tree: ed38a7c9bbc59fe0aa1d5384a094f1e03d3f8098 [path history] [tgz]
  1. test/
  2. webidl2/
  3. .htaccess
  4. check-layout-th.js
  5. idlharness.js
  6. idlharness.js.headers
  7. META.yml
  9. sriharness.js
  10. SVGAnimationTestCase-testharness.js
  11. test-only-api.js
  12. test-only-api.js.headers
  13. test-only-api.m.js
  14. test-only-api.m.js.headers
  15. testdriver-actions.js
  16. testdriver-vendor.js
  17. testdriver-vendor.js.headers
  18. testdriver.js
  19. testdriver.js.headers
  20. testharness.js
  21. testharness.js.headers
  22. testharnessreport.js
  23. testharnessreport.js.headers
  24. w3c-import.log


This directory contains utilities intended for use by tests and maintained as project infrastructure. It does not contain tests.


testharness.js is a framework for writing low-level tests of browser functionality in javascript. It provides a convenient API for making assertions and is intended to work for both simple synchronous tests, and tests of asynchronous behaviour.

Complete documentation is available in the docs/ directory of this repository and on the web at