blob: 7c62ff200a6a2a6e27a7a6047d6211b4df64b368 [file] [log] [blame]
// Start the bidding at 42 for no particular reason.
const FILE_PROTOCOL = "file:";
var lastID = 42;
var g_shouldEllipsizeFileURLPaths = false;
function setShouldEllipsizeFileURLPaths(shouldEllipsizeFileURLPaths)
g_shouldEllipsizeFileURLPaths = true;
// Simplifies file URL comparisons by ellipsizing everything except the basename of the file,
// and normalizing to a Unix-style path. Note that this algorithm does not preserve path
// hierarchy (e.g. file:///a => file:///.../a), but it is good enough for our purposes.
function canonicalizedPathname(pathname)
const NOT_FOUND = 0;
let positionAfterLastSlash = pathname.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1; // Windows path separator
if (positionAfterLastSlash === NOT_FOUND)
positionAfterLastSlash = pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1;
return "/.../" + (positionAfterLastSlash === NOT_FOUND ? pathname : pathname.substr(positionAfterLastSlash));
function canonicalize(url)
// It would be more elegant to use the DOM here, but we use document.write()
// so the tests run correctly in Firefox.
var id = ++lastID;
document.write("<a id='" + id + "' href='" + url + "'></a>");
let result = document.getElementById(id).href;
if (url !== "." && g_shouldEllipsizeFileURLPaths && result.startsWith(FILE_PROTOCOL))
return FILE_PROTOCOL + "//" + canonicalizedPathname(result.substr(FILE_PROTOCOL.length));
return result;
function setBaseURL(url)
// It would be more elegant to use the DOM here, but we chose document.write()
// so the tests ran correctly in Firefox at the time we originally wrote them.
// Remove any existing base elements.
var existingBase = document.getElementsByTagName('base');
while (existingBase.length) {
var element = existingBase[0];
// Add a new base element.
document.write('<base href="' + url + '">');
function segments(url)
// It would be more elegant to use the DOM here, but we use document.write()
// so the tests run correctly in Firefox.
var id = ++lastID;
document.write("<a id='" + id + "' href='" + url + "'></a>");
let link = document.getElementById(id);
let pathname = g_shouldEllipsizeFileURLPaths && link.protocol === FILE_PROTOCOL ? canonicalizedPathname(link.pathname) : link.pathname;
return JSON.stringify([link.protocol, link.hostname, link.port, pathname,, link.hash]);