((((f === 0)) ? w(e[f], c) : w(e[f], h[((f - 1))]))), h[f] = q(e[f], b);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return h;\n }, p = function(a, b, c, d) {\n b = x(b);\n var e = ((a.length / 16)), g = [], i, j = [], k = \"\";\n for (i = 0; ((i < e)); i++) {\n g.push(a.slice(((i * 16)), ((((i + 1)) * 16))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n for (i = ((g.length - 1)); ((i >= 0)); i--) {\n j[i] = r(g[i], b), j[i] = ((((i === 0)) ? w(j[i], c) : w(j[i], g[((i - 1))])));\n ;\n };\n ;\n for (i = 0; ((i < ((e - 1)))); i++) {\n k += h(j[i]);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return k += h(j[i], !0), ((d ? k : f(k)));\n }, q = function(b, c) {\n d = !1;\n var e = v(b, c, 0), f;\n for (f = 1; ((f < ((a + 1)))); f++) {\n e = s(e), e = t(e), ((((f < a)) && (e = u(e)))), e = v(e, c, f);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return e;\n }, r = function(b, c) {\n d = !0;\n var e = v(b, c, a), f;\n for (f = ((a - 1)); ((f > -1)); f--) {\n e = t(e), e = s(e), e = v(e, c, f), ((((f > 0)) && (e = u(e))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return e;\n }, s = function(a) {\n var b = ((d ? B : A)), c = [], e;\n for (e = 0; ((e < 16)); e++) {\n c[e] = b[a[e]];\n ;\n };\n ;\n return c;\n }, t = function(a) {\n var b = [], c = ((d ? [0,13,10,7,4,1,14,11,8,5,2,15,12,9,6,3,] : [0,5,10,15,4,9,14,3,8,13,2,7,12,1,6,11,])), e;\n for (e = 0; ((e < 16)); e++) {\n b[e] = a[c[e]];\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b;\n }, u = function(a) {\n var b = [], c;\n if (!d) {\n for (c = 0; ((c < 4)); c++) {\n b[((c * 4))] = ((((((D[a[((c * 4))]] ^ E[a[((1 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ a[((2 + ((c * 4))))])) ^ a[((3 + ((c * 4))))])), b[((1 + ((c * 4))))] = ((((((a[((c * 4))] ^ D[a[((1 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ E[a[((2 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ a[((3 + ((c * 4))))])), b[((2 + ((c * 4))))] = ((((((a[((c * 4))] ^ a[((1 + ((c * 4))))])) ^ D[a[((2 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ E[a[((3 + ((c * 4))))]])), b[((3 + ((c * 4))))] = ((((((E[a[((c * 4))]] ^ a[((1 + ((c * 4))))])) ^ a[((2 + ((c * 4))))])) ^ D[a[((3 + ((c * 4))))]]));\n ;\n };\n }\n else {\n for (c = 0; ((c < 4)); c++) {\n b[((c * 4))] = ((((((I[a[((c * 4))]] ^ G[a[((1 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ H[a[((2 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ F[a[((3 + ((c * 4))))]])), b[((1 + ((c * 4))))] = ((((((F[a[((c * 4))]] ^ I[a[((1 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ G[a[((2 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ H[a[((3 + ((c * 4))))]])), b[((2 + ((c * 4))))] = ((((((H[a[((c * 4))]] ^ F[a[((1 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ I[a[((2 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ G[a[((3 + ((c * 4))))]])), b[((3 + ((c * 4))))] = ((((((G[a[((c * 4))]] ^ H[a[((1 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ F[a[((2 + ((c * 4))))]])) ^ I[a[((3 + ((c * 4))))]]));\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n return b;\n }, v = function(a, b, c) {\n var d = [], e;\n for (e = 0; ((e < 16)); e++) {\n d[e] = ((a[e] ^ b[c][e]));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return d;\n }, w = function(a, b) {\n var c = [], d;\n for (d = 0; ((d < 16)); d++) {\n c[d] = ((a[d] ^ b[d]));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return c;\n }, x = function(b) {\n var d = [], e = [], f, g, h, i = [], j;\n for (f = 0; ((f < c)); f++) {\n g = [b[((4 * f))],b[((((4 * f)) + 1))],b[((((4 * f)) + 2))],b[((((4 * f)) + 3))],], d[f] = g;\n ;\n };\n ;\n for (f = c; ((f < ((4 * ((a + 1)))))); f++) {\n d[f] = [];\n for (h = 0; ((h < 4)); h++) {\n e[h] = d[((f - 1))][h];\n ;\n };\n ;\n ((((((f % c)) === 0)) ? (e = y(z(e)), e[0] ^= C[((((f / c)) - 1))]) : ((((((c > 6)) && ((((f % c)) == 4)))) && (e = y(e))))));\n for (h = 0; ((h < 4)); h++) {\n d[f][h] = ((d[((f - c))][h] ^ e[h]));\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n for (f = 0; ((f < ((a + 1)))); f++) {\n i[f] = [];\n for (j = 0; ((j < 4)); j++) {\n i[f].push(d[((((f * 4)) + j))][0], d[((((f * 4)) + j))][1], d[((((f * 4)) + j))][2], d[((((f * 4)) + j))][3]);\n ;\n };\n ;\n };\n ;\n return i;\n }, y = function(a) {\n for (var b = 0; ((b < 4)); b++) {\n a[b] = A[a[b]];\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a;\n }, z = function(a) {\n var b = a[0], c;\n for (c = 0; ((c < 4)); c++) {\n a[c] = a[((c + 1))];\n ;\n };\n ;\n return a[3] = b, a;\n }, A = [99,124,119,123,242,107,111,197,48,1,103,43,254,215,171,118,202,130,201,125,250,89,71,240,173,212,162,175,156,164,114,192,183,253,147,38,54,63,247,204,52,165,229,241,113,216,49,21,4,199,35,195,24,150,5,154,7,18,128,226,235,39,178,117,9,131,44,26,27,110,90,160,82,59,214,179,41,227,47,132,83,209,0,237,32,252,177,91,106,203,190,57,74,76,88,207,208,239,170,251,67,77,51,133,69,249,2,127,80,60,159,168,81,163,64,143,146,157,56,245,188,182,218,33,16,255,243,210,205,12,19,236,95,151,68,23,196,167,126,61,100,93,25,115,96,129,79,220,34,42,144,136,70,238,184,20,222,94,11,219,224,50,58,10,73,6,36,92,194,211,172,98,145,149,228,121,231,200,55,109,141,213,78,169,108,86,244,234,101,122,174,8,186,120,37,46,28,166,180,198,232,221,116,31,75,189,139,138,112,62,181,102,72,3,246,14,97,53,87,185,134,193,29,158,225,248,152,17,105,217,142,148,155,30,135,233,206,85,40,223,140,161,137,13,191,230,66,104,65,153,45,15,176,84,187,22,], B = [82,9,106,213,48,54,165,56,191,64,163,158,129,243,215,251,124,227,57,130,155,47,255,135,52,142,67,68,196,222,233,203,84,123,148,50,166,194,35,61,238,76,149,11,66,250,195,78,8,46,161,102,40,217,36,178,118,91,162,73,109,139,209,37,114,248,246,100,134,104,152,22,212,164,92,204,93,101,182,146,108,112,72,80,253,237,185,218,94,21,70,87,167,141,157,132,144,216,171,0,140,188,211,10,247,228,88,5,184,179,69,6,208,44,30,143,202,63,15,2,193,175,189,3,1,19,138,107,58,145,17,65,79,103,220,234,151,242,207,206,240,180,230,115,150,172,116,34,231,173,53,133,226,249,55,232,28,117,223,110,71,241,26,113,29,41,197,137,111,183,98,14,170,24,190,27,252,86,62,75,198,210,121,32,154,219,192,254,120,205,90,244,31,221,168,51,136,7,199,49,177,18,16,89,39,128,236,95,96,81,127,169,25,181,74,13,45,229,122,159,147,201,156,239,160,224,59,77,174,42,245,176,200,235,187,60,131,83,153,97,23,43,4,126,186,119,214,38,225,105,20,99,85,33,12,125,], C = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,27,54,108,216,171,77,154,47,94,188,99,198,151,53,106,212,179,125,250,239,197,145,], D = [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62,64,66,68,70,72,74,76,78,80,82,84,86,88,90,92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,142,144,146,148,150,152,154,156,158,160,162,164,166,168,170,172,174,176,178,180,182,184,186,188,190,192,194,196,198,200,202,204,206,208,210,212,214,216,218,220,222,224,226,228,230,232,234,236,238,240,242,244,246,248,250,252,254,27,25,31,29,19,17,23,21,11,9,15,13,3,1,7,5,59,57,63,61,51,49,55,53,43,41,47,45,35,33,39,37,91,89,95,93,83,81,87,85,75,73,79,77,67,65,71,69,123,121,127,125,115,113,119,117,107,105,111,109,99,97,103,101,155,153,159,157,147,145,151,149,139,137,143,141,131,129,135,133,187,185,191,189,179,177,183,181,171,169,175,173,163,161,167,165,219,217,223,221,211,209,215,213,203,201,207,205,195,193,199,197,251,249,255,253,243,241,247,245,235,233,239,237,227,225,231,229,], E = [0,3,6,5,12,15,10,9,24,27,30,29,20,23,18,17,48,51,54,53,60,63,58,57,40,43,46,45,36,39,34,33,96,99,102,101,108,111,106,105,120,123,126,125,116,119,114,113,80,83,86,85,92,95,90,89,72,75,78,77,68,71,66,65,192,195,198,197,204,207,202,201,216,219,222,221,212,215,210,209,240,243,246,245,252,255,250,249,232,235,238,237,228,231,226,225,160,163,166,165,172,175,170,169,184,187,190,189,180,183,178,177,144,147,150,149,156,159,154,153,136,139,142,141,132,135,130,129,155,152,157,158,151,148,145,146,131,128,133,134,143,140,137,138,171,168,173,174,167,164,161,162,179,176,181,182,191,188,185,186,251,248,253,254,247,244,241,242,227,224,229,230,239,236,233,234,203,200,205,206,199,196,193,194,211,208,213,214,223,220,217,218,91,88,93,94,87,84,81,82,67,64,69,70,79,76,73,74,107,104,109,110,103,100,97,98,115,112,117,118,127,124,121,122,59,56,61,62,55,52,49,50,35,32,37,38,47,44,41,42,11,8,13,14,7,4,1,2,19,16,21,22,31,28,25,26,], F = [0,9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,65,90,83,108,101,126,119,144,153,130,139,180,189,166,175,216,209,202,195,252,245,238,231,59,50,41,32,31,22,13,4,115,122,97,104,87,94,69,76,171,162,185,176,143,134,157,148,227,234,241,248,199,206,213,220,118,127,100,109,82,91,64,73,62,55,44,37,26,19,8,1,230,239,244,253,194,203,208,217,174,167,188,181,138,131,152,145,77,68,95,86,105,96,123,114,5,12,23,30,33,40,51,58,221,212,207,198,249,240,235,226,149,156,135,142,177,184,163,170,236,229,254,247,200,193,218,211,164,173,182,191,128,137,146,155,124,117,110,103,88,81,74,67,52,61,38,47,16,25,2,11,215,222,197,204,243,250,225,232,159,150,141,132,187,178,169,160,71,78,85,92,99,106,113,120,15,6,29,20,43,34,57,48,154,147,136,129,190,183,172,165,210,219,192,201,246,255,228,237,10,3,24,17,46,39,60,53,66,75,80,89,102,111,116,125,161,168,179,186,133,140,151,158,233,224,251,242,205,196,223,214,49,56,35,42,21,28,7,14,121,112,107,98,93,84,79,70,], G = [0,11,22,29,44,39,58,49,88,83,78,69,116,127,98,105,176,187,166,173,156,151,138,129,232,227,254,245,196,207,210,217,123,112,109,102,87,92,65,74,35,40,53,62,15,4,25,18,203,192,221,214,231,236,241,250,147,152,133,142,191,180,169,162,246,253,224,235,218,209,204,199,174,165,184,179,130,137,148,159,70,77,80,91,106,97,124,119,30,21,8,3,50,57,36,47,141,134,155,144,161,170,183,188,213,222,195,200,249,242,239,228,61,54,43,32,17,26,7,12,101,110,115,120,73,66,95,84,247,252,225,234,219,208,205,198,175,164,185,178,131,136,149,158,71,76,81,90,107,96,125,118,31,20,9,2,51,56,37,46,140,135,154,145,160,171,182,189,212,223,194,201,248,243,238,229,60,55,42,33,16,27,6,13,100,111,114,121,72,67,94,85,1,10,23,28,45,38,59,48,89,82,79,68,117,126,99,104,177,186,167,172,157,150,139,128,233,226,255,244,197,206,211,216,122,113,108,103,86,93,64,75,34,41,52,63,14,5,24,19,202,193,220,215,230,237,240,251,146,153,132,143,190,181,168,163,], H = [0,13,26,23,52,57,46,35,104,101,114,127,92,81,70,75,208,221,202,199,228,233,254,243,184,181,162,175,140,129,150,155,187,182,161,172,143,130,149,152,211,222,201,196,231,234,253,240,107,102,113,124,95,82,69,72,3,14,25,20,55,58,45,32,109,96,119,122,89,84,67,78,5,8,31,18,49,60,43,38,189,176,167,170,137,132,147,158,213,216,207,194,225,236,251,246,214,219,204,193,226,239,248,245,190,179,164,169,138,135,144,157,6,11,28,17,50,63,40,37,110,99,116,121,90,87,64,77,218,215,192,205,238,227,244,249,178,191,168,165,134,139,156,145,10,7,16,29,62,51,36,41,98,111,120,117,86,91,76,65,97,108,123,118,85,88,79,66,9,4,19,30,61,48,39,42,177,188,171,166,133,136,159,146,217,212,195,206,237,224,247,250,183,186,173,160,131,142,153,148,223,210,197,200,235,230,241,252,103,106,125,112,83,94,73,68,15,2,21,24,59,54,33,44,12,1,22,27,56,53,34,47,100,105,126,115,80,93,74,71,220,209,198,203,232,229,242,255,180,185,174,163,128,141,154,151,], I = [0,14,28,18,56,54,36,42,112,126,108,98,72,70,84,90,224,238,252,242,216,214,196,202,144,158,140,130,168,166,180,186,219,213,199,201,227,237,255,241,171,165,183,185,147,157,143,129,59,53,39,41,3,13,31,17,75,69,87,89,115,125,111,97,173,163,177,191,149,155,137,135,221,211,193,207,229,235,249,247,77,67,81,95,117,123,105,103,61,51,33,47,5,11,25,23,118,120,106,100,78,64,82,92,6,8,26,20,62,48,34,44,150,152,138,132,174,160,178,188,230,232,250,244,222,208,194,204,65,79,93,83,121,119,101,107,49,63,45,35,9,7,21,27,161,175,189,179,153,151,133,139,209,223,205,195,233,231,245,251,154,148,134,136,162,172,190,176,234,228,246,248,210,220,206,192,122,116,102,104,66,76,94,80,10,4,22,24,50,60,46,32,236,226,240,254,212,218,200,198,156,146,128,142,164,170,184,182,12,2,16,30,52,58,40,38,124,114,96,110,68,74,88,86,55,57,43,37,15,1,19,29,71,73,91,85,127,113,99,109,215,217,203,197,239,225,243,253,167,169,187,181,159,145,131,141,], J = function(a, b, c) {\n var d = m(8), e = n(k(b), d), f = e.key, g = e.iv, h, i = [[83,97,108,116,101,100,95,95,].concat(d),];\n return ((c || (a = k(a)))), h = o(a, f, g), h = i.concat(h), M.encode(h);\n }, K = function(a, b, c) {\n var d = M.decode(a), e = d.slice(8, 16), f = n(k(b), e), g = f.key, h = f.iv;\n return d = d.slice(16, d.length), a = p(d, g, h, c), a;\n }, L = function(a) {\n function b(a, b) {\n return ((((a << b)) | ((a >>> ((32 - b))))));\n };\n ;\n function c(a, b) {\n var c, d, e, f, g;\n return e = ((a & 2147483648)), f = ((b & 2147483648)), c = ((a & 1073741824)), d = ((b & 1073741824)), g = ((((a & 1073741823)) + ((b & 1073741823)))), ((((c & d)) ? ((((((g ^ 2147483648)) ^ e)) ^ f)) : ((((c | d)) ? ((((g & 1073741824)) ? ((((((g ^ 3221225472)) ^ e)) ^ f)) : ((((((g ^ 1073741824)) ^ e)) ^ f)))) : ((((g ^ e)) ^ f))))));\n };\n ;\n function d(a, b, c) {\n return ((((a & b)) | ((~a & c))));\n };\n ;\n function e(a, b, c) {\n return ((((a & c)) | ((b & ~c))));\n };\n ;\n function f(a, b, c) {\n return ((((a ^ b)) ^ c));\n };\n ;\n function g(a, b, c) {\n return ((b ^ ((a | ~c))));\n };\n ;\n function h(a, e, f, g, h, i, j) {\n return a = c(a, c(c(d(e, f, g), h), j)), c(b(a, i), e);\n };\n ;\n function i(a, d, f, g, h, i, j) {\n return a = c(a, c(c(e(d, f, g), h), j)), c(b(a, i), d);\n };\n ;\n function j(a, d, e, g, h, i, j) {\n return a = c(a, c(c(f(d, e, g), h), j)), c(b(a, i), d);\n };\n ;\n function k(a, d, e, f, h, i, j) {\n return a = c(a, c(c(g(d, e, f), h), j)), c(b(a, i), d);\n };\n ;\n function l(a) {\n var b, c = a.length, d = ((c + 8)), e = ((((d - ((d % 64)))) / 64)), f = ((((e + 1)) * 16)), g = [], h = 0, i = 0;\n while (((i < c))) {\n b = ((((i - ((i % 4)))) / 4)), h = ((((i % 4)) * 8)), g[b] = ((g[b] | ((a[i] << h)))), i++;\n ;\n };\n ;\n return b = ((((i - ((i % 4)))) / 4)), h = ((((i % 4)) * 8)), g[b] = ((g[b] | ((128 << h)))), g[((f - 2))] = ((c << 3)), g[((f - 1))] = ((c >>> 29)), g;\n };\n ;\n function m(a) {\n var b, c, d = [];\n for (c = 0; ((c <= 3)); c++) {\n b = ((((a >>> ((c * 8)))) & 255)), d = d.concat(b);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return d;\n };\n ;\n var n = [], o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x = 7, y = 12, z = 17, A = 22, B = 5, C = 9, D = 14, E = 20, F = 4, G = 11, H = 16, I = 23, J = 6, K = 10, L = 15, M = 21;\n n = l(a), t = 1732584193, u = 4023233417, v = 2562383102, w = 271733878;\n for (o = 0; ((o < n.length)); o += 16) {\n p = t, q = u, r = v, s = w, t = h(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 0))], x, 3614090360), w = h(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 1))], y, 3905402710), v = h(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 2))], z, 606105819), u = h(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 3))], A, 3250441966), t = h(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 4))], x, 4118548399), w = h(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 5))], y, 1200080426), v = h(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 6))], z, 2821735955), u = h(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 7))], A, 4249261313), t = h(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 8))], x, 1770035416), w = h(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 9))], y, 2336552879), v = h(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 10))], z, 4294925233), u = h(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 11))], A, 2304563134), t = h(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 12))], x, 1804603682), w = h(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 13))], y, 4254626195), v = h(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 14))], z, 2792965006), u = h(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 15))], A, 1236535329), t = i(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 1))], B, 4129170786), w = i(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 6))], C, 3225465664), v = i(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 11))], D, 643717713), u = i(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 0))], E, 3921069994), t = i(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 5))], B, 3593408605), w = i(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 10))], C, 38016083), v = i(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 15))], D, 3634488961), u = i(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 4))], E, 3889429448), t = i(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 9))], B, 568446438), w = i(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 14))], C, 3275163606), v = i(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 3))], D, 4107603335), u = i(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 8))], E, 1163531501), t = i(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 13))], B, 2850285829), w = i(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 2))], C, 4243563512), v = i(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 7))], D, 1735328473), u = i(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 12))], E, 2368359562), t = j(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 5))], F, 4294588738), w = j(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 8))], G, 2272392833), v = j(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 11))], H, 1839030562), u = j(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 14))], I, 4259657740), t = j(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 1))], F, 2763975236), w = j(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 4))], G, 1272893353), v = j(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 7))], H, 4139469664), u = j(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 10))], I, 3200236656), t = j(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 13))], F, 681279174), w = j(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 0))], G, 3936430074), v = j(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 3))], H, 3572445317), u = j(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 6))], I, 76029189), t = j(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 9))], F, 3654602809), w = j(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 12))], G, 3873151461), v = j(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 15))], H, 530742520), u = j(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 2))], I, 3299628645), t = k(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 0))], J, 4096336452), w = k(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 7))], K, 1126891415), v = k(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 14))], L, 2878612391), u = k(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 5))], M, 4237533241), t = k(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 12))], J, 1700485571), w = k(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 3))], K, 2399980690), v = k(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 10))], L, 4293915773), u = k(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 1))], M, 2240044497), t = k(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 8))], J, 1873313359), w = k(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 15))], K, 4264355552), v = k(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 6))], L, 2734768916), u = k(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 13))], M, 1309151649), t = k(t, u, v, w, n[((o + 4))], J, 4149444226), w = k(w, t, u, v, n[((o + 11))], K, 3174756917), v = k(v, w, t, u, n[((o + 2))], L, 718787259), u = k(u, v, w, t, n[((o + 9))], M, 3951481745), t = c(t, p), u = c(u, q), v = c(v, r), w = c(w, s);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return m(t).concat(m(u), m(v), m(w));\n }, M = function() {\n var a = \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\", b = a.split(\"\"), c = function(a, c) {\n var d = [], e = \"\", f, g;\n totalChunks = Math.floor(((((a.length * 16)) / 3)));\n for (f = 0; ((f < ((a.length * 16)))); f++) {\n d.push(a[Math.floor(((f / 16)))][((f % 16))]);\n ;\n };\n ;\n for (f = 0; ((f < d.length)); f += 3) {\n e += b[((d[f] >> 2))], e += b[((((((d[f] & 3)) << 4)) | ((d[((f + 1))] >> 4))))], ((((d[((f + 1))] !== undefined)) ? e += b[((((((d[((f + 1))] & 15)) << 2)) | ((d[((f + 2))] >> 6))))] : e += \"=\")), ((((d[((f + 2))] !== undefined)) ? e += b[((d[((f + 2))] & 63))] : e += \"=\"));\n ;\n };\n ;\n g = ((e.slice(0, 64) + \"\\u000a\"));\n for (f = 1; ((f < Math.ceil(((e.length / 64))))); f++) {\n g += ((e.slice(((f * 64)), ((((f * 64)) + 64))) + ((((Math.ceil(((e.length / 64))) == ((f + 1)))) ? \"\" : \"\\u000a\"))));\n ;\n };\n ;\n return g;\n }, d = function(b) {\n b = b.replace(/\\n/g, \"\");\n var c = [], d = [], e = [], f;\n for (f = 0; ((f < b.length)); f += 4) {\n d[0] = a.indexOf(b.charAt(f)), d[1] = a.indexOf(b.charAt(((f + 1)))), d[2] = a.indexOf(b.charAt(((f + 2)))), d[3] = a.indexOf(b.charAt(((f + 3)))), e[0] = ((((d[0] << 2)) | ((d[1] >> 4)))), e[1] = ((((((d[1] & 15)) << 4)) | ((d[2] >> 2)))), e[2] = ((((((d[2] & 3)) << 6)) | d[3])), c.push(e[0], e[1], e[2]);\n ;\n };\n ;\n return c = c.slice(0, ((c.length - ((c.length % 16))))), c;\n };\n return ((((typeof Array.indexOf == \"function\")) && (a = b))), {\n encode: c,\n decode: d\n };\n }();\n return {\n size: l,\n h2a: j,\n expandKey: x,\n encryptBlock: q,\n decryptBlock: r,\n Decrypt: d,\n s2a: k,\n rawEncrypt: o,\n dec: K,\n openSSLKey: n,\n a2h: i,\n enc: J,\n Hash: {\n MD5: L\n },\n Base64: M\n };\n }();\n a.GibberishAES = b;\n })(window);\n });\n provide(\"app/utils/crypto/aes\", function(a) {\n using(\"$lib/gibberish-aes.js\", function() {\n var b = GibberishAES;\n window.GibberishAES = null, a(b);\n });\n });\n define(\"app/utils/storage/with_crypto\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/utils/crypto/aes\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withCrypto() {\n this.after(\"initialize\", function(a, b) {\n this.secret = b;\n }), this.around(\"getItem\", function(a, b) {\n try {\n return a(b);\n } catch (c) {\n return this.removeItem(b), null;\n };\n ;\n }), this.around(\"decode\", function(a, b) {\n return a(aes.dec(b, this.secret));\n }), this.around(\"encode\", function(a, b) {\n return aes.enc(a(b), this.secret);\n });\n };\n ;\n var aes = require(\"app/utils/crypto/aes\");\n module.exports = withCrypto;\n });\n define(\"app/utils/storage/with_expiry\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/utils/storage/core\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withExpiry() {\n = function() {\n return (new JSBNG__Date).getTime();\n }, this.isExpired = function(a) {\n var b = this.ttl.getItem(a);\n return ((((((typeof b == \"number\")) && (( > b)))) ? !0 : !1));\n }, this.updateTTL = function(a, b) {\n ((((typeof b == \"number\")) && this.ttl.setItem(a, (( + b)))));\n }, this.getCacheAge = function(a, b) {\n var c = this.ttl.getItem(a);\n if (((c == null))) {\n return -1;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var d = ((c - b)), e = (( - d));\n return ((((e < 0)) ? -1 : Math.floor(((e / 3600000)))));\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.ttl = new JSBNG__Storage(((this.namespace + \"_ttl\")));\n }), this.around(\"setItem\", function(a, b, c, d) {\n return ((((typeof d == \"number\")) ? this.ttl.setItem(b, (( + d))) : this.ttl.removeItem(b))), a(b, c);\n }), this.around(\"getItem\", function(a, b) {\n var c = this.ttl.getItem(b);\n return ((((((typeof c == \"number\")) && (( > c)))) && this.removeItem(b))), a(b);\n }), this.after(\"removeItem\", function(a) {\n this.ttl.removeItem(a);\n }), this.after(\"clear\", function() {\n this.ttl.clear();\n });\n };\n ;\n var JSBNG__Storage = require(\"app/utils/storage/core\");\n module.exports = withExpiry;\n });\n define(\"app/utils/storage/array/with_array\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withArray() {\n this.getArray = function(a) {\n return ((this.getItem(a) || []));\n }, this.push = function(a, b) {\n var c = this.getArray(a), d = c.push(b);\n return this.setItem(a, c), d;\n }, this.pushAll = function(a, b) {\n var c = this.getArray(a);\n return c.push.apply(c, b), this.setItem(a, c), c;\n };\n };\n ;\n module.exports = withArray;\n });\n define(\"app/utils/storage/array/with_max_elements\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/compose\",\"app/utils/storage/array/with_array\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withMaxElements() {\n compose.mixin(this, [withArray,]), this.maxElements = {\n }, this.getMaxElements = function(a) {\n return ((this.maxElements[a] || 0));\n }, this.setMaxElements = function(a, b) {\n this.maxElements[a] = b;\n }, this.before(\"push\", function(a, b) {\n this.makeRoomFor(a, 1);\n }), this.around(\"pushAll\", function(a, b, c) {\n return c = ((c || [])), this.makeRoomFor(b, c.length), a(b, c.slice(Math.max(0, ((c.length - this.getMaxElements(b))))));\n }), this.makeRoomFor = function(a, b) {\n var c = this.getArray(a), d = ((((c.length + b)) - this.getMaxElements(a)));\n ((((d > 0)) && (c.splice(0, d), this.setItem(a, c))));\n };\n };\n ;\n var compose = require(\"core/compose\"), withArray = require(\"app/utils/storage/array/with_array\");\n module.exports = withMaxElements;\n });\n define(\"app/utils/storage/array/with_unique_elements\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/compose\",\"app/utils/storage/array/with_array\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withUniqueElements() {\n compose.mixin(this, [withArray,]), this.before(\"push\", function(a, b) {\n var c = this.getArray(a);\n ((this.deleteElement(c, b) && this.setItem(a, c)));\n }), this.around(\"pushAll\", function(a, b, c) {\n c = ((c || []));\n var d = this.getArray(b), e = !1, f = [], g = {\n };\n return c.forEach(function(a) {\n ((g[a] || (e = ((this.deleteElement(d, a) || e)), g[a] = !0, f.push(a))));\n }, this), ((e && this.setItem(b, d))), a(b, f);\n }), this.deleteElement = function(a, b) {\n var c = -1;\n return (((((c = a.indexOf(b)) >= 0)) ? (a.splice(c, 1), !0) : !1));\n };\n };\n ;\n var compose = require(\"core/compose\"), withArray = require(\"app/utils/storage/array/with_array\");\n module.exports = withUniqueElements;\n });\n define(\"app/utils/storage/custom\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/compose\",\"app/utils/storage/core\",\"app/utils/storage/with_crypto\",\"app/utils/storage/with_expiry\",\"app/utils/storage/array/with_array\",\"app/utils/storage/array/with_max_elements\",\"app/utils/storage/array/with_unique_elements\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function storageConstr(a) {\n var b = Object.keys(a).filter(function(b) {\n return a[b];\n }).sort().join(\",\"), c;\n if (c = lookup[b]) {\n return c;\n }\n ;\n ;\n c = function() {\n CoreStorage.apply(this, arguments);\n }, c.prototype = new CoreStorage;\n var d = [];\n return ((a.withCrypto && d.push(withCrypto))), ((a.withExpiry && d.push(withExpiry))), ((a.withArray && d.push(withArray))), ((a.withUniqueElements && d.push(withUniqueElements))), ((a.withMaxElements && d.push(withMaxElements))), ((((d.length > 0)) && compose.mixin(c.prototype, d))), lookup[b] = c, c;\n };\n ;\n var compose = require(\"core/compose\"), CoreStorage = require(\"app/utils/storage/core\"), withCrypto = require(\"app/utils/storage/with_crypto\"), withExpiry = require(\"app/utils/storage/with_expiry\"), withArray = require(\"app/utils/storage/array/with_array\"), withMaxElements = require(\"app/utils/storage/array/with_max_elements\"), withUniqueElements = require(\"app/utils/storage/array/with_unique_elements\"), lookup = {\n };\n module.exports = storageConstr;\n });\n define(\"app/data/with_data\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/compose\",\"core/i18n\",\"app/data/notifications\",\"app/utils/params\",\"app/data/with_auth_token\",\"app/utils/storage/custom\",\"app/utils/storage/core\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function initializeXhrStorage() {\n ((xhrStorage || (xhrStorage = new CoreStorage(\"XHRNotes\"))));\n };\n ;\n function withData() {\n compose.mixin(this, [withAuthToken,]);\n var a = [];\n this.composeData = function(a, b) {\n return a = ((a || {\n })), ((b.eventData && (a.sourceEventData = b.eventData))), a;\n }, this.callSuccessHandler = function(a, b, c) {\n ((((typeof a == \"function\")) ? a(b) : this.trigger(a, b)));\n }, this.callErrorHandler = function(a, b, c) {\n ((((typeof a == \"function\")) ? a(b) : this.trigger(a, b)));\n }, this.createSuccessHandler = function(b, c) {\n return initializeXhrStorage(), function(d, e, f) {\n a.slice(a.indexOf(f), 1);\n var g = d, h = null, i = encodeURIComponent(c.url);\n if (((((d && d.hasOwnProperty(\"note\"))) && d.hasOwnProperty(\"JSBNG__inner\")))) {\n g = d.JSBNG__inner, h = d.note;\n var j = f.getResponseHeader(\"x-transaction\");\n ((((j && ((j != xhrStorage.getItem(i))))) && (h.notCached = !0, xhrStorage.setItem(i, j))));\n }\n ;\n ;\n g = this.composeData(g, c), ((c.cache_ttl && storage.setItem(i, {\n data: g,\n time: (new JSBNG__Date).getTime()\n }, c.cache_ttl))), this.callSuccessHandler(b, g, c), ((h && (notifications.updateNotificationState(h), ((h.notCached && this.trigger(\"dataNotificationsReceived\", h)))))), ((g.debug && this.trigger(\"dataSetDebugData\", g.debug)));\n }.bind(this);\n }, this.createErrorHandler = function(b, c) {\n return function(d) {\n a.slice(a.indexOf(d), 1);\n var e;\n try {\n e = JSON.parse(d.responseText), ((((((e && e.message)) && !this.attr.noShowError)) && this.trigger(\"uiShowError\", e)));\n } catch (f) {\n e = {\n xhr: {\n }\n }, ((((d && d.statusText)) && (e.xhr.statusText = d.statusText)));\n };\n ;\n ((e.message || (e.message = _(\"Internal server error.\")))), e = this.composeData(e, c), this.callErrorHandler(b, e, c);\n }.bind(this);\n }, this.sortData = function(a) {\n if (((!a || ((typeof a != \"object\"))))) {\n return a;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var b = {\n }, c = Object.keys(a).sort();\n return c.forEach(function(c) {\n b[c] = a[c];\n }), b;\n }, this.extractParams = function(a, b) {\n var c = {\n }, d = params.fromQuery(b);\n return Object.keys(d).forEach(function(b) {\n ((a[b] && (c[b] = d[b])));\n }), c;\n }, this.JSONRequest = function(b, c) {\n var d;\n if (b.cache_ttl) {\n ((storage || (storage = new StorageConstr(\"with_data\")))), d = storage.getItem(encodeURIComponent(b.url));\n if (((d && ((((new JSBNG__Date - d.time)) <= b.cache_ttl))))) {\n ((b.success && this.callSuccessHandler(b.success,;\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e = ((((c == \"POST\")) || ((c == \"DELETE\"))));\n ((((e && ((b.isMutation === !1)))) && (e = !1))), delete b.isMutation, ((((this.trigger && e)) && this.trigger(\"dataPageMutated\"))), [\"url\",].forEach(function(a) {\n if (!b.hasOwnProperty(a)) {\n throw new Error(((\"getJSONRequest called without required option: \" + a)), arguments);\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n var f = (( || {\n })), g = b.headers;\n (((([\"GET\",\"POST\",].indexOf(c) < 0)) && (f = $.extend({\n _method: c\n }, f), c = \"POST\"))), ((((c == \"POST\")) && (f = this.addAuthToken(f), ((((g && g[\"X-PHX\"])) && (f = this.addPHXAuthToken(f)))))));\n var h = $.extend({\n lang: !0\n }, b.echoParams);\n f = $.extend(f, this.extractParams(h, window.JSBNG__location)), ((b.success && (b.success = this.createSuccessHandler(b.success, b)))), ((b.error && (b.error = this.createErrorHandler(b.error, b)))), $.extend(f, notifications.extraParameters(b.url));\n var i = $.ajax($.extend(b, {\n url: b.url,\n data: this.sortData(f),\n dataType: ((b.dataType || \"json\")),\n type: c\n }));\n return ((b.noAbortOnNavigate || a.push(i))), i;\n }, this.get = function(a) {\n return this.JSONRequest(a, \"GET\");\n }, = function(a) {\n return this.JSONRequest(a, \"POST\");\n }, this.destroy = function(a) {\n return this.JSONRequest(a, \"DELETE\");\n }, this.abortAllXHR = function() {\n a.forEach(function(a) {\n ((((a && a.abort)) && a.abort()));\n }), a = [];\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"dataBeforeNavigate\", this.abortAllXHR);\n });\n };\n ;\n var compose = require(\"core/compose\"), _ = require(\"core/i18n\"), notifications = require(\"app/data/notifications\"), params = require(\"app/utils/params\"), withAuthToken = require(\"app/data/with_auth_token\"), customStorage = require(\"app/utils/storage/custom\"), CoreStorage = require(\"app/utils/storage/core\"), StorageConstr = customStorage({\n withExpiry: !0\n }), storage, xhrStorage;\n module.exports = withData;\n });\n define(\"app/data/navigation\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"core/utils\",\"core/registry\",\"app/utils/time\",\"app/utils/full_path\",\"app/data/with_data\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function navigationData() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n viewContainer: \"#page-container\",\n pushStateRequestHeaders: {\n \"X-Push-State-Request\": !0\n },\n pushState: !0,\n pushStateSupported: !0,\n pushStatePageLimit: 500000,\n assetsBasePath: \"/\",\n noTeardown: !0,\n init_data: {\n }\n });\n var a = /\\/a\\/(\\d+)/, b, c, d;\n this.pageCache = {\n }, this.pageCacheTTLs = {\n }, this.pageCacheScroll = {\n }, this.navigateUsingPushState = function(a, b) {\n var e = fullPath();\n d = b.href, c = b.isPopState;\n if (((((!c && ((b.href == e)))) && this.pageCache[e]))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.getPageData(b.href);\n }, this.sweepPageCache = function() {\n var a =;\n {\n var fin54keys = ((, fin54i = (0);\n var b;\n for (; (fin54i < fin54keys.length); (fin54i++)) {\n ((b) = (fin54keys[fin54i]));\n {\n ((((a > this.pageCacheTTLs[b])) && (delete this.pageCache[b], delete this.pageCacheTTLs[b])));\n ;\n };\n };\n };\n ;\n }, this.hasDeployTimestampChanged = function(b) {\n var c = ((this.attr.assetsBasePath && this.attr.assetsBasePath.match(a))), d = ((b.init_data.assetsBasePath && b.init_data.assetsBasePath.match(a)));\n return ((((c && d)) && ((d[1] != c[1]))));\n }, this.getPageData = function(a) {\n var b;\n this.trigger(\"dataBeforeNavigate\"), ((this.attr.init_data.initialState && this.createInitialState())), this.sweepPageCache(), this.trigger(\"uiBeforeNewPageLoad\");\n if (b = this.pageCache[a]) b.fromCache = !0, this.pageDataReceived(a, b);\n else {\n this.trigger(\"dataPageFetch\");\n var c = this.attr.pushStateRequestHeaders, e = this.pageCacheScroll[a];\n ((e && (c = utils.merge(c, {\n TopViewportItem: e.topItem\n })))), this.get({\n headers: c,\n url: a,\n success: function(b) {\n var c;\n if (((((b.init_data && && b.module))) {\n c = b.init_data.href, b.href = c;\n if (!b.init_data.pushState) {\n this.navigateTo(c);\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (this.hasDeployTimestampChanged(b)) {\n this.navigateTo(c);\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((b.init_data.viewContainer != this.attr.viewContainer))) {\n this.attr.viewContainer = b.init_data.viewContainer, this.navigateTo(c);\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.cacheState(c, b);\n if (((d != a))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n ((e && (b.scrollPosition = e))), this.pageDataReceived(c, b);\n }\n else this.navigateTo(((b.href || a)));\n ;\n ;\n }.bind(this),\n error: function(b) {\n this.navigateTo(a);\n }.bind(this)\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n }, this.setTimelineScrollPosition = function(a, c) {\n this.pageCacheScroll[b] = c;\n }, this.updatePageState = function() {\n var a = this.pageCache[b];\n ((a && ( =\"viewContainer\").html(), this.pageCacheTTLs[b] = time(a.cache_ttl).seconds.fromNow().getTime(), (((( > this.attr.pushStatePageLimit)) && (delete this.pageCache[b], delete this.pageCacheTTLs[b]))))));\n }, this.cacheState = function(a, b) {\n this.pageCache[a] = b, this.pageCacheTTLs[a] = time(b.cache_ttl).seconds.fromNow().getTime();\n }, this.pageDataReceived = function(a, b) {\n ((((a != fullPath())) && JSBNG__history.pushState({\n }, b.title, a))), b.isPopState = c, this.trigger(\"dataPageRefresh\", b);\n }, this.swiftTeardownAll = function() {\n Object.keys(registry.allInstances).forEach(function(a) {\n var b = registry.allInstances[a].instance;\n ((b.attr.noTeardown || b.teardown()));\n });\n }, this.doTeardown = function(a, c) {\n this.swiftTeardownAll(), ((((c.href != b)) && this.updatePageState()));\n }, this.createInitialState = function() {\n var a = utils.merge(this.attr.init_data.initialState, !0);\n a.init_data = utils.merge(this.attr.init_data, !0), delete a.init_data.initialState, this.attr.init_data.initialState = null, this.cacheState(b, a), JSBNG__history.replaceState({\n }, a.title, b);\n }, this.resetPageCache = function(a, b) {\n this.pageCache = {\n }, this.pageCacheTTLs = {\n };\n }, this.removePageFromCache = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.href;\n ((this.pageCache[c] && (delete this.pageCache[c], delete this.pageCacheTTLs[c])));\n }, this.navigateTo = function(a) {\n JSBNG__location.href = a;\n }, this.navigateUsingRedirect = function(a, c) {\n var d = c.href;\n ((((d != b)) && this.navigateTo(d)));\n }, this.destroyCurrentPageState = function() {\n JSBNG__history.replaceState(null, JSBNG__document.title, b);\n }, this.resetStateVariables = function() {\n b = fullPath(), c = !1, d = null;\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n ((((this.attr.pushState && this.attr.pushStateSupported)) ? (this.JSBNG__on(\"uiSwiftLoaded uiPageChanged\", this.resetStateVariables), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiNavigate\", this.navigateUsingPushState), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiTimelineScrollSet\", this.setTimelineScrollPosition), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiTeardown\", this.doTeardown), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"dataPageMutated\", this.resetPageCache), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiPromotedLinkClick\", this.removePageFromCache), this.JSBNG__on(window, \"beforeunload\", this.destroyCurrentPageState)) : (this.JSBNG__on(\"uiSwiftLoaded\", this.resetStateVariables), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiNavigate\", this.navigateUsingRedirect))));\n });\n };\n ;\n var component = require(\"core/component\"), utils = require(\"core/utils\"), registry = require(\"core/registry\"), time = require(\"app/utils/time\"), fullPath = require(\"app/utils/full_path\"), withData = require(\"app/data/with_data\"), NavigationData = component(navigationData, withData);\n module.exports = NavigationData;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/with_dropdown\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withDropdown() {\n this.toggleDisplay = function(a) {\n this.$node.toggleClass(\"open\"), ((this.$node.hasClass(\"open\") && (this.activeEl = JSBNG__document.activeElement, this.trigger(\"uiDropdownOpened\")))), ((a && a.preventDefault()));\n }, this.ignoreCloseEvent = !1, this.closeDropdown = function() {\n this.$node.removeClass(\"open\");\n }, this.closeAndRestoreFocus = function(a) {\n this.closeDropdown(), ((this.activeEl && (a.preventDefault(), this.activeEl.JSBNG__focus(), this.activeEl = null)));\n }, this.close = function(a) {\n var b = $(this.attr.toggler);\n if ((((((( === this.$node)) || ((this.$node.has( > 0)))) && !this.isItemClick(a)))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((this.isItemClick(a) && this.ignoreCloseEvent))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.closeDropdown();\n }, this.isItemClick = function(a) {\n return ((((!this.attr.itemSelector || !a)) ? !1 : (($( > 0))));\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"click\", {\n toggler: this.toggleDisplay\n }), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"click\", this.close), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiCloseDropdowns uiNavigate\", this.closeDropdown), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiShortcutEsc\", this.closeAndRestoreFocus);\n });\n };\n ;\n module.exports = withDropdown;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/language_dropdown\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/ui/with_dropdown\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function languageDropdown() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n toggler: \".dropdown-toggle\"\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), withDropdown = require(\"app/ui/with_dropdown\"), LanguageDropdown = defineComponent(languageDropdown, withDropdown);\n module.exports = LanguageDropdown;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/google\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function googleAnalytics() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n gaPageName: window.JSBNG__location.pathname\n }), this.initGoogle = function() {\n window._gaq = ((window._gaq || [])), window._gaq.push([\"_setAccount\",\"UA-30775-6\",], [\"_trackPageview\",this.attr.gaPageName,], [\"_setDomainName\",\"\",]);\n var a = JSBNG__document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\")[0], b = JSBNG__document.createElement(\"script\");\n b.async = !0, b.src = ((((((JSBNG__document.JSBNG__location.protocol == \"https:\")) ? \"https://ssl\" : \"http://www\")) + \"\")), a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a),\"uiSwiftLoaded\", this.initGoogle);\n }, this.trackPageChange = function(a, b) {\n b = b.init_data, window._gaq.push([\"_trackPageview\",((((b && b.gaPageName)) || window.JSBNG__location.pathname)),]);\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"uiSwiftLoaded\", this.initGoogle), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiPageChanged\", this.trackPageChange);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), GoogleAnalytics = defineComponent(googleAnalytics);\n module.exports = GoogleAnalytics;\n });\n define(\"app/utils/cookie\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n module.exports = function(b, c, d) {\n var e = $.extend({\n }, d);\n if (((((arguments.length > 1)) && ((String(c) !== \"[object Object]\"))))) {\n if (((((c === null)) || ((c === undefined))))) {\n e.expires = -1, c = \"\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((typeof e.expires == \"number\"))) {\n var f = e.expires, g = new JSBNG__Date((((new JSBNG__Date).getTime() + ((((((((f * 24)) * 60)) * 60)) * 1000)))));\n e.expires = g;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return c = String(c), JSBNG__document.cookie = [encodeURIComponent(b),\"=\",((e.raw ? c : encodeURIComponent(c))),((e.expires ? ((\"; expires=\" + e.expires.toUTCString())) : \"\")),((\"; path=\" + ((e.path || \"/\")))),((e.domain ? ((\"; domain=\" + e.domain)) : \"\")),(( ? \"; secure\" : \"\")),].join(\"\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n e = ((c || {\n }));\n var h, i = ((e.raw ? function(a) {\n return a;\n } : decodeURIComponent));\n return (((h = (new RegExp(((((\"(?:^|; )\" + encodeURIComponent(b))) + \"=([^;]*)\")))).exec(JSBNG__document.cookie)) ? i(h[1]) : null));\n };\n });\n define(\"app/ui/impression_cookies\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/utils/cookie\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function impressionCookies() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n sendImpressionCookieSelector: \"a[data-send-impression-cookie]\",\n link: \"a\"\n }), this.setCookie = function(a, b) {\n cookie(\"ic\", a, {\n expires: b\n });\n }, this.sendImpressionCookie = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.el;\n if (((((((!c || ((c.hostname != window.JSBNG__location.hostname)))) || !c.pathname)) || ((c.pathname.indexOf(\"/#!/\") == 0))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var d = $(c), e = d.closest(\"[data-impression-cookie]\").attr(\"data-impression-cookie\");\n if (!e) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.trigger(\"uiPromotedLinkClick\", {\n href: d.attr(\"href\")\n });\n var f = new JSBNG__Date, g = 60000, h = new JSBNG__Date(((f.getTime() + g)));\n this.setCookie(e, h);\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function(a) {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"click\", {\n sendImpressionCookieSelector: this.sendImpressionCookie\n }), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiShowProfileNewWindow\", {\n link: this.sendImpressionCookie\n });\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), cookie = require(\"app/utils/cookie\");\n module.exports = defineComponent(impressionCookies);\n });\n define(\"app/data/promoted_logger\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/data/with_data\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function promotedLogger() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n tweetHashtagLinkSelector: \".tweet .twitter-hashtag\",\n tweetLinkSelector: \".tweet .twitter-timeline-link\"\n }), this.logEvent = function(a, b) {\n this.get({\n url: \"/i/promoted_content/log.json\",\n data: a,\n eventData: {\n },\n headers: {\n \"X-PHX\": !0\n },\n success: \"dataLogEventSuccess\",\n error: \"dataLogEventError\",\n async: !b,\n noAbortOnNavigate: !0\n });\n }, this.isEarnedMedia = function(a) {\n return ((a == \"earned\"));\n }, this.logPromotedTrendImpression = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.items, d = b.source;\n if (((d == \"clock\"))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var e = c.filter(function(a) {\n return !!a.promotedTrendId;\n });\n if (!e.length) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"i\",\n promoted_trend_id: e[0].promotedTrendId\n });\n }, this.logPromotedTrendClick = function(a, b) {\n if (!b.promotedTrendId) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"c\",\n promoted_trend_id: b.promotedTrendId\n }, !0);\n }, this.logPromotedTweetImpression = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.tweets.filter(function(a) {\n return a.impressionId;\n });\n c.forEach(function(a) {\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"impression\",\n impression_id: a.impressionId,\n earned: this.isEarnedMedia(a.disclosureType)\n });\n }, this);\n }, this.logPromotedTweetLinkClick = function(a) {\n var b = $(\"[data-impression-id]\").attr(\"data-impression-id\"), c = $(\"[data-impression-id]\").attr(\"data-disclosure-type\");\n if (!b) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"url_click\",\n impression_id: b,\n earned: this.isEarnedMedia(c)\n }, !0);\n }, this.logPromotedTweetHashtagClick = function(a) {\n var b = $(\"[data-impression-id]\").attr(\"data-impression-id\"), c = $(\"[data-impression-id]\").attr(\"data-disclosure-type\");\n if (!b) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"hashtag_click\",\n impression_id: b,\n earned: this.isEarnedMedia(c)\n }, !0);\n }, this.logPromotedUserImpression = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.users.filter(function(a) {\n return a.impressionId;\n });\n c.forEach(function(a) {\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"impression\",\n impression_id: a.impressionId\n });\n }, this);\n }, this.logPromotedTweetShareViaEmail = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.impressionId;\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var d = this.isEarnedMedia(b.disclosureType);\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"email_tweet\",\n impression_id: c,\n earned: d\n });\n }, this.logPromotedUserClick = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.impressionId;\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var d = this.isEarnedMedia(b.disclosureType);\n ((((b.profileClickTarget === \"avatar\")) ? this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"profile_image_click\",\n impression_id: c,\n earned: d\n }) : ((b.isMentionClick ? this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"user_mention_click\",\n impression_id: c,\n earned: d\n }) : ((b.isPromotedBadgeClick ? this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"footer_profile\",\n impression_id: c,\n earned: d\n }) : this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"screen_name_click\",\n impression_id: c,\n earned: d\n })))))));\n }, this.logPromotedUserDismiss = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.impressionId;\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"dismiss\",\n impression_id: c\n });\n }, this.logPromotedTweetDismiss = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.impressionId, d = b.disclosureType;\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"dismiss\",\n impression_id: c,\n earned: this.isEarnedMedia(d)\n });\n }, this.logPromotedTweetDetails = function(a, b) {\n var c = b.impressionId, d = b.disclosureType;\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.logEvent({\n JSBNG__event: \"view_details\",\n impression_id: c,\n earned: this.isEarnedMedia(d)\n });\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"uiTrendsDisplayed\", this.logPromotedTrendImpression), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiTrendSelected\", this.logPromotedTrendClick), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiTweetsDisplayed\", this.logPromotedTweetImpression), this.JSBNG__on(\"click\", {\n tweetLinkSelector: this.logPromotedTweetLinkClick,\n tweetHashtagLinkSelector: this.logPromotedTweetHashtagClick\n }), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiHasExpandedTweet\", this.logPromotedTweetDetails), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiTweetDismissed\", this.logPromotedTweetDismiss), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiDidShareViaEmailSuccess\", this.logPromotedTweetShareViaEmail), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiUsersDisplayed\", this.logPromotedUserImpression), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiDismissUserRecommendation\", this.logPromotedUserDismiss), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiShowProfilePopup uiShowProfileNewWindow\", this.logPromotedUserClick);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), withData = require(\"app/data/with_data\"), PromotedLogger = defineComponent(promotedLogger, withData);\n module.exports = PromotedLogger;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/message_drawer\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function messageDrawer() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n fadeTimeout: 2000,\n closeSelector: \".dismiss\",\n reloadSelector: \".js-reload\",\n textSelector: \".message-text\",\n bannersSelector: \"#banners\",\n topOffset: 47\n });\n var a = function() {\n this.$node.css(\"opacity\", 1).animate({\n opacity: 0\n }, 1000, function() {\n this.closeMessage();\n }.bind(this));\n };\n this.calculateFadeTimeout = function(a) {\n var b = a.split(\" \").length, c = ((((((b * 1000)) / 5)) + 225));\n return ((((c < this.attr.fadeTimeout)) ? this.attr.fadeTimeout : c));\n }, this.showMessage = function(b, c) {\n this.$node.css({\n opacity: 1,\n JSBNG__top: ((this.attr.topOffset + $(this.attr.bannersSelector).height()))\n }),\"textSelector\").html(c.message),\"closeSelector\").hide(), this.$node.removeClass(\"hidden\"), JSBNG__clearTimeout(this.messageTimeout), this.$node.JSBNG__stop(), this.messageTimeout = JSBNG__setTimeout(a.bind(this), this.calculateFadeTimeout(c.message));\n }, this.showError = function(a, b) {\n this.$node.css(\"opacity\", 1),\"textSelector\").html(b.message),\"closeSelector\").show(), this.$node.removeClass(\"hidden\");\n }, this.closeMessage = function(a) {\n ((a && a.preventDefault())), this.$node.addClass(\"hidden\");\n }, this.reloadPageHandler = function() {\n this.reloadPage();\n }, this.reloadPage = function() {\n window.JSBNG__location.reload();\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiShowMessage\", this.showMessage), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiShowError\", this.showError), this.JSBNG__on(\"click\", {\n reloadSelector: this.reloadPageHandler,\n closeSelector: this.closeMessage\n }), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiBeforePageChanged\", this.closeMessage);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), MessageDrawer = defineComponent(messageDrawer);\n module.exports = MessageDrawer;\n });\n deferred(\"$lib/bootstrap_tooltip.js\", function() {\n !function($) {\n \"use strict\";\n var a = function(a, b) {\n this.init(\"tooltip\", a, b);\n };\n a.prototype = {\n constructor: a,\n init: function(a, b, c) {\n var d, e;\n this.type = a, this.$element = $(b), this.options = this.getOptions(c), this.enabled = !0, ((((this.options.trigger != \"manual\")) && (d = ((((this.options.trigger == \"hover\")) ? \"mouseenter\" : \"JSBNG__focus\")), e = ((((this.options.trigger == \"hover\")) ? \"mouseleave\" : \"JSBNG__blur\")), this.$element.JSBNG__on(d, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.enter, this)), this.$element.JSBNG__on(e, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.leave, this))))), ((this.options.selector ? this._options = $.extend({\n }, this.options, {\n trigger: \"manual\",\n selector: \"\"\n }) : this.fixTitle()));\n },\n getOptions: function(a) {\n return a = $.extend({\n }, $.fn[this.type].defaults, a, this.$, ((((a.delay && ((typeof a.delay == \"number\")))) && (a.delay = {\n show: a.delay,\n hide: a.delay\n }))), a;\n },\n enter: function(a) {\n var b = $(a.currentTarget)[this.type](this._options).data(this.type);\n ((((!b.options.delay || ! ? : (b.hoverState = \"in\", JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n ((((b.hoverState == \"in\")) &&;\n },;\n },\n leave: function(a) {\n var b = $(a.currentTarget)[this.type](this._options).data(this.type);\n ((((!b.options.delay || !b.options.delay.hide)) ? b.hide() : (b.hoverState = \"out\", JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n ((((b.hoverState == \"out\")) && b.hide()));\n }, b.options.delay.hide))));\n },\n show: function() {\n var a, b, c, d, e, f, g;\n if (((this.hasContent() && this.enabled))) {\n a = this.tip(), this.setContent(), ((this.options.animation && a.addClass(\"fade\"))), f = ((((typeof this.options.placement == \"function\")) ?, a[0], this.$element[0]) : this.options.placement)), b = /in/.test(f), a.remove().css({\n JSBNG__top: 0,\n left: 0,\n display: \"block\"\n }).appendTo(((b ? this.$element : JSBNG__document.body))), c = this.getPosition(b), d = a[0].offsetWidth, e = a[0].offsetHeight;\n switch (((b ? f.split(\" \")[1] : f))) {\n case \"bottom\":\n g = {\n JSBNG__top: ((c.JSBNG__top + c.height)),\n left: ((((c.left + ((c.width / 2)))) - ((d / 2))))\n };\n break;\n case \"JSBNG__top\":\n g = {\n JSBNG__top: ((c.JSBNG__top - e)),\n left: ((((c.left + ((c.width / 2)))) - ((d / 2))))\n };\n break;\n case \"left\":\n g = {\n JSBNG__top: ((((c.JSBNG__top + ((c.height / 2)))) - ((e / 2)))),\n left: ((c.left - d))\n };\n break;\n case \"right\":\n g = {\n JSBNG__top: ((((c.JSBNG__top + ((c.height / 2)))) - ((e / 2)))),\n left: ((c.left + c.width))\n };\n };\n ;\n a.css(g).addClass(f).addClass(\"in\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n setContent: function() {\n var a = this.tip();\n a.JSBNG__find(\".tooltip-inner\").html(this.getTitle()), a.removeClass(\"fade in top bottom left right\");\n },\n hide: function() {\n function c() {\n var a = JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n$.support.transition.end).remove();\n }, 500);\n$.support.transition.end, function() {\n JSBNG__clearTimeout(a), b.remove();\n });\n };\n ;\n var a = this, b = this.tip();\n b.removeClass(\"in\"), (((($.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass(\"fade\"))) ? c() : b.remove()));\n },\n fixTitle: function() {\n var a = this.$element;\n ((((a.attr(\"title\") || ((typeof a.attr(\"data-original-title\") != \"string\")))) && a.attr(\"data-original-title\", ((a.attr(\"title\") || \"\"))).removeAttr(\"title\")));\n },\n hasContent: function() {\n return this.getTitle();\n },\n getPosition: function(a) {\n return $.extend({\n }, ((a ? {\n JSBNG__top: 0,\n left: 0\n } : this.$element.offset())), {\n width: this.$element[0].offsetWidth,\n height: this.$element[0].offsetHeight\n });\n },\n getTitle: function() {\n var a, b = this.$element, c = this.options;\n return a = ((b.attr(\"data-original-title\") || ((((typeof c.title == \"function\")) ?[0]) : c.title)))), a = ((a || \"\")).toString().replace(/(^\\s*|\\s*$)/, \"\"), a;\n },\n tip: function() {\n return this.$tip = ((this.$tip || $(this.options.template)));\n },\n validate: function() {\n ((this.$element[0].parentNode || (this.hide(), this.$element = null, this.options = null)));\n },\n enable: function() {\n this.enabled = !0;\n },\n disable: function() {\n this.enabled = !1;\n },\n toggleEnabled: function() {\n this.enabled = !this.enabled;\n },\n toggle: function() {\n this[((this.tip().hasClass(\"in\") ? \"hide\" : \"show\"))]();\n }\n }, $.fn.tooltip = function(b) {\n return this.each(function() {\n var c = $(this), d =\"tooltip\"), e = ((((typeof b == \"object\")) && b));\n ((d ||\"tooltip\", d = new a(this, e)))), ((((typeof b == \"string\")) && d[b]()));\n });\n }, $.fn.tooltip.Constructor = a, $.fn.tooltip.defaults = {\n animation: !0,\n delay: 0,\n selector: !1,\n placement: \"JSBNG__top\",\n trigger: \"hover\",\n title: \"\",\n template: \"\\u003Cdiv class=\\\"tooltip\\\"\\u003E\\u003Cdiv class=\\\"tooltip-arrow\\\"\\u003E\\u003C/div\\u003E\\u003Cdiv class=\\\"tooltip-inner\\\"\\u003E\\u003C/div\\u003E\\u003C/div\\u003E\"\n };\n }(window.jQuery);\n });\n define(\"app/ui/tooltips\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"$lib/bootstrap_tooltip.js\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function tooltips() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n tooltipSelector: \".js-tooltip\"\n }), this.hide = function() {\n\"tooltipSelector\").tooltip(\"hide\");\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.$node.tooltip({\n selector: this.attr.tooltipSelector\n }), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiBeforePageChanged uiShowProfilePopup\", this.hide);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\");\n require(\"$lib/bootstrap_tooltip.js\"), module.exports = defineComponent(tooltips);\n });\n define(\"app/data/ttft_navigation\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/data/scribe_transport\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function ttftNavigate() {\n this.beforeNewPageLoad = function(a, b) {\n this.log(\"beforeNewPageLoad\", a, b), time = {\n beforeNewPageLoad: +(new JSBNG__Date),\n source: {\n page: this.attr.pageName,\n action: this.attr.sectionName,\n path: window.JSBNG__location.pathname\n }\n };\n }, this.afterPageChanged = function(a, b) {\n this.log(\"afterPageChanged\", a, b), time.afterPageChanged = +(new JSBNG__Date), this.fromCache = !!b.fromCache, this.hookTimelineListener(!0), this.timelineListener = JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n this.hookTimelineListener(!1),;\n }.bind(this), 1), time.ajaxCount = this.ajaxCountdown = $.active, (($.active && this.hookAjaxListener(!0)));\n }, this.timelineRefreshRequest = function(a, b) {\n JSBNG__clearTimeout(this.timelineListener), this.hookTimelineListener(!1), ((b.navigated && (this.listeningForTimeline = !0, this.hookTimelineResults(!0))));\n }, this.timelineSuccess = function(a, b) {\n this.log(\"timelineSuccess\", a, b), this.listeningForTimeline = !1, this.hookTimelineResults(!1), time.timelineSuccess = +(new JSBNG__Date),;\n }, this.timelineError = function(a, b) {\n this.log(\"timelineError\", a, b), this.listeningForTimeline = !1, this.hookTimelineResults(!1),;\n }, this.ajaxComplete = function(a, b) {\n ((--this.ajaxCountdown || (this.log(\"ajaxComplete\", a, b), this.hookAjaxListener(!1), time.ajaxComplete = +(new JSBNG__Date),;\n }, = function() {\n if (((this.ajaxCountdown && time.ajaxCount))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((this.listeningForTimeline && !time.timelineSuccess))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var a = {\n event_name: \"route_time\",\n source_page:,\n source_action: time.source.action,\n source_path: time.source.path,\n dest_page: this.attr.pageName,\n dest_action: this.attr.sectionName,\n dest_path: window.JSBNG__location.pathname,\n cached: this.fromCache,\n start_time: time.beforeNewPageLoad,\n stream_switch_time: time.afterPageChanged,\n stream_complete_time: ((time.timelineSuccess || time.afterPageChanged)),\n ajax_count: time.ajaxCount\n };\n ((time.ajaxCount && (a.ajax_complete_time = time.ajaxComplete))), this.scribeTransport.send(a, \"route_timing\"), this.log(a);\n }, this.log = function() {\n \n }, this.time = function() {\n return time;\n }, this.scribeTransport = scribeTransport, this.hookAjaxListener = function(a) {\n this[((a ? \"JSBNG__on\" : \"off\"))](\"ajaxComplete\", this.ajaxComplete);\n }, this.hookTimelineListener = function(a) {\n this[((a ? \"JSBNG__on\" : \"off\"))](\"uiTimelineShouldRefresh\", this.timelineRefreshRequest);\n }, this.hookTimelineResults = function(a) {\n this[((a ? \"JSBNG__on\" : \"off\"))](\"dataGotMoreTimelineItems\", this.timelineSuccess), this[((a ? \"JSBNG__on\" : \"off\"))](\"dataGotMoreTimelineItemsError\", this.timelineError);\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"uiBeforeNewPageLoad\", this.beforeNewPageLoad), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiPageChanged\", this.afterPageChanged);\n });\n };\n ;\n var component = require(\"core/component\"), scribeTransport = require(\"app/data/scribe_transport\");\n module.exports = component(ttftNavigate);\n var time = {\n };\n });\n define(\"app/data/user_info\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var user = {\n }, userInfo = {\n set: function(a) {\n user.screenName = a.screenName, user.deciders = ((a.deciders || {\n })), user.experiments = ((a.experiments || {\n }));\n },\n reset: function() {\n this.set({\n screenName: null,\n deciders: {\n },\n experiments: {\n }\n });\n },\n user: user,\n getDecider: function(a) {\n return !!user.deciders[a];\n },\n getExperimentGroup: function(a) {\n return user.experiments[a];\n }\n };\n userInfo.reset(), module.exports = userInfo;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/aria_event_logger\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"core/i18n\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function ariaEventLogger() {\n this.MESSAGES = {\n FAVORITED: _(\"Favorited\"),\n UNFAVORITED: _(\"Unfavorited\"),\n RETWEETED: _(\"Retweeted\"),\n UNRETWEETED: _(\"Unretweeted\"),\n EXPANDED: _(\"Expanded\"),\n COLLAPSED: _(\"Collapsed\"),\n RENDERING_CONVERSATION: _(\"Loading conversation.\"),\n CONVERSATION_RENDERED: _(\"Conversation loaded. Press j or k to review Tweets.\"),\n CONVERSATION_START: _(\"Conversation start.\"),\n CONVERSATION_END: _(\"Conversation end.\"),\n NEW_ITEMS_BAR_VISIBLE: _(\"New Tweets available. Press period to review them.\")\n }, this.CLEAR_LOG_EVENTS = [\"uiPageChanged\",\"uiShortcutSelectPrev\",\"uiShortcutSelectNext\",\"uiSelectNext\",\"uiSelectItem\",\"uiShortcutGotoTopOfScreen\",\"uiSelectTopTweet\",].join(\" \"), this.createLog = function() {\n var a = $(\"\\u003Cdiv id=\\\"sr-event-log\\\" class=\\\"visuallyhidden\\\" aria-live=\\\"assertive\\\"\\u003E\\u003C/div\\u003E\");\n $(\"body\").append(a), this.$log = a;\n }, this.logMessage = function(a, b) {\n ((this.$log && (((b || (b = \"assertive\"))), ((((b != this.$log.attr(\"aria-live\"))) && this.$log.attr(\"aria-live\", b))), this.$log.append(((((\"\\u003Cp\\u003E\" + a)) + \"\\u003C/p\\u003E\"))), ((((this.$log.children().length > 3)) && this.$log.children().first().remove())))));\n }, this.logEvent = function(a, b) {\n return function() {\n this.logMessage(this.MESSAGES[a], b);\n }.bind(this);\n }, this.logConversationStart = function(a) {\n var b = $(;\n ((((((b.closest(\".expanded-conversation\").length && !b.prev().length)) && && this.logMessage(this.MESSAGES.CONVERSATION_START, \"polite\")));\n }, this.logConversationEnd = function(a) {\n var b = $(;\n ((((((b.closest(\".expanded-conversation\").length && ! && b.prev().length)) && this.logMessage(this.MESSAGES.CONVERSATION_END, \"polite\")));\n }, this.logCharCountWarning = function(a, b) {\n this.clearLog(), this.logMessage(b.charCount, \"polite\");\n }, this.clearLog = function() {\n ((this.$log && this.$log.html(\"\")));\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiSwiftLoaded\", this.createLog), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiDidFavoriteTweet dataFailedToUnfavoriteTweet\", this.logEvent(\"FAVORITED\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiDidUnfavoriteTweet dataFailedToFavoriteTweet\", this.logEvent(\"UNFAVORITED\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiDidRetweet dataFailedToUnretweet\", this.logEvent(\"RETWEETED\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiDidUnretweet dataFailedToRetweet\", this.logEvent(\"UNRETWEETED\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiHasExpandedTweet\", this.logEvent(\"EXPANDED\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiHasCollapsedTweet\", this.logEvent(\"COLLAPSED\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiRenderingExpandedConversation\", this.logEvent(\"RENDERING_CONVERSATION\", \"polite\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiExpandedConversationRendered\", this.logEvent(\"CONVERSATION_RENDERED\", \"polite\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiNextItemSelected\", this.logConversationEnd), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiPreviousItemSelected\", this.logConversationStart), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiNewItemsBarVisible\", this.logEvent(\"NEW_ITEMS_BAR_VISIBLE\")), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiCharCountWarningVisible\", this.logCharCountWarning), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, this.CLEAR_LOG_EVENTS, this.clearLog);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), _ = require(\"core/i18n\"), ARIAEventLogger = defineComponent(ariaEventLogger);\n module.exports = ARIAEventLogger;\n });\n define(\"app/boot/common\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/utils/auth_token\",\"app/boot/scribing\",\"app/ui/navigation\",\"app/data/navigation\",\"app/ui/language_dropdown\",\"app/ui/google\",\"app/ui/impression_cookies\",\"app/data/promoted_logger\",\"app/ui/message_drawer\",\"app/ui/tooltips\",\"app/data/ttft_navigation\",\"app/utils/cookie\",\"app/utils/querystring\",\"app/data/user_info\",\"app/ui/aria_event_logger\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function shimConsole(a) {\n ((window.JSBNG__console || (window.JSBNG__console = {\n }))), LOG_METHODS.forEach(function(b) {\n if (((a || !JSBNG__console[b]))) {\n JSBNG__console[b] = NO_OP;\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n };\n ;\n function getLoginTime() {\n return ((parseInt(querystring.decode(cookie(\"twll\")).l, 10) || 0));\n };\n ;\n function verifySession() {\n ((((getLoginTime() !== initialLoginTime)) && window.JSBNG__location.reload(!0)));\n };\n ;\n var authToken = require(\"app/utils/auth_token\"), scribing = require(\"app/boot/scribing\"), NavigationUI = require(\"app/ui/navigation\"), NavigationData = require(\"app/data/navigation\"), LanguageDropdown = require(\"app/ui/language_dropdown\"), GoogleAnalytics = require(\"app/ui/google\"), ImpressionCookies = require(\"app/ui/impression_cookies\"), PromotedLogger = require(\"app/data/promoted_logger\"), MessageDrawer = require(\"app/ui/message_drawer\"), Tooltips = require(\"app/ui/tooltips\"), TTFTNavigation = require(\"app/data/ttft_navigation\"), cookie = require(\"app/utils/cookie\"), querystring = require(\"app/utils/querystring\"), userInfo = require(\"app/data/user_info\"), ARIAEventLogger = require(\"app/ui/aria_event_logger\"), ttftNavigationEnabled = !1, LOG_METHODS = [\"log\",\"warn\",\"debug\",\"info\",], NO_OP = function() {\n \n }, initialLoginTime = 0;\n module.exports = function(b) {\n var c = b.environment, d = (([\"production\",\"preflight\",].indexOf(c) > -1));\n shimConsole(d), authToken.set(b.formAuthenticityToken), userInfo.set(b), ImpressionCookies.attachTo(JSBNG__document, {\n noTeardown: !0\n }), GoogleAnalytics.attachTo(JSBNG__document, {\n noTeardown: !0\n }), scribing(b), PromotedLogger.attachTo(JSBNG__document, {\n noTeardown: !0\n });\n var e = ((!!window.JSBNG__history && !!JSBNG__history.pushState));\n ((((b.pushState && e)) && NavigationUI.attachTo(JSBNG__document, {\n viewContainer: b.viewContainer,\n noTeardown: !0\n }))), NavigationData.attachTo(JSBNG__document, {\n init_data: b,\n pushState: b.pushState,\n pushStateSupported: e,\n pushStatePageLimit: b.pushStatePageLimit,\n assetsBasePath: b.assetsBasePath,\n pushStateRequestHeaders: b.pushStateRequestHeaders,\n viewContainer: b.viewContainer,\n noTeardown: !0\n }), Tooltips.attachTo(JSBNG__document, {\n noTeardown: !0\n }), MessageDrawer.attachTo(\"#message-drawer\", {\n noTeardown: !0\n }), ARIAEventLogger.attachTo(JSBNG__document, {\n noTeardown: !0\n }), ((b.loggedIn || LanguageDropdown.attachTo(\".js-language-dropdown\"))), ((((b.initialState && b.initialState.ttft_navigation)) && (ttftNavigationEnabled = !0))), ((ttftNavigationEnabled && TTFTNavigation.attachTo(JSBNG__document, {\n pageName: b.pageName,\n sectionName: b.sectionName\n }))), ((b.loggedIn && (initialLoginTime = getLoginTime(), JSBNG__setInterval(verifySession, 10000))));\n };\n });\n define(\"app/ui/with_position\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function Position() {\n this.adjacent = function(a, b, c) {\n var d, e;\n c = ((c || {\n })), d = e = b.offset(), e.gravity = c.gravity, e.weight = c.weight;\n var f = {\n height: b.JSBNG__outerHeight(),\n width: b.JSBNG__outerWidth()\n }, g = {\n height: a.JSBNG__outerHeight(),\n width: a.JSBNG__outerWidth()\n }, h = {\n height: $(window).height(),\n width: $(window).width()\n }, i = {\n height: $(\"body\").height(),\n width: $(\"body\").width()\n };\n return ((e.gravity || (e.gravity = \"vertical\"))), ((((\"vertical,north,south\".indexOf(e.gravity) != -1)) && (((((\"right,left,center\".indexOf(e.weight) == -1)) && (e.weight = ((((d.left > ((h.width / 2)))) ? \"right\" : \"left\"))))), ((((e.gravity == \"vertical\")) && (e.gravity = ((((((d.JSBNG__top + g.height)) > (($(window).scrollTop() + h.height)))) ? \"south\" : \"north\"))))), ((((c.position == \"relative\")) && (d = {\n left: 0,\n JSBNG__top: 0\n }, e.left = 0))), ((((e.weight == \"right\")) ? e.left = ((((d.left - g.width)) + f.width)) : ((((e.weight == \"center\")) && (e.left = ((d.left - ((((g.width - f.width)) / 2))))))))), e.JSBNG__top = ((((e.gravity == \"north\")) ? ((d.JSBNG__top + f.height)) : ((d.JSBNG__top - g.height))))))), ((((\"horizontal,east,west\".indexOf(e.gravity) != -1)) && (((((\"top,bottom,center\".indexOf(e.weight) == -1)) && ((((((d.JSBNG__top - ((g.height / 2)))) < 0)) ? e.weight = \"JSBNG__top\" : ((((((d.JSBNG__top + ((g.height / 2)))) > Math.max(h.height, i.height))) ? e.weight = \"bottom\" : e.weight = \"center\")))))), ((((e.gravity == \"horizontal\")) && (e.gravity = ((((((d.left + ((f.width / 2)))) > ((h.width / 2)))) ? \"east\" : \"west\"))))), ((((c.position == \"relative\")) && (d = {\n left: 0,\n JSBNG__top: 0\n }, e.JSBNG__top = 0))), ((((e.weight == \"center\")) ? e.JSBNG__top = ((((d.JSBNG__top + ((f.height / 2)))) - ((g.height / 2)))) : ((((e.weight == \"bottom\")) && (e.JSBNG__top = ((((d.JSBNG__top - g.height)) + f.height))))))), e.left = ((((e.gravity == \"west\")) ? ((d.left + f.width)) : ((d.left - g.width))))))), e;\n };\n };\n ;\n module.exports = Position;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/with_scrollbar_width\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function ScrollbarWidth() {\n this.calculateScrollbarWidth = function() {\n if ((($(\"#scrollbar-width\").length > 0))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var a = $(\"\\u003Cdiv class=\\\"modal-measure-scrollbar\\\"/\\u003E\").prependTo($(\"body\")), b = $(\"\\u003Cdiv class=\\\"inner\\\"/\\u003E\").appendTo(a), c = ((a.width() - b.width()));\n a.remove(), $(\"head\").append(((((((((\"\\u003Cstyle id=\\\"scrollbar-width\\\"\\u003E .compensate-for-scrollbar, .modal-enabled, .modal-enabled .global-nav-inner, .profile-editing, .profile-editing .global-nav-inner, .gallery-enabled, .grid-enabled, .grid-enabled .global-nav-inner, .gallery-enabled .global-nav-inner { margin-right: \" + c)) + \"px } .grid-header { right: \")) + c)) + \"px } \\u003C/style\\u003E\")));\n };\n };\n ;\n module.exports = ScrollbarWidth;\n });\n deferred(\"$lib/jquery.JSBNG__event.drag.js\", function() {\n (function($) {\n $.fn.drag = function(a, b, c) {\n var d = ((((typeof a == \"string\")) ? a : \"\")), e = (($.isFunction(a) ? a : (($.isFunction(b) ? b : null))));\n return ((((d.indexOf(\"drag\") !== 0)) && (d = ((\"drag\" + d))))), c = ((((((a == e)) ? b : c)) || {\n })), ((e ? this.bind(d, c, e) : this.trigger(d)));\n };\n var a = $.JSBNG__event, b = a.special, c = b.drag = {\n defaults: {\n which: 1,\n distance: 0,\n not: \":input\",\n handle: null,\n relative: !1,\n drop: !0,\n click: !1\n },\n datakey: \"dragdata\",\n livekey: \"livedrag\",\n add: function(b) {\n var d = $.data(this, c.datakey), e = (( || {\n }));\n d.related += 1, ((((! && b.selector)) && ( = !0, a.add(this, ((\"draginit.\" + c.livekey)), c.delegate)))), $.each(c.defaults, function(a, b) {\n ((((e[a] !== undefined)) && (d[a] = e[a])));\n });\n },\n remove: function() {\n $.data(this, c.datakey).related -= 1;\n },\n setup: function() {\n if ($.data(this, c.datakey)) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var b = $.extend({\n related: 0\n }, c.defaults);\n $.data(this, c.datakey, b), a.add(this, \"mousedown\", c.init, b), ((this.JSBNG__attachEvent && this.JSBNG__attachEvent(\"JSBNG__ondragstart\", c.dontstart)));\n },\n teardown: function() {\n if ($.data(this, c.datakey).related) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n $.removeData(this, c.datakey), a.remove(this, \"mousedown\", c.init), a.remove(this, \"draginit\", c.delegate), c.textselect(!0), ((this.JSBNG__detachEvent && this.JSBNG__detachEvent(\"JSBNG__ondragstart\", c.dontstart)));\n },\n init: function(d) {\n var e =, f;\n if (((((e.which > 0)) && ((d.which != e.which))))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if ($( {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n if (((e.handle && !$(, d.currentTarget).length))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e.propagates = 1, e.interactions = [c.interaction(this, e),], =, e.pageX = d.pageX, e.pageY = d.pageY, e.dragging = null, f = c.hijack(d, \"draginit\", e);\n if (!e.propagates) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n return f = c.flatten(f), ((((f && f.length)) && (e.interactions = [], $.each(f, function() {\n e.interactions.push(c.interaction(this, e));\n })))), e.propagates = e.interactions.length, ((((((e.drop !== !1)) && b.drop)) && b.drop.handler(d, e))), c.textselect(!1), a.add(JSBNG__document, \"mousemove mouseup\", c.handler, e), !1;\n },\n interaction: function(a, b) {\n return {\n drag: a,\n callback: new c.callback,\n droppable: [],\n offset: (($(a)[((b.relative ? \"position\" : \"offset\"))]() || {\n JSBNG__top: 0,\n left: 0\n }))\n };\n },\n handler: function(d) {\n var e =;\n switch (d.type) {\n case ((!e.dragging && \"mousemove\")):\n if (((((Math.pow(((d.pageX - e.pageX)), 2) + Math.pow(((d.pageY - e.pageY)), 2))) < Math.pow(e.distance, 2)))) {\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n =, c.hijack(d, \"dragstart\", e), ((e.propagates && (e.dragging = !0)));\n case \"mousemove\":\n if (e.dragging) {\n c.hijack(d, \"drag\", e);\n if (e.propagates) {\n ((((((e.drop !== !1)) && b.drop)) && b.drop.handler(d, e)));\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n d.type = \"mouseup\";\n }\n ;\n ;\n ;\n case \"mouseup\":\n a.remove(JSBNG__document, \"mousemove mouseup\", c.handler), ((e.dragging && (((((((e.drop !== !1)) && b.drop)) && b.drop.handler(d, e))), c.hijack(d, \"dragend\", e)))), c.textselect(!0), (((((( === !1)) && e.dragging)) && ($.JSBNG__event.triggered = !0, JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n $.JSBNG__event.triggered = !1;\n }, 20), e.dragging = !1)));\n };\n ;\n },\n delegate: function(b) {\n var d = [], e, f = (($.data(this, \"events\") || {\n }));\n return $.each((( || [])), function(f, g) {\n if (((g.preType.indexOf(\"drag\") !== 0))) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n e = $(, b.currentTarget)[0];\n if (!e) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n a.add(e, ((((g.origType + \".\")) + c.livekey)), g.origHandler,, (((($.inArray(e, d) < 0)) && d.push(e)));\n }), ((d.length ? $(d).bind(((\"dragend.\" + c.livekey)), function() {\n a.remove(this, ((\".\" + c.livekey)));\n }) : !1));\n },\n hijack: function(b, d, e, f, g) {\n if (!e) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var h = {\n JSBNG__event: b.originalEvent,\n type: b.type\n }, i = ((d.indexOf(\"drop\") ? \"drag\" : \"drop\")), j, k = ((f || 0)), l, m, n, o = ((isNaN(f) ? e.interactions.length : f));\n b.type = d, b.originalEvent = null, e.results = [];\n do if (l = e.interactions[k]) {\n if (((((d !== \"dragend\")) && l.cancelled))) {\n continue;\n }\n ;\n ;\n n =, e, l), l.results = [], $(((((g || l[i])) || e.droppable))).each(function(f, g) {\n = g, j = ((g ?, b, n) : null)), ((((j === !1)) ? (((((i == \"drag\")) && (l.cancelled = !0, e.propagates -= 1))), ((((d == \"drop\")) && (l[i][f] = null)))) : ((((d == \"dropinit\")) && l.droppable.push(((c.element(j) || g))))))), ((((d == \"dragstart\")) && (l.proxy = $(((c.element(j) || l.drag)))[0]))), l.results.push(j), delete b.result;\n if (((d !== \"dropinit\"))) {\n return j;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }), e.results[k] = c.flatten(l.results), ((((d == \"dropinit\")) && (l.droppable = c.flatten(l.droppable)))), ((((((d == \"dragstart\")) && !l.cancelled)) && n.update()));\n }\n while (((++k < o)));\n return b.type = h.type, b.originalEvent = h.JSBNG__event, c.flatten(e.results);\n },\n properties: function(a, b, d) {\n var e = d.callback;\n return e.drag = d.drag, e.proxy = ((d.proxy || d.drag)), e.startX = b.pageX, e.startY = b.pageY, e.deltaX = ((a.pageX - b.pageX)), e.deltaY = ((a.pageY - b.pageY)), e.originalX = d.offset.left, e.originalY = d.offset.JSBNG__top, e.offsetX = ((a.pageX - ((b.pageX - e.originalX)))), e.offsetY = ((a.pageY - ((b.pageY - e.originalY)))), e.drop = c.flatten(((d.drop || [])).slice()), e.available = c.flatten(((d.droppable || [])).slice()), e;\n },\n element: function(a) {\n if (((a && ((a.jquery || ((a.nodeType == 1))))))) {\n return a;\n }\n ;\n ;\n },\n flatten: function(a) {\n return $.map(a, function(a) {\n return ((((a && a.jquery)) ? $.makeArray(a) : ((((a && a.length)) ? c.flatten(a) : a))));\n });\n },\n textselect: function(a) {\n $(JSBNG__document)[((a ? \"unbind\" : \"bind\"))](\"selectstart\", c.dontstart).attr(\"unselectable\", ((a ? \"off\" : \"JSBNG__on\"))).css(\"MozUserSelect\", ((a ? \"\" : \"none\")));\n },\n dontstart: function() {\n return !1;\n },\n callback: function() {\n \n }\n };\n c.callback.prototype = {\n update: function() {\n ((((b.drop && this.available.length)) && $.each(this.available, function(a) {\n b.drop.locate(this, a);\n })));\n }\n }, b.draginit = b.dragstart = b.dragend = c;\n })(jQuery);\n });\n define(\"app/ui/with_dialog\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/compose\",\"app/ui/with_scrollbar_width\",\"$lib/jquery.JSBNG__event.drag.js\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function withDialog() {\n compose.mixin(this, [withScrollbarWidth,]), = function(a) {\n var b = $(window), c = {\n JSBNG__top: parseInt(((((b.height() - a.JSBNG__outerHeight())) / 2))),\n left: parseInt(((((b.width() - a.JSBNG__outerWidth())) / 2)))\n };\n return c;\n }, this.windowHeight = function() {\n return $(window).height();\n }, this.scrollTop = function() {\n return $(window).scrollTop();\n }, this.position = function() {\n var a =$dialog);\n ((((this.attr.JSBNG__top != null)) && (a.JSBNG__top = this.attr.JSBNG__top))), ((((this.attr.left != null)) && (a.left = this.attr.left))), ((((this.attr.maxTop != null)) && (a.JSBNG__top = Math.min(a.JSBNG__top, this.attr.maxTop)))), ((((this.attr.maxLeft != null)) && (a.left = Math.min(a.left, this.attr.maxLeft)))), (((($(\"body\").attr(\"dir\") === \"rtl\")) ? this.$dialog.css({\n JSBNG__top: a.JSBNG__top,\n right: a.left\n }) : this.$dialog.css({\n JSBNG__top: a.JSBNG__top,\n left: a.left\n }))), ((((this.windowHeight() < this.$dialog.JSBNG__outerHeight())) ? (this.$dialog.css(\"position\", \"absolute\"), this.$dialog.css(\"JSBNG__top\", ((this.scrollTop() + \"px\")))) : ((((this.attr.fixed === !1)) && this.$dialog.css(\"JSBNG__top\", ((a.JSBNG__top + this.scrollTop())))))));\n }, this.resize = function() {\n ((this.attr.width && this.$dialog.css(\"width\", this.attr.width))), ((this.attr.height && this.$dialog.css(\"height\", this.attr.height)));\n }, this.applyDraggability = function() {\n if (!this.$dialog.hasClass(\"draggable\")) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var a = this, b = {\n relative: !0,\n handle: \".modal-header\"\n }, c = function(a, b) {\n (((($(\"body\").attr(\"dir\") === \"rtl\")) ? this.$dialog.css({\n JSBNG__top: b.offsetY,\n right: ((b.originalX - b.deltaX))\n }) : this.$dialog.css({\n JSBNG__top: b.offsetY,\n left: b.offsetX\n })));\n };\n this.$dialog.drag(\"start\", function() {\n a.$dialog.addClass(\"unselectable\"), $(\"#doc\").addClass(\"unselectable\");\n }), this.$dialog.drag(\"end\", function() {\n a.$dialog.removeClass(\"unselectable\"), $(\"#doc\").removeClass(\"unselectable\");\n }), this.$dialog.drag(c.bind(this), b);\n }, this.setFocus = function() {\n var a = this.$dialog.JSBNG__find(\".primary-btn\");\n ((((a.length &&\":not(:disabled)\"))) && a.JSBNG__focus()));\n }, this.hasFocus = function() {\n return (($.contains(this.node, JSBNG__document.activeElement) || ((this.node == JSBNG__document.activeElement))));\n }, this.JSBNG__blur = function() {\n ((this.hasFocus() && JSBNG__document.activeElement.JSBNG__blur()));\n }, this.isOpen = function() {\n if (((((window.DEBUG && window.DEBUG.enabled)) && ((this.openState !== this.$\":visible\")))))) {\n throw new Error(\"Dialog markup and internal openState variable are out of sync.\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n return this.openState;\n }, this.dialogVisible = function() {\n this.trigger(\"uiDialogFadeInComplete\");\n }, = function() {\n ((this.isOpen() || (this.openState = !0, this.$dialogContainer.fadeIn(\"fast\", this.dialogVisible.bind(this)), this.calculateScrollbarWidth(), $(\"body\").addClass(\"modal-enabled\"), this.resize(), this.position(), this.applyDraggability(), this.setFocus(), this.trigger(\"uiCloseDropdowns\"), this.trigger(\"uiDialogOpened\"))));\n }, this.afterClose = function() {\n (($(\".modal-container:visible\").length || $(\"body\").removeClass(\"modal-enabled\"))), this.openState = !1, this.trigger(\"uiDialogClosed\");\n }, this.blurAndClose = function() {\n this.JSBNG__blur(), this.$dialogContainer.fadeOut(\"fast\", this.afterClose.bind(this));\n }, this.blurAndCloseImmediately = function() {\n this.JSBNG__blur(), this.$dialogContainer.hide(), this.afterClose();\n }, this.close = function() {\n if (!this.isOpen()) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.trigger(this.node, {\n type: \"uiDialogCloseRequested\",\n defaultBehavior: \"blurAndClose\"\n });\n }, this.closeImmediately = function() {\n ((this.isOpen() && this.blurAndCloseImmediately()));\n }, this.triggerClicked = function(a) {\n a.preventDefault(),;\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.openState = !1, this.$dialogContainer = ((this.$dialog || this.$node)), this.$dialog = this.$dialogContainer.JSBNG__find(\"div.modal\"), this.attr.closeSelector = ((this.attr.closeSelector || \".modal-close, .close-modal-background-target\")), this.JSBNG__on(\"closeSelector\"), \"click\", this.close), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiShortcutEsc uiCloseDialog\", this.close), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiBeforePageChanged\", this.closeImmediately), ((this.attr.triggerSelector && this.JSBNG__on(this.attr.triggerSelector, \"click\", this.triggerClicked)));\n });\n };\n ;\n var compose = require(\"core/compose\"), withScrollbarWidth = require(\"app/ui/with_scrollbar_width\");\n require(\"$lib/jquery.JSBNG__event.drag.js\"), module.exports = withDialog;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/dialogs/signin_or_signup\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/ui/with_position\",\"app/ui/with_dialog\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function signinOrSignupDialog() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n dialogSelector: \"#signin-or-signup\",\n signupOnlyScreenNameSelector: \".modal-title.signup-only span\"\n }), this.openSigninDialog = function(a, b) {\n ((b.signUpOnly ? (this.$node.addClass(\"signup-only-dialog\"),\"dialogSelector\").addClass(\"signup-only\").removeClass(\"not-signup-only\"), ((b.screenName &&\"signupOnlyScreenNameSelector\").text(b.screenName)))) : (this.$node.removeClass(\"signup-only-dialog\"),\"dialogSelector\").addClass(\"not-signup-only\").removeClass(\"signup-only\")))),, this.trigger(\"uiSigninOrSignupDialogOpened\");\n }, this.notifyClosed = function() {\n this.trigger(\"uiSigninOrSignupDialogClosed\");\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function(a) {\n this.$dialog =\"dialogSelector\"), this.$dialog.JSBNG__find(\"form.signup\").bind(\"submit\", function() {\n this.trigger(\"uiSignupButtonClicked\");\n }.bind(this)), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiOpenSigninOrSignupDialog\", this.openSigninDialog), this.JSBNG__on(JSBNG__document, \"uiCloseSigninOrSignupDialog\", this.close), this.JSBNG__on(this.$node, \"uiDialogClosed\", this.notifyClosed);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), withPosition = require(\"app/ui/with_position\"), withDialog = require(\"app/ui/with_dialog\"), SigninOrSignupDialog = defineComponent(signinOrSignupDialog, withDialog, withPosition);\n module.exports = SigninOrSignupDialog;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/forms/input_with_placeholder\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function inputWithPlaceholder() {\n this.defaultAttrs({\n hidePlaceholderClassName: \"hasome\",\n placeholder: \".holder\",\n elementType: \"input\"\n }), this.focusInput = function(a) {\n this.$input.JSBNG__focus();\n }, this.inputBlurred = function(a) {\n if (((this.$input.val() == \"\"))) {\n return this.$node.removeClass(this.attr.hidePlaceholderClassName), !0;\n }\n ;\n ;\n }, this.checkForChange = function() {\n ((this.inputBlurred() || this.inputChanged()));\n }, this.inputChanged = function(a) {\n this.$node.addClass(this.attr.hidePlaceholderClassName);\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.$input =\"elementType\");\n if (((this.$input.length != 1))) {\n throw new Error(\"InputWithPlaceholder must be attached to a container with exactly one input element inside of it\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.$placeholder =\"placeholder\");\n if (((this.$placeholder.length != 1))) {\n throw new Error(\"InputWithPlaceholder must be attached to a container with exactly one placeholder element inside of it\");\n }\n ;\n ;\n this.JSBNG__on(this.$input, \"JSBNG__blur\", this.inputBlurred), this.JSBNG__on(this.$input, \"keydown paste\", this.inputChanged), this.JSBNG__on(this.$placeholder, \"click\", this.focusInput), this.JSBNG__on(this.$input, \"uiInputChanged\", this.checkForChange), this.checkForChange();\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), InputWithPlaceholder = defineComponent(inputWithPlaceholder);\n module.exports = InputWithPlaceholder;\n });\n define(\"app/ui/signup_call_out\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function signupCallOut() {\n this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.$node.bind(\"submit\", function() {\n this.trigger(\"uiSignupButtonClicked\");\n }.bind(this));\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), SignupCallOut = defineComponent(signupCallOut);\n module.exports = SignupCallOut;\n });\n define(\"app/data/signup_click_scribe\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",\"app/data/with_scribe\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function loggedOutScribe() {\n this.scribeSignupClick = function(a, b) {\n this.scribe({\n action: \"signup_click\"\n }, b);\n }, this.scribeSigninOrSignupDialogOpened = function(a, b) {\n this.scribe({\n action: \"open\"\n }, b);\n }, this.scribeSigninOrSignupDialogClosed = function(a, b) {\n this.scribe({\n action: \"close\"\n }, b);\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"uiSignupButtonClicked\", this.scribeSignupClick), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiSigninOrSignupDialogOpened\", this.scribeSigninOrSignupDialogOpened), this.JSBNG__on(\"uiSigninOrSignupDialogClosed\", this.scribeSigninOrSignupDialogClosed);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\"), withScribe = require(\"app/data/with_scribe\");\n module.exports = defineComponent(loggedOutScribe, withScribe);\n });\n define(\"app/ui/signup/stream_end_signup_module\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"core/component\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function streamEndSignupModule() {\n this.triggerSignupClick = function() {\n this.trigger(\"uiSignupButtonClicked\");\n }, this.after(\"initialize\", function() {\n this.JSBNG__on(\"click\", this.triggerSignupClick);\n });\n };\n ;\n var defineComponent = require(\"core/component\");\n module.exports = defineComponent(streamEndSignupModule);\n });\n define(\"app/boot/logged_out\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/ui/dialogs/signin_or_signup\",\"app/ui/forms/input_with_placeholder\",\"app/ui/signup_call_out\",\"app/data/signup_click_scribe\",\"app/ui/signup/stream_end_signup_module\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n var SigninOrSignupDialog = require(\"app/ui/dialogs/signin_or_signup\"), InputWithPlaceholder = require(\"app/ui/forms/input_with_placeholder\"), SignupCallOut = require(\"app/ui/signup_call_out\"), LoggedOutScribe = require(\"app/data/signup_click_scribe\"), StreamEndSignupModule = require(\"app/ui/signup/stream_end_signup_module\");\n module.exports = function(b) {\n InputWithPlaceholder.attachTo(\"#signin-or-signup-dialog .holding, .profile-signup-call-out .holding, .search-signup-call-out .holding\"), SigninOrSignupDialog.attachTo(\"#signin-or-signup-dialog\", {\n eventData: {\n scribeContext: {\n component: \"auth_dialog\",\n element: \"unauth_follow\"\n }\n }\n }), SignupCallOut.attachTo(\".signup-call-out form.signup\", {\n eventData: {\n scribeContext: {\n component: \"signup_callout\",\n element: \"form\"\n }\n }\n }), StreamEndSignupModule.attachTo(\".stream-end .signup-btn\", {\n eventData: {\n scribeContext: {\n component: \"stream_end\",\n element: \"signup_button\"\n }\n }\n }), LoggedOutScribe.attachTo(JSBNG__document);\n };\n });\n define(\"app/utils/ttft\", [\"module\",\"require\",\"exports\",\"app/data/scribe_transport\",], function(module, require, exports) {\n function scribeTTFTData(a, b) {\n if (((((!recorded && window.JSBNG__performance)) && a))) {\n recorded = !0;\n var c = a;\n c.did_load = b, c.web_timings = $.extend({\n }, window.JSBNG__performance.timing), ((c.web_timings.toJSON && delete c.web_timings.toJSON)), c.navigation = {\n type: window.JSBNG__performance.navigation.type,\n redirectCount: window.JSBNG__performance.navigation.redirectCount\n }, c.referrer = JSBNG__document.referrer, scribeTransport.send(c, \"swift_time_to_first_tweet\", !1), using(\"app/utils/params\", function(a) {\n if (a.fromQuery(window.JSBNG__location).show_ttft) {\n var b = c.web_timings;\n $(JSBNG__document).trigger(\"uiShowError\", {\n message: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((\"\\u003Ctable width=80%\\u003E\\u003Cthead\\u003E\\u003Cth\\u003Emilestone\\u003Cth\\u003Etime\\u003Cth\\u003Ecumulative\\u003C/thead\\u003E\\u003Ctbody\\u003E\\u003Ctr\\u003E\\u003Ctd\\u003Econnect: \\u003Ctd\\u003E\" + ((b.connectEnd - b.navigationStart)))) + \"\\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((b.connectEnd - b.navigationStart)))) + \"\\u003C/tr\\u003E\")) + \"\\u003Ctr\\u003E\\u003Ctd\\u003Eprocess: \\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((b.responseStart - b.connectEnd)))) + \"\\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((b.responseStart - b.navigationStart)))) + \"\\u003C/tr\\u003E\")) + \"\\u003Ctr\\u003E\\u003Ctd\\u003Eresponse: \\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((b.responseEnd - b.responseStart)))) + \"\\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((b.responseEnd - b.navigationStart)))) + \"\\u003C/tr\\u003E\")) + \"\\u003Ctr\\u003E\\u003Ctd\\u003Erender: \\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((c.client_record_time - b.responseEnd)))) + \"\\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((c.client_record_time - b.navigationStart)))) + \"\\u003C/tr\\u003E\")) + \"\\u003Ctr\\u003E\\u003Ctd\\u003Einteractivity: \\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((c.aq_empty_time - c.client_record_time)))) + \"\\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((c.aq_empty_time - b.navigationStart)))) + \"\\u003C/tr\\u003E\")) + \"\\u003Ctr\\u003E\\u003Ctd\\u003Eajax_complete: \\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((c.ajax_complete_time - c.aq_empty_time)))) + \"\\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + ((c.ajax_complete_time - b.navigationStart)))) + \"\\u003C/tr\\u003E\")) + \"\\u003Ctr\\u003E\\u003Ctd\\u003Eajax_count: \\u003Ctd\\u003E\")) + c.ajax_count)) + \"\\u003C/tr\\u003E\")) + \"\\u003C/tbody\\u003E\\u003C/table\\u003E\"))\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n });\n try {\n delete window.ttft;\n } catch (d) {\n window.ttft = undefined;\n };\n ;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n function scribeMilestones(a) {\n if (!window.ttftData) {\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n var b = !0;\n for (var c = 0; ((c < requiredMilestones.length)); ++c) {\n if (!((requiredMilestones[c] in window.ttftData))) {\n b = !1;\n break;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n ((((a || b)) && scribeTTFTData(window.ttftData, b)));\n };\n ;\n function onAjaxComplete(a, b, c) {\n if (((c && ((c.url in newAjaxRequests))))) {\n for (var d = 0; ((d < newAjaxRequests[c.url].length)); d++) {\n if (((c === newAjaxRequests[c.url][d]))) {\n newAjaxRequests[c.url].splice(d, 1);\n return;\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n }\n ;\n ;\n pendingAjaxCount--;\n if (((((pendingAjaxCount == 0)) || (($.active == 0))))) {\n unbindAjaxHandlers(), recordPendingAjaxComplete();\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n function onAjaxSend(a, b, c) {\n ((((c && c.url)) && (((newAjaxRequests[c.url] || (newAjaxRequests[c.url] = []))), newAjaxRequests[c.url].push(c))));\n };\n ;\n function recordPendingAjaxComplete() {\n recordMilestone(\"ajax_complete_time\", (new JSBNG__Date).getTime());\n };\n ;\n function bindAjaxHandlers() {\n $(JSBNG__document).bind(\"ajaxComplete\", onAjaxComplete), $(JSBNG__document).bind(\"ajaxSend\", onAjaxSend);\n };\n ;\n function unbindAjaxHandlers() {\n $(JSBNG__document).unbind(\"ajaxComplete\", onAjaxComplete), $(JSBNG__document).unbind(\"ajaxSend\", onAjaxSend);\n };\n ;\n function startAjaxTracking() {\n startingAjaxCount = pendingAjaxCount = $.active, recordMilestone(\"ajax_count\", startingAjaxCount), ((((startingAjaxCount == 0)) ? recordPendingAjaxComplete() : (unbindAjaxHandlers(), bindAjaxHandlers())));\n };\n ;\n function recordMilestone(a, b) {\n ((((window.ttftData && !window.ttftData[a])) && (window.ttftData[a] = b))), scribeMilestones(!1);\n };\n ;\n var scribeTransport = require(\"app/data/scribe_transport\"), recorded = !1, requiredMilestones = [\"page\",\"client_record_time\",\"aq_empty_time\",\"ajax_complete_time\",\"ajax_count\",], startingAjaxCount = 0, pendingAjaxCount = 0, newAjaxRequests = {\n };\n window.ttft = {\n recordMilestone: recordMilestone\n }, scribeMilestones(!1), JSBNG__setTimeout(function() {\n scribeMilestones(!0);\n }, 45000), module.exports = {\n startAjaxTracking: startAjaxTracking\n };\n });\n function makePromptSpanPage(a) {\n ((a.length && a.prependTo(\"#page-container\").css({\n padding: 0,\n border: 0\n })));\n };\n;\n using.path = $(\"#swift-module-path\").val();\n makePromptSpanPage($(\"div[data-prompt-id=\\\"262\\\"]\"));\n ((using.aliases && using.bundles.push(using.aliases)));\n $(\".loadrunner-alias\").each(function(a, b) {\n using.bundles.push(JSON.parse($(b).val()));\n });\n using(\"debug/debug\", function(a) {\n function b() {\n function d() {\n c.forEach(function(a) {\n a(b);\n });\n var a = $(JSBNG__document);\n a.JSBNG__on(\"uiSwiftLoaded uiPageChanged\", function() {\n window.__swift_loaded = !0;\n });\n a.JSBNG__on(\"uiBeforeNewPageLoad\", function() {\n window.__swift_loaded = !1;\n });\n $(\"html\").removeClass(b.baseFoucClass);\n a.trigger(\"uiSwiftLoaded\");\n ((window.swiftActionQueue && window.swiftActionQueue.flush($)));\n if (window.ttftData) {\n ((window.ttft && window.ttft.recordMilestone(\"aq_empty_time\", (new JSBNG__Date).getTime())));\n using(\"app/utils/ttft\", function(a) {\n a.startAjaxTracking();\n });\n }\n ;\n ;\n };\n ;\n var a = $(\"#init-data\").val(), b = JSON.parse(a), c = $.makeArray(arguments);\n ((b.moreCSSBundle ? using(((\"css!\" + b.moreCSSBundle)), d) : d()));\n };\n ;\n if ($(\"html\").hasClass(\"debug\")) {\n window.DEBUG = a;\n a.enable(!0);\n }\n else a.enable(!1);\n ;\n ;\n var c = $(\"input.swift-boot-module\").map(function(a, b) {\n return $(b).val();\n }).toArray();\n using.apply(this, c.concat(b));\n });\n} catch (JSBNG_ex) {\n\n};");
// 869
// 875
cb(); return null; }
finalize(); })();