tree: 7114629e0f17e7bd17de14ae642a54240b1c8ac4 [path history] [tgz]
  1. app/
  2. config/
  3. public/
  4. tests/
  5. vendor/
  6. .bowerrc
  7. .editorconfig
  8. .ember-cli
  9. .gitignore
  10. .jshintrc
  11. .travis.yml
  12. .watchmanconfig
  13. bower.json
  14. ember-cli-build.js
  15. package.json
  17. testem.js

Ember.js TodoMVC Example using Ember CLI

A framework for creating ambitious web applications.

Ember.js - Ember CLI -

Note for people updating this app.

The index.html and the assets folder in the parent folder as simlinks into the items with the same names inside dist. The dist folder has to be checked in git and built for production.

To work on this comment <base href="/examples/ember-cli/index.html" /> in the app/index.html and uncommented it back before doing the production build.