This directory contains QUIC related tools.

QuicTransport implements a simple QuicTransport server for testing. It uses aioquic, and test authors can implement custom handlers by putting python scripts in wpt/webtransport/quic/handlers/.

Custom Handlers

The QuicTransportServer calls functions defined in each handler script.

  • handle_client_indication is called during the client indication process. This function is called with three arguments:

    • connection: aioquic.asyncio.QuicConnectionProtocol
    • origin: str The origin of the initiator.
    • query: Dict[str, str] The dictionary of query parameters of the URL of the connection.

    A handler can abort the client indication process either by raising an exception or closing the connection.

  • handle_event is called when a QuicEvent arrives.

    • connection: aioquic.asyncio.QuicConnectionProtocol
    • event:

    This function is not called until the client indication process finishes successfully.