blob: 6919c04c04464d8021d4aa62779686fdd0935a47 [file] [log] [blame]
<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" id="svg-root"
width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 480 360"
xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!--= SVG 1.1 2nd Edition Test Case =-->
<!--= Copyright 2009 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for =-->
<!--= Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), Keio University). =-->
<!--= All Rights Reserved. =-->
<!--= See =-->
<d:SVGTestCase xmlns:d=""
template-version="1.4" reviewer="CL" author="Tim Thompson" status="issue"
version="$Revision: 1.9 $" testname="$RCSfile: color-prof-01-f.svg,v $">
<d:testDescription xmlns="" href="">
The purpose of this test is to determine if an application can apply ICC
color profiles to raster images. The same image is displayed twice; a color profile
is applied to one by the SVG, so that the colors change.
<!-- the issue is that SVG 1.1 does not require ICC color profile support, it is optional.
So the pass criteria are incorrect. In fact, this is untestable as the feature is purely
optional and does not correspond to a named conformance class.
Fixed in the SVG Color module.
<d:operatorScript xmlns="">
Run the test. No interaction required.
<d:passCriteria xmlns="">
If the two images (each of 9 colored squares) look identical, the test fails.
If the colours in the lower right image are more saturated, brighter versions of
those in the top left image, as shown by the reference image, the test is passed.
<title id="test-title">$RCSfile: color-prof-01-f.svg,v $</title>
<font-face font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII" unicode-range="U+0-7F">
<font-face-uri xlink:href="../resources/SVGFreeSans.svg#ascii"/>
<g id="test-body-content" font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-size="18">
<color-profile id="changeColor" name="changeColor" xlink:href="../images/changeColor.ICM"/>
<image id="image1PNG" x="30" y="0" width="190" height="190" xlink:href="../images/colorprof.png"/>
<image color-profile="changeColor" id="image2" x="260" y="90" width="190" height="190" xlink:href="../images/colorprof.png"/>
<text font-family="Arial" font-size="12" x="250" y="20">
Basic test of ICC profile with an image.
<g font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-size="32">
<text id="revision" x="10" y="340" stroke="none" fill="black">$Revision: 1.9 $</text>
<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>
<!-- comment out this watermark once the test is approved -->
<g id="draft-watermark">
<rect x="1" y="1" width="478" height="20" fill="red" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"/>
<text font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="20" x="240"
text-anchor="middle" y="18" stroke-width="0.5" stroke="black" fill="white">DRAFT</text>