To execute the Test262 Runner script, just call it through your shell.
If you need to customize the execution, check out --help
for extra commands.
This yaml file can be used to skip tests. An example file:
--- skip: paths: - test/built-ins/Atomics features: - SharedArrayBuffer - BigInt files: - test/built-ins/Array/prototype/reverse/length-exceeding-integer-limit-with-object.js - test/built-ins/Array/prototype/unshift/length-near-integer-limit.js
This file contains all exected failures. If JSC or Test262 is updated, this file should be updated with the new set of expected tests in order for developers to only see errors they introduce.
To update this file, run: --save-expectations
This file contains results for all tests. It is updated on every run.
To execute the Test262 Import script, just call it through your shell. The script will update the JSTests/test262 folder.
If you need to customize the execution, check out --help
for extra commands.
The Test262 Runner script requires Perl 5.8.8, to install Perl 5.8.8, use Perlbrew.
It’s not necessary to install Perl 5.8.8 to execute the runner script if you have a more recent version of Perl 5.x.x installed.
It's also not necessary to install or configure anything extra to execute the runner script. The script dependencies are also stored locally.
\curl -L | bash
sudo apt-get install perlbrew perlbrew init
Append the following piece of code to the end of your ~/.bash_profile and start a new shell, perlbrew should be up and fully functional from there:
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
perlbrew install perl-5.8.8
perlbrew --notest install perl-5.8.8 # Perl 5.8.8 has some known compilation errors
perlbrew switch perl-5.8.8 perlbrew switch perl-5.27.6 # ...
Install cpanminus and Carton to set and manage dependencies.
perlbrew install-cpanm cpanm install Carton
From the Tools/Scripts/test262-helpes/
folder, run carton install
to install dependencies from the cpanfile
More documentation on the cpanfile here.
carton exec
To run the script without Carton, prepend your script file with the following code:
use FindBin; use Config; use Encode; BEGIN { $ENV{DBIC_OVERWRITE_HELPER_METHODS_OK} = 1; unshift @INC, "."; unshift @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; unshift @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/local/lib/perl5"; unshift @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/local/lib/perl5/$Config{archname}"; $ENV{LOAD_ROUTES} = 1; }