blob: 3e4233db4cf7f79e9db3394e0d9e229f5e9c0ca3 [file] [log] [blame]
* drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES Utilities
* ------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
goog.scope(function() {
var es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests = functional.gles3.es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests;
var tcuFloat = framework.common.tcuFloat;
var tcuTestCase = framework.common.tcuTestCase;
var deMath = framework.delibs.debase.deMath;
var deRandom = framework.delibs.debase.deRandom;
var deString = framework.delibs.debase.deString;
var gluShaderProgram = framework.opengl.gluShaderProgram;
var gluShaderUtil = framework.opengl.gluShaderUtil;
var gluVarType = framework.opengl.gluVarType;
var glsShaderExecUtil = modules.shared.glsShaderExecUtil;
var tcuMatrixUtil = framework.common.tcuMatrixUtil;
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @return {number}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getUlpDiff = function(a, b) {
/** @type {number} */ var aBits = tcuFloat.newFloat32(a).bits();
/** @type {number} */ var bBits = tcuFloat.newFloat32(b).bits();
return aBits > bBits ? aBits - bBits : bBits - aBits;
* @constructor
* @extends {tcuTestCase.DeqpTest}
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} description
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase = function(name, description, shaderType) {, name, description);
/** @type {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} */ this.m_shaderType = shaderType;
/** @type {?glsShaderExecUtil.ShaderSpec} */ this.m_spec = new glsShaderExecUtil.ShaderSpec();
/** @type {?glsShaderExecUtil.ShaderExecutor} */ this.m_executor = null;
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype = Object.create(tcuTestCase.DeqpTest.prototype);
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase;
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype.init = function() {
assertMsgOptions(!this.m_executor, 'Error: Executor is not null.', false, true);
this.m_executor = glsShaderExecUtil.createExecutor(this.m_shaderType, this.m_spec);
if (!this.m_executor.isOk())
throw new Error('Compile failed');
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype.deinit = function() {
this.m_executor = null;
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @return {string}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getPrecisionPostfix = function(precision) {
/** @type {Array<string>} */ var s_postfix = [
assertMsgOptions(0 <= precision && precision < s_postfix.length, 'Error: Out of range', false, true);
return s_postfix[precision];
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
* @return {string}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getShaderTypePostfix = function(shaderType) {
/** @type {Array<string>} */ var s_postfix = [
assertMsgOptions(0 <= shaderType && shaderType < s_postfix.length, 'Error Out of range', false, true);
return s_postfix[shaderType];
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case = function(shaderType, precision) {
/** @const {string} */ var name = 'packsnorm2x16' +
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getPrecisionPostfix(precision) +
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getShaderTypePostfix(shaderType);, name, 'packSnorm2x16', shaderType);
this.m_precision = precision;
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT_VEC2, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = packSnorm2x16(in0);';
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case;
* @return {tcuTestCase.IterateResult}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case.prototype.iterate = function() {
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0x776002);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var inputs = [];
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var outputs; // deUint32
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var shaderExecutorOutput;
/** @type {number} */ var maxDiff = this.m_precision == gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP ? 1 : // Rounding only.
this.m_precision == gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP ? 33 : // (2^-10) * (2^15) + 1
this.m_precision == gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP ? 129 : 0; // (2^-8) * (2^15) + 1
/** @type {number} */ var x;
/** @type {number} */ var y;
// Special values to check.
inputs.push([0.0, 0.0]);
inputs.push([-1.0, 1.0]);
inputs.push([0.5, -0.5]);
inputs.push([-1.5, 1.5]);
inputs.push([0.25, -0.75]);
// Random values, mostly in range.
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 15; ndx++) {
x = rnd.getFloat() * 2.5 - 1.25;
y = rnd.getFloat() * 2.5 - 1.25;
inputs.push([x, y]);
// Large random values.
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 80; ndx++) {
x = rnd.getFloat() * 1e6 - 0.5e6;
y = rnd.getFloat() * 1e6 - 0.5e6;
inputs.push([x, y]);
bufferedLogToConsole('Executing shader for ' + inputs.length + ' input values');
shaderExecutorOutput = this.m_executor.execute(inputs.length, [tcuMatrixUtil.flatten(inputs)])[0];
// Convert outputs if we get them as Uint8Array.
// - VertexShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array
// - FragmentShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array or Uint32Array
outputs = new Uint32Array(shaderExecutorOutput.buffer);
// Verify
/** @type {number} */ var numValues = inputs.length;
/** @type {number} */ var maxPrints = 10;
/** @type {number} */ var numFailed = 0;
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < numValues; valNdx++) {
/** @type {number} */ var ref0 = (deMath.clamp(Math.floor(deMath.clamp(inputs[valNdx][0], -1.0, 1.0) * 32767.0), -(1 << 15), (1 << 15) - 1)) & 0xFFFF;
/** @type {number} */ var ref1 = (deMath.clamp(Math.floor(deMath.clamp(inputs[valNdx][1], -1.0, 1.0) * 32767.0), -(1 << 15), (1 << 15) - 1)) & 0xFFFF;
/** @type {number} */ var ref = (ref1 << 16) | ref0;
/** @type {number} */ var res = outputs[valNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var res0 = (res & 0xffff);
/** @type {number} */ var res1 = deMath.shiftRight(res, 16);
/** @type {number} */ var diff0 = Math.abs(ref0 - res0);
/** @type {number} */ var diff1 = Math.abs(ref1 - res1);
if (diff0 > maxDiff || diff1 > maxDiff) {
if (numFailed < maxPrints) {
'ERROR: Mismatch in value ' + valNdx +
', expected packSnorm2x16(' + inputs[valNdx] + ') = ' + ref + //tcu::toHex(ref)
', got ' + res + // tcu::toHex(res)
'\n diffs = (' + diff0 + ', ' + diff1 + '), max diff = ' + maxDiff);
else if (numFailed == maxPrints)
numFailed += 1;
bufferedLogToConsole((numValues - numFailed) + ' / ' + numValues + ' values passed');
/** @type {boolean} */ var isOk = numFailed === 0;
if (!isOk)
testFailedOptions('Result comparison failed', false);
testPassedOptions('Pass', true);
return tcuTestCase.IterateResult.STOP;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackSnorm2x16Case = function(shaderType) {
/** @const {string} */ var name = 'unpacksnorm2x16' + es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getShaderTypePostfix(shaderType);, name, 'unpackSnorm2x16', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT_VEC2, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = unpackSnorm2x16(in0);';
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackSnorm2x16Case.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackSnorm2x16Case.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackSnorm2x16Case;
* @return {tcuTestCase.IterateResult}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackSnorm2x16Case.prototype.iterate = function() {
/** @type {number} */ var maxDiff = 1; // Rounding error.
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0x776002);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var inputs = [];
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var shaderExecutorOutput; //vector<vec2<float>>
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var outputs; //vector<vec2<float>>
// Random values.
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 95; ndx++)
bufferedLogToConsole('Executing shader for ' + inputs.length + ' input values');
shaderExecutorOutput = this.m_executor.execute(inputs.length, [inputs])[0]; // This test case only has one output
// Convert outputs if we get them as Uint8Array.
// - VertexShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array
// - FragmentShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array or Uint32Array
outputs = new Float32Array(shaderExecutorOutput.buffer);
// Verify
/** @type {number} */ var numValues = inputs.length;
/** @type {number} */ var maxPrints = 10;
/** @type {number} */ var numFailed = 0;
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < inputs.length; valNdx++) {
/** @type {number} */ var in0 = Math.floor(inputs[valNdx] & 0xffff);
// Convert 16-bit uint to 16-bit int
var view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
view.setUint16(0, in0, true);
in0 = view.getInt16(0, true);
/** @type {number} */ var in1 = Math.floor(deMath.shiftRight(inputs[valNdx], 16));
// Convert 16-bit uint to 16-bit int
var view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
view.setUint16(0, in1, true);
in1 = view.getInt16(0, true);
/** @type {number} */ var ref0 = deMath.clamp(in0 / 32767., -1.0, 1.0);
/** @type {number} */ var ref1 = deMath.clamp(in1 / 32767., -1.0, 1.0);
/** @type {number} */ var res0 = outputs[2 * valNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var res1 = outputs[2 * valNdx + 1];
/** @type {number} */ var diff0 = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(ref0, res0);
/** @type {number} */ var diff1 = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(ref1, res1);
if (diff0 > maxDiff || diff1 > maxDiff) {
if (numFailed < maxPrints)
bufferedLogToConsole('ERROR: Mismatch in value ' + valNdx + ',\n' +
' expected unpackSnorm2x16(' + inputs[valNdx].toString(16) + ') = ' +
'vec2(' + ref0.toString(16) + ', ' + ref1.toString(16) + ')' +
', got vec2(' + res0.toString(16) + ', ' + res1.toString(16) + ')' +
'\n ULP diffs = (' + diff0 + ', ' + diff1 + '), max diff = ' + maxDiff);
else if (numFailed == maxPrints)
numFailed += 1;
bufferedLogToConsole((numValues - numFailed) + ' / ' + numValues + ' values passed');
/** @type {boolean} */ var isOk = numFailed === 0;
if (!isOk)
testFailedOptions('Result comparison failed', false);
testPassedOptions('Pass', true);
return tcuTestCase.IterateResult.STOP;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case = function(shaderType, precision) {
/** @const {string} */ var name = 'packunorm2x16' +
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getPrecisionPostfix(precision) +
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getShaderTypePostfix(shaderType);, name, 'packUnorm2x16', shaderType);
this.m_precision = precision;
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT_VEC2, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = packUnorm2x16(in0);';
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case;
* @return {tcuTestCase.IterateResult}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case.prototype.iterate = function() {
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0x776002);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var inputs = [];
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var shaderExecutorOutput;
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var outputs; // deUint32
/** @type {number} */ var maxDiff = this.m_precision == gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP ? 1 : // Rounding only.
this.m_precision == gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP ? 65 : // (2^-10) * (2^16) + 1
this.m_precision == gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP ? 257 : 0; // (2^-8) * (2^16) + 1
/** @type {number} */ var x;
/** @type {number} */ var y;
// Special values to check.
inputs.push([0.0, 0.0]);
inputs.push([0.5, 1.0]);
inputs.push([1.0, 0.5]);
inputs.push([-0.5, 1.5]);
inputs.push([0.25, 0.75]);
// Random values, mostly in range.
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 15; ndx++) {
x = rnd.getFloat() * 1.25;
y = rnd.getFloat() * 1.25;
inputs.push([x, y]);
// Large random values.
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 80; ndx++) {
x = rnd.getFloat() * 1e6 - 1e5;
y = rnd.getFloat() * 1e6 - 1e5;
inputs.push([x, y]);
bufferedLogToConsole('Executing shader for ' + inputs.length + ' input values');
shaderExecutorOutput = this.m_executor.execute(inputs.length, [tcuMatrixUtil.flatten(inputs)])[0];
// Convert outputs if we get them as Uint8Array.
// - VertexShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array
// - FragmentShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array or Uint32Array
outputs = new Uint32Array(shaderExecutorOutput.buffer);
// Verify
/** @type {number} */ var numValues = inputs.length;
/** @type {number} */ var maxPrints = 10;
/** @type {number} */ var numFailed = 0;
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < inputs.length; valNdx++) {
/** @type {number} */ var ref0 = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(deMath.clamp(inputs[valNdx][0], 0.0, 1.0) * 65535.0), 0, (1 << 16) - 1) & 0xFFFF;
/** @type {number} */ var ref1 = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(deMath.clamp(inputs[valNdx][1], 0.0, 1.0) * 65535.0), 0, (1 << 16) - 1) & 0xFFFF;
/** @type {number} */ var ref = (ref1 << 16) | ref0;
/** @type {number} */ var res = outputs[valNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var res0 = (res & 0xffff);
/** @type {number} */ var res1 = deMath.shiftRight(res, 16);
/** @type {number} */ var diff0 = Math.abs(ref0 - res0);
/** @type {number} */ var diff1 = Math.abs(ref1 - res1);
if (diff0 > maxDiff || diff1 > maxDiff) {
if (numFailed < maxPrints)
bufferedLogToConsole('ERROR: Mismatch in value ' + valNdx +
', expected packUnorm2x16(' + inputs[valNdx] + ') = ' + ref /*tcu::toHex(ref)*/ +
', got ' + res /*tcu::toHex(res)*/ +
'\n diffs = (' + diff0 + ', ' + diff1 + '), max diff = ' + maxDiff);
else if (numFailed === maxPrints)
numFailed += 1;
bufferedLogToConsole((numValues - numFailed) + ' / ' + numValues + ' values passed');
/** @type {boolean} */ var isOk = numFailed === 0;
if (!isOk)
testFailedOptions('Result comparison failed', false);
testPassedOptions('Pass', true);
return tcuTestCase.IterateResult.STOP;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackUnorm2x16Case = function(shaderType) {
/** @const {string} */ var name = 'unpackunorm2x16' +
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getShaderTypePostfix(shaderType);, name, 'unpackUnorm2x16', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT_VEC2, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = unpackUnorm2x16(in0);';
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackUnorm2x16Case.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackUnorm2x16Case.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackUnorm2x16Case;
* @return {tcuTestCase.IterateResult}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackUnorm2x16Case.prototype.iterate = function() {
/** @type {number} */ var maxDiff = 1; // Rounding error.
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0x776002);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var inputs = [];
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var shaderExecutorOutput;
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var outputs; //vector<vec2>
// Random values.
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 95; ndx++)
bufferedLogToConsole('Executing shader for ' + inputs.length + ' input values');
shaderExecutorOutput = this.m_executor.execute(inputs.length, [inputs])[0];
// Convert outputs if we get them as Uint8Array.
// - VertexShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array
// - FragmentShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array or Uint32Array
outputs = new Float32Array(shaderExecutorOutput.buffer);
// Verify
/** @type {number} */ var numValues = inputs.length;
/** @type {number} */ var maxPrints = 10;
/** @type {number} */ var numFailed = 0;
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < inputs.length; valNdx++) {
/** @type {number} */ var in0 = Math.floor(inputs[valNdx] & 0xffff);
/** @type {number} */ var in1 = Math.floor(deMath.shiftRight(inputs[valNdx], 16));
/** @type {number} */ var ref0 = in0 / 65535.0;
/** @type {number} */ var ref1 = in1 / 65535.0;
/** @type {number} */ var res0 = outputs[2 * valNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var res1 = outputs[2 * valNdx + 1];
/** @type {number} */ var diff0 = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(ref0, res0);
/** @type {number} */ var diff1 = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(ref1, res1);
if (diff0 > maxDiff || diff1 > maxDiff) {
if (numFailed < maxPrints)
bufferedLogToConsole('ERROR: Mismatch in value ' + valNdx + ',\n' +
' expected unpackUnorm2x16(' + inputs[valNdx].toString(16) + ') = ' +
'vec2(' + ref0.toString(16) + ', ' + ref1.toString(16) + ')' +
', got vec2(' + res0.toString(16) + ', ' + res1.toString(16) + ')' +
'\n ULP diffs = (' + diff0 + ', ' + diff1 + '), max diff = ' + maxDiff);
else if (numFailed === maxPrints)
numFailed += 1;
bufferedLogToConsole((numValues - numFailed) + ' / ' + numValues + ' values passed');
/** @type {boolean} */ var isOk = numFailed === 0;
if (!isOk)
testFailedOptions('Result comparison failed', false);
testPassedOptions('Pass', true);
return tcuTestCase.IterateResult.STOP;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackHalf2x16Case = function(shaderType) {
/** @const {string} */ var name = 'packhalf2x16' +
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getShaderTypePostfix(shaderType);, name, 'packHalf2x16', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT_VEC2, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = packHalf2x16(in0);';
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackHalf2x16Case.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackHalf2x16Case.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackHalf2x16Case;
* @return {tcuTestCase.IterateResult}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackHalf2x16Case.prototype.iterate = function() {
/** @type {number} */ var maxDiff = 0; // Values can be represented exactly in mediump.
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0x776002);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var inputs = [];
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var shaderExecutorOutput;
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var outputs; // deUint32
// Special values to check.
inputs.push([0.0, 0.0]);
inputs.push([0.5, 1.0]);
inputs.push([1.0, 0.5]);
inputs.push([-0.5, 1.5]);
inputs.push([0.25, 0.75]);
// Random values.
/** @type {number} */ var minExp = -14;
/** @type {number} */ var maxExp = 15;
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var v = [];
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 95; ndx++) {
for (var c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
/** @type {number} */ var s = rnd.getBool() ? 1 : -1;
/** @type {number} */ var exp = rnd.getInt(minExp, maxExp);
/** @type {number} */ var mantissa = rnd.getInt(0) & ((1 << 23) - 1);
v[c] = (new tcuFloat.deFloat()).construct(s, exp ? exp : 1 /* avoid denormals */, (1 << 23) | mantissa).getValue();
// Convert input values to fp16 and back to make sure they can be represented exactly in mediump.
for (var inVal in inputs)
inputs[inVal] = [tcuFloat.newFloat16(inputs[inVal][0]).getValue(), tcuFloat.newFloat16(inputs[inVal][1]).getValue()];
bufferedLogToConsole('Executing shader for ' + inputs.length + ' input values');
shaderExecutorOutput = this.m_executor.execute(inputs.length, [tcuMatrixUtil.flatten(inputs)])[0];
// Convert outputs if we get them as Uint8Array.
// - VertexShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array
// - FragmentShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array or Uint32Array
outputs = new Uint32Array(shaderExecutorOutput.buffer);
// Verify
/** @type {number} */ var numValues = inputs.length;
/** @type {number} */ var maxPrints = 10;
/** @type {number} */ var numFailed = 0;
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < inputs.length; valNdx++) {
/** @type {number} */ var ref0 = tcuFloat.newFloat16(inputs[valNdx][0]).bits();
/** @type {number} */ var ref1 = tcuFloat.newFloat16(inputs[valNdx][1]).bits();
/** @type {number} */ var ref = (ref1 << 16) | ref0;
/** @type {number} */ var res = outputs[valNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var res0 = (res & 0xffff);
/** @type {number} */ var res1 = deMath.shiftRight(res, 16);
/** @type {number} */ var diff0 = Math.abs(ref0 - res0);
/** @type {number} */ var diff1 = Math.abs(ref1 - res1);
if (diff0 > maxDiff || diff1 > maxDiff) {
if (numFailed < maxPrints)
bufferedLogToConsole('ERROR: Mismatch in value ' + valNdx +
', expected packHalf2x16(' + inputs[valNdx] + ') = ' + ref /*tcu::toHex(ref)*/ +
', got ' + res /*tcu::toHex(res)*/ +
'\n diffs = (' + diff0 + ', ' + diff1 + '), max diff = ' + maxDiff);
else if (numFailed == maxPrints)
numFailed += 1;
bufferedLogToConsole((numValues - numFailed) + ' / ' + numValues + ' values passed');
/** @type {boolean} */ var isOk = numFailed === 0;
if (!isOk)
testFailedOptions('Result comparison failed', false);
testPassedOptions('Pass', true);
return tcuTestCase.IterateResult.STOP;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackHalf2x16Case = function(shaderType) {
/** @const {string} */ var name = 'unpackhalf2x16' +
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.getShaderTypePostfix(shaderType);, name, 'unpackHalf2x16', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT_VEC2, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = unpackHalf2x16(in0);';
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackHalf2x16Case.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackHalf2x16Case.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackHalf2x16Case;
* @return {tcuTestCase.IterateResult}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackHalf2x16Case.prototype.iterate = function() {
/** @type {number} */ var maxDiff = 0; // All bits must be accurate.
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0x776002);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var inputs = [];
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var outputs; // vector<vec2<float>>
/** @type {goog.TypedArray} */ var shaderExecutorOutput;
// Special values.
inputs.push((tcuFloat.newFloat16(0.0).bits() << 16) | tcuFloat.newFloat16(1.0).bits());
inputs.push((tcuFloat.newFloat16(1.0).bits() << 16) | tcuFloat.newFloat16(0.0).bits());
inputs.push((tcuFloat.newFloat16(-1.0).bits() << 16) | tcuFloat.newFloat16(0.5).bits());
inputs.push((tcuFloat.newFloat16(0.5).bits() << 16) | tcuFloat.newFloat16(-0.5).bits());
// Construct random values.
/** @type {number} */ var minExp = -14;
/** @type {number} */ var maxExp = 15;
/** @type {number} */ var mantBits = 10;
/** @type {number} */ var inVal = 0;
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 96; ndx++) {
for (var c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
/** @type {number} */ var s = rnd.getBool() ? 1 : -1;
/** @type {number} */ var exp = rnd.getInt(minExp, maxExp);
/** @type {number} */ var mantissa = rnd.getInt(0) & ((1 << mantBits) - 1);
/** @type {number} */ var value = tcuFloat.newFloat16(0).construct(s, exp ? exp : 1 /* avoid denorm */, (1 << 10) | mantissa).bits();
inVal |= value << (16 * c);
bufferedLogToConsole('Executing shader for ' + inputs.length + ' input values');
shaderExecutorOutput = this.m_executor.execute(inputs.length, [inputs])[0];
// Convert outputs if we get them as Uint8Array.
// - VertexShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array
// - FragmentShaderExecutor.execute() returns either an array of Uint8Array or Uint32Array
outputs = new Float32Array(shaderExecutorOutput.buffer);
// Verify
/** @type {number} */ var numValues = inputs.length
/** @type {number} */ var maxPrints = 10;
/** @type {number} */ var numFailed = 0;
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < inputs.length; valNdx++) {
/** @type {number} */ var in0 = (inputs[valNdx] & 0xffff);
/** @type {number} */ var in1 = deMath.shiftRight(inputs[valNdx], 16);
/** @type {number} */ var ref0 = tcuFloat.halfFloatToNumber(in0);
/** @type {number} */ var ref1 = tcuFloat.halfFloatToNumber(in1);
/** @type {number} */ var res0 = outputs[2 * valNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var res1 = outputs[2 * valNdx + 1];
/** @type {number} */ var refBits0 = tcuFloat.newFloat32(ref0).bits();
/** @type {number} */ var refBits1 = tcuFloat.newFloat32(ref1).bits();
/** @type {number} */ var resBits0 = tcuFloat.newFloat32(res0).bits();
/** @type {number} */ var resBits1 = tcuFloat.newFloat32(res1).bits();
/** @type {number} */ var diff0 = Math.abs(refBits0 - resBits0);
/** @type {number} */ var diff1 = Math.abs(refBits1 - resBits1);
if (isNaN(ref0) && isNaN(res0))
diff0 = 0;
if (isNaN(ref1) && isNaN(res1))
diff1 = 0;
if (diff0 > maxDiff || diff1 > maxDiff) {
if (numFailed < maxPrints)
bufferedLogToConsole('ERROR: Mismatch in value ' + valNdx + ',\n' +
' expected unpackHalf2x16(' + inputs[valNdx] /*tcu::toHex(inputs[valNdx])*/ + ') = ' +
'vec2(' + ref0 + ' / ' + refBits0 /*tcu::toHex(refBits0)*/ + ', ' + ref1 + ' / ' + refBits1 /*tcu::toHex(refBits1)*/ + ')' +
', got vec2(' + res0 + ' / ' + resBits0 /*tcu::toHex(resBits0)*/ + ', ' + res1 + ' / ' + resBits1 /*tcu::toHex(resBits1)*/ + ')' +
'\n ULP diffs = (' + diff0 + ', ' + diff1 + '), max diff = ' + maxDiff);
else if (numFailed == maxPrints)
numFailed += 1;
bufferedLogToConsole((numValues - numFailed) + ' / ' + numValues + ' values passed');
/** @type {boolean} */ var isOk = numFailed === 0;
if (!isOk)
testFailedOptions('Result comparison failed', false);
testPassedOptions('Pass', true);
return tcuTestCase.IterateResult.STOP;
* @constructor
* @extends {tcuTestCase.DeqpTest}
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionTests = function() {, 'pack_unpack', 'Floating-point pack and unpack function tests');
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionTests.prototype = Object.create(tcuTestCase.DeqpTest.prototype);
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionTests.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionTests;
es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionTests.prototype.init = function() {
var testGroup = tcuTestCase.runner.testCases;
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackSnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackSnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackSnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackUnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackUnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackUnorm2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackHalf2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.PackHalf2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackHalf2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX));
testGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.UnpackHalf2x16Case(gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT));
* Run test
* @param {WebGL2RenderingContext} context
*/ = function(context) {
gl = context;
//Set up Test Root parameters
var state = tcuTestCase.runner;
state.setRoot(new es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.ShaderPackingFunctionTests());
//Set up name and description of this test series.
try {
//Run test cases
catch (err) {
testFailedOptions('Failed to tests', false);