blob: 28b4472ca6a36ae835047715b04e5b5691bc147c [file] [log] [blame]
function test(actual, expected) {
if (actual !== expected)
throw new Error("bad value: " + actual);
function testEval(script, expected) {
test(eval(script), expected);
function testEmbedded(value, expected) {
var template = `Hello ${value} World`;
test(template, expected);
test(``, "");
test(`${""}`, "");
test(`${``}`, "");
test(`${``}${``}${``}${""}`, "");
test(`Hello World`, "Hello World");
World`, "Hello\n World");
test(`\uFEFF`, "\uFEFF");
testEval("`\uFEFF`", "\uFEFF");
test(`\x20`, "\x20");
test(`\x2020`, "\x2020");
for (var ch of [ '\'', '"', '\\', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v' ])
testEval("`\\" + ch + "`", eval("'\\" + ch + "'"));
Hello World`, "Hello World");
Hello World`, "\nHello World");
test(`\u2028\u2029\r\n`, "\u2028\u2029\r\n");
test(`\u2028\u2029\n\r\n`, "\u2028\u2029\n\r\n");
test(`\u2028200`, "\u2028200");
testEmbedded(42, "Hello 42 World");
testEmbedded("ISUCA", "Hello ISUCA World");
testEmbedded(null, "Hello null World");
testEmbedded(undefined, "Hello undefined World");
testEmbedded({}, "Hello [object Object] World");
(function () {
var object = {
name: "Cocoa",
var array = [
test(`Hello ${} and ${array[0]} :D`, "Hello Cocoa and Cappuccino :D");
(function () {
function ok() {
return "Cocoa";
test(`Hello ${ ok() }`, "Hello Cocoa");
(function () {
var object = {
toString() {
return 'Cocoa';
test(`Hello ${object} :D`, "Hello Cocoa :D");
// Immediately adjacent template expressions, with empty intermediate template strings.
test(`${"C"}${"o"}${"c"}${"o"}${"a"}`, "Cocoa");
test(`${"C"}${"o"}${"c"}${"o"}${" "}`, "Coco ");
// Nested templates.
test(`Hello ${ `Cocoa` }`, "Hello Cocoa");
test(`Hello ${ `Co${`c`}oa` }`, "Hello Cocoa");
// Evaluation order
(function () {
var count = 0;
function check(num) {
var now = count++;
test(now, num);
return now;
test(`Hello ${ `${ check(0) } ${ ` ${ check(1) } ${ check(2) }` } ${ check(3) }` } ${ check(4) }`, "Hello 0 1 2 3 4")
// Exceptions
(function () {
function gen(num) {
return {
toString() {
throw new Error(num);
var error = null;
try {
var template = `${gen(0)} ${gen(1)} ${gen(2)}`;
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (!error)
throw new Error('no error thrown');
if (String(error) !== 'Error: 0')
throw new Error("bad error: " + String(error));
var error = null;
try {
var template = `${52} ${gen(0)} ${gen(1)}`;
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (!error)
throw new Error('no error thrown');
if (String(error) !== 'Error: 0')
throw new Error("bad error: " + String(error));
(function () {
var stat= {
count: 0
function gen(num) {
stat[num] = {
called: true,
count: stat.count++,
toString: null
return {
toString() {
stat[num].toString = {
called: true,
count: stat.count++,
throw new Error(num);
var error = null;
try {
var template = `${gen(0)} ${gen(1)} ${gen(2)}`;
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (!error)
throw new Error('no error thrown');
if (String(error) !== 'Error: 0')
throw new Error("bad error: " + String(error));
test(stat[0].count, 0);
test(stat[0].toString.called, true);
test(stat[0].toString.count, 1);
test(stat[1], undefined);
test(stat[2], undefined);
(function () {
var stat= {
count: 0
function gen(num) {
stat[num] = {
called: true,
count: stat.count++,
toString: null
return {
toString() {
stat[num].toString = {
called: true,
count: stat.count++,
throw new Error(num);
var error = null;
try {
var template = `${ `${gen(0)}` } ${ `${gen(1)} ${gen(2)}` }`;
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (!error)
throw new Error('no error thrown');
if (String(error) !== 'Error: 0')
throw new Error("bad error: " + String(error));
test(stat[0].count, 0);
test(stat[0].toString.called, true);
test(stat[0].toString.count, 1);
test(stat[1], undefined);
test(stat[2], undefined);