blob: 5c24c73f90ecde74a3f21e2fcbd2d412881ea7af [file] [log] [blame]
* drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES Utilities
* ------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
goog.scope(function() {
var es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests = functional.gles3.es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests;
var tcuFloat = framework.common.tcuFloat;
var tcuTestCase = framework.common.tcuTestCase;
var gluShaderProgram = framework.opengl.gluShaderProgram;
var gluShaderUtil = framework.opengl.gluShaderUtil;
var gluVarType = framework.opengl.gluVarType;
var deRandom = framework.delibs.debase.deRandom;
var deMath = framework.delibs.debase.deMath;
var deString = framework.delibs.debase.deString;
var glsShaderExecUtil = modules.shared.glsShaderExecUtil;
/** @typedef {function(new: es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase, gluShaderUtil.DataType, gluShaderUtil.precision, gluShaderProgram.shaderType)} */ es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.TestClass;
* @enum
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types = {
INT: 1,
* @param {Array<number>} values
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.vecToFloat16 = function(values) {
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < values.length; ndx++)
values[ndx] = tcuFloat.newFloat16(values[ndx]).getValue();
* @param {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types} type
* @param {deRandom.Random} rnd
* @param {number} minValue
* @param {number} maxValue
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.randomScalar = function(type, rnd, minValue, maxValue) {
switch (type) {
case es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT: return rnd.getFloat(minValue, maxValue);
case es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.INT: return rnd.getInt(minValue, maxValue);
case es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.UINT: return Math.abs(rnd.getInt(minValue, maxValue));
default: throw new Error('Only FLOAT, INT, and UINT are supported.');
* @param {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types} type
* @param {Array<number>} size
* @param {deRandom.Random} rnd
* @param {Array<number>} minValue
* @param {Array<number>} maxValue
* @return {Array<number>}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.randomVector = function(type, size, rnd, minValue, maxValue) {
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var res = [];
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < size; ndx++)
res.push(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.randomScalar(type, rnd, minValue[ndx], maxValue[ndx]));
return res;
* @param {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types} type
* @param {Array<number>} size
* @param {deRandom.Random} rnd
* @param {Array<number>} minValue
* @param {Array<number>} maxValue
* @param {number} numValues
* @param {number=} offset
* @return {Array<Array<number>>}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomVectors = function(type, size, rnd, minValue, maxValue, numValues, offset) {
offset = offset === undefined ? 0 : offset;
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var access;
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < numValues; ndx++)
access[offset + ndx] = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.randomVector(type, size, rnd, minValue, maxValue);
return access;
* @param {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types} type
* @param {deRandom.Random} rnd
* @param {number} minValue
* @param {number} maxValue
* @param {number} numValues
* @param {number=} offset
* @return {Array<number>}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars = function(type, rnd, minValue, maxValue, numValues, offset) {
offset = offset === undefined ? 0 : offset;
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var access = [];
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < numValues; ndx++)
access[offset + ndx] = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.randomScalar(type, rnd, minValue, maxValue);
return access;
* @param {number} input
* @param {number} output
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.numBitsLostInOp = function(input, output) {
/** @type {number} */ var inExp = tcuFloat.newFloat32(input).exponent();
/** @type {number} */ var outExp = tcuFloat.newFloat32(output).exponent();
return Math.max(0, inExp - outExp); // Lost due to mantissa shift.
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff = function(a, b) {
/** @type {number} */ var aBits = tcuFloat.newFloat32(a).bits();
/** @type {number} */ var bBits = tcuFloat.newFloat32(b).bits();
return aBits > bBits ? aBits - bBits : bBits - aBits;
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign = function(a, b) {
if (tcuFloat.newFloat32(a).isZero())
return es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(new tcuFloat.deFloat().construct(tcuFloat.newFloat32(b).sign(), 0, 0).getValue(), b);
else if (tcuFloat.newFloat32(b).isZero())
return es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(a, new tcuFloat.deFloat().construct(tcuFloat.newFloat32(a).sign(), 0, 0).getValue());
return es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(a, b);
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @return {boolean}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.supportsSignedZero = function(precision) {
// \note GLSL ES 3.0 doesn't really require support for -0, but we require it for highp
// as it is very widely supported.
return precision == gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP;
* @param {number} value
* @param {number} ulpDiff
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getEpsFromMaxUlpDiff = function(value, ulpDiff) {
/** @type {number} */ var exp = tcuFloat.newFloat32(value).exponent();
return new tcuFloat.deFloat().construct(+1, exp, (1 << 23) | ulpDiff).getValue() - new tcuFloat.deFloat().construct(+1, exp, 1 << 23).getValue();
* @param {number} numAccurateBits
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits = function(numAccurateBits) {
/** @type {number} */ var numGarbageBits = 23 - numAccurateBits;
/** @type {number} */ var mask = (1 << numGarbageBits) - 1;
return mask;
* @param {number} value
* @param {number} numAccurateBits
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getEpsFromBits = function(value, numAccurateBits) {
return es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getEpsFromMaxUlpDiff(value, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(numAccurateBits));
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits = function(precision) {
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var bits = [
7, // lowp
10, // mediump
23 // highp
assertMsgOptions(deMath.deInBounds32(precision, 0, bits.length), 'Unexpected precision option.', false, true);
return bits[precision];
* @constructor
* @extends {tcuTestCase.DeqpTest}
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} description
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase = function(name, description, shaderType) {, name, description);
/** @type {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} */ this.m_shaderType = shaderType;
/** @type {number} */ this.m_numValues = 100;
/** @type {glsShaderExecUtil.ShaderExecutor} */ this.m_executor = null;
/** @type {glsShaderExecUtil.ShaderSpec} */ this.m_spec = new glsShaderExecUtil.ShaderSpec();
this.m_spec.version = gluShaderUtil.GLSLVersion.V300_ES;
/** @type {string} */ this.m_failMsg; //!< Comparison failure help message.
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype = Object.create(tcuTestCase.DeqpTest.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase;
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype.init = function() {
assertMsgOptions(!this.m_executor, 'Shader executor should be null at this point', false, true);
this.m_executor = glsShaderExecUtil.createExecutor(this.m_shaderType, this.m_spec);
if (!this.m_executor.isOk())
throw new Error('Compile failed');
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype.deinit = function() {
this.m_executor = null;
* @param {Array<glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol>} symbols
* @return {Array<number>}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getScalarSizes = function(symbols) {
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var sizes = [];
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < symbols.length; ++ndx)
return sizes;
* @param {Array<glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol>} symbols
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.computeTotalScalarSize = function(symbols) {
/** @type {number} */ var totalSize = 0;
for (var sym in symbols)
totalSize += symbols[sym].varType.getScalarSize();
return totalSize;
* @param {boolean} value
* @return {string}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ToBoolString = function(value) {
return value ? "true" : "false";
* @param {gluVarType.VarType} varType
* @param {Array<*>} values
* @return {string}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.VarValue = function(varType, values) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var basicType = varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var scalarType = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarTypeAsDataType(basicType);
/** @type {number} */ var numComponents = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(basicType);
/** @type {string} */ var outputStr = "";
if (numComponents > 1) {
outputStr += gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeName(basicType) + "(";
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < numComponents; ++compNdx) {
if (compNdx != 0) {
outputStr += ", ";
// tcu::toHex() is all commented out in this project.
// e.g. Line 199 of es3fShaderPackingFunctionTests.js
switch (scalarType) {
case gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT:
case gluShaderUtil.DataType.INT:
case gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT:
outputStr += values[compNdx];
case gluShaderUtil.DataType.BOOL:
outputStr += es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ToBoolString(values[compNdx]);
throw Error('Unrecognized dataType ' + scalarType);
if (numComponents > 1) {
outputStr += ")";
return outputStr;
* @return {tcuTestCase.IterateResult}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype.iterate = function() {
/** @type {number} */ var numInputScalars = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.computeTotalScalarSize(this.m_spec.inputs);
/** @type {number} */ var numOutputScalars = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.computeTotalScalarSize(this.m_spec.outputs);
/** @type {Array<goog.TypedArray>} */ var inputData = [];
/** @type {Array<goog.TypedArray>} */ var outputData = [];
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var inputType = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var outputType = this.m_spec.outputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var inputValues;
/** @type {ArrayBuffer} */ var outputValues;
inputValues = this.getInputValues(this.m_numValues);
for (var inNdx = 0; inNdx < inputValues.length; inNdx++) {
var data = inputType >= gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT && inputType <= gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT_VEC4 ? new Float32Array(inputValues[inNdx]) :
inputType >= gluShaderUtil.DataType.INT && inputType <= gluShaderUtil.DataType.INT_VEC4 ? new Int32Array(inputValues[inNdx]) :
inputType >= gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT && inputType <= gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT_VEC4 ? new Uint32Array(inputValues[inNdx]) :
// Execute shader.
outputValues = this.m_executor.execute(this.m_numValues, inputData);
for (var outNdx = 0; outNdx < outputValues.length; outNdx++) {
var data = outputType >= gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT && outputType <= gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT_VEC4 ? new Float32Array(outputValues[outNdx].buffer) :
outputType >= gluShaderUtil.DataType.INT && outputType <= gluShaderUtil.DataType.INT_VEC4 ? new Int32Array(outputValues[outNdx].buffer) :
outputType >= gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT && outputType <= gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT_VEC4 ? new Uint32Array(outputValues[outNdx].buffer) :
outputType >= gluShaderUtil.DataType.BOOL && outputType <= gluShaderUtil.DataType.BOOL_VEC4 ? new Int32Array(outputValues[outNdx].buffer) :
// TODO: verify proper TypedArray for BOOL types; defaulting to Int32Array in the mean time (outputValues returns 400 bytes, we need 100 elements)
// Compare results.
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var inScalarSizes = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getScalarSizes(this.m_spec.inputs);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var outScalarSizes = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getScalarSizes(this.m_spec.outputs);
/** @type {Array<*>} */ var curInputPtr = [];
/** @type {Array<*>} */ var curOutputPtr = [];
/** @type {number} */ var numFailed = 0;
for (var inNdx = 0; inNdx < inputData.length; inNdx++) {
curInputPtr[inNdx] = [];
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < inputData[inNdx].length; valNdx += inScalarSizes[inNdx])
curInputPtr[inNdx].push(inputData[inNdx].slice(valNdx, valNdx + inScalarSizes[inNdx]));
for (var outNdx = 0; outNdx < outputData.length; outNdx++) {
curOutputPtr[outNdx] = [];
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < outputData[outNdx].length; valNdx += outScalarSizes[outNdx])
curOutputPtr[outNdx].push(outputData[outNdx].slice(valNdx, valNdx + outScalarSizes[outNdx]));
this.m_failMsg = '';
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < this.m_numValues; valNdx++) {
var curInputValues = [];
var curOutputValues = [];
for (var inNdx = 0; inNdx < inputData.length; inNdx++) {
for (var outNdx = 0; outNdx < outputData.length; outNdx++) {
if (!, curOutputValues)) {
// \todo [2013-08-08 pyry] We probably want to log reference value as well?
bufferedLogToConsole('ERROR: comparison failed for value ' + valNdx + ':\n ' + this.m_failMsg);
bufferedLogToConsole(' inputs:');
for (var inNdx = 0; inNdx < inputData.length; ++inNdx) {
var varValue = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.VarValue(this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType, curInputValues[inNdx]);
bufferedLogToConsole(' ' + this.m_spec.inputs[inNdx].name + ' = ' + varValue);
bufferedLogToConsole(' outputs:');
for (var outNdx = 0; outNdx < outputData.length; ++outNdx) {
var varValue = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.VarValue(this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType, curOutputValues[outNdx]);
bufferedLogToConsole(' ' + this.m_spec.outputs[outNdx].name + ' = ' + varValue);
this.m_failMsg = '';
numFailed += 1;
bufferedLogToConsole((this.m_numValues - numFailed) + ' / ' + this.m_numValues + ' values passed');
/** @type {boolean} */ var isOk = numFailed === 0;
if (!isOk)
testFailedOptions('Result comparison failed', false);
testPassedOptions('Pass', true);
return tcuTestCase.IterateResult.STOP;
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @return {string}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getPrecisionPostfix = function(precision) {
/** @type {Array<string>} */ var s_postfix = [
assertMsgOptions(0 <= precision && precision < s_postfix.length, 'Error: Out of range', false, true);
return s_postfix[precision];
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
* @return {string}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getShaderTypePostfix = function(shaderType) {
/** @type {Array<string>} */ var s_postfix = [
assertMsgOptions(0 <= shaderType && shaderType < s_postfix.length, 'Error Out of range', false, true);
return s_postfix[shaderType];
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
* @return {string}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {
return gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeName(baseType) +
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getPrecisionPostfix(precision) +
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.AbsCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'abs', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = abs(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.AbsCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.AbsCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.AbsCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.AbsCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var floatRanges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e3, 1e3], // mediump
[-1e7, 1e7] // highp
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var intRanges = [
[-(1 << 7) + 1, (1 << 7) - 1],
[-(1 << 15) + 1, (1 << 15) - 1],
[-0x80000000 + 1, 0x7fffffff]
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0x235fac);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = [];
if (gluShaderUtil.isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type))
values[0] = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, floatRanges[precision][0], floatRanges[precision][1], numValues * scalarSize);
values[0] = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.INT, rnd, intRanges[precision][0], intRanges[precision][1], numValues * scalarSize);
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ref0;
if (gluShaderUtil.isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type)) {
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = (1 << (23 - mantissaBits)) - 1;
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
ref0 = Math.abs(in0);
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff0 = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(out0, ref0);
if (ulpDiff0 > maxUlpDiff) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref0 /*HexFloat(ref0)*/ + ' with ULP threshold ' + maxUlpDiff + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff0;
return false;
} else
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
ref0 = Math.abs(in0);
if (out0 != ref0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref0;
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.SignCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'sign', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = sign(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.SignCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.SignCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.SignCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.SignCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var floatRanges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e4, 1e4], // mediump
[-1e8, 1e8] // highp
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var intRanges = [
[-(1 << 7), (1 << 7) - 1],
[-(1 << 15), (1 << 15) - 1],
[0x80000000, 0x7fffffff]
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0x324);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = [];
if (gluShaderUtil.isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type)) {
// Special cases.
// [dag] The special cases are 1, -1, and 0
var specialCases = [1.0, -1.0, 0.0];
for (var caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < specialCases.length; caseNdx++)
for (var scalarNdx = 0; scalarNdx < scalarSize; scalarNdx++) {
values[0] = values[0].concat(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, floatRanges[precision][0], floatRanges[precision][1], (numValues - 3) * scalarSize));
} else {
var specialCases = [1, -1, 0];
for (var caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < specialCases.length; caseNdx++)
for (var scalarNdx = 0; scalarNdx < scalarSize; scalarNdx++) {
values[0] = values[0].concat(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.INT, rnd, intRanges[precision][0], intRanges[precision][1], (numValues - 3) * scalarSize));
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ref0;
if (gluShaderUtil.isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type)) {
// Both highp and mediump should be able to represent -1, 0, and +1 exactly
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP ?
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision)) :
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
ref0 = in0 < 0.0 ? -1.0 :
in0 > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff0 = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(out0, ref0);
if (ulpDiff0 > maxUlpDiff) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref0 /*HexFloat(ref0)*/ + ' with ULP threshold ' + maxUlpDiff + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff0;
return false;
} else {
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
ref0 = in0 < 0 ? -1 :
in0 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (out0 != ref0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref0;
return false;
return true;
* @param {number} v
* @return {number}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.roundEven = function(v) {
/** @type {number} */ var q = deMath.deFloatFrac(v);
/** @type {number} */ var truncated = Math.trunc(v - q);
/** @type {number} */ var rounded = (q > 0.5) ? (truncated + 1) : // Rounded up
(q == 0.5 && (truncated % 2 != 0)) ? (truncated + 1) : // Round to nearest even at 0.5
truncated; // Rounded down
return rounded;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundEvenCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'roundEven', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = roundEven(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundEvenCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundEvenCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundEvenCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundEvenCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var ranges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e3, 1e3], // mediump
[-1e7, 1e7] // highp
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xac23f);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var numSpecialCases = 0;
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = [];
// Special cases.
if (precision !== gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP) {
assertMsgOptions(numValues >= 20, 'numValues should be greater or equal than 20', false, true);
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 20; ndx++) {
/** @type {number} */ var v = deMath.clamp(ndx - 10.5, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1]);
for (var scalarNdx = 0; scalarNdx < scalarSize; scalarNdx++) {
numSpecialCases += 1;
// Random cases.
values[0] = values[0].concat(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1], (numValues - numSpecialCases) * scalarSize));
// If precision is mediump, make sure values can be represented in fp16 exactly
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP)
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
if (precision == gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP || precision == gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP) {
// Require exact rounding result.
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var ref = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.roundEven(in0);
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, ref);
if (ulpDiff > 0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
} else {
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(mantissaBits); // ULP diff for rounded integer value.
/** @type {number} */ var eps = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getEpsFromBits(1.0, mantissaBits); // epsilon for rounding bounds
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var minRes = Math.floor(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.roundEven(in0 - eps));
/** @type {number} */ var maxRes = Math.floor(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.roundEven(in0 + eps));
/** @type {boolean} */ var anyOk = false;
for (var roundedVal = minRes; roundedVal <= maxRes; roundedVal++) {
ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, roundedVal);
if (ulpDiff <= maxUlpDiff) {
anyOk = true;
if (!anyOk) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = [' + minRes + ', ' + maxRes + '] with ULP threshold ' + maxUlpDiff;
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ModfCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'modf', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out1', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = modf(in0, out1);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ModfCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ModfCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ModfCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ModfCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var ranges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e3, 1e3], // mediump
[-1e7, 1e7] // highp
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xac23f);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1], numValues * scalarSize);
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {boolean} */ var hasZeroSign = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.supportsSignedZero(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var out1;
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
out1 = outputs[1][compNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var refOut1 = Math.floor(in0);
/** @type {number} */ var refOut0 = in0 - refOut1;
/** @type {number} */ var bitsLost = precision != gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP ? es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.numBitsLostInOp(in0, refOut0) : 0;
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(Math.max(mantissaBits - bitsLost, 0));
/** @type {number} */ var resSum = out0 + out1;
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff = hasZeroSign ? es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(resSum, in0) : es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(resSum, in0);
if (ulpDiff > maxUlpDiff) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = (' + refOut0 + ') + (' + refOut1 + ') = ' + in0 + ' with ULP threshold ' +
maxUlpDiff + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsnanCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'isnan', shaderType);
assertMsgOptions(gluShaderUtil.isDataTypeFloatOrVec(baseType), 'Assert error.', false, true);
/** @type {number} */ var vecSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(baseType);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var boolType = vecSize > 1 ?
gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeVector(gluShaderUtil.DataType.BOOL, vecSize) :
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(boolType)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = isnan(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsnanCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsnanCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsnanCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsnanCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xc2a39f);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaMask = (~es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(mantissaBits)) & ((1 << 23) - 1);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = [];
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < numValues * scalarSize; valNdx++) {
/** @type {boolean} */ var isNan = rnd.getFloat() > 0.3;
/** @type {boolean} */ var isInf = !isNan && rnd.getFloat() > 0.4;
/** @type {number} */ var mantissa = !isInf ? ((1 << 22) | (Math.abs(rnd.getInt()) & mantissaMask)) : 0;
/** @type {number} */ var exp = !isNan && !isInf ? (Math.abs(rnd.getInt()) & 0x7f) : 0xff;
/** @type {number} */ var sign = Math.abs(rnd.getInt()) & 0x1;
/** @type {number} */ var value = (sign << 31) | (exp << 23) | mantissa;
// Convert int to float.
var view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
view.setInt32(0, value, true);
value = view.getFloat32(0, true);
assertMsgOptions(tcuFloat.newFloat32(value).isInf() === isInf && tcuFloat.newFloat32(value).isNaN() === isNan, 'Assert error.', false, true);
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ref;
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP) {
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
ref = tcuFloat.newFloat32(in0).isNaN() ? 1 : 0;
if (out0 !== ref) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref;
return false;
} else {
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
if (out0 !== 0 && out0 !== 1) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = 0 / 1';
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsinfCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'isinf', shaderType);
assertMsgOptions(gluShaderUtil.isDataTypeFloatOrVec(baseType), 'Assert error.', false, true);
/** @type {number} */ var vecSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(baseType);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var boolType = vecSize > 1 ?
gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeVector(gluShaderUtil.DataType.BOOL, vecSize) :
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(boolType)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = isinf(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsinfCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsinfCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsinfCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsinfCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xc2a39f);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaMask = (~es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(mantissaBits)) & ((1 << 23) - 1);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = [];
for (var valNdx = 0; valNdx < numValues * scalarSize; valNdx++) {
/** @type {boolean} */ var isInf = rnd.getFloat() > 0.3;
/** @type {boolean} */ var isNan = !isInf && rnd.getFloat() > 0.4;
/** @type {number} */ var mantissa = !isInf ? ((1 << 22) | (Math.abs(rnd.getInt()) & mantissaMask)) : 0;
/** @type {number} */ var exp = !isNan && !isInf ? (Math.abs(rnd.getInt()) & 0x7f) : 0xff;
/** @type {number} */ var sign = Math.abs(rnd.getInt()) & 0x1;
/** @type {number} */ var value = (sign << 31) | (exp << 23) | mantissa;
// Convert int to float.
var view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
view.setInt32(0, value, true);
value = view.getFloat32(0, true);
assertMsgOptions(tcuFloat.newFloat32(value).isInf() === isInf && tcuFloat.newFloat32(value).isNaN() === isNan, 'Assert error.', false, true);
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ref;
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP) {
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
ref = tcuFloat.newFloat32(in0).isInf() ? 1 : 0;
if (out0 !== ref) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref;
return false;
} else {
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
if (out0 !== 0 && out0 !== 1) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = 0 / 1';
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
* @param {boolean} outIsSigned
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintIntCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType, outIsSigned) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
outIsSigned ? 'floatBitsToInt' : 'floatBitsToUint', shaderType);
/** @type {number} */ var vecSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(baseType);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var intType = outIsSigned ?
(vecSize > 1 ? gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeVector(gluShaderUtil.DataType.INT, vecSize) : gluShaderUtil.DataType.INT) :
(vecSize > 1 ? gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeVector(gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT, vecSize) : gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(intType, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.source = outIsSigned ? 'out0 = floatBitsToInt(in0);' : 'out0 = floatBitsToUint(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintIntCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintIntCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintIntCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintIntCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var ranges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e3, 1e3], // mediump
[-1e7, 1e7] // highp
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0x2790a);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1], numValues * scalarSize);
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(mantissaBits);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var refOut0;
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff;
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
// Convert int to uint because ref out is in uint format.
var view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
view.setInt32(0, out0, true);
out0 = view.getUint32(0, true);
refOut0 = tcuFloat.newFloat32(in0).bits();
ulpDiff = Math.abs(out0 - refOut0);
if (ulpDiff > maxUlpDiff) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + refOut0 + ' with threshold ' +
maxUlpDiff + ', got diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintIntCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToIntCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {, baseType, precision, shaderType, true);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToIntCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintIntCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToIntCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToIntCase;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintIntCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {, baseType, precision, shaderType, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintIntCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintCase;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.BitsToFloatCase = function(baseType, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP, shaderType),
gluShaderUtil.isDataTypeIntOrIVec(baseType) ? 'intBitsToFloat' : 'uintBitsToFloat', shaderType);
/** @type {boolean} */ var inIsSigned = gluShaderUtil.isDataTypeIntOrIVec(baseType);
/** @type {number} */ var vecSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(baseType);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var floatType = vecSize > 1 ? gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeFloatVec(vecSize) : gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT;
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(floatType, gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP)));
this.m_spec.source = inIsSigned ? 'out0 = intBitsToFloat(in0);' : 'out0 = uintBitsToFloat(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.BitsToFloatCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.BitsToFloatCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.BitsToFloatCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.BitsToFloatCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xbbb225);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var range = [-1e8, 1e8];
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, range[0], range[1], numValues * scalarSize);
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = 0;
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff;
/** @type {number} */ var refOut0;
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
// Convert int to float
var view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
view.setInt32(0, in0, true);
in0 = view.getFloat32(0, true);
ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(in0, out0);
if (ulpDiff > maxUlpDiff) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + in0 + ' with ULP threshold ' +
maxUlpDiff + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloorCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'floor', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = floor(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloorCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloorCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloorCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloorCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var ranges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e3, 1e3], // mediump
[-1e7, 1e7] // highp
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xac23f);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
// Random cases.
values[0] = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1], numValues * scalarSize);
// If precision is mediump, make sure values can be represented in fp16 exactly
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP)
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ref;
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff;
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP || precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP) {
// Require exact result.
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
ref = Math.floor(in0);
ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(out0, ref);
if (ulpDiff > 0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
} else {
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(mantissaBits); // ULP diff for rounded integer value.
/** @type {number} */ var eps = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getEpsFromBits(1.0, mantissaBits); // epsilon for rounding bounds
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var minRes = Math.floor(in0 - eps);
/** @type {number} */ var maxRes = Math.floor(in0 + eps);
/** @type {boolean} */ var anyOk = false;
for (var roundedVal = minRes; roundedVal <= maxRes; roundedVal++) {
ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(out0, roundedVal);
if (ulpDiff <= maxUlpDiff) {
anyOk = true;
if (!anyOk) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = [' + minRes + ', ' + maxRes + '] with ULP threshold ' + maxUlpDiff;
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.TruncCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'trunc', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = trunc(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.TruncCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.TruncCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.TruncCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.TruncCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var ranges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e3, 1e3], // mediump
[-1e7, 1e7] // highp
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xac23f);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var specialCases = [0.0, -0.0, -0.9, 0.9, 1.0, -1.0];
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = [];
// Special cases
for (var caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < specialCases.length; caseNdx++)
for (var scalarNdx = 0; scalarNdx < scalarSize; scalarNdx++)
// Random cases.
values[0] = values[0].concat(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1], (numValues - specialCases.length) * scalarSize));
// If precision is mediump, make sure values can be represented in fp16 exactly
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP)
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ref;
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff;
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP || precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP) {
// Require exact result.
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
/** @type {boolean} */ var isNeg = tcuFloat.newFloat32(in0).sign() < 0;
ref = isNeg ? (-Math.floor(-in0)) : Math.floor(in0);
// \note: trunc() function definition is a bit broad on negative zeros. Ignore result sign if zero.
ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, ref);
if (ulpDiff > 0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
} else {
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(mantissaBits); // ULP diff for rounded integer value.
/** @type {number} */ var eps = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getEpsFromBits(1.0, mantissaBits); // epsilon for rounding bounds
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var minRes = Math.trunc(in0 - eps);
/** @type {number} */ var maxRes = Math.trunc(in0 + eps);
/** @type {boolean} */ var anyOk = false;
for (var roundedVal = minRes; roundedVal <= maxRes; roundedVal++) {
ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, roundedVal);
if (ulpDiff <= maxUlpDiff) {
anyOk = true;
if (!anyOk) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = [' + minRes + ', ' + maxRes + '] with ULP threshold ' + maxUlpDiff;
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'round', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = round(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var ranges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e3, 1e3], // mediump
[-1e7, 1e7] // highp
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xac23f);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var numSpecialCases = 0;
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = []
// Special cases.
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP) {
assertMsgOptions(numValues >= 10, 'Sample too small.', false, true);
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 10; ndx++) {
/** @type {number} */ var v = deMath.clamp(ndx - 5.5, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1]);
for (var iter = 1; iter <= scalarSize; iter++)
numSpecialCases += 1;
// Random cases.
values[0] = values[0].concat(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1], (numValues - numSpecialCases) * scalarSize));
// If precision is mediump, make sure values can be represented in fp16 exactly
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP)
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {boolean} */ var hasZeroSign = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.supportsSignedZero(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff;
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP || precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP) {
// Require exact result.
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
if ((in0 - Math.floor(in0)) === 0.5) {
/** @type {number} */ var ref0 = Math.floor(in0);
/** @type {number} */ var ref1 = Math.ceil(in0);
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff0 = hasZeroSign ? es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(out0, ref0) : es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, ref0);
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff1 = hasZeroSign ? es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(out0, ref1) : es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, ref1);
if (ulpDiff0 > 0 && ulpDiff1 > 0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref0 + ' or ' + ref1 + ', got ULP diff ' + Math.min(ulpDiff0, ulpDiff1);
return false;
} else {
// Require exact result
/** @type {number} */ var ref = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.roundEven(in0);
ulpDiff = hasZeroSign ? es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(out0, ref) : es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, ref);
if (ulpDiff > 0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
} else {
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(mantissaBits); // ULP diff for rounded integer value.
/** @type {number} */ var eps = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getEpsFromBits(1.0, mantissaBits); // epsilon for rounding bounds
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var minRes = Math.floor(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.roundEven(in0 - eps));
/** @type {number} */ var maxRes = Math.floor(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.roundEven(in0 + eps));
/** @type {boolean} */ var anyOk = false;
for (var roundedVal = minRes; roundedVal <= maxRes; roundedVal++) {
ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, roundedVal);
if (ulpDiff <= maxUlpDiff) {
anyOk = true;
if (!anyOk) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = [' + minRes + ', ' + maxRes + '] with ULP threshold ' + maxUlpDiff;
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CeilCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'ceil', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = ceil(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CeilCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CeilCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CeilCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CeilCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var ranges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e3, 1e3], // mediump
[-1e7, 1e7] // highp
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xac23f);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
// Random cases.
values[0] = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1], numValues * scalarSize);
// If precision is mediump, make sure values can be represented in fp16 exactly
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP)
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {boolean} */ var hasZeroSign = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.supportsSignedZero(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ref;
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff;
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP || precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP) {
// Require exact result.
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
ref = Math.ceil(in0);
ulpDiff = hasZeroSign ? es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(out0, ref) : es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, ref);
if (ulpDiff > 0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
} else {
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(mantissaBits); // ULP diff for rounded integer value.
/** @type {number} */ var eps = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getEpsFromBits(1.0, mantissaBits); // epsilon for rounding bounds
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
/** @type {number} */ var minRes = Math.ceil(in0 - eps);
/** @type {number} */ var maxRes = Math.ceil(in0 + eps);
/** @type {boolean} */ var anyOk = false;
for (var roundedVal = minRes; roundedVal <= maxRes; roundedVal++) {
ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, roundedVal);
if (ulpDiff <= maxUlpDiff) {
anyOk = true;
if (!anyOk & deMath.deInRange32(0, minRes, maxRes)) {
ulpDiff = Math.abs(Math.floor(tcuFloat.newFloat32(out0).bits()) - 0x80000000);
anyOk = ulpDiff <= maxUlpDiff;
if (!anyOk) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = [' + minRes + ', ' + maxRes + '] with ULP threshold ' + maxUlpDiff;
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase}
* @param {gluShaderUtil.DataType} baseType
* @param {gluShaderUtil.precision} precision
* @param {gluShaderProgram.shaderType} shaderType
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FractCase = function(baseType, precision, shaderType) {,
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getCommonFuncCaseName(baseType, precision, shaderType),
'fract', shaderType);
this.m_spec.inputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('in0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.outputs.push(new glsShaderExecUtil.Symbol('out0', gluVarType.newTypeBasic(baseType, precision)));
this.m_spec.source = 'out0 = fract(in0);';
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FractCase.prototype = Object.create(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CommonFunctionCase.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FractCase.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FractCase;
* @param {number} numValues
* @return {*}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FractCase.prototype.getInputValues = function(numValues) {
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var ranges = [
[-2.0, 2.0], // lowp
[-1e3, 1e3], // mediump
[-1e7, 1e7] // highp
/** @type {deRandom.Random} */ var rnd = new deRandom.Random(deString.deStringHash( ^ 0xac23f);
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var numSpecialCases = 0;
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var values = [];
values[0] = [];
// Special cases.
if (precision !== gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP) {
assertMsgOptions(numValues >= 10, 'Sample too small.', false, true);
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 10; ndx++) {
/** @type {number} */ var v = deMath.clamp(ndx - 5.5, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1]);
for (var scalarNdx = 0; scalarNdx < scalarSize; scalarNdx++) {
numSpecialCases += 1;
// Random cases.
values[0] = values[0].concat(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.fillRandomScalars(es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.Types.FLOAT, rnd, ranges[precision][0], ranges[precision][1], (numValues - numSpecialCases) * scalarSize));
// If precision is mediump, make sure values can be represented in fp16 exactly
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP)
return values;
* @param {*} inputs
* @param {*} outputs
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(inputs, outputs) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var type = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getBasicType();
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.precision} */ var precision = this.m_spec.inputs[0].varType.getPrecision();
/** @type {boolean} */ var hasZeroSign = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.supportsSignedZero(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var scalarSize = gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
/** @type {number} */ var in0;
/** @type {number} */ var out0;
/** @type {number} */ var ref;
/** @type {number} */ var ulpDiff;
if (precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP || precision === gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_MEDIUMP) {
// Require exact result.
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
ref = in0 - Math.floor(in0);
ulpDiff = hasZeroSign ? es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiff(out0, ref) : es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, ref);
if (ulpDiff > 0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref + ', got ULP diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
} else {
/** @type {number} */ var mantissaBits = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMinMantissaBits(precision);
/** @type {number} */ var eps = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getEpsFromBits(1.0, mantissaBits); // epsilon for rounding bounds
for (var compNdx = 0; compNdx < scalarSize; compNdx++) {
in0 = inputs[0][compNdx];
out0 = outputs[0][compNdx];
if (Math.floor(in0 - eps) == Math.floor(in0 + eps)) {
ref = in0 - Math.floor(in0);
/** @type {number} */ var bitsLost = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.numBitsLostInOp(in0, ref);
/** @type {number} */ var maxUlpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getMaxUlpDiffFromBits(Math.max(0, mantissaBits - bitsLost)); // ULP diff for rounded integer value.
ulpDiff = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.getUlpDiffIgnoreZeroSign(out0, ref);
if (ulpDiff > maxUlpDiff) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] = ' + ref + ' with ULP threshold ' + maxUlpDiff + ', got diff ' + ulpDiff;
return false;
} else {
if (out0 >= 1.0) {
this.m_failMsg += 'Expected [' + compNdx + '] < 1.0';
return false;
return true;
* @constructor
* @extends {tcuTestCase.DeqpTest}
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ShaderCommonFunctionTests = function() {, 'common', 'Common function tests');
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ShaderCommonFunctionTests.prototype = Object.create(tcuTestCase.DeqpTest.prototype);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ShaderCommonFunctionTests.prototype.constructor = es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ShaderCommonFunctionTests;
* @param {tcuTestCase.DeqpTest} parent
* @param {es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.TestClass} testClass
* @param {string} functionName
* @param {boolean} floatTypes
* @param {boolean} intTypes
* @param {boolean} uintTypes
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases = function(parent, testClass, functionName, floatTypes, intTypes, uintTypes) {
/** @type {tcuTestCase.DeqpTest} */ var group = tcuTestCase.newTest(functionName, functionName);
/** @type {Array<gluShaderUtil.DataType>} */ var scalarTypes = [
for (var scalarTypeNdx = 0; scalarTypeNdx < scalarTypes.length; scalarTypeNdx++) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var scalarType = scalarTypes[scalarTypeNdx];
if ((!floatTypes && scalarType == gluShaderUtil.DataType.FLOAT) ||
(!intTypes && scalarType == gluShaderUtil.DataType.INT) ||
(!uintTypes && scalarType == gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT))
for (var vecSize = 1; vecSize <= 4; vecSize++)
for (var prec = gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_LOWP; prec <= gluShaderUtil.precision.PRECISION_HIGHP; prec++)
for (var shaderType = gluShaderProgram.shaderType.VERTEX; shaderType <= gluShaderProgram.shaderType.FRAGMENT; shaderType++)
group.addChild(new testClass(/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ (scalarType + vecSize - 1), prec, shaderType));
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ShaderCommonFunctionTests.prototype.init = function() {
var testGroup = tcuTestCase.runner.testCases;
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.AbsCase, 'abs', true, true, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.SignCase, 'sign', true, true, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloorCase, 'floor', true, false, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.TruncCase, 'trunc', true, false, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundCase, 'round', true, false, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.RoundEvenCase, 'roundeven', true, false, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.CeilCase, 'ceil', true, false, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FractCase, 'fract', true, false, false);
// mod
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ModfCase, 'modf', true, false, false);
// min, max, clamp, mix, step, smoothstep
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsnanCase, 'isnan', true, false, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.IsinfCase, 'isinf', true, false, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToIntCase, 'floatbitstoint', true, false, false);
es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.addFunctionCases(testGroup, es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.FloatBitsToUintCase, 'floatbitstouint', true, false, false);
// (u)intBitsToFloat()
/** @type {tcuTestCase.DeqpTest} */ var intGroup = tcuTestCase.newTest('intbitstofloat', 'intBitsToFloat() Tests');
/** @type {tcuTestCase.DeqpTest} */ var uintGroup = tcuTestCase.newTest('uintbitstofloat', 'uintBitsToFloat() Tests');
/** @type {Array<gluShaderProgram.shaderType>} */ var shaderTypes = [
for (var vecSize = 1; vecSize < 4; vecSize++) {
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var intType = vecSize > 1 ?
gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeVector(gluShaderUtil.DataType.INT, vecSize) :
/** @type {gluShaderUtil.DataType} */ var uintType = vecSize > 1 ?
gluShaderUtil.getDataTypeVector(gluShaderUtil.DataType.UINT, vecSize) :
for (var shaderType in shaderTypes) {
intGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.BitsToFloatCase(intType, shaderTypes[shaderType]));
uintGroup.addChild(new es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.BitsToFloatCase(uintType, shaderTypes[shaderType]));
* Run test
* @param {WebGL2RenderingContext} context
*/ = function(context) {
gl = context;
//Set up Test Root parameters
var state = tcuTestCase.runner;
state.setRoot(new es3fShaderCommonFunctionTests.ShaderCommonFunctionTests());
//Set up name and description of this test series.
try {
//Run test cases
catch (err) {
testFailedOptions('Failed to tests', false);