blob: 3973ee51903aa14456c87e4b542698a0033a8235 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "JSExportMacros.h"
#include "PropertyOffset.h"
#include "Structure.h"
#include "WriteBarrier.h"
#include <wtf/HashTable.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/text/AtomStringImpl.h>
#define PROPERTY_MAP_DELETED_ENTRY_KEY ((UniquedStringImpl*)1)
namespace JSC {
struct PropertyTableStats {
std::atomic<unsigned> numFinds;
std::atomic<unsigned> numCollisions;
std::atomic<unsigned> numLookups;
std::atomic<unsigned> numLookupProbing;
std::atomic<unsigned> numAdds;
std::atomic<unsigned> numRemoves;
std::atomic<unsigned> numRehashes;
std::atomic<unsigned> numReinserts;
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE extern PropertyTableStats* propertyTableStats;
inline constexpr bool isPowerOf2(unsigned v)
return hasOneBitSet(v);
inline constexpr unsigned nextPowerOf2(unsigned v)
// Taken from
// Devised by Sean Anderson, Sepember 14, 2001
v |= v >> 1;
v |= v >> 2;
v |= v >> 4;
v |= v >> 8;
v |= v >> 16;
return v;
// compact <-> non-compact PropertyTable
// We need to maintain two things, one is PropertyOffset and one is unsigned index in index buffer of PropertyTable.
// But both are typically small. It is possible that we can get optimized table if both are fit in uint8_t, that's
// compact PropertyTable.
// PropertyOffset can be offseted with firstOutOfLineOffset since we can get out-of-line property easily, but this
// offset is small enough (64 currently), so that we can still assume that most of property offsets are < 256.
// 1. If property offset gets larger than 255, then we get non-compact PropertyTable. It requires at least 191 (255 - 64) properties.
// In that case, PropertyTable size should be 256 since it is power-of-two.
// 2. If index gets larger than 255, then we get non-compact PropertyTable. But we are using 0 and 255 for markers. Thus, if we get 253
// used counts, then we need to change the table.
// So, typical scenario is that, once 128th property is added, then we extend the table via rehashing. At that time, we change the
// table from compact to non-compact mode.
// index-size table-capacity compact v.s. non-compact
// 16 8 80 192
// 32 16 160 384
// 64 32 320 768
// 128 64 640 1536
// 256 128 1280 3072
// 512 256 N/A 6144 // After 512 size, compact PropertyTable does not work. All table gets non-compact.
class PropertyTable final : public JSCell {
using Base = JSCell;
static constexpr unsigned StructureFlags = Base::StructureFlags | StructureIsImmortal;
template<typename CellType, SubspaceAccess>
static GCClient::IsoSubspace* subspaceFor(VM& vm)
return &vm.propertyTableSpace();
static constexpr bool needsDestruction = true;
static void destroy(JSCell*);
static Structure* createStructure(VM& vm, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue prototype)
return Structure::create(vm, globalObject, prototype, TypeInfo(CellType, StructureFlags), info());
using KeyType = UniquedStringImpl*;
using ValueType = PropertyTableEntry;
// Constructor is passed an initial capacity, a PropertyTable to copy, or both.
static PropertyTable* create(VM&, unsigned initialCapacity);
static PropertyTable* clone(VM&, const PropertyTable&);
static PropertyTable* clone(VM&, unsigned initialCapacity, const PropertyTable&);
// Find a value in the table.
std::tuple<PropertyOffset, unsigned> get(const KeyType&);
// Add a value to the table
std::tuple<PropertyOffset, unsigned, bool> WARN_UNUSED_RETURN add(VM&, const ValueType& entry);
// Remove a value from the table.
std::tuple<PropertyOffset, unsigned> take(VM&, const KeyType&);
PropertyOffset updateAttributeIfExists(const KeyType&, unsigned attributes);
PropertyOffset renumberPropertyOffsets(JSObject*, unsigned inlineCapacity, Vector<JSValue>&);
void seal();
void freeze();
bool isSealed() const;
bool isFrozen() const;
// Returns the number of values in the hashtable.
unsigned size() const;
// Checks if there are any values in the hashtable.
bool isEmpty() const;
// Number of slots in the property storage array in use, included deletedOffsets.
unsigned propertyStorageSize() const;
// Used to maintain a list of unused entries in the property storage.
void clearDeletedOffsets();
bool hasDeletedOffset();
PropertyOffset getDeletedOffset();
void addDeletedOffset(PropertyOffset);
PropertyOffset nextOffset(PropertyOffset inlineCapacity);
// Copy this PropertyTable, ensuring the copy has at least the capacity provided.
PropertyTable* copy(VM&, unsigned newCapacity);
#ifndef NDEBUG
size_t sizeInMemory();
void checkConsistency();
template<typename Functor>
void forEachProperty(const Functor&) const;
static constexpr unsigned EmptyEntryIndex = 0;
PropertyTable(VM&, unsigned initialCapacity);
PropertyTable(VM&, const PropertyTable&);
PropertyTable(VM&, unsigned initialCapacity, const PropertyTable&);
PropertyTable(const PropertyTable&);
void finishCreation(VM&);
// Used to insert a value known not to be in the table, and where we know capacity to be available.
template<typename Index, typename Entry>
void reinsert(Index*, Entry*, const ValueType& entry);
static bool canFitInCompact(const ValueType& entry) { return entry.offset() <= UINT8_MAX; }
// Rehash the table. Used to grow, or to recover deleted slots.
void rehash(VM&, unsigned newCapacity, bool canStayCompact);
// The capacity of the table of values is half of the size of the index.
unsigned tableCapacity() const;
// We keep an extra deleted slot after the array to make iteration work,
// and to use for deleted values. Index values into the array are 1-based,
// so this is tableCapacity() + 1.
// For example, if m_tableSize is 16, then tableCapacity() is 8 - but the
// values array is actually 9 long (the 9th used for the deleted value/
// iteration guard). The 8 valid entries are numbered 1..8, so the
// deleted index is 9 (0 being reserved for empty).
unsigned deletedEntryIndex() const;
// Used in iterator creation/progression.
template<typename T>
static T* skipDeletedEntries(T* valuePtr, T* endValuePtr);
// total number of used entries in the values array - by either valid entries, or deleted ones.
unsigned usedCount() const;
// The size in bytes of data needed for by the table.
size_t dataSize(bool isCompact);
static size_t dataSize(bool isCompact, unsigned indexSize);
// Calculates the appropriate table size (rounds up to a power of two).
static unsigned sizeForCapacity(unsigned capacity);
// Check if capacity is available.
bool canInsert(const ValueType&);
void remove(VM&, KeyType, unsigned entryIndex, unsigned index);
struct FindResult {
unsigned entryIndex;
unsigned index;
PropertyOffset offset;
unsigned attributes;
FindResult find(const KeyType&);
template<typename Index, typename Entry>
ALWAYS_INLINE FindResult findImpl(const Index*, const Entry*, const KeyType&);
bool isCompact() const { return m_indexVector & isCompactFlag; }
template<typename Functor>
void forEachPropertyMutable(const Functor&);
// The table of values lies after the hash index.
static CompactPropertyTableEntry* tableFromIndexVector(uint8_t* index, unsigned indexSize)
return bitwise_cast<CompactPropertyTableEntry*>(index + indexSize);
static const CompactPropertyTableEntry* tableFromIndexVector(const uint8_t* index, unsigned indexSize)
return bitwise_cast<const CompactPropertyTableEntry*>(index + indexSize);
static PropertyTableEntry* tableFromIndexVector(uint32_t* index, unsigned indexSize)
return bitwise_cast<PropertyTableEntry*>(index + indexSize);
static const PropertyTableEntry* tableFromIndexVector(const uint32_t* index, unsigned indexSize)
return bitwise_cast<const PropertyTableEntry*>(index + indexSize);
CompactPropertyTableEntry* tableFromIndexVector(uint8_t* index) { return tableFromIndexVector(index, m_indexSize); }
const CompactPropertyTableEntry* tableFromIndexVector(const uint8_t* index) const { return tableFromIndexVector(index, m_indexSize); }
PropertyTableEntry* tableFromIndexVector(uint32_t* index) { return tableFromIndexVector(index, m_indexSize); }
const PropertyTableEntry* tableFromIndexVector(const uint32_t* index) const { return tableFromIndexVector(index, m_indexSize); }
CompactPropertyTableEntry* tableEndFromIndexVector(uint8_t* index)
return tableFromIndexVector(index) + usedCount();
const CompactPropertyTableEntry* tableEndFromIndexVector(const uint8_t* index) const
return tableFromIndexVector(index) + usedCount();
PropertyTableEntry* tableEndFromIndexVector(uint32_t* index)
return tableFromIndexVector(index) + usedCount();
const PropertyTableEntry* tableEndFromIndexVector(const uint32_t* index) const
return tableFromIndexVector(index) + usedCount();
static uintptr_t allocateIndexVector(bool isCompact, unsigned indexSize);
static uintptr_t allocateZeroedIndexVector(bool isCompact, unsigned indexSize);
static void destroyIndexVector(uintptr_t indexVector);
template<typename Func>
static ALWAYS_INLINE auto withIndexVector(uintptr_t indexVector, Func&& function) -> decltype(auto)
if (indexVector & isCompactFlag)
return function(bitwise_cast<uint8_t*>(indexVector & indexVectorMask));
return function(bitwise_cast<uint32_t*>(indexVector & indexVectorMask));
template<typename Func>
ALWAYS_INLINE auto withIndexVector(Func&& function) const -> decltype(auto)
return withIndexVector(m_indexVector, std::forward<Func>(function));
static constexpr uintptr_t isCompactFlag = 0x1;
static constexpr uintptr_t indexVectorMask = ~isCompactFlag;
unsigned m_indexSize;
unsigned m_indexMask;
uintptr_t m_indexVector;
unsigned m_keyCount;
unsigned m_deletedCount;
std::unique_ptr<Vector<PropertyOffset>> m_deletedOffsets;
static constexpr unsigned MinimumTableSize = 16;
static_assert(MinimumTableSize >= 16, "compact index is uint8_t and we should keep 16 byte aligned entries after this array");
template<typename Index, typename Entry>
PropertyTable::FindResult PropertyTable::findImpl(const Index* indexVector, const Entry* table, const KeyType& key)
unsigned hash = IdentifierRepHash::hash(key);
while (true) {
unsigned index = hash & m_indexMask;
unsigned entryIndex = indexVector[index];
if (entryIndex == EmptyEntryIndex)
return FindResult { entryIndex, index, invalidOffset, 0 };
const auto& entry = table[entryIndex - 1];
if (key == entry.key()) {
ASSERT(!m_deletedOffsets || !m_deletedOffsets->contains(entry.offset()));
return FindResult { entryIndex, index, entry.offset(), entry.attributes() };
dataLog("PropertyTable collision for ", key, " (", hash, ")\n");
dataLog("Collided with ", entry.key(), "(", IdentifierRepHash::hash(entry.key()), ")\n");
inline PropertyTable::FindResult PropertyTable::find(const KeyType& key)
ASSERT(key->isAtom() || key->isSymbol());
return withIndexVector([&](auto* vector) {
return findImpl(vector, tableFromIndexVector(vector), key);
inline std::tuple<PropertyOffset, unsigned> PropertyTable::get(const KeyType& key)
ASSERT(key->isAtom() || key->isSymbol());
if (!m_keyCount)
return std::tuple { invalidOffset, 0 };
FindResult result = find(key);
return std::tuple { result.offset, result.attributes };
inline std::tuple<PropertyOffset, unsigned, bool> WARN_UNUSED_RETURN PropertyTable::add(VM& vm, const ValueType& entry)
ASSERT(!m_deletedOffsets || !m_deletedOffsets->contains(entry.offset()));
// Look for a value with a matching key already in the array.
FindResult result = find(entry.key());
if (result.offset != invalidOffset)
return std::tuple { result.offset, result.attributes, false };
// Ref the key
// ensure capacity is available.
if (!canInsert(entry)) {
rehash(vm, m_keyCount + 1, canFitInCompact(entry));
result = find(entry.key());
ASSERT(result.offset == invalidOffset);
ASSERT(result.entryIndex == EmptyEntryIndex);
// Allocate a slot in the hashtable, and set the index to reference this.
ASSERT(!isCompact() || usedCount() < UINT8_MAX);
unsigned index = result.index;
unsigned entryIndex = usedCount() + 1;
withIndexVector([&](auto* vector) {
vector[index] = entryIndex;
tableFromIndexVector(vector)[entryIndex - 1] = entry;
return std::tuple { entry.offset(), entry.attributes(), true };
inline void PropertyTable::remove(VM& vm, KeyType key, unsigned entryIndex, unsigned index)
// Replace this one element with the deleted sentinel. Also clear out
// the entry so we can iterate all the entries as needed.
withIndexVector([&](auto* vector) {
vector[index] = deletedEntryIndex();
tableFromIndexVector(vector)[entryIndex - 1].setKey(PROPERTY_MAP_DELETED_ENTRY_KEY);
ASSERT(m_keyCount >= 1);
if (m_deletedCount * 4 >= m_indexSize)
rehash(vm, m_keyCount, true);
inline std::tuple<PropertyOffset, unsigned> PropertyTable::take(VM& vm, const KeyType& key)
FindResult result = find(key);
if (result.offset != invalidOffset)
remove(vm, key, result.entryIndex, result.index);
return std::tuple { result.offset, result.attributes };
inline PropertyOffset PropertyTable::updateAttributeIfExists(const KeyType& key, unsigned attributes)
return withIndexVector([&](auto* vector) -> PropertyOffset {
auto* table = tableFromIndexVector(vector);
FindResult result = findImpl(vector, table, key);
if (result.offset == invalidOffset)
return invalidOffset;
table[result.entryIndex - 1].setAttributes(attributes);
return result.offset;
// returns the number of values in the hashtable.
inline unsigned PropertyTable::size() const
return m_keyCount;
inline bool PropertyTable::isEmpty() const
return !m_keyCount;
inline unsigned PropertyTable::propertyStorageSize() const
return size() + (m_deletedOffsets ? m_deletedOffsets->size() : 0);
inline void PropertyTable::clearDeletedOffsets()
m_deletedOffsets = nullptr;
inline bool PropertyTable::hasDeletedOffset()
return m_deletedOffsets && !m_deletedOffsets->isEmpty();
inline PropertyOffset PropertyTable::getDeletedOffset()
PropertyOffset offset = m_deletedOffsets->last();
return offset;
inline void PropertyTable::addDeletedOffset(PropertyOffset offset)
if (!m_deletedOffsets)
m_deletedOffsets = makeUnique<Vector<PropertyOffset>>();
inline PropertyOffset PropertyTable::nextOffset(PropertyOffset inlineCapacity)
if (hasDeletedOffset())
return getDeletedOffset();
return offsetForPropertyNumber(size(), inlineCapacity);
inline PropertyTable* PropertyTable::copy(VM& vm, unsigned newCapacity)
ASSERT(newCapacity >= m_keyCount);
// Fast case; if the new table will be the same m_indexSize as this one, we can memcpy it,
// save rehashing all keys.
if (sizeForCapacity(newCapacity) == m_indexSize)
return PropertyTable::clone(vm, *this);
return PropertyTable::clone(vm, newCapacity, *this);
#ifndef NDEBUG
inline size_t PropertyTable::sizeInMemory()
size_t result = sizeof(PropertyTable) + dataSize(isCompact());
if (m_deletedOffsets)
result += (m_deletedOffsets->capacity() * sizeof(PropertyOffset));
return result;
template<typename Index, typename Entry>
inline void PropertyTable::reinsert(Index* indexVector, Entry* table, const ValueType& entry)
// Used to insert a value known not to be in the table, and where
// we know capacity to be available.
FindResult result = findImpl(indexVector, table, entry.key());
ASSERT(result.offset == invalidOffset);
ASSERT(result.entryIndex == EmptyEntryIndex);
ASSERT(!isCompact() || usedCount() < UINT8_MAX);
unsigned entryIndex = usedCount() + 1;
indexVector[result.index] = entryIndex;
table[entryIndex - 1] = entry;
inline void PropertyTable::rehash(VM& vm, unsigned newCapacity, bool canStayCompact)
uintptr_t oldIndexVector = m_indexVector;
bool oldIsCompact = oldIndexVector & isCompactFlag;
unsigned oldIndexSize = m_indexSize;
unsigned oldUsedCount = usedCount();
size_t oldDataSize = dataSize(oldIsCompact, oldIndexSize);
m_indexSize = sizeForCapacity(newCapacity);
m_indexMask = m_indexSize - 1;
m_keyCount = 0;
m_deletedCount = 0;
// Once table gets non-compact, we do not change it back to compact again.
// This is because some of property offset can be larger than UINT8_MAX already.
bool isCompact = canStayCompact && oldIsCompact && tableCapacity() < UINT8_MAX;
m_indexVector = allocateZeroedIndexVector(isCompact, m_indexSize);
withIndexVector([&](auto* vector) {
auto* table = tableFromIndexVector(vector);
withIndexVector(oldIndexVector, [&](const auto* oldVector) {
const auto* oldCursor = tableFromIndexVector(oldVector, oldIndexSize);
const auto* oldEnd = oldCursor + oldUsedCount;
for (; oldCursor != oldEnd; ++oldCursor) {
if (oldCursor->key() == PROPERTY_MAP_DELETED_ENTRY_KEY)
reinsert(vector, table, *oldCursor);
size_t newDataSize = dataSize(this->isCompact());
if (oldDataSize < newDataSize)
vm.heap.reportExtraMemoryAllocated(newDataSize - oldDataSize);
inline unsigned PropertyTable::tableCapacity() const { return m_indexSize >> 1; }
inline unsigned PropertyTable::deletedEntryIndex() const { return tableCapacity() + 1; }
template<typename T>
inline T* PropertyTable::skipDeletedEntries(T* valuePtr, T* endValuePtr)
while (valuePtr < endValuePtr && valuePtr->key() == PROPERTY_MAP_DELETED_ENTRY_KEY)
return valuePtr;
inline unsigned PropertyTable::usedCount() const
// Total number of used entries in the values array - by either valid entries, or deleted ones.
return m_keyCount + m_deletedCount;
inline size_t PropertyTable::dataSize(bool isCompact, unsigned indexSize)
if (isCompact)
return indexSize * sizeof(uint8_t) + ((indexSize >> 1) + 1) * sizeof(CompactPropertyTableEntry);
return indexSize * sizeof(uint32_t) + ((indexSize >> 1) + 1) * sizeof(PropertyTableEntry);
inline size_t PropertyTable::dataSize(bool isCompact)
// The size in bytes of data needed for by the table.
// Ensure that this function can be called concurrently.
return dataSize(isCompact, m_indexSize);
ALWAYS_INLINE uintptr_t PropertyTable::allocateIndexVector(bool isCompact, unsigned indexSize)
return bitwise_cast<uintptr_t>(PropertyTableMalloc::malloc(PropertyTable::dataSize(isCompact, indexSize))) | (isCompact ? isCompactFlag : 0);
ALWAYS_INLINE uintptr_t PropertyTable::allocateZeroedIndexVector(bool isCompact, unsigned indexSize)
return bitwise_cast<uintptr_t>(PropertyTableMalloc::zeroedMalloc(PropertyTable::dataSize(isCompact, indexSize))) | (isCompact ? isCompactFlag : 0);
ALWAYS_INLINE void PropertyTable::destroyIndexVector(uintptr_t indexVector)
PropertyTableMalloc::free(bitwise_cast<void*>(indexVector & indexVectorMask));
inline unsigned PropertyTable::sizeForCapacity(unsigned capacity)
if (capacity < MinimumTableSize / 2)
return MinimumTableSize;
return nextPowerOf2(capacity + 1) * 2;
inline bool PropertyTable::canInsert(const ValueType& entry)
if (usedCount() >= tableCapacity())
return false;
if (!isCompact())
return true;
return canFitInCompact(entry);
template<typename Functor>
inline void PropertyTable::forEachProperty(const Functor& functor) const
withIndexVector([&](const auto* vector) {
const auto* cursor = tableFromIndexVector(vector);
const auto* end = tableEndFromIndexVector(vector);
for (; cursor != end; ++cursor) {
if (cursor->key() == PROPERTY_MAP_DELETED_ENTRY_KEY)
if (functor(*cursor) == IterationStatus::Done)
} // namespace JSC