| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved. |
| // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information. |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| function write(args) |
| { |
| WScript.Echo(args); |
| } |
| |
| var foo = {}; |
| |
| foo.with =10; |
| write(foo.with); |
| |
| foo.if = foo.with; |
| write(foo.if); |
| |
| foo.function = function (){ write("Inside foo.function");} |
| |
| function bar() |
| { |
| this.function(); |
| } |
| var k = bar.apply(foo); |
| |
| var tokenCodes = { |
| null: 0, |
| true: 1, |
| false: 2, |
| break:3, |
| case:4, |
| catch: function() { write("Inside tokenCodes.catch");} |
| }; |
| |
| tokenCodes.catch(); |
| |
| for(var i in tokenCodes) |
| { |
| write(i); |
| } |
| |
| var allTokenCodes = { |
| |
| break : 1, |
| case : 1, |
| catch : 1, |
| class : 1, |
| const : 1, |
| continue : 1, |
| debugger : 1, |
| decimal : 1, |
| default : 1, |
| delete : 1, |
| do : 1, |
| else : 1, |
| enum : 1, |
| export : 1, |
| extends : 1, |
| false : 1, |
| finally : 1, |
| for : 1, |
| function : 1, |
| if : 1, |
| import : 1, |
| in : 1, |
| instanceof : 1, |
| invariant : 1, |
| long : 1, |
| namespace : 1, |
| native : 1, |
| new : 1, |
| null : 1, |
| package : 1, |
| private : 1, |
| return : 1, |
| sbyte : 1, |
| super : 1, |
| switch : 1, |
| this : 1, |
| throw : 1, |
| throws : 1, |
| transient : 1, |
| true : 1, |
| try : 1, |
| typeof : 1, |
| var : 1, |
| void : 1, |
| volatile : 1, |
| while : 1, |
| with : 1 |
| } |
| |
| for(var i in allTokenCodes) |
| { |
| write(i); |
| } |