blob: bd989ce18682a61ae4f806e3855ca5e14dce0804 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Leo Balter. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-promise.allsettled-resolve-element-functions
description: The `length` property of Promise.allSettled Resolve Element functions
info: |
The length property of a Promise.allSettled resolve element function is 1.
17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects:
Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in Function
object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false,
[[Configurable]]: true }.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [Promise.allSettled]
var resolveElementFunction;
var thenable = {
then(fulfill) {
resolveElementFunction = fulfill;
function NotPromise(executor) {
executor(function() {}, function() {});
NotPromise.resolve = function(v) {
return v;
};, [thenable]);
verifyProperty(resolveElementFunction, 'length', {
value: 1,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
configurable: true,