blob: 3039e5381123c7743377ad9a7011288d26306267 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
// - src/async-functions/
// - src/async-functions/syntax/async-expression.template
description: await is a reserved keyword within generator function bodies and may not be used as a binding identifier. (Unnamed async function expression)
esid: prod-AsyncFunctionExpression
features: [async-functions]
flags: [generated]
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
info: |
Async Function Definitions
AsyncFunctionExpression :
async [no LineTerminator here] function ( FormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody }
BindingIdentifier : Identifier
It is a Syntax Error if this production has a [Await] parameter and
StringValue of Identifier is "await".
throw "Test262: This statement should not be evaluated.";
var fn = async function () {
var \u0061wait;