blob: e063347d109e19d0d5ff93ce8993287acf4090bf [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<div id="testDiv"></div>
description("Tests functionality of sin, cos, tan, e and pi");
var element = document.getElementById("testDiv");
function testProperty(propertyName)
function testValue(expression, computedValue)
debug('');[propertyName] = '999px';
evalAndLog(`["${propertyName}"] = "${expression}"`);
var value = Math.round(getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(propertyName).slice(0,-2));
shouldBe(`${value}`, computedValue);
//Test pi
testValue('calc(sin(pi/2) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(cos(pi - 3.14159265358979323846) * 100px)', '100');
//Test e
testValue('calc(cos(e - 2.7182818284590452354) * 100px)', '100');
//Test units
testValue('calc(sin(30deg + 1.0471967rad ) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(cos(30deg - 0.523599rad ) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(sin(3.14159 / 2 + 1 - 1) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(sin(100grad) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(cos(0 / 2 + 1 - 1) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(tan(30deg + 0.261799rad ) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(tan(0.7853975rad ) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(tan(3.14159 / 4 + 1 - 1) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(sin(0.25turn) * 100px)', '100');
//Test nesting
testValue('calc(cos(sin(cos(pi) + 1)) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(sin(tan(pi/4)*pi/2) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(sin(tan(pi/4)*pi/2) * 100px)', '100');
testValue('calc(sin(tan(pi/4)*pi/2) * 100px)', '100');