| description( |
| "This page tests that a RegExp object's lastIndex behaves like a regular property." |
| ); |
| |
| // lastIndex is not configurable |
| shouldBeFalse("delete /x/.lastIndex"); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; delete /x/.lastIndex"); |
| |
| // lastIndex is not enumerable |
| shouldBeTrue("'lastIndex' in /x/"); |
| shouldBeTrue("for (property in /x/) if (property === 'lastIndex') throw false; true"); |
| |
| // lastIndex is writable |
| shouldBeTrue("var re = /x/; re.lastIndex = re; re.lastIndex === re"); |
| |
| // Cannot redefine lastIndex as an accessor |
| shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty(/x/, {get:function(){}})"); |
| |
| // Cannot redefine lastIndex as enumerable |
| shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {enumerable:true}); true"); |
| shouldBeTrue("Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {enumerable:false}); true"); |
| |
| // Cannot redefine lastIndex as configurable |
| shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {configurable:true}); true"); |
| shouldBeTrue("Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {configurable:false}); true"); |
| |
| // Can redefine lastIndex as read-only |
| shouldBe("var re = Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:true}); re.lastIndex = 42; re.lastIndex", '42'); |
| shouldBe("var re = Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}); re.lastIndex = 42; re.lastIndex", '0'); |
| |
| // Can redefine the value |
| shouldBe("var re = Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {value:42}); re.lastIndex", '42'); |
| |
| // Cannot redefine read-only lastIndex as writable |
| shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty(Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}), 'lastIndex', {writable:true}); true"); |
| |
| // Can only redefine the value of a read-only lastIndex as the current value |
| shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty(Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}), 'lastIndex', {value:42}); true"); |
| shouldBeTrue("Object.defineProperty(Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}), 'lastIndex', {value:0}); true"); |
| |
| // Trying to run a global regular expression should throw, if lastIndex is read-only |
| shouldBe("Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}).exec('')", 'null'); |
| shouldBe("Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}).exec('x')", '["x"]'); |
| shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty(/x/g, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}).exec('')"); |
| shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty(/x/g, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}).exec('x')"); |
| |
| // Should be able to freeze a regular expression object. |
| shouldBeTrue("var re = /x/; Object.freeze(re); Object.isFrozen(re);"); |
| |
| // Presence of setter on prototype chain should not affect RegexpMatchesArray |
| shouldBe('/x/.exec("x").input', '"x"'); |
| Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "input", { set: function(){} }); |
| shouldBe('/x/.exec("x").input', '"x"'); |