
        Reviewed by darin

        REGRESSION: Line disappears when deleting

        * editing/deleting/merge-different-styles-expected.checksum: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-different-styles-expected.png: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-different-styles-expected.txt: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-different-styles.html: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-no-br-expected.checksum: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-no-br-expected.png: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-no-br-expected.txt: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-no-br.html: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-whitespace-pre-expected.checksum: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-whitespace-pre-expected.png: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-whitespace-pre-expected.txt: Added.
        * editing/deleting/merge-whitespace-pre.html: Added.

        Fixes (not enough style on nodes for the fixes to be reflected in pixel results):
        * editing/deleting/delete-block-merge-contents-005-expected.txt:
        * editing/deleting/delete-block-merge-contents-006-expected.txt:
        * editing/deleting/delete-block-merge-contents-008-expected.txt:

        Equivalent render trees:
        * editing/deleting/delete-3857753-fix-expected.txt:
        * editing/inserting/insert-div-026-expected.txt:
        Forgot to checkin these new expected results after fixing the DRT bug:
        * fast/lists/drag-into-marker-expected.checksum:
        * fast/lists/drag-into-marker-expected.png:
        * fast/lists/drag-into-marker-expected.txt:


        Reviewed by darin
        REGRESSION: Line disappears when deleting
        Rewrote moveNodesAfterNode to address these problems:
        It moved nodes without preserving their style. 
        It traversed over siblings looking for a br to know when
        to stop merging.  If the br was burried inside a span, it 
        wouldn't find it.  If the text is whitespace:pre, it wouldn't
        In theory it would crash if the "enclosingInlineElements" of the start of the
        selection to delete and the end of the selection to delete were the
        same.  We think that this will fix these:
        CrashTracer: 2116 crashes in Mail at khtml::CompositeEditCommand::insertNodeAfter + 32
        CrashTracer: 1569 crashes in Mail at khtml::DeleteSelectionCommand::moveNodesAfterNode + 340
        But we haven't been able to construct a reproducible case.
        * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp:
        (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::removeNodeAndPruneAncestors): Moved from ReplaceSelectionCommand.
        (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::prune): Ditto.
        * editing/CompositeEditCommand.h:
        * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp:
        * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.h:
        * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp:
        * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.h:
        * editing/markup.cpp:
        Was crashing when passed a collapsed range.  I early return an empty string instead.

git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
diff --git a/WebCore/editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp b/WebCore/editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp
index 018a21f..a3a6492 100644
--- a/WebCore/editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp
+++ b/WebCore/editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp
@@ -35,8 +35,10 @@
 #include "Position.h"
 #include "htmlediting.h"
 #include "HTMLNames.h"
+#include "markup.h"
 #include "render_line.h"
 #include "RenderObject.h"
+#include "ReplaceSelectionCommand.h"
 #include "VisiblePosition.h"
 #include "TextIterator.h"
 #include "visible_units.h"
@@ -490,87 +492,66 @@
-// This function moves nodes in the block containing startNode to dstBlock, starting
-// from startNode and proceeding to the end of the paragraph. Nodes in the block containing
-// startNode that appear in document order before startNode are not moved.
-// This function is an important helper for deleting selections that cross paragraph
-// boundaries.
-void DeleteSelectionCommand::moveNodesAfterNode()
+// If a selection ended in a different paragraph than it started in, we must merge 
+// the two paragraphs after deleting the selection.
+void DeleteSelectionCommand::mergeParagraphs()
     if (!m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete)
-    if (m_endBlock == m_startBlock)
-        return;
-    Node *startNode = m_downstreamEnd.node();
-    Node *dstNode = m_upstreamStart.node();
-    if (!startNode->inDocument() || !dstNode->inDocument())
-        return;
-    Node *startBlock = startNode->enclosingBlockFlowElement();
+    // FIXME: Deletion should adjust selection endpoints as it removes nodes so that we never get into this state (4099839).
+    if (!m_downstreamEnd.node()->inDocument() || !m_upstreamStart.node()->inDocument())
+         return;
     // Do not move content between parts of a table.
-    if (isTableStructureNode(startBlock))
+    if (isTableStructureNode(m_downstreamEnd.node()->enclosingBlockFlowElement()) || isTableStructureNode(m_upstreamStart.node()->enclosingBlockFlowElement()))
+        return;
+    VisiblePosition startOfParagraphToMove(m_downstreamEnd);
+    VisiblePosition mergeDestination(m_upstreamStart);
+    if (mergeDestination == startOfParagraphToMove)
-    // Now that we are about to add content, check to see if a placeholder element
-    // can be removed.
-    removeBlockPlaceholder(startBlock);
-    // Move the subtree containing node
-    Node *node = startNode->enclosingInlineElement();
-    // Insert after the subtree containing dstNode
-    Node *refNode = dstNode->enclosingInlineElement();
-    // Preserve nesting when deleting to the beginning of an ancestor block
-    Node *dstBlock = refNode->enclosingBlockFlowElement();
-    if (startBlock->isAncestor(dstBlock) && isStartOfBlock(VisiblePosition(m_upstreamStart)))
+    // FIXME: The above early return should be all we need. 
+    if (m_endBlock == m_startBlock)
+    VisiblePosition endOfParagraphToMove = endOfParagraph(startOfParagraphToMove);
+    Position start = startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent().upstream();
+    // We upstream() the end so that we don't include collapsed whitespace in the move.
+    // If we must later add a br after the merged paragraph, doing so would cause the moved unrendered space to become rendered.
+    Position end = endOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent().upstream();
+    RefPtr<Range> range = new Range(document(), start.node(), start.offset(), end.node(), end.offset());
-    // Do the move.
-    Node *rootNode = refNode->rootEditableElement();
-    while (node && node->isAncestor(startBlock)) {
-        Node *moveNode = node;
-        node = node->nextSibling();
-        removeNode(moveNode);
-        if (moveNode->hasTagName(brTag) && !moveNode->renderer()) {
-            // Just remove this node, and don't put it back.
-            // If the BR was not rendered (since it was at the end of a block, for instance), 
-            // putting it back in the document might make it appear, and that is not desirable.
-            break;
-        }
-        if (refNode == rootNode)
-            insertNodeAt(moveNode, refNode, 0);
-        else
-            insertNodeAfter(moveNode, refNode);
-        refNode = moveNode;
-        if (moveNode->hasTagName(brTag))
-            break;
-    }
+    // FIXME: This is an inefficient way to preserve style on nodes in the paragraph to move.  It 
+    // shouldn't matter though, since moved paragraphs will usually be quite small.
+    RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = createFragmentFromMarkup(document(), range->toHTML(), "");
+    setEndingSelection(Selection(startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent(), endOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent(), DOWNSTREAM));
+    deleteSelection(false, false);
+    // The above deletion leaves a placeholder (it always does when a whole paragraph is deleted).
+    // We remove it and prune it's parents since we want to remove all traces of the paragraph to move.
+    Node* placeholder = endingSelection().end().node();
+    // FIXME: Deletion has bugs and it doesn't always add a placeholder.  If it fails, still do pruning.
+    if (placeholder->hasTagName(brTag))
+        removeNodeAndPruneAncestors(placeholder);
+    else
+        prune(placeholder);
-    // If the startBlock no longer has any kids, we may need to deal with adding a BR
-    // to make the layout come out right. Consider this document:
-    //
-    // One
-    // <div>Two</div>
-    // Three
-    // 
-    // Placing the insertion before before the 'T' of 'Two' and hitting delete will
-    // move the contents of the div to the block containing 'One' and delete the div.
-    // This will have the side effect of moving 'Three' on to the same line as 'One'
-    // and 'Two'. This is undesirable. We fix this up by adding a BR before the 'Three'.
-    // This may not be ideal, but it is better than nothing.
-    updateLayout();
-    if (!startBlock->renderer() || startBlock->renderer()->isEmpty()) {
-        removeNode(startBlock);
-        updateLayout();
-        if (refNode->renderer() && refNode->renderer()->inlineBox() && refNode->renderer()->inlineBox()->nextOnLineExists()) {
-            insertNodeAfter(createBreakElement(document()).get(), refNode);
-        }
-    }
+    // Add a br if pruning an empty block level element caused a collapse.  For example:
+    // foo
+    // <div>bar</div>
+    // baz
+    // Placing the cursor before 'bar' and hitting delete will merge 'foo' and 'bar' and prune the empty div.    
+    if (!isEndOfParagraph(mergeDestination))
+        insertNodeAt(createBreakElement(document()).get(), m_upstreamStart.node(), m_upstreamStart.offset());
+    setEndingSelection(mergeDestination);
+    EditCommandPtr cmd(new ReplaceSelectionCommand(document(), fragment.get(), false));
+    applyCommandToComposite(cmd);
 void DeleteSelectionCommand::calculateEndingPosition()
@@ -694,8 +675,7 @@
-    // Do block merge if start and end of selection are in different blocks.
-    moveNodesAfterNode();
+    mergeParagraphs();