blob: 9528eb3c6f9b48c8ad736e2b498548bd47fb6e65 [file] [log] [blame]
description('For Bug 41423: Spelling marker should remain after hitting a backspace key.');
var testRoot = document.createElement("div");
document.body.insertBefore(testRoot, document.body.firstChild);
function setup(targetName)
testRoot.innerHTML = "<div id='" + targetName + "' contentEditable><div>OK</div><div>OK zz OK</div></div>";
return document.getSelection();
function firstLineText()
return testRoot.firstChild.firstChild.innerText.trim();
function testWithDelete()
window.sel = setup("target1");
sel.modify("move", "forward", "line");
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) // 3 for ["OK, "zz", "OK"].length
sel.modify("move", "forward", "word");
shouldBe("firstLineText()", "'OK'");
shouldBe("", "'OK zz OK'");
shouldBeTrue("internals.hasSpellingMarker(3, 2)");
sel.modify("move", "left", "lineboundary");
document.execCommand("Delete", false);
sel.modify("move", "right", "line"); // Moves to the line ending to focus the "OK zz OK" text.
shouldBe("", "'OKOK zz OK'");
shouldBe("firstLineText()", "'OKOK zz OK'");
shouldBeTrue("internals.hasSpellingMarker(5, 2)");
function testWithForwardDelete()
window.sel = setup("target1");
sel.modify("move", "forward", "line");
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) // 3 for ["OK, "zz", "OK"].length
sel.modify("move", "forward", "word");
shouldBe("firstLineText()", "'OK'");
shouldBe("", "'OK zz OK'");
shouldBeTrue("internals.hasSpellingMarker(3, 2)");
sel.modify("move", "left", "line");
document.execCommand("ForwardDelete", false);
sel.modify("move", "right", "line"); // Moves to the line ending to focus the "OK zz OK" text.
shouldBe("firstLineText()", "'OKOK zz OK'");
shouldBe("", "'OKOK zz OK'");
shouldBeTrue("internals.hasSpellingMarker(5, 2)");
testWithForwardDelete(); = "none";
var successfullyParsed = true;