blob: 2369fd1220c8a35341c614a9408a14360454195e [file] [log] [blame]
import * as assert from '../assert.js';
import { return42 } from "./js-wasm-cycle/entry.js";
assert.eq(return42(), 42);
// Test the state of bindings with JS<->Wasm module cycles.
// Testing JS exports.
import("./js-wasm-cycle/entry-i32-global.js").then($vm.abort, function (error) {
assert.eq(String(error), `LinkError: imported global ./entry-i32-global.js:glob must be a number`);
}).then(function () { }, $vm.abort);
import("./js-wasm-cycle/entry-i32-value.js").then($vm.abort, function (error) {
assert.eq(String(error), `LinkError: imported global ./entry-i32-value.js:glob must be a number`);
}).then(function () { }, $vm.abort);
import("./js-wasm-cycle/entry-table.js").then($vm.abort, function (error) {
assert.eq(String(error), `LinkError: Table import ./entry-table.js:t is not an instance of WebAssembly.Table`);
}).then(function () { }, $vm.abort);
import("./js-wasm-cycle/entry-memory.js").then($vm.abort, function (error) {
assert.eq(String(error), `LinkError: Memory import ./entry-memory.js:m is not an instance of WebAssembly.Memory`);
}).then(function () { }, $vm.abort);
// Test Wasm exports.
import { g } from "./js-wasm-cycle/entry-wasm-global.js";
assert.instanceof(g, WebAssembly.Global);
assert.eq(g.valueOf(), 42);
import { m } from "./js-wasm-cycle/entry-wasm-memory.js";
assert.instanceof(m, WebAssembly.Memory);
import { t } from "./js-wasm-cycle/entry-wasm-table.js";
assert.instanceof(t, WebAssembly.Table);
// This case tests both Wasm and JS export.
import { f2 } from "./js-wasm-cycle/entry-function.js";
assert.eq(f2(), 43);