blob: 7a45cc4191c55684cde187fc73fb9741d6f5c2c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: global=jsshell
// META: script=/wasm/jsapi/assertions.js
function assert_Global(actual, expected) {
assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(actual), WebAssembly.Global.prototype,
assert_true(Object.isExtensible(actual), "extensible");
assert_equals(actual.value, expected, "value");
assert_equals(actual.valueOf(), expected, "valueOf");
test(() => {
assert_function_name(WebAssembly.Global, "Global", "WebAssembly.Global");
}, "name");
test(() => {
assert_function_length(WebAssembly.Global, 1, "WebAssembly.Global");
}, "length");
test(() => {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new WebAssembly.Global());
}, "No arguments");
test(() => {
const argument = { "value": "i32" };
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => WebAssembly.Global(argument));
}, "Calling");
test(() => {
const order = [];
new WebAssembly.Global({
get value() {
order.push("descriptor value");
return {
toString() {
order.push("descriptor value toString");
return "f64";
get mutable() {
order.push("descriptor mutable");
return false;
}, {
valueOf() {
order.push("value valueOf()");
assert_array_equals(order, [
"descriptor mutable",
"descriptor value",
"descriptor value toString",
"value valueOf()",
}, "Order of evaluation");
test(() => {
const invalidArguments = [
for (const invalidArgument of invalidArguments) {
assert_throws(new TypeError(),
() => new WebAssembly.Global(invalidArgument),
`new Global(${format_value(invalidArgument)})`);
}, "Invalid descriptor argument");
test(() => {
const invalidTypes = ["i16", "i128", "f16", "f128", "u32", "u64", "i32\0"];
for (const value of invalidTypes) {
const argument = { value };
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new WebAssembly.Global(argument));
}, "Invalid type argument");
test(() => {
const argument = { "value": "i64" };
const global = new WebAssembly.Global(argument);
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => global.value);
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => global.valueOf());
}, "i64 with default");
for (const type of ["i32", "f32", "f64"]) {
test(() => {
const argument = { "value": type };
const global = new WebAssembly.Global(argument);
assert_Global(global, 0);
}, `Default value for type ${type}`);
const valueArguments = [
[undefined, 0],
[null, 0],
[true, 1],
[false, 0],
[2, 2],
["3", 3],
[{ toString() { return "5" } }, 5, "object with toString"],
[{ valueOf() { return "8" } }, 8, "object with valueOf"],
for (const [value, expected, name = format_value(value)] of valueArguments) {
test(() => {
const argument = { "value": type };
const global = new WebAssembly.Global(argument, value);
assert_Global(global, expected);
}, `Explicit value ${name} for type ${type}`);