blob: a49beecb1de4ba393534bcc1cda555c06e44f039 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 Valerie Young. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-%asyncfromsynciteratorprototype%.throw
description: throw() will unwrap a Promise value return by the sync iterator
info: |
%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( value )
2. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
5. Let throw be GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw").
17. Let steps be the algorithm steps defined in Async-from-Sync Iterator Value Unwrap Functions.
20. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].
Async-from-Sync Iterator Value Unwrap Functions
An async-from-sync iterator value unwrap function is an anonymous built-in
function that is used by methods of %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype% when
processing the value field of an IteratorResult object, in order to wait for
its value if it is a promise and re-package the result in a new "unwrapped"
IteratorResult object. Each async iterator value unwrap function has a
[[Done]] internal slot.
flags: [async]
features: [async-iteration]
var thrownError = new Error("Don't catch me.")
var obj = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
next() {
return { value: 1, done: false };
throw() {
return {
value: Promise.resolve(42),
done: true
async function* asyncg() {
return yield* obj;
let iter = asyncg(); (result) {
function (result) {
assert.sameValue(result.value, 42, "Result.value should be unwrapped, got: " + result.value);{ done, value }) => {
assert.sameValue(done, true, 'the iterator is completed');
assert.sameValue(value, undefined, 'value is undefined');
}).then($DONE, $DONE);