| description('Tests for ES6 class name semantics in class statements and expressions'); |
| |
| function shouldThrow(s, message) { |
| var threw = false; |
| try { |
| eval(s); |
| } catch(e) { |
| threw = true; |
| if (!message || e.toString() === eval(message)) |
| testPassed(s + ":::" + e.toString()); |
| else |
| testFailed(s); |
| } |
| if (!threw) |
| testFailed(s); |
| } |
| |
| function shouldNotThrow(s) { |
| var threw = false; |
| try { |
| eval(s); |
| } catch(e) { |
| threw = true; |
| } |
| if (threw) |
| testFailed(s); |
| else |
| testPassed(s); |
| } |
| |
| function shouldBe(a, b) { |
| if (eval(a) === eval(b)) |
| testPassed(a + ":::" + b); |
| else |
| testFailed(a + ":::" + b); |
| } |
| |
| function shouldBeTrue(s) { |
| if (eval(s) === true) |
| testPassed(s); |
| else |
| testFailed(s); |
| } |
| |
| function runTestShouldBe(statement, result) { |
| shouldBe(statement, result); |
| shouldBe("'use strict'; " + statement, result); |
| } |
| |
| function runTestShouldBeTrue(statement) { |
| shouldBeTrue(statement); |
| shouldBeTrue("'use strict'; " + statement); |
| } |
| |
| function runTestShouldThrow(statement) { |
| shouldThrow(statement); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; " + statement); |
| } |
| |
| function runTestShouldNotThrow(statement) { |
| shouldNotThrow(statement); |
| shouldNotThrow("'use strict'; " + statement); |
| } |
| |
| // Class statement. Class name added to global scope. Class name is available inside class scope and in global scope. |
| debug('Class statement'); |
| runTestShouldThrow("A"); |
| runTestShouldThrow("class {}"); |
| runTestShouldThrow("class { constructor() {} }"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("class A { constructor() {} }"); |
| runTestShouldBe("class A { constructor() {} }; A.toString()", "'function A() {}'"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("class A { constructor() {} }; (new A) instanceof A"); |
| runTestShouldBe("class A { constructor() { this.base = A; } }; (new A).base.toString()", "'function A() { this.base = A; }'"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("class A { constructor() {} }; class B extends A {};"); |
| runTestShouldBe("class A { constructor() {} }; class B extends A { constructor() {} }; B.toString()", "'function B() {}'"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("class A { constructor() {} }; class B extends A {}; (new B) instanceof A"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("class A { constructor() {} }; class B extends A {}; (new B) instanceof B"); |
| runTestShouldBe("class A { constructor() {} }; class B extends A { constructor() { super(); this.base = A; this.derived = B; } }; (new B).base.toString()", "'function A() {}'"); |
| runTestShouldBe("class A { constructor() {} }; class B extends A { constructor() { super(); this.base = A; this.derived = B; } }; (new B).derived.toString()", "'function B() { super(); this.base = A; this.derived = B; }'"); |
| |
| // Class expression. Class name not added to scope. Class name is available inside class scope. |
| debug(''); debug('Class expression'); |
| runTestShouldThrow("A"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("(class {})"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("(class { constructor(){} })"); |
| runTestShouldBe("typeof (class {})", '"function"'); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("(class A {})"); |
| runTestShouldBe("typeof (class A {})", '"function"'); |
| runTestShouldThrow("(class A {}); A"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("new (class A {})"); |
| runTestShouldBe("typeof (new (class A {}))", '"object"'); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("(new (class A { constructor() { this.base = A; } })).base"); |
| runTestShouldBe("(new (class A { constructor() { this.base = A; } })).base.toString()", '"function A() { this.base = A; }"'); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("class A {}; (class B extends A {})"); |
| runTestShouldThrow("class A {}; (class B extends A {}); B"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("class A {}; new (class B extends A {})"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("class A {}; new (class B extends A { constructor() { super(); this.base = A; this.derived = B; } })"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("class A {}; (new (class B extends A { constructor() { super(); this.base = A; this.derived = B; } })) instanceof A"); |
| runTestShouldBe("class A { constructor() {} }; (new (class B extends A { constructor() { super(); this.base = A; this.derived = B; } })).base.toString()", "'function A() {}'"); |
| runTestShouldBe("class A { constructor() {} }; (new (class B extends A { constructor() { super(); this.base = A; this.derived = B; } })).derived.toString()", "'function B() { super(); this.base = A; this.derived = B; }'"); |
| |
| // Assignment of a class expression to a variable. Variable name available in scope, class name is not. Class name is available inside class scope. |
| debug(''); debug('Class expression assignment to variable'); |
| runTestShouldThrow("A"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("var VarA = class {}"); |
| runTestShouldBe("var VarA = class { constructor() {} }; VarA.toString()", "'function () {}'"); |
| runTestShouldThrow("VarA"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }"); |
| runTestShouldBe("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; VarA.toString()", "'function A() {}'"); |
| runTestShouldThrow("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; A.toString()"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; (new VarA) instanceof VarA"); |
| runTestShouldBe("var VarA = class A { constructor() { this.base = A; } }; (new VarA).base.toString()", "'function A() { this.base = A; }'"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; var VarB = class B extends VarA { constructor() {} };"); |
| runTestShouldThrow("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; var VarB = class B extends VarA { constructor() {} }; B"); |
| runTestShouldBe("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; var VarB = class B extends VarA { constructor() {} }; VarB.toString()", "'function B() {}'"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; var VarB = class B extends VarA { }; (new VarB) instanceof VarA"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; var VarB = class B extends VarA { }; (new VarB) instanceof VarB"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; var VarB = class B extends VarA { constructor() { super(); this.base = VarA; this.derived = B; this.derivedVar = VarB; } }; (new VarB).base === VarA"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; var VarB = class B extends VarA { constructor() { super(); this.base = VarA; this.derived = B; this.derivedVar = VarB; } }; (new VarB).derived === VarB"); |
| runTestShouldBeTrue("var VarA = class A { constructor() {} }; var VarB = class B extends VarA { constructor() { super(); this.base = VarA; this.derived = B; this.derivedVar = VarB; } }; (new VarB).derivedVar === VarB"); |
| |
| // FIXME: Class statement binding should be like `let`, not `var`. |
| debug(''); debug('Class statement binding in other circumstances'); |
| runTestShouldThrow("var result = A; result"); |
| runTestShouldThrow("var result = A; class A {}; result"); |
| runTestShouldThrow("class A { constructor() { A = 1; } }; new A"); |
| runTestShouldBe("class A { constructor() { } }; A = 1; A", "1"); |
| runTestShouldNotThrow("class A {}; var result = A; result"); |
| shouldBe("eval('var Foo = 10'); Foo", "10"); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; eval('var Foo = 10'); Foo"); |
| shouldBe("eval('class Bar { constructor() {} }; Bar.toString()');", "'function Bar() {}'"); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; eval('class Bar { constructor() {} }'); Bar.toString()"); |