blob: 9ae348ff548de82caae8b53d1a76e40e82c5ba47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 Ecma International. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
es5id: 11.1.5_6-2-2-s
description: >
Strict Mode - SyntaxError is thrown when an assignment to a
reserved word or a future reserved word is made inside a strict
mode FunctionBody of a PropertyAssignment
flags: [noStrict]
assert.throws(SyntaxError, function() {
eval("var obj = {\
get _11_1_5_6_2_2() {\
\"use strict\";\
public = 42;\
return public;\
var _11_1_5_6_2_2 = obj._11_1_5_6_2_2;");